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Best Practices - Treatment and Rehabilitation for Seniors with Substance Use Problems

5. Inventory of Specialized Programs (continued)

Program Name: Seniors Well Aware Program (SWAP)


411 Dunsmuir Street, 3 rd Floor
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1X4


(604) 987-7927


(604) 669-8294

Contact Person:

Denise Bradshaw

Website: Next link will open in a new window



Treatment Orientation:

None specified

Geographic Area Served:

Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster

Referral Sources:


Inclusion Criteria for Service:

Age 55 and over

Exclusion Criteria for Service:

None specified

Profile of Clients Served:
Average age: 73
Predominant substance(s): alcohol, benzodiazepines, over-the- counter drugs
Gender ratio: M/F 60/40

Treatment Interventions:
Case management
Multidisciplinary case conferencing
Assessment. (In facility and via outreach)
Individual therapy. (In facility)
Withdrawal Management (detox) (In facility and via outreach)
Individual counselling. (In facility and via outreach)
Family support (Via outreach)
Education (In facility and via outreach)
Support groups - clinician facilitated; peer facilitated
Aftercare/maintenance: contact client at intervals
Theatre group
Social events

Associated Program Supports:
Supportive housing
Medical care
Residential care

Number of Full Time Equivalent Staff: Not specified
Management: 1.0
Clinician/therapist: 1.0
Physician: 2.0 sessional
Nurse/nurse practitioner: 2.6
Social workers: Not specified

Background or Experience of Specialist for Seniors with Substance Use Problems:
Not specified

Specialized Training for Staff:
Peer education
Seminars/video conference
Informal or on-the-job training
Consultation with outside experts
Specific training areas: geriatric medicine, geriatric mental health,
community development.

Key Resources:

Alcohol Use Does Not Stop at Your Door; Barriers to Treatment for Older Adults

Other Services Referred to:

Variety of services

Key Partnerships:

Simon Fraser University - Gerontology Department

Vancouver Coastal Health Authority: Community Health Services

Fraser Health Authority: Geriatric Mental Health

BC Housing Health Services Program

Senior's community centres

Approximate Cost to Run Program:

Not specified

Ongoing Monitoring or Evaluation Activities:

Not specified

Reports or Evaluations:

Not specified

Program Name: Victoria Innovative Seniors' Treatment and Assessment Program (VISTA)


2828 Nanaimo Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8T 4W9


(250) 953-3966


(250) 356-9342

Contact Person:

Heather Cook, Manager Geriatric Psychiatry Programs


Government: Regional Health Authority

Treatment Orientation:

VISTA believes that physical, psychological, behavioural, environmental and spiritual factors interact in the experience of wellness. They recognise this to be particularly true for older people who may be caught in a web of age-related concerns which include the misuse of alcohol and/or prescription drugs, and elder abuse/neglect issues. VISTA supports a variety of therapeutic approaches that value individual differences, personal responsibility, and self-determination. Its objective is to work in partnership with other agencies to provide integrated services designed to meet the unique needs of seniors.

Geographic Area Served:

Victoria and surrounding region

Referral Sources:

Referral can be made by anyone, including family, individual, agencies, physicians.

Inclusion Criteria for Service:

Seniors with an addiction issue, over the age of 55 who require an outreach service.

Exclusion Criteria for Service:

Under age 55

Profile of Clients Served:

Average age: 73
Predominant substance(s): alcohol
Gender ratio: M/F 44/56

Treatment Interventions:
Case management
Multidisciplinary case conferencing
Assessment (Via outreach)
Withdrawal management (detox) (Via outreach)
Individual therapy (Via outreach)
Group therapy
Education (Via outreach)
Support groups - clinician facilitated; peer facilitated
Aftercare/maintenance: contact client at intervals

Associated Program Supports:
Residential care

Number of Full Time Equivalent Staff: 11
Management: 1
Administrative/support staff: 1
Clinician/therapist: 7
Physician/geriatrician: 1
Nurse; nurse practitioner: 1
Outreach workers - all clinicians, the nurse, and the physician (when

Background or Experience of Specialist for Seniors with Substance Use Problems:
Not specified

Training Opportunities for Staff:
Peer education
Seminars/video conference
Informal or on-the-job training
Consultation with outside experts
Training in the use of assessment instruments

Key Resources:

Educational resources developed for Seniors groups and other health care providers.

