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15. Selected Bibliography

Addiction Research Foundation (1996). The Hidden Majority: A Guidebook on Alcohol and Other Drug Issues for Counsellors Who Work with Women. Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation.

Allen Karen (1994). "Development of an instrument to identify barriers to treatment for addicted women from their perspective," The International Journal of the Addictions, 29, 4: 429 - 444.

Beckman, Linda (1994a). "Barriers to alcoholism treatment for women," Alcohol, Health and Research World, 18, 3: 208.

Beckman, Linda (1994b). "Treatment needs of women with alcohol problems," Alcohol Health and Research World, 18, 3: 206 - 211.

Beckman, Linda and H. Amaro (1986). "Personal and social difficulties faced by women and men entering alcoholism treatment," Journal of Studies in Alcohol, 47, 2: 135 - 145.

Booth, R E., T.J. Crowley, and Y. Zhang (1992). "Substance abuse treatment entry, retention and effectiveness: Out-of-treatment opiate injection drug users," Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 42: 11 - 20.

Burman, Sondra (1994). "The disease concept of alcoholism: Its impact on women's treatment," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 11, 2: 121 - 126.

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (1999). Canadian Profile. (Published jointly by Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse & Centre for Addiction & Mental Health).

Canadian Mental Health Association, Nfld. Division (1993). Planning for Change: Women and Chemical Dependencies. Conference Report, St. John's, Nfld, June 11 - 13, 1993.

Condelli, W. and R. Hubbard (1994). "Relationship between time spent in treatment and client outcomes from therapeutic communities," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 11, 1: 25 - 33.

Cook, Shirley Pinder and Scott Briar. "The effectiveness of indigenous recovering outreach counsellors in reaching substance abusing women of colour within the drug culture," Reprint 47, from The Source, Berkeley National Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center, C.A.

Cooper, E.F. (1991). Alcohol Use and Abuse by Women. Congressional Research Report: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

To Top

Copeland, J. (1997). "A qualitative study of barriers to formal treatment among women who self-managed care in addictive behaviours," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 14, 2: 183 - 190.

Copeland, Jan and W. Hall (1992). "A comparison of predictors of treatment dropout of women seeking drug and alcohol treatment in a specialist women's and two traditional mixed-sex treatment services," British Journal of Addictions, 87: 883 - 890.

Covington, Stephanie (1998a). "The relational theory of women's psychological development: Implications for the criminal justice system," Female Offenders: Critical Perspectives and Effective Interventions. Maryland: Aspen Publishers.

Covington, Stephanie (1998b) "Women in prison: Approaches in the treatment of our most invisible population," Breaking the Rules: Women in Prison and Feminist Therapy. Judy Harden and Marian Hill (eds.). New York: Haworth Press.

Covington, Stephanie (1999). Helping Women Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction.

San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Creamer, Sue and Claire McMurtrie (1998). "Special needs of pregnant and parenting women in recovery: A move toward a more woman-centered approach," Women's Health Issues, 8, 4: 239 - 245.

Cunningham, J. A. and L .C. Sobell (1993). "Barriers to treatment: Why alcohol and drug abusers delay or never seek treatment," Addictive Behaviours, 18: 347 - 353.

Dahlgren, L. and A. Willander (1989). "Are special facilities for female alcoholics needed? A controlled 2-year follow-up study from a specialized female unit (EWA) versus a mixed male/female treatment facility," Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 13: 499 - 504.

Davis, Shoni (1994). "Drug treatment decisions of chemically dependent women,"

The International Journal of Addictions, 29, 10: 1287 - 1304.

To Top

Drabble, Laurie (1996). "Elements for effective services for women in recovery: Implications for clinicians and program supervisors," In Chemical Dependency: Women at Risk. Brenda Underhill and D. Finnegan (eds.). Binghamton, NY.

Haworth Press.

Eliany, M. and B. Rush (1992). How Effective Are Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and Treatment Programs? A Review of Evaluation Studies. A Canada's Drug Strategy Baseline Report. Ottawa.

Finkelstein, N. (1993). "Treatment programming for alcohol and drug-dependent pregnant women," International Journal of the Addictions, 28, 13: 1275 - 1309.

