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First Nations & Inuit Health

2003-2004 HIV/AIDS Work Plan

Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS

Program Element: First Nations Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), Health Canada, Health Canada Budget: $1.1 M from Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS (CSHA) plus additional FNIHB program funds

Project/Activity Title - Revision of the First Nations Inuit Health Branch HIV Policy and Program Guidelines

During 2002-2003 FNIHB contracted for revision of program and policy guidelines. National guidelines provide a consistent program and policy framework which FNIHB regions and communities may use to establish standards of HIV/AIDS care, treatment and support for First Nations and Inuit communities. The guidelines provide updated information on available resources for care providers


  • Completed bilingual guidelines
  • National dissemination to Regions and communities

Expected Results

  1. Provides a foundation for consistent standards nationally in the provision of HIV/AIDS care to on reserve First Nations and Inuit communities.
  2. Provides care givers with revised updated information.


Project/Activity Title - Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) to develop a National Aboriginal Strategy on HIV/AIDS

A national Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy has been developed through a multi-year joint contribution agreement between First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), Population and Public Health Branch (PPHB) and the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN). Activities for this year will include additional consultation, finalizing the strategy, and the development of an implementation guide for communities.


  • Dissemination of bilingual National Aboriginal Strategy
  • Development of community implementation guidelines

Expected Results

  1. The National Strategy will provide a document that is appropriate for and sensitive to the needs of First Nations and Inuit communities and in keeping with the overall goals of the CSHA.
  2. Promotes collaboration between FNI community sectors in moving towards a social justice framework aimed at addressing the risk of transmission of HIV.
  3. The first population specific strategy in Canada.


Project/Activity Title - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Development of a First Nations HIV/AIDS Peer Education and Training Program

Through a contribution agreement between FNIHB and AFN, a peer education program for First Nations targeted at First Nations youth and focussed on providing support to those infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS will be developed. The program will address issues on prevention, education, transmission, risk behaviours and harm reduction. This program will address the specific issues of First Nations youth in a culturally appropriate context. Peer education is known to be an effective mechanism for educating and influencing hard to reach populations.


  • Development of a First Nations HIV/AIDS Youth Peer Education Program Manual
  • National "Train the trainer" workshops for First Nations youth.

Expected Results

  1. First Nations youth will attend Peer Education workshops and receive training on HIV/AIDS.
  2. These trainers will in turn return to their communities and educate other youth to become peer educators thus enhancing HIV/AIDS knowledge and information among First Nations youth.
  3. Contributes to the goals of the CSHA in addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and assisting in decreasing the incidence of HIV among Aboriginal peoples.
  4. Wide dissemination and use of the peer education model by First Nations on reserve communities.


Project/Activity Title - 15th Annual International Two Spirit Gathering Geneva Park, Rama Ontario. July 20 to 25 2003

The Annual International Two-Spirit Gatherings have been a means to bring together two-spirit Aboriginal people. The focus of these gatherings has traditionally been on holistic healing, honouring history, prevention and awareness particularly in reference to HIV/AIDS, reducing the harm associated with substance use, traditional healing and cultural activities, training and education. Healing, sharing and talking circles will be offered and traditional teachings and ceremonies will take place throughout the event. Workshops on topics such as health promotion, healthy sexuality, prevention of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other critical issues affecting two-spirit people will be offered. Two-spirit people will gather together in a supportive environment, and counsellors, healers and Elders will be available to address any issues that may arise


  • Scholarships for attendance/ participation by First Nations and Inuit two-spirited people.
  • Demonstrate attendance by First Nations and Inuit two-spirited people.
  • A formal end report on the activities of the gathering

Expected Results

  1. Provision of on reserve and Inuit two-spirited people with support, information and knowledge around dealing with issues related to HIV and dispelling discrimination.
  2. Information sharing upon return to communities
  3. Fulfilling expectations of the CSHA on engaging vulnerable populations.


Project/Activity Title - Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association

FNIHB supports the activities of the Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association through an annual contribution agreement. Activities will centre on HIV education, prevention, care, treatment and support of Inuit women. The focus for this year will be women, HIV and pregnancy issues around testing and vertical transmission. This will be accomplished through working with other key First Nations/Inuit partners and the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to develop educational materials for First Nations and Inuit women.


