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Other Areas in the Yukon

Bonnet Plume River PhotoCanadian Heritage Rivers, the Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area and Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary are other designated areas in the Yukon which can contribute to the goals of the network of protected areas of the territory.

Canadian Heritage Rivers
The Canadian Heritage Rivers System was established in 1984 by the federal, provincial and territorial governments to conserve and protect the best examples of Canada's river heritage, to give them national recognition, and to encourage the public to enjoy and appreciate them. It is a cooperative program of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. The goal is to establish a system that reflects the diversity of Canada's river environments and celebrates the role of rivers in Canada's history and society. The dream is to ensure that these rivers flow into the future with their heritage features protected for generations to come.

Canadian Heritage Rivers are managed in accordance with plans devised by all affected interests with lands along the corridors, including federal, territorial, First Nation, and municipal governments and private landowners. All parties are responsible for managing their portions of the river in the manner agreed to in the management plan. Conditions or restrictions may be attached to land use permits to help meet objectives of the management plan.

For more information, link to the Canadian Heritage Rivers System website pages below:

  • Alsek River
  • Thirty Mile River
  • Bonnet Plume River
  • Tatshenshini River
  • Managing the Tatshenshini River as a Canadian Heritage River (PDF 933 KB)

    National Wildlife Area
    There is only one National Wildlife Area in the Yukon, the Nisutlin River Delta, established in accordance with the Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement. The Delta is a major waterfowl staging area on the Pacific flyway, attracting up to 2,000 Trumpeter and Tundra Swans, 2,000 Canada Geese and 6,000 ducks each year in addition to hundreds of shorebirds on migration. Over 150 species of birds have been recorded in the area. The delta is also a rich food source for fish and important habitat for moose and many fur-bearing animals. The area is managed under a plan developed jointly by the Teslin Renewable Resources Council, the Teslin Tlingit Council, Yukon government and Canadian Wildlife Service.

    Wildlife Sanctuary
    Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary was initially created in 1942 when an area of approximately 26,000 square kilometres was set aside with the intention of creating a national park. Thirty years later, approximately 22,000 square kilometres of the area became Kluane National Park Reserve, leaving the remainder with no protection from resource extraction.

    The Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary includes three areas, the Klutlan Glacier and Burwash Uplands area to the north, the Jarvis River area just northwest of Haines Junction, and the Tatshenshini River area to the south.

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-02-2005