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Cut the Fat Tax!

October 3, 2002
by Carolene

PigI would really like a hamburger, and you know what so would my 6 year old daughter. Oh but wait, can I afford the extra tax that is now being charged on the fast food? Who comes up with such outrageous thoughts and ideas such as the one being cooked up, (excuse the pun). This has got to be a joke, please someone pinch me and assure me that somewhere, someone has not thought of levying a "fat tax" on fast food. O.K. according to governing bodies, this tax will encourage us to make healthier food choices. If only you could see me rolling on the floor, I am losing weight just laughing at this notion.

I will agree that approximately 58% of the population is overweight. This includes children who are way too young to be thinking of weight loss. However that is the situation our world is faced with today. Now, this to me is a problem. Is the fat tax actually creating more of a problem or helping people go on a regulated diet? Lets get real for one moment here. Have you visited your local grocery store lately?

If we can't get our fast food at Wendy's because we refuse to pay extra, we will get it at the local grocery store. The aisles are filled with fast foods, which poses the same problems that fast food restaurants are being hammered for. What I see happening here is the same shift that took place when smoking was banned in all restaurants. Patrons now smoke on patios, or you will notice a line of people smoking outside of restaurants. For many non- smokers, we still have to suffer through second hand smoking. On a hot summer day it would be nice to sit and enjoy an outdoor meal on a patio, however the smoke is too heavy, so you opt for inside. You try to enjoy your meal, however you would really prefer to be outside taking in the breeze. Putting a ban on smoking in restaurants or public places for that matter, has accomplished bringing awareness of the dangers of smoking to more people. It has not solved the problems associated with smoking at all. This is the very thing that will happen with levying a tax on fast food, in order to encourage healthier food choices.

That is all that will happen. More people, especially the youth of today, will become more aware of their health and lifestyle. The problem with people consuming fatty foods will and shouldn't be governed by taxes. You may wonder what is exactly wrong with bringing awareness to the public about an issue as significant as this. My answer would be, what should it cost us, and who should pay? If the youth of today are not already focusing on the fact that the nutritional industry is a billion dollar industry, that the decade that we are currently involved in is the most health conscious era ever, then there is absolutely nothing that the fat tax can do to motivate our youth to take their health into their own hands. Just as smoking has not done anything but brought awareness, fast food tax will be no different. I strongly believe that the youth of today are paying for all the mistakes our pass generations have made. We are the ones who frequent fast food places. Personally I have worked for 14 years in the industry. I also believe strongly that the youth today are wise enough to pay attention to the trends around them. One popular trend right now is the fitness industry. Our youth are paying attention, however it is up to us to take the necessary steps to combat the fat. Taxing us on top of everything else is just plainly an abuse of power by those who can. We pay more for student loans, more interest, more tuition hikes every year, and this is all on the shoulders of today's youth. Cut the fat tax!

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