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Turn in Poachers / Polluters (1-800-661-0525)

TIPS logoThe Conservation Officer Services Branch of the Department of Environment has a program to help Yukoners protect their wildlife, fisheries and environmental resources.

The TURN-IN-POACHERS/POLLUTERS program provides Yukoners and Yukon communities with the opportunity to report suspected resource violations to the Conservation Officer Services Branch using a toll-free number.

The TURN-IN-POACHERS/POLLUTERS line (1-800-661-0525) operates 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Trained staff will pass the information you supply to the nearest available Conservation Officer/Environmental Protection Officer. If the information you supply concerns a violation which directly affects the resource and results in the laying of a charge, you are eligible for a reward.

Do I have to identify myself?
No. Anyone who calls the TURN-IN-POACHERS/POLLUTERS line (1-800-661-0525) or provides information to a Conservation Officer/Environmental Protection Officer or district clerical staff may remain anonymous. A unique identification number will be assigned to you when your call is taken. This number will be used to identify you in any future communications.

How do I qualify for a reward?
If the information you provide concerns a resource violation and results in the laying of a charge by a Conservation Officer, you are automatically eligible for a reward. The person taking your call will provide you with the details of the procedure.

Who supplies the reward money?
The Yukon Fish and Game Association has a Rewards Committee which oversees the handling of the Reward Fund.

What kinds of activities should I report to 1-800-661-0525?

  • hunting or fishing out of season
  • exceeding the bag limits
  • illegal sale of fish or wildlife
  • deposit of harmful substances in lakes and streams, and on the ground
  • littering
  • What should I do if I see a suspected violation or know of one?
    Contact your local Conservation Officer Services office, or call 1-800-661-0525 as soon as possible. This toll-free number is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Trained staff will take your call, record the information you supply and immediately pass it on to the nearest available Conservation Officer/Environmental Protection Officer.

    You should try to observe and record the following details:

  • date, time and location of activity
  • exact location
  • vehicle licence number
  • vehicle description
  • description of persons involved
  • details of the violation
  • Never approach or attempt to apprehend a suspect.

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 01-02-2005