Other Services Referred to:

In-patient geriatric psychiatry programs, long term care, home support services, elderly outreach, Cool Aid, and day programs.

Key Partnerships:

Sponsors: Victoria Gerontology Association, Capital Health Region seniors health programs
Ministry of Health Continuing Care Programs, Capital Health Region

Community Partners: Capital Health Region, primary and community care programs, long term care, home nursing care, community rehabilitation, nutrition, quick response team, hospital liaison, acute care hospital staff, residential care facilities, home support agencies, Elderly Outreach Service, Oak Bay Lodge, Veterans Affairs Canada, Capital Region Housing, senior peer counsellors, Silver Threads Service.

Approximate Cost to Run Program:
$430 000 per annum

Ongoing Monitoring or Evaluation Activities:

No formalized ongoing evaluative mechanisms

Reports or Evaluations:

None completed

Program Name: Substance Abuse in Later Life (SAILL)


Rockyview General Hospital
Seniors Health Acute Care Outpatient Department
7007-14th Street S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2V 1P9


(403) 541-3441


(403) 212-1230

Contact People:

Christine Saltuklaroglu; Linda Hutchings; Heather McHugh



Treatment Orientation:

The SAILL program's mission is to provide flexible treatment approaches designed to reduce the effects of later life substance abuse and improve mental, physical, social and spiritual quality of life. To achieve this mission, a philosophy of harm reduction is adopted which emphasises a goal of complete abstinence but also focuses of efforts to reduce substance misuse and minimise damaging effects whenever abstinence is not achieved.

Geographic Area Served:

Calgary Health Region

Referral Sources:

SAILL may receive referrals from families, home care workers, other physicians, in-patient referrals from Rockyview General Hospital or other hospitals, community agencies, social workers. Each referral must ultimately be accompanied by a referral from the family physician.

Inclusion Criteria for Service:

Age 60 and over with substance use problems.

Exclusion Criteria for Service:

No one who is in a long term care facility or who has a moderate-severe dementia problem, and no one with a severe hearing loss.

Profile of Clients Served:

Average age: 74 or 75

Predominant substance(s): 90% alcohol, some prescription drugs

Gender ratio: M/F 35/65

Treatment Interventions:
Case management
Multidisciplinary case conferencing
Assessment (In facility and via outreach)
Individual therapy (In facility and via outreach)
Group therapy (In facility)
Family therapy (In facility)
Education. (In facility and via outreach)
Aftercare/maintenance: contact client at intervals and offer a
social monthly support luncheon for former and new clients

Associated Program Supports:
Medical care

Number of Full Time Equivalent Staff: 1.5 until March of 2002
Clinician/therapist: 1.5 until March 2002
Psychologist: accessible if needed
Psychiatrist: accessible if needed
Physician: 1 is accessible
Nurse; nurse practitioner: 0.2 (included in clinicians, above)

Background or Experience of Specialist for Seniors with Substance Use Problems:
All have been to in-services and education sessions (.2 RN; .5 Masters
in Social Work; .8 Recreational Therapists)

Training Opportunities for Staff:
Peer education
Informal or on-the-job training
Consultation with outside experts

Key Resources:

Practising Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (by Patt Denning);

Changing for Good (by Prochaska); Behavioural Couples Therapy for Alcoholism (by Rotunda & O'Farrell)

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version; Several handouts, exercises and videos through our educational group component.

Other Services Referred to:

Alberta Alcohol & Drug Abuse Commission, Alcoholics Anonymous, facilities with programs for detoxification.

Key Partnerships:

Older Persons and Alcohol List (OPAAL) network, Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, Calgary Health Region seniors health geriatric consultation, and mental health services.

Approximate Cost to Run Program:

Not specified

Ongoing Monitoring or Evaluation Activities:

Not specified

Reports or Evaluations:

Not specified

Last Updated: 2003-02-26 Top