Finkelstein, N. (1994). "Treatment issues for alcohol and drug-dependent pregnant and parenting women," Health and Social Work, 19, 1: 7 - 15.

Finkelstein, N., N. Brown, and C. Laham (1981). "Alcoholic mothers and guilt: Issues for caregivers," Alcoholic Health and Research World, 6, 1: 45 - 49.

Finkelstein, Norma, Cheryl Kennedy, Katharine Thomas, and Marie Kearns (1997).

Gender-Specific Substance Abuse Treatment. Alexandria, Vir.: National Women's Resource Center for Prevention of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse and Mental Illness.

Finney, J., A. Hahn, and R. Moos (1996). "Effectiveness of in-patient and out-patient treatment for alcohol abuse: The need to focus on mediators and moderators of setting effects," Addiction, 91, 12: 1773 - 1796.

Floyd, A. S., S.C. Monahan, J.W. Finney and J.A. Morley (1996). "Alcoholism treatment outcome studies, 1980-92. The nature of the research," Addictive Behaviours, 21: 413 - 428.

Giles, Lisa and Donna Jones-Coleman, NWT Status of Women Council. The Suquamish Tribe Honours Pregnant Women. Newsletter (no date).

Graham, Kathryn and Helen Annis (1996). "A controlled field trial of group versus individual cognitive-behavioural training for relapse prevention," Addiction, 91, 8: 1127 - 1139.

Grant, Bridget (1997). "Barriers to alcoholism treatment: Reasons for not seeking treatment in a general population sample," Journal of Studies on Alcohol, vol. 58(4), 365 - 371.

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Grella, Christine (1996). "Background and overview of mental health and substance abuse systems: Meeting the needs of women who are pregnant or parenting,"

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 28, 4; 319 - 343.

Hagan, T., L. Finnegan, and L. Nelson-Zlupko (1994). "Impediments to comprehensive treatment model for substance dependent women: Treatment and research questions," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 26, 2, 163 - 171.

Health Canada (1995). Horizons Two, Canadian Women's Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Increasing Our Understanding. David Hewitt, Garry Vinje and Patricia McNeil (eds.). Cat. #H39-307/2-1996E.

Health Canada: Office of Alcohol, Drugs and Dependency Issues (1996a). Immigrant Women and Substance Use: Current Issues, Programs and Recommendations, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Cat. #H39-336E/1996E.

Health Canada: Office of Alcohol, Drugs and Dependency Issues (1996b). Rural Women and Substance Use: Issues and Implications for Programming, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Cat. #H39-364/1996E.

Health Canada: Office of Alcohol, Drugs and Dependency Issues (1996c). Rural Women and Substance Abuse: Insights from a National Project in Three Communities. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Governement Services, Cat. #H39-398/1997E.

Health Canada (1997). HIV, AIDS and Injection Drug Use: A National Action Plan. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Cat. #ISBN 1- 896323-22-7.

Health Canada: Office of Alcohol, Drugs and Dependency Issues (1997). Canada's Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey 1994: A Discussion of the Findings. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Governement Services, Cat. #M39-3381/1994E.

Health Canada: Office of Alcohol, Drugs and Dependency Issues (1998). Canada's Drug Strategy. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Cat. # H39-440/1998E.

To Top

Health Canada: Office of Alcohol, Drugs and Dependency Issues (1999). Best Practices :Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Cat. # H39-438/1998E.

Hser, Y., M. Anglin, and Y. Lin (1990 - 1991). "Substance abuse treatment evaluation document: A survival analysis of gender and ethnic differences responsiveness to methadone maintenance treatment," International Journal of the Addictions, 25, 11a: 1295 - 1315.

Humphries, Keith and Brian Mavis (1991). "Factors predicting attendance at self-help groups after substance abuse treatment," Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 4: 591 - 593.

Ja, D.Y. and B. Aoki (1993). "Substance abuse treatment: Cultural barriers in the Asian-American community," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 25 : 61 - 71.

