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National Literacy Secretariat - Project Funding 2002-2003 (Nova Scotia)

(01.04/02 - 31.07/02)

Mr. Murdoch Moore
216 Charlotte Street
P.O.Box 1283
Tel. (902) 564-5667

Cape Breton Region: NSSAL Regional Planning: Coordination and Outreach Project

The Cape Breton Literacy Network Association, on behalf of the Cape Breton Region Nova Scotia School for Adult Learning (NSSAL) Regional Planning Team, will undertake a project to clarify and strengthen the knowledge of service providers, referral agencies and the public about adult literacy/upgrading services in the Cape Breton Region. A regional conference will be held in September 2002 to improve partners' understanding of one another's mandates, programs, and services, as well as the educational credentials and program pathways available to adult learners. Participants will complete surveys to measure the success of the conference in meeting its objectives. The establishment of a new literacy services program directory will increase awareness of programs and services available to adult learners in the region, and improved communications tools and referral systems will be developed and then piloted during 2002-2003. A steering committee will be established with representation from the current Regional Literacy Partners Committee and the Cape Breton Literacy Network Association to oversee the project. This project will improve knowledge of literacy services available in the region and ensure better referral processes for learners seeking to improve their literacy skills.

Mr. Frank Gibson
32 Borden Avenue
Tel. (902) 468-1320

Justice Reintegration Project

The Dartmouth Work Activity Society will undertake a pilot project to address the literacy/educational needs of incarcerated adults in the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility by developing a comprehensive literacy/educational assessment and referral process. Activities will include researching the roles of educational organizations and government agencies in providing educational opportunities and support to the target group, reviewing and adapting of the Department of Education Adult Learning Program (ALP) as necessary, and the development of a template for literacy/educational assessment for adults entering correctional institutions. In addition, an educational transition strategy to move inmates to community literacy programs upon release will be developed and the feasibility of training correctional staff as tutors will be evaluated. The recommendations will be piloted at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Halifax, and a written report will provide the basis for implementation across the province. This project will be guided by a Project Steering Committee made up of community agencies serving inmates, literacy/educational organizations, and provincial government departments. Participants and those in the literacy community will have an opportunity to evaluate the assessment tools and process through questionnaires and interviews. This project will result in creating and strengthening partnerships between correctional institutions and the community, which will help to better meet the literacy/educational needs of incarcerated adults, as well as released offenders.

Yolande Seeley
7196 Sainte Anne du Ruisseau
PO Box 590
Ste-Anne-du-Ruisseau, Nova Scotia
B0W 2X0
Tel. (902) 648-2253

Literacy training staff needs study

The Équipe d'alphabétisation Nouvelle-Écosse (ÉANÉ), a Francophone literacy network that offers programs for Acadian adults in Nova Scotia, will conduct a study for the purpose of identifying the needs of Acadian literacy training staff in Nova Scotia and developing strategies to meet those needs. The study will be conducted by a telephone survey of literacy training staff and members of local adult education committees. Project officers will then analyse the results of the survey and make recommendations to share with the whole ÉANÉ network. Based on the recommendations, the ÉANÉ will develop an action plan with specific strategies to follow up on the needs expressed by literacy training staff members in the survey. The strategies could include development of supporting materials for trainers, topics posted on the Web site and in the ÉANÉ newsletter, co-operative projects with provincial and national literacy training groups and organization of occupational development sessions. All the materials developed in the project will be distributed to adult training practitioners in Nova Scotia. In addition, a press release describing the project will be sent to Francophone media in the province. The project will promote the development and improvement of occupational training programs for Francophone literacy training staff in Nova Scotia from a continuous training perspective. To determine the effectiveness of the project, evaluation forms will be distributed at occupational development sessions.

Mr. Troy Myers
523- 1657 Barrington Street
Tel. (902) 422-7648

"NOW YOU KNOW" Tutor Readiness Project

Halifax Community Learning Network Association (HCLN), in partnership with the Bedford- Sackville Literacy Network, will undertake a project to develop a Tutor Readiness Kit for use by Community Learning Networks in Nova Scotia. The kit will include the most recent information about adult learning that has been collected through consultation with tutors, coordinators and various adult education organizations across the province. A list of resources, assessment and evaluation information, specific network information, and standard program forms will also be included. The adaptable kit will be piloted by Community Learning Networks in the Halifax Regional Municipality, with evaluations being conducted via questionnaires, interactive forums and monthly tutor reports. The final version of the kit will be available in binder and CD-ROM format to all learning networks in Nova Scotia. In addition, a series of workshops will be held across the province to train literacy coordinators and practitioners how to use the kit and to obtain further feedback. This project will provide tutors with the resources necessary for them to better meet the needs of adult literacy learners and will ensure that Community Learning Networks in Nova Scotia maintain uniformity of delivery, policies and practices with regards to literacy.

