The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality

Volume 6 - Number 2 1997
Special Issue: STDs and Sexual/Reproductive Health

Published by SIECCAN
The Sex Information & Education Council of Canada

The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (CJHS) is a quarterly publication of SIECCAN, the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada. The journal publishes manuscripts from a variety of disciplines related to the study of human sexuality. For detailed information for contributors, please see the end of this section.

 CJHS is indexed or abstracted in: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA); Bibliosex; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA); Canadian Education Index; Canadian Index (Micromedia); Canadian Periodical Index; Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography; Contents Pages in Education; Current Literature in Family Planning; Excerpta Medica (EMBASE); Expanded Academic Index; Family Life Educator "Abstracts Section"; Family Planning Perspectives "Update"; Family Studies Database; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; IBSS ONLINE; IBSS-Extra; Leeds Medical Information; Mental Health Abstracts; Multicultural Education Abstracts; Psychological Abstracts (PsychINFO, PsychLIT); Referativnyi Zhurnal (Russian Academy of Sciences Abstracts); Research into Higher Education Abstracts; Sage Family Studies Abstracts; Sexual and Marital Therapy "Literature Update"; Social Planning Policy and Development Abstracts; Social Work Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Sociology of Education Abstracts; Special Educational Needs Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts.

 Reprint requests for all articles published in the CJHS should be sent to Michael Barrett, Ph.D., Editor, CJHS, SIECCAN, 850 Coxwell Avenue, East York, ON, M4C 5R1 (Fax: 416-778-0785).


Michael Barrett, Ph.D., University of Toronto

Alexander McKay, Ph.D., Sex Information and Education Council of Canada

Margaret Schneider, Ph.D., University of Toronto

Dot Whitehouse, Sex Information and Education Council of Canada

Pierre Assalian, M.D. Montreal General Hospital; Montréal, QC
Edwin Belzer Jr., Ph.D. Dalhousie University; Halifax, NS
Sandra Byers, Ph.D. University of New Brunswick; Fredericton, NB
Kathleen Cairns, Ph.D. University of Calgary; Calgary, AB
Richard Casey, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C.) Director/CEO, The Male Health Centres; Oakville, ON
Beryl Chernick, M.D. Private practice; London, ON
André Dupras, Ph.D. Université du Québec à Montréal; Montréal, QC
J. Paul Fedoroff, M.D. Clarke Institue of Psychiatry; Toronto, ON
William Fisher, Ph.D. University of Western Ontario; London, ON
Robert Gemme, Ph.D. Université du Québec à Montréal; Montréal, QC
Claude Guldner, Th.D. University of Guelph; Guelph, ON
Diane Hetherington, M.Ed. Private practice; Halifax, NS
Edward Herold, Ph.D. University of Guelph; Guelph, ON
Stephen Holzapfel, M.D. Women's College Hospital; Toronto, ON
John Lamont, M.D. McMaster University; Hamilton, ON
Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, Ph.D.University of Windsor; Windsor, ON
William Maurice, M.D. University of British Columbia; Vancouver, BC
Ronald Morris, Ph.D. McGill University; Montréal, QC
Ted Myers, Ph.D. University of Toronto; Toronto, ON
Peter Naus, Ph.D. University of St. Jerome's College; Waterloo, ON
Deborah Poff, Ph.D. University of Northern British Columbia; Prince George, BC
Jeffrey Reiss, M.D. University of Manitoba; Winnipeg, MB
Margaret Schneider, Ph.D. University of Toronto; Toronto, ON
George Szasz, M.D. University of British Columbia; Vancouver, BC
Mary Valentich, Ph.D. University of Calgary; Calgary, AB

Mary Bissell, Ph.D., Information Services Coordinator
Alexander McKay, Ph.D., Research Coordinator
Dot Whitehouse, Administrative Coordinator

CHARRIER, Pierre      Canadian b. 1955
Untitled 604, 1991 (Detail)
80 Spadina Avenue, #406
Toronto, M5V 2J3
Tel:  (416) 504-9515
Fax: (416) 504-3194

The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality is published 4 times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) by SIECCAN, the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada. CJHS and the accompanying SIECCAN Newsletter are provided with membership in SIECCAN.

Membership is for the CALENDAR YEAR. Members joining after January 1st will be sent back issues for that year. Membership fee, in Canadian funds, is $40 individual, $60 organization, $25 students and retirees (U.S. members and International members please add $10 mailing fee.) Membership information is available from SIECCAN, 850 Coxwell Avenue, East York, Ontario, M4C 5R1 (TEL: 416-466-5304 / FAX: 416-778-0785).

Date of issue for the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality,Volume 6, Number 2, Summer 1997: June, 1997. ISSN:1188-4517

Canada Post Publications Mail Sales Agreement No. 105252.

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Information for contributors:

The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality is a quarterly publication of SIECCAN, the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada. The journal publishes manuscripts from a variety of disciplines related to the study of human sexuality.

In addition to research based on the collection of empirical data, the CJHS will consider other scholarly submissions such as clinical case presentations and critical analyses. Decisions about acceptance or rejection of a manuscript are made by the Editor upon the recommendation of reviewers. Conference proceedings, special theme issues, and invited submissions including literature reviews, will also be considered for publication. Permission to republish any part of a CJHS article in any other source should be obtained from SIECCAN.

A submission to the CJHS serves as an indication by the author(s) that the manuscript has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should submit a self-addressed envelope or postcard which will be used to acknowledge receipt of the manuscript.

The Editor holds the right to make certain minor changes in the manuscripts in order to meet publication requirements. No change will be made that would have an impact upon the content of the article.

Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor:

    Michael Barrett, Ph.D.
    850 Coxwell Avenue
    East York, Ontario
    M4C 5R1


Format: Manuscripts should be submitted on 31/2" diskettes in either Wordperfect(C) 5.1 or Wordperfect(C) 6.0 for IBM/compatible. Please contact SIECCAN (416-466-5304) about the use of any other word processing programmes. Contributors should also submit three hard copies of the manuscript, single-sided and double-spaced, on 8/2' x 11" white paper with a 1" margin all around.

Title page: This page should include the title of the article, the names and affiliations of all the authors, and the complete mailing address and telephone number of the author to whom communication is to be addressed.

Language: Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French.

Abstract: An abstract no longer than 200 words should be provided.

Key words: A list of 3-5 key words is to be provided directly below the abstract. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing purposes.

Illustrations: Photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts are to be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals. Drawings may be prepared with india ink or be computer-generated (no dot matrix). These images must be dark, sharp, and clear originals, or may be high contrast black and white half-tone photographs. The list of captions for the illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.

Tables: Tables should be numbered and referred to by number in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet of paper and have an accompanying title.

References: List references alphabetically at the end of the paper, and refer to them in the text by the author's name and year of publication in parentheses. All references should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Third Editon. NOTE: Titles should be italicized, not underlined.

Style: Correct English usage and syntax is expected. In general, British spelling and American Psychological Association style preferences will be observed. Metric measurements are preferred, although equivalent imperial measurements may be included in parentheses.


All book reviews should include, in the following order:
  • Title of the publication to be reviewed
  • Author(s)
  • City of publication and publisher
  • Year of publication


[Table of Contents]

Last Updated: November 26, 1997