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The CPS is a society of scientists, health professionals, educators and pain advocates who have a vested interest in pain research and management. As a chapter of the IASP, we support the treatment of pain as a basic human right and are currently advocating for a Canadian National Pain Strategy.

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Join today and take advantage of peer-to-peer connections; free access to online events; trainee-specific content; access to Awards & Grants; Special Interest Groups; preferred pricing for our Annual Scientific Meeting; reduced rates for the Canadian Journal of Pain ...and so much more.

Click here to read about our Member  Benefits

Latest News & Information

CPS Annual General Meeting

May 20, 2201  Online

2022 Annual scientific meeting

10-13 May, 2022  |  Hotel Bonaventure, Montreal

2021 Annual Scientific Meeting

Thank you to all those who attended our Annual Scientific Meeting! To view the agenda please click the button below. 

2021 ASM Agenda

2020 CPS+ Webinar Series

Webinar Recordings

Previously held webinars are now available to view or purchase.


All members are able to access the recording for FREE.



Non-members are able to purchase access to our recordings.



If you registered for a Webinar, then you will have been sent an email with an access link.


2021 Annual Scientific Meeting


We’re excited to announce our first fully virtual CPS Annual Scientific Meeting for April 27-30 2021!

Many factors have gone into this decision. Yes, the uncertainty concerning how the next year will unfold is high on our list, but we are also excited that this new event creates an exceptional opportunity for us to bring our community together, from all regions of the country, and around the world.

Having consulted with those inside and outside the Society, our Scientific Program Committee (SPC) firmly believes that coming together in a virtual setting will expand the opportunity for all participants -- scientists, healthcare professionals, trainees and people with lived experience of pain -- to meet and exchange up-to-date information on pain mechanisms, assessment, and management. The SPC will offer a balanced, diverse, and cutting-edge scientific program that reflects different areas of science from the pain community.

Your participation is integral for the success of our ASM, and the continued progress of pain research, education and management. 

We will be sending out regular updates as we build our program and virtual event.

Thank you to those who have submitted!

Please contact Jeff Mogil, Awards Chair - jeffrey.mogil@mcgill.ca 

Contact Us

Email: office@canadianpainsociety.caoff

Telephone +1 416 642 6379

301-250 Consumers Road
Toronto ON M2J 4V6


The Canadian Pain Society is a proud chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain.

Social Media

About the CPS

The mission of the CPS is to bring together scientists, educators, health care professionals, and patients to foster education and research on pain mechanisms and management, and to improve access to high-quality care with the goal of preventing and treating pain more effectively.

Copyright ©2020 Canadian Pain Society


301-250 Consumers Road, Toronto ON M2J 4V6

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