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Exponential growth earns Klick Communications an excellent bill of health

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Leerom Segal wins BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award for Ontario

(Toronto, Ontario – October 18, 2005) When Leerom Segal started Klick Communications at the age of 18, he already accumulated a wealth of experience behind him. This talented young entrepreneur, who had his first business at age 12, has combined his business acumen, creative strategies and software development skills to build a company that has grown by more than 1,800% over a five-year period. For this phenomenal success Lee, now 26, has earned the Business Development Bank of Canada's (BDC) Young Entrepreneur Award for Ontario.

Klick has been providing continuing education programs, brand development, custom software applications and interactive solutions such as DVD production and website development to the pharmaceutical industry since 1997. Recently, the company branched into providing e-learning and application development to other industries. Among their solutions are corporate websites and portals, accounting and human resources software applications, and knowledge-management components built directly into applications. Klick counts Pfizer, Mednet Benefits, IMAX, GlaxoSmithKline and the Bank of Montreal among its clients.

Leerom's current partner and mentor, Peter Cordy, hired Leerom at age 14 to develop software for his creative agency. Two years later, when that company was sold to another business, Leerom became its Chief Technology Officer. He soon became aware of the enormous potential in providing solutions to the health care industry and left to found Klick. From a staff of four including partners Aaron Goldstein and Peter Cordy, Klick has grown to now employ 64. "The key to success is the team of people that you surround yourself with," says Leerom. "And we've built a team of strong, motivated people who work well together. Clients look to us for result driven strategies and our team always delivers."

Honouring young entrepreneurs
A highlight of Small Business Week, BDC's Young Entrepreneur Awards recognize the achievements of Canadian businesspeople between the ages of 19 and 35, paying tribute to a young entrepreneur from each province and territory. Winners are chosen by a selection committee, based on a number of criteria that range from operating success and innovation to involvement in the new economy, community work and export performance. The winners will be honoured at a ceremony this evening in Calgary, Alberta, celebrating their accomplishments with the theme: "You're the power behind the Canadian economy, let's share the energy!"

Prescription for success
Starting out as a small business meant that Klick was competing with large, well-known entities, a challenge they faced by providing their clients with value added solutions. One of their approaches consists of building applications on a fixed cost basis, rather than using the typical time-based approach. "We lock in the price," explains Leerom. "In our industry, it's a big differentiator." As the business' reputation grew by word of mouth among clients, Leerom and his partners eventually faced the challenge of scaling up their business.

"Sometimes you have to move slower in order to advance further," says Leerom. "Over the years we've learned the value of investing the right amount of time in research and planning, while making sure that you have the right people with the right expertise and the knowledge to execute the plan."

To help make a difference in the community, Klick invests time and effort in non-profit organizations. "The Terry Fox Foundation is a good example of a relationship where we've been able to help them really grow their online revenue," explains Leerom. "We also built what has become one of the most visited arthritis resources on the Internet for the Arthritis Society."

"Leerom is an example of the best of Canada's young entrepreneurs," says BDC President and CEO Jean-René Halde. "The energy and commitment with which he runs his business have resulted in success for himself and generated opportunities for others. He has shown that creativity, passion and dedication make for a powerful combination and drive the Canadian economy."

"We've been able to build something here that's quite impressive and really well positioned for future growth," says Leerom. "If you know your clients as well as they know themselves and you've got a good team and you plan properly, everything else comes together."

Small Business Week partners
National partners help make Small Business Week a success. Bell, WestJet and Western Economic Diversification Canada are official partners of the 2005 Small Business Week and Young Entrepreneur Awards. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been privileged partner of the event since 1981.

About BDC
The Business Development Bank of Canada is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC plays a leadership role in delivering financial, investment and consulting services to Canadian small business, with a particular focus on the technology and export sectors of the economy.


For more information or to arrange for an interview on October 18th:

Media Room:
(403) 267-1338

After October 18:
Eva Boucher-Hartling
Media Relations Manager
(514) 283-7929

  Leerom Segal
Leerom Segal
Klick Communications

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