A vibrant community of researchers and decision makers working together toward evidence-based health care and health policy.

Membership Benefits Include:

   Reduced rates for attending the Annual CAHSPR Conference;

   Full online access to the Healthcare Policy Journal;

   Free (optional) membership in CAHSPR theme groups; and

   Online access to your member profile.


Theme Groups

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Collaborative Healthcare Improvement Partnerships

Health Human Resources

Maternal & Child Health

Primary Health Care

Student Working Group


December 16, 2019 in News

The CAHSPR board of trustees is pleased to announce the new Executive Director of CAHSPR, Maggie Keresteci

CAHSPR's new Executive Director, Maggie Keresteci Maggie Keresteci’s career trajectory has been fueled by her belief that when someone listens, healthcare improves and lives change. Maggie’s relentless curiosity led her…
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CAHSPR Community

CAHSPR is a vibrant community of diverse individuals from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, with a shared interest in health services and policy research.

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