Mr. Gerard Julian
R.R.#1 Afton First Nation
Antigonish County,NOVA SCOTIA
Tel. (902) 386-2781

Paqtnkek: Then and Now

The Paqtnkek (Afton) Band Council, in partnership with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs and the Nova Scotia Department of Education, will undertake a project to research and develop a book and video examining their history and culture. Out-of-school youth will learn research techniques through visits to libraries and museums and attendance at workshops designed to prepare them for interviewing elders in the community. The interviews will examine past achievements of community residents and tie them into the present, providing the learners with a deep sense of community pride and spirit while giving them the opportunity to participate in community affairs and develop their literacy and communication skills. Learners will also be involved in the compilation of the material into the book and video. The final version of the materials will be distributed to members of Paqtnkek and to other Mi'kmaq communities and organizations in Nova Scotia. Evaluation of the project will be on- going and will consist of participant questionnaires and informal surveys of community residents. This project will result in a book and video that documents the history of the community and that can be used as a classroom tool. In addition, this project will take an important look at how literacy impacts all aspects of life and will encourage learners to continue to improve their literacy skills.

Mr. Douglas Myers
7001 Mumford Road
Suite 101, Tower 1
Tel. (902) 454-2806

PLA Portfolio Literacy Curriculum Project

The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Centre will build on their previous work by undertaking a project to further adapt and produce a PLA Course Curriculum and to develop an accompanying Facilitator's Guide for adult literacy learners at various levels. The course curriculum will demonstrate how to prepare a portfolio that documents formal and informal education, as well as specific knowledge and skills. The portfolio will assist adult learners in developing strategies and realistic plans for further education, training and employment. Utilization of this process provides an opportunity for adult learners to evaluate past educational experiences and to produce written materials. The resulting portfolio may also be used as an assessment tool for entry into a training program. In addition, a Facilitator's Guide will be developed and produced to guide PLA literacy facilitators through the process of delivering this program to adult learners. A literacy consultant will review drafts of the material with an adult learner who has completed a portfolio with the PLA Centre. The Course Curriculum and Facilitator's Guide will be produced in binders and will be distributed to facilitators and adult learners. This project will provide literacy learners with a facilitated process that assists with identification and documentation of learning and goal-setting, and is an important part of a new component of the Centre's work in leadership and capacity building.

(01.08/02 - 30.11/02)

Ms. Lisa Talbot
room 217, Middleton Site NSCC,
Annapolis Valley Campus R.R.#1
Lawrencetown, NOVA SCOTIA
B0S 1M0
Tel. (902) 764-4707

Book of Success Stories

The Annapolis County Learning Network will create awareness of and interest in literacy issues by developing, producing, and distributing a collection of short stories written by current and former learners of adult literacy programs in Nova Scotia. The stories will focus on the personal and economic successes that current and former learners have realized as a result of participating in literacy programs. The collection of short stories will serve as a tool, during presentations and information sessions, by providing a firsthand account of the difference literacy can make in a person's life. This project will help motivate current learners and inspire potential learners to participate in literacy programs in the province. Although this book will focus on the experience of learners in Nova Scotia, it could also benefit literacy organizations across Canada. A community survey will be conducted, and calls to local literacy organizations will be monitored at the end of the project to measure awareness and interest in literacy programs in Annapolis County.