  • Production of culturally appropriate brochures
  • Report on the distribution of HIV testing /pregnancy educational materials to First Nations and Inuit physicians and community health providers serving this population

Expected Results

  1. Assist First Nations and Inuit women to recognize the need for HIV testing prior to and during pregnancy.
  2. Offer information related to prevention and harm reduction activities to women and youth.
  3. Assist physicians in approaching and addressing issues of HIV testing during pregnancy.
  4. With time, decrease the vertical transmission of HIV.


Project/Activity Title - Membership/ participation on Federal/Provincial/Territorial(FPT) AIDS Advisory Committee

The FPT Committee on AIDS identifies and provides expert advice to the Advisory Committee on Public Health who report to the First Ministers of Health on issues related to HIV/AIDS in Canada.

The FPT AIDS committee is currently developing a strategic plan to ensure an expert body can identify emerging issues and respond to requests related to HIV/AIDS from the First Ministers. Three face to face meetings held annually. FPT AIDS contributes to a decline in new HIV infections by providing a timely, effective and efficient collaborative governmental approach to issues related to HIV/AIDS in Canada.


  • Production of an annual report with FNIHB specific input • Production of FPT/AIDS Strategic Plan
  • Identify/provide advice on emerging and urgent issues related to HIV/AIDS in Canada. This can happen in an ongoing and ad hoc manner.
  • Development of reports/ background papers/ guiding principles or frameworks on policy issues are developed.

Expected Results

  1. Ensure that the concerns of a vulnerable population are heard given the over representation of Aboriginal people infected/affected by the HIV epidemic.
  2. Improved federal, provincial and territorial coordination through collaborative actions.
  3. Evidence based analysis of HIV issues.
  4. Flexibility to respond to emerging issues.
  5. Increased accountability
  6. Respectful interactions based on the identified needs of First Nations and Inuit people.


Project/Activity Title - Strategic Management & Coordination of the FNIHB HIV/AIDS National Program

FNIHB HIV Program coordinates operations and facilitates regional HIV activities based on identified regional needs and priorities. These needs come from First Nations and Inuit communities, community based research, advocacy groups, etc.
Headquarters coordinates grants and contributions to national Aboriginal Organizations providing services to First Nations on reserves and Inuit communities.

Develops a national work plan based on identified needs from regional coordinators.


  • Produce workplans
  • Summary report of FNIHB annual HIV activities
  • Draft FNIHB strategic framework for programming and accountability
  • Hold national/ regional meetings to explore collaborative activities and set priorities related to HIV programs

Expected Results

  1. Improved communications with national and regional offices.
  2. Identification of emerging HIV/AIDS issues in First Nations and Inuit communities.
  3. Team building and collaboration among regional and national headquarters.
  4. Sharing of best practices
  5. Identify opportunities for regional and national activities.


Project/Activity Title - Evaluation First Nations Inuit Health Branch HIV/AIDS Program

Through funding from the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS, FNIHB provides funding for HIV activities to on reserve First Nations and Inuit communities. This funding program through FNIHB/CSHA has been in place since 1997. External contractors will conduct the evaluation with a focus on the impact of the FNIHB HIV program. This will be done through consultation with national, regional and community stakeholders. Telephone interviews and site visits will also inform the document. Recommendations will be a part of the evaluation document.


  • Production of an evaluation report by the consultants.
  • Conduct regional consultation on the completed evaluation
  • Develop a framework to address the directions of the evaluation
  • Dissemination of the completed evaluation document

Expected Results

  1. Documentation regarding the variety of HIV focussed programs and activities within FNIHB national and regional headquarters.
  2. Evidence-based information to inform the development and expansion of programs and policies both at a national and regional level.
  3. Sharing of best practices
  4. Identify gaps in service provision
  5. Will inform the CSHA five year evaluation on First Nations and Inuit HIV/AIDS activities.
  6. Provides accountability around the program and allocated funds.
Last Updated: 2005-03-17 Top