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Summer Work Experience 2006
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Summer Work Experience 2006

A summer job, an experience for life!

There's an old saying that you can't get a job without experience, and you can't get experience without a job. The Summer Work Experience (SWE) program is designed to solve this problem. It is delivered in partnership with various groups in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors and includes key Government of Canada initiatives aimed to provide summer employment opportunities for secondary and post-secondary students between the ages of 15 and 30. SWE helps young Canadians find work experience that gives them the skills they need for their future careers and helps employers find and access enthusiastic and capable summer help.

The SWE 2006 program was launched by the Honourable Minister Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, in Québec City, Québec, and Kitchener, Ontario, on Monday, March 13. SWE is comprised of a number of summer employment initiatives. Among them is the Summer Career Placements (SCP) initiative and the operation of 320 Service Canada Centres for Youth (SCCY), delivered by Service Canada. Located across Canada, these centres are open during the months of May to August. Last year, 183,000 youth across Canada found jobs and another 306,000 received job search assistance from one of 850 summer employment officers working in SCCYs. SCP offers wage subsidies to employers to create summer employment opportunities for students, thus enabling young Canadians to get career-related work experience while earning money to further their education. This initiative also provides special provisions for employers who hire students with disabilities.

Students are very positive and excited about the opportunity to gain valuable work experience during the summer months. "Not only did I have a lot of fun during my job assignments and earn a good salary," says former-SCP participant Kirsten. "I also gained excellent experience that has helped me find more employment opportunities since graduation."

Kaylynn, another former participant, agrees. "Thanks to my summer job, I have found a whole new outlook on life," she stated. "I learned the value of truly listening to people, and appreciate the stories they have to tell. I would recommend this summer experience to everyone." A summer job really creates an experience to last a lifetime.

An array of products are available to discover the great benefits SWE offers. A series of publications such as Need a Summer Job?, Hire a Student! and Summer Work Experience 2006, explain to both students and employers how SWE can help them. The Are you in Danger? publication also provides important information on health and safety in the workplace. You can order copies of these publications by calling the toll-free Youth Info Line at 1 800 935-5555 or call 1 800 926-9105 for a touch-tone phone or teletypewriter (TTY).

To participate in the Summer Work Experience program, drop in at your local Service Canada Centre for Youth as of May 2006. Locations of the SCCY closest to you will be post shortly at


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