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For the Public's Health :

Initial Report of the Ontario Expert Panel on SARS and Infectious Disease Control


For all those who contracted SARS, those forced into quarantine and their families and friends, as well as the patients and healthcare workers who experienced challenges first hand, the SARS outbreak represented a frightening and immensely stressful period. For Ontario, SARS was a public health emergency without precedent. Those within the healthcare system responded heroically, often jeopardizing their personal safety to care for others. Time and time again, frontline healthcare providers demonstrated their extraordinary commitment to providing high-quality care to patients, families and colleagues.

While recognizing the tremendous efforts made by all the people involved, it is clear that SARS exposed a general lack of preparedness for managing health emergencies and presents an open door for positive change. The Panel trusts that this Report, together with our final report, will contain valuable insights that may be of use both to Ontarians and to those beyond our province.

Document download
For The Public's Health : Initial Report of the Ontario Expert Panel on SARS and Infectious Disease Control

Executive Summary and Recommendations
43 pages / 298 K / PDF format


Cover Page
1 page / 550 K / PDF format

Chapter One :  Public Health Models
34 pages / 464 K / PDF format

Chapter Two :  Infection Control
24 pages / 217 K / PDF format

Chapter Three :  Emergency Preparedness
30 pages / 464 K / PDF format

Chapter Four :  Communications
21 pages / 195 K / PDF format

Chapter Five :  Surveillance
17 pages / 163 K / PDF format

Chapter Six :  Human Health Resources
19 pages / 176 K / PDF format

5 pages / 75 K / PDF format
18 pages / 150 K / PDF format
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