Ms. Sharon Garroway
P.O. Box 8804
B3K 5M4
Tel. (902) 473-7301

Instructor Training: Basic Literacy for Persons with Brain Injury

Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia (BIANS) will develop and produce an Instructor's Manual and a Train the Trainers Manual, and present complementary training workshops to address the specific difficulties of working with persons with brain injury. Difficulties with memory, organization, and attention that persons with brain injury experience also exist among other literacy learners. For this reason, BIANS feels that the results of this project can be extended for use with other literacy target groups across Nova Scotia. The Instructor's Manual will assist practitioners in effectively instructing persons with brain injury in learning to write again, in phonics, and in spelling and grammar. The workshop will focus on improving basic literacy skills, offer strategies for instruction and in dealing with specific problems, and will include sample lesson plans and appropriate exercises. The Train the Trainer Manual will compliment the content of the workshop, and will include copies of articles, overheads, and group exercise suggestions. The evaluation component will consist of several questionnaires to be completed by participants and will be used to monitor individuals' progress toward their literacy goals. The Instructor's Manual and the workshops will be promoted through several literacy avenues and will be available to all BIANS chapters and to the literacy networks across Nova Scotia. This project will provide tutors, instructors, coordinators, and literacy groups with the knowledge and skills to facilitate specialized programs for persons with brain injury effectively.

Ms. Janet Pelley
754 Prince Street
B2N 1G9
Tel. (902) 895-4183

"Family Literacy in Nova Scotia: A Strategic Approach"

The Colchester - East Hants Regional Library will undertake a project to address needs identified by stakeholders concerning family literacy programming in Nova Scotia. The Regional Library will conduct research and collaborate with literacy organizations and government departments to gather information for the development of a practical and user-friendly best practices guide for family literacy programming in Nova Scotia. The guide will reflect the community-based restructuring occurring in the province as a result of the creation of the Nova Scotia School of Adult Learning, and will provide stakeholders with an opportunity to respond during a period of program reflection. In addition to the guide, this project will result in the development of an action plan for advancing family literacy in Nova Scotia. A working group comprised of various representatives from the literacy community across the province will be established to oversee the project, and the draft guide will be revised based on feedback from literacy community. The final version of the guide will be distributed to literacy organizations in Nova Scotia, family resource centres, adult education coordinators and regional libraries across the province. This project will result in the development of a best practices guide and complementary action plan based on family literacy research that reflects the needs of Nova Scotians, and will provide a valuable reference for family literacy program development in the province.

Mr. Troy Myers
523- 1657 Barrington Street
B3J 2A1
Tel. (902) 422-7625

Metro Regional Planning Team - Coordination & Outreach Project

The Halifax Community Learning Network Association, on behalf of the Nova Scotia School for Adult Learning (NSSAL) Regional Planning Team - Metro Region, will undertake a project to improve the continuum of programs for adult literacy learners in the Metro Region. In response to needs that stakeholders have identified, three sub-committees will examine issues and develop strategies to address concerns raised regarding information sharing and professional development, communication tools and referral systems, and public outreach and awareness materials. Activities will include holding information sharing seminars and professional development opportunities for practitioners from various levels of delivery, researching available tools for classroom-based programs, recruitment and awareness campaigns to inform learners of opportunities, pooling of resources, rural advocacy, and the establishment of a new coordinated system of communication amongst stakeholders. A steering committee, consisting of representatives from each sub-committee, the Halifax Community Learning Network Association, and the Regional Planning Team, will be established to oversee the project and conduct evaluations at regular intervals. This project will allow the Regional Planning Team to build on the communication and outreach work already in progress for literacy in the region and to further advance the collaborative literacy objectives of the Regional Planning Team - Metro Region.

Ms. Daphne White
1597 Crossley Court P.O. Box 2465
B0N 2T0
Tel. (902) 798-5491

Valley Regional Planning Team: Coordination and Outreach Project

The Hants Learning Network Association, on behalf of the Valley Regional Planning Team and as part of the Nova Scotia School for Adult Learning initiative, will develop and implement a regional strategy to improve the coordination and awareness of literacy opportunities for adults in the region. Through information sessions and through the development of informational material, the Association will enhance communication and referral systems among the counselling agencies, funding bodies and service providers which serve adult learners. A series of four workshops aimed at literacy providers and referral agents will be held to clarify existing delivery systems, ensure more consistent referral practices, and to provide participants with the opportunity to network and exchange information. In addition, a brochure will be produced highlighting available programs and contact information in the region and a reference kit will be developed containing appropriate assessment and referral information that can be easily updated. Evaluation of the project will consist of workshop participant questionnaires and on-going review of the referral process at regular Planning Team meetings. This project will assist the Valley Regional Planning Team in its efforts to identify and address literacy/educational program and service gaps, improve referral, coordination, and use of resources, as well as increase awareness of the literacy/educational options available to adults.