Jarvis, T J. (1992). "Implications of gender for alcohol treatment research: A quantitative and qualitative review," British Journal of Addiction, 87: 1249 - 1261.

Kasl, Charlotte, Davis (1995). Yes, You Can! A Guide to Empowerment Groups. Based on the 16 Steps from Many Roads, One Journey: Moving Beyond the 12 Steps. Lolo, Mont.: Many Roads. One Journey.

Klein, D., D. Crim, and E. Zahnd (1997). "Perspective of pregnant substance-using women: Findings from the California Perinatal Needs Assessment," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 29, 1: 55 - 66.

Kuptana, Rosemarie (1993). "Keeping the circle strong in the North. Solvent abuse, alcohol, and drug strategies for the North." Canadian Women's Studies, 14, 4: 106 - 107.

Laken, M .P, and J.W. Ager (1996). "Effects of case management on retention in prenatal substance abuse treatment," American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 22, 3: 439.

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Lightfoot, Lynn, Manuella Adrian, Gillian Leigh, and Joy Thompson (1996a). "Women's use of and views of substance abuse," Women's Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Canada, Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation.

Lightfoot, Lynn, Manuella Adrian, Gillian Leigh and Joy Thompson (1996b). "Substance abuse prevention and treatment for women: A review of the scientific literature,"

Women's Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs in Canada, Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation.

Loneck, Barry, J. Garrett, and S. Banks (1997). "Engaging and retaining women in out-patient alcohol and other drug treatment: The effect of referral intensity," Journal of Health and Social Work, 22, 1: 38 - 46.

Long, C.G., M. Williams, and C.R. Hill (1998). "Treating alcohol problems: Study of program effectiveness according to length and delivery of treatment," Addiction, 93, 4: 561 - 571.

McCrady, Barbara S. and Helen Raytek (1993). "Women and substance abuse: Treatment modalities and outcomes," In Women and Substance Abuse. E. S. L.

Gomberg and Ted Nurenberg.(eds.). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishers.

Merrill, J. (1998). "Evaluating treatment effectiveness: Changing our expectations,"

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 15, 3 : 175 - 176.

Milby, J.B., J.E. Schumacher, J.M. Raczynski, E. Caldwell, M. Engle, M. Michael, and J. Carr (1996). "Sufficient conditions for effective treatment of substance abusinghomeless persons," Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 43, 1: 39.

Miller, B. A., W. R. Downs, and M. Testa (1993). "Interrelationships between victimization experiences and women's alcohol use," Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. 11: 109 - 117.

To Top

Monti, P.M., D. Abrams, and J.A. Binkoff (1990). "Communication for skills training with family and cognitive behavioural mood management for alcoholics," Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 51(3) 263 - 270.

National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol and Other Drug Use. Proceedings, Edmonton, Alberta, Feb. 6 - 9, 1994. Co-hosted by Health Canada, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and the Alberta Health AIDS Program. Ottawa: Health Canada, 1994.

Nelson-Zlupko, Lani, M. Dore, E. Kauffman, and K. Kaltenbach (1996). "Women in recovery: Their perceptions of treatment effectiveness," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 13, 1: 51- 59.

Office of the U.S. National Drug Control Policy (1996). Treatment Protocol Effectiveness Study. Online. Available: (March 1996).

Pekarik, G. and L. Zimmer (1992). "Relation of client variables to continuance of five types of alcohol treatment settings," Addictive Behaviours, 17: 105 - 115.

Planning for Change: Women and Chemical Dependencies. Conference Report. St. John's, Nfld., June 11- 13, 1993.

Poole, Nancy (1999). "Preventing prenatal damage by caring for women," Native Journal, Jan. Vol 8 (1/2) 16.

Poole, Nancy and Barbara Issac (1999). Mothering and Substance Use: An Exploratory Research Study on Barriers and Supports for Women Who Are Pregnant And Parenting When Accessing Services for Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. Vancouver: British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health.

Reed, B.G. (1987). "Developing women-sensitive drug dependence treatment services: Why so difficult?," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 19, 2: 151 - 164.

Ries, Richard (1993). "Clinical treatment matching models for dually diagnosed patients," Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 16, 1: 167 - 175.

