PGI Manitoba 2006

PGI 2006 voted a great success

“It was a glorious day on a beautiful golf course serving a very important cause.” That’s how Wally Stewart, Coordinator of this year’s PGI, summed up the 2006 event.

“We have been truly blessed,” said Wally, as he took in the sunshine along with the music of Walle Larsson and Jodie Borle, and marvelled at the enthusiasm of the throng of golfers and volunteers. “We are especially grateful to Shelagh Rogers of CBC’s ‘Sounds Like Canada” for finding the time in her hectic schedule to join Annitta Stenning as Host of the PGI this year.”

The true purpose of the day was brought into focus by Sharon Churchill, this year’s winner of the Co-operators' Learner Award, as she enthralled the banquet guests with her story of her successful struggle to increase her level of literacy with the help of her instructors at the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation. In the picture above, Jordan Derlago of the Co-operators is presenting the award to Sharon.

Laurie Mustard served as Poet Laureate with his robust poem, poetically introduced by CBC’s Terry MacLeod - a wonderful way to bring an end to the day’s festivities.

Congratulations to our Winning Team from COOL FM made up of: Brian Wortley, Tony Mariani, John Norris and Murray Hill, and our Most Honest Team of: Wendell Wiebe, Kristy Parker, Dan Sharples and Carol Pauls from Bristol Aerospace and Manitoba Aerospace.

And thanks to our sponsors and contributors whose generous support each year make this event possible.

Wally Stewart has indicated that after four years as coordinator of the PGI he will be stepping down. “I took on the job in 2002 at the request of my friend, Marg Rose. That one year commitment turned into four rewarding years.”

Wally expressed gratitude to Lorri Apps and the staff of Literacy Partners of Manitoba for their tireless support and to the countless volunteers who helped plan and run the event. He specifically raved about the Management Team of 2006 and the 30+ volunteers who, guided by Volunteer Coordinator Marilyn Sabine, did such a wonderful job on golf day.

Stewart wrapped up his comments as follows:

Literacy is an Essential Skill on the job and in life in general. Thank you all for making the PGI such a success."

Mark your calendars for June 11 th, 2007, the date of next year’s Manitoba PGI.

Click here for more photos of this event.

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PGI Manitoba 2006

National Sponsors

Great- West Life London Life Canada Life
Canada Post
CBC Radio Canada
The Cooperators
ABC Canada

Local Sponsors

Major Sponsors

Workplace Education Manitoba Steering Committee (WEMSC)
The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg.
Manitoba Lotteries
Starbucks Coffee
The Winnipeg Sun
Cool FM 99.1
CanWest Global
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP


Hole Sponsors

Jazz Golf
Manitoba Hydro
The Winnipeg Foundation
Stephen Rosenfield FCGA
Manitoba Blue Cross
Berkshire Securities
Fort Garry Brewing
Intergraphics Decal
Manitoba Pork Council
Winnipeg Women's/Winnipeg Men's Magazine
Pizza Hut
Subway Restaurants
Winnipeg Free Press
Tribal Councils Investment Group
Agricore United
Vickar Community Chevrolet


Major Prize Sponsors

Waste Management of Canada Corp.
Pitblado LLP

Food Sponsors

Manitoba Pork Council
Toledo Foods
Maple Leaf Foods
City Bread
Louis Riel Arts and Technology Centrer



Canada Post logo The Co-operators logo
Great West Life logo    

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