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Parks Information

park photoParks in the Yukon range from Recreation Parks established to provide camping opportunities to Wilderness Preserves and National Parks established to protect the ecological integrity and biological diversity of the territory.

This page provides a brief overview of the parks and protected areas of the Yukon. More detailed information on the areas and the agency responsible for them can be found from the links to the right.

Parks Branch is responsible for planning and managing Yukon territorial parks. National Parks afford a high degree of protection for environments representative of Canada's natural heritage. Yukon Habitat Protection Areas provide for management of use of areas considered critical for wildlife and fish. Special Management Areas result from Yukon First Nation Final Agreements and may afford various degrees of protection.

Other areas (Canadian Heritage Rivers, National Wildlife Areas, and Wildlife Sanctuaries) also provide varying degrees of protection and tie in with Yukon's network of protected areas.

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 15-06-2006