Mr. Kevin Quinlan
36 Arthur Street
B2N 1X5
Tel. (902) 893-6265

NSSAL Regional Conference

The Nova Scotia Community College (Truro Campus), on behalf of the Nova Scotia School of Adult Learning (NSSAL) Northern Region Team, will hold a one day Regional Conference targeting service providers and referral agencies that support literacy and the NSSAL in the Northern Region. A survey will be conducted in order to choose appropriate topics for the conference, which may include adult education programs and the NSSAL, portfolio development, and evaluation strategies for adult learners. In addition, posters and brochures promoting literacy and adult education options in the area will be developed and distributed throughout the region. An evaluation report compiling the conference findings and providing recommendations will be prepared following the conference. This project will complement the NSSAL Northern Region Team's overall promotional initiative focussing on literacy and adult education, and will strengthen the knowledge of service providers and referral agencies to ensure better referral and service delivery for literacy learners.

Ms. Eileen MacNeil
36 Arthur Street Room 221 Forrester Hall
B2N 1X5
Tel. (902) 897-2444

Professional Development for Literacy Organizations

The Nova Scotia Provincial Literacy Coalition (NSPLC) will undertake a project to address some of the professional development issues identified through stakeholder consultations during the Coalition's 2001-2002 comprehensive organizational review. The NSPLC will meet with literacy networks around their specific needs and interests and will construct a schedule for training and a larger professional development plan. Activities will include a series of one-day training workshops on proposal writing in regions that at present do not have access to such opportunities and three workshops for Directors of network boards. In partnership with the Learning Disabilities Association of Nova Scotia, the Coalition will also hold workshops in three regions concerning identification, referral and strategies for working with individuals who have learning disabilities. In addition, the NSPLC will develop policies around professional development, including statements of standards, accessibility and inclusion that will govern future professional development activities of the Coalition. Evaluation of the project will consist of comprehensive workshop questionnaires assessing the overall success of the project in relation to the goals of the NSPLC and the impact of training, as well as documenting the number of participants, the number of partnerships established, and the number of training requests and new members. Advertising materials will be used to promote this project, which will complement the Coalition's plan to provide training and networking opportunities for literacy learners. This project will address identified professional development issues in the context of a larger professional development plan for the NSPLC, and will serve the interests of all providers of community-based literacy programming in Nova Scotia.

Ms. Valerie White
Seniors Citizens Secretariat
P.O. Box 2065
B3J 2Z1
Tel. (902) 424-6322

Cultivating Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Seniors

The Nova Scotia Seniors for Literacy Committee, in partnership with the Senior Citizens' Secretariat, will implement key findings and recommendations from their previous project funded by the National Literacy Secretariat, Nova Scotia Seniors for Literacy. To do this, the Committee will stimulate the development of lifelong learning opportunities for older adults by providing adult educators and literacy practitioners with the tools, information and resources necessary to design meaningful literacy programs for older Nova Scotians. An environmental scan will be completed focusing on issues of literacy and older adults, and consultations will be held with older adults and adult educators in community based programs. This will result in the development and dissemination of 100 Facilitator's Guides, including an annotated bibliography. The Guide will apply a "senior lens" to the work already being done in Nova Scotia, and will move beyond standards and philosophical approaches to include methods and concrete practice ideas for literacy programs that target older adults. Older adults and representatives from the Community Learning Initiatives (CLI) will be consulted regarding the design and content of the Guide. Once the Guide has been completed, orientation sessions will be offered within the six regions of the province and a pilot session will be offered in the Metro Region. The success of this initiative will be determined by how well the objectives are met, based on feedback obtained from a survey completed by Committee members. The Guide will prove to be an invaluable resource within Nova Scotia and across the country.

Mrs. Shirley McNamara
3250 Highway 320 P.O. Box 529
B0E 1K0
Tel. (902) 226-0383

Peer into the Past

The Richmond County Literacy Network will undertake a project to research and develop culturally relevant learning materials to serve as supplementary resources for Levels I and II adult literacy programs. In cooperation with local organizations, the Network will research the history, geography and oral traditions of Richmond County, as well as gather stories and folklore through interviews with the county's senior population. The materials collected will be assembled into a book that will also include lessons for literacy Levels I and II programs. The materials gathered and written through the research and development stage of the project will be piloted in the Literacy Network's newsletter and with local Community Learning Initiative (CLI) programs to ascertain the effectiveness and appropriateness of the materials for Levels I and II adult learners. The book will be published and distributed to local CLI networks, other literacy organizations in Nova Scotia, libraries, museums, and historical societies. All distributed material will include an evaluation form to obtain feedback on usage and utility of the material. A Network Advisory committee and Network Board members will oversee the project. This project will strengthen community partnerships, increase public awareness of literacy and the Network, preserve local history, and develop culturally relevant literacy resource materials.

