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Parks and Land Certainty Act

The law governing the creation and management of Yukon territorial parks is the Parks and Land Certainty Act, passed by the Yukon Legislative Assembly in November of 2001.

The Act gives the Yukon government the legal authority to manage lands within parks established by the Yukon government through the Yukon Protected Areas Strategy or parks established under land claims agreements.

Part 1 of the Act sets out its purpose -

The purpose of this Act is to establish parks
a. to implement obligations under settlement agreements;
b. to provide for the protection and management of representative areas of territorial significance and other special places in the Yukon;
c. to provide recreational opportunities for Yukoners and visitors; and
d. to encourage public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the Yukon's natural environment as a legacy for future generations.

For more information review the full text of the Parks and Land Certainty Act (123Kb PDF).

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