Mrs. Shirley McNamara
3250 Highway 320 P.O. Box 529
B0E 1K0
Tel. (902) 266-0383

Strait Regional Planning Team Promotions Project

The Richmond County Literacy Network, on behalf of the Strait Region Regional Planning Team, will undertake a project to strengthen the knowledge of service providers, referral agencies and the public about adult literacy/upgrading services in the Strait Region. Activities will include a public awareness campaign, information sessions, professional development opportunities, a one-day spring conference to improve coordination, and the development of a regional implementation strategy. Communication tools will be developed that clarify the role of the Nova Scotia School for Adult Learning (NSSAL), a presentation package will be distributed, and several rural outreach meetings will be held focusing on public education/awareness. Evaluation of the project will take place via evaluation forms and tracking of referrals and requests for information. This project will strengthen knowledge of literacy/upgrading services in the Strait Region and will improve coordination of referrals and literacy services.

Mr. David Huddleston
8 Maiden Lane P.O. Box 39
Shelburne, NOVA SCOTIA
B0T 1W0
Tel. (902) 875-3219

Harbours to Highlands: A Geography Manual

The Shelburne Historical Society, in partnership with the Shelburne County Learning Network and the Nova Scotia Department of Education, will co-ordinate the development of an easy-to-use geography manual which will complement and support the outcomes of Levels I and II of the Nova Scotia Academic Upgrading Curriculum. The content of the manual will illustrate the subject matter through stories, essays and exercises, and will incorporate adult literacy learner-written material and promote adult learner involvement through research, teamwork, critical thinking, writing, reviewing, and editing. This project will employ instructor/learner collaboration in all Community Learning Initiative (CLI) network regions, and at literacy organizations in the African-Canadian, Acadian, and Mi'kmaq communities of Nova Scotia. All CLI networks will be invited to participate in the project, and two hundred manuals will be produced and distributed to the CLI networks, the Learning Resource Centres of the Department of Education's Adult Education Section, the Nova Scotia Provincial Literacy Coalition, and to museum distribution centres in Nova Scotia. Copies will also be available through the provincial public library system and on the National Adult Literacy Database website. A project support team, including representation from the field of geography, will oversee the initiative. Participants will complete questionnaires on the content, clarity, and utility of the material, and a later project will evaluate the effectiveness of the manual in the field. The manual will serve as a core resource for adult literacy learners focussing on reading, writing, math, and life skills in a geography context. This project will result in the development and production of relevant, applicable resource material while supporting the Nova Scotia established learning outcomes.

Mr. Eric Tetford
372 Pleasant Street
B5A 2L2
Tel. (613) 237-1118

Coordination and Outreach Project

The Yarmouth Community Learning Centre, in partnership with the Shelburne Community Learning Centre and on behalf of the Shelburne/Yarmouth Regional Planning Team, will undertake a project to offer improved professional development opportunities for literacy instructors and coordinators, and to increase awareness of the activities of the new Nova Scotia School for Adult Learning (NSSAL). Presentations will be made during the staff meetings of local community based organizations, and public information sessions for learners and potential learners will be held to clarify the NSSAL's role, as well as to disseminate information about other literacy/educational opportunities in the province. Professional development will focus on strategies and skills to enable literacy instructors and coordinators to better serve learners and volunteers, and may include workshops on learning disabilities, coping mechanisms, stress management, and best practices. Participants will complete questionnaires as part of the evaluation process. This project will strengthen knowledge of the NSSAL and other literacy/educational programs in Nova Scotia, as well as providing improved professional development opportunities for literacy practitioners.

(01.12/02 - 31.03/03)

Mrs. Pat Skinner
9996 Chedabucto Mall
P.O. Box 130
Guysborough,NOVA SCOTIA
Tel. (902) 533-3397

Antigonish Guysborough Educational Research Project

The Antigonish Guysborough Black Development Association, in partnership with the Department of Education, will undertake a project to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current adult literacy/educational services in order to formulate an action plan for improving programming to make it more responsive to the needs of African Nova Scotians in six rural communities. An initial literature review will take place to gather the most current information regarding adult literacy/education and development. Interviews and focus groups will be held to collect data about the issues and to increase awareness of the connection between literacy/education and employment, housing and health. A review of current literacy/educational programs will also be conducted. A draft report will be distributed to local, regional, and provincial agencies for review, and community and government partners will be brought together to discuss the report, and to assist with formulation of an action plan and its implementation. The Project Advisory Team will hold regular meetings and conduct a mid-term evaluation to ensure that the project is on track. This project will improve awareness, cooperation and collaboration regarding adult literacy/education issues in the Guysborough/Antigonish Black communities of Nova Scotia, and will lay the groundwork for formulation of an action plan to address the accessibility, relevancy and responsiveness issues in current adult literacy/educational services for this group.

Ms. Yolande Seeley
7196 Sainte Anne du Ruisseau
P.O. Box 590
Ste. Anne du Ruisseau, NOVA SCOTIA
B0W 2X0
Tel.: (902) 648-2253

Planification pour la communauté acadienne - Phase I [planning for the Acadian community - Phase I]

The Équipe d'alphabétisation Nouvelle-Écosse [Nova Scotia literacy team] (‘the team’), which includes representatives and learners from all Acadian regions of Nova Scotia, has been providing literacy services to Acadian adults since 1992. In partnership with members of the Francophone Advisory Committee, the provincial Department of Education and the Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse [Nova Scotia Acadian federation], the team will produce a status report on adult education in the Acadian community through a community survey. Assessment of adult education in the Acadian community will be achieved through: 1) a census of programs and services currently offered, 2) an information and consultation session with stakeholders and interest groups to identify gaps and concerns, and 3) establishment of the basis of a provincial action plan. The consultant responsible for the survey and census will draft a progress report and final report that will provide an update on the evolution, accomplishments and challenges associated with educating adults in French. The full final report will also be submitted to the National Literacy Secretariat.

Mrs. Karen Marsh
1597 Crossley Court
P.O. Box 2465
Tel. (902) 798-5491

Exploration and Identification of Literacy & Related Skills To Meet the Needs of youth in the Vaughn's Area

The Hants Learning Network Association will undertake a project to explore and identify ways to improve the literacy skills of rural, out-of-school youth who do not respond to the traditional/conventional literacy curriculum content and delivery styles. The Hants Learning Network Association will collaborate with key stakeholders in the community to discuss barriers to participation, identify key areas of focus, and develop and promote a program to be piloted with local youth. Interviews will be held with youth in the community to collect information on attitudes and interests as they relate to literacy programming. Guidelines, qualifications, and recruitment procedures will be developed on the literacy/educational requirements of the new program, and facilitators, teachers, mentors, and youth will be solicited to participate in the pilot. Evaluation of the project will take place through ongoing support and input as well as through regular meetings held by the Advisory Committee of the Hants Learning Network Association. This project will provide the basis for future implementation of a flexible and relevant literacy program for youth in the area and will result in a research document that can be utilized by other organizations for future youth literacy program development.

Mrs. Sandra Carver
P.O. Box 146
Queens County
Tel. (902) 682-2680

NSSAL Regional Planning Teams: Coordination & Outreach Project

The Queens County Learning Network, on behalf of the Lunenburg/Queens Regional Planning Team, will undertake a project to clarify and strengthen the knowledge of service providers, referral agencies and the public about adult literacy/upgrading services in the Lunenburg/Queens Region. Activities will include a public awareness campaign, information sessions, and professional development opportunities. Public awareness will consist of updating a directory of literacy service providers and contacts, as well as the publication of posters and a pamphlet promoting regional literacy/educational options. In addition, information sessions will be held in at least eight communities clarifying what literacy and educational opportunities are available in the two counties. Professional development for practitioners will consist of topics such as transitions supports (i.e. supporting learners as they transition from community-based literacy programs to Level III/IV programs or adult high schools), strategies for time management, student assessment, and goal-setting. Adult learners will be asked to complete questionnaires concerning current transition supports available to them, and evaluation forms will be developed and circulated at all information sessions to obtain feedback on the content and delivery of the sessions. This project will strengthen the knowledge of practitioners and the community concerning the literacy/educational opportunities in the region, which will in turn improve referral and coordination of literacy programming.

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