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Robertson, E. B., and J.F. Donnermeyer (1997). "Illegal drug use among rural adults: Mental health consequences and treatment utilization," American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 23, 3: 467 - 484.

Sanchez-Craig, M., G. Leigh, K. Spivak, and H. Lei (1989). "Superior outcome of females over males after brief treatment for reduction of heavy drinking," British Journal of Addiction, 84: 405 - 411.

Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (1993). Drug Treatment and the Needs of Special Populations: Promoting Opportunities for Better Health: Working Paper.

Regina: SADAC.

Schliebner C.T. (1994) ."Gender-sensitive therapy: An alternative for women in substance abuse treatment," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 11, 6: 511 - 515.

Schober, Renate and Helen Annis (1996). "Barriers to help-seeking for change in drinking: A gender focused review of the literature," Addictive Behaviours, 21, 1: 81 - 92.

Second National Treatment Improvement Study, Online. Available at

Org/nties 97/concl.htm.

Simpson, D. Dwayne, G.W. Joe, and G.A. Rowan-Szal (1997). "Drug abuse treatment retention and process effects on follow-up outcomes," Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 47, 3: 227 - 235.

Smith, L. (1992). "Help seeking in alcohol-dependent females," Alcohol and Alcoholism, 27, 1: 3 - 9.

Spooner C., J. Howard, and R. Mattick (1996). The Nature and Treatment of Adolescent Substance Abuse: Final Report of the Adolescent Treatment Research Project. New South Wales, Australia: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Status of Women Council of NWT (1996). Keeping Women and Communities Strong: Women, Substance Abuse and FAS/FAE: A NWT Needs Assessment. Yellowknife: Status of Women Council of NWT.

To Top

Stevens, Sally, N. Arbiler, and P. Glider (1989). "Women residents: Expanding their role to increase treatment effectiveness in substance abuse programs," International Journal of the Addictions, 24, 5: 425 - 434.

Strantz, I.H., and S.P. Welch (1995) . "Postpartum women in out-patient drug abuse treatment: Correlates of retention/completion," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 27: 357 - 373.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (1997). Substance Use Among Women in the United States. Washington D.C.: Office of Applied Studies.

Department of Health and Human Services.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (1999). Substance Abuse Treatment for Women Offenders, Technical Assistance Publication Series No. 23 by Patricia Kassebaum. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Department of Health and Human Services.

Svikas, D. S., H. Lee, and M.L. Stitzer (1997). "Attendance incentives for out-patients treatment: Effects in methadone and non-methadone maintained pregnant drug dependent women," Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 48, 1: 33 - 41.

Swift, W. and J. Copeland (1996). "Treatment needs and experiences of Australian women with alcohol and drug problems," Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 40, 3: 211 - 219.

Thom, Betsy (1986). "Sex differences in help-seeking for alcohol problems Part 1. The Barriers to help-seeking," British Journal Addiction, 81: 777 - 788.

Thom, Betsy (1987). "Sex differences in help-seeking for alcohol problems Part 2. Entry into treatment," British Journal of Addiction, 82: 989 - 997.

Varcoe, Colleen (1998). From "Better Than Nothing" to "Best Practices": A Background Paper on "Best Practices" in Health Care in Relation to Violence Against Women. British Columbia: Ministry of Health, Ministry Advisory Council on Women's Health.

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Wallen, J. (1992). "A comparison of male and female clients in substance abuse treatment," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 9: 243 - 248.

Waltman, D. (1995). "Key ingredients to effective addictions treatment," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 12, 6: 429 - 439.

Wenzel, S., P. Koegel, and L. Gelberg (1996). "Access to substance abuse treatment for homeless women of reproductive age," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs: A Multidisciplinary Forum, 28, 1: 17 - 30.

Wilke, D. (1994). "Women and alcoholism: How a male-as-norm bias affects research, assessment and treatment," Health and Social Work, 19, 1: 29 - 35.

Wilsnack, S.(1991). "Barriers to treatment for alcoholic women," Addiction and Recovery, July/August, 11 (4): 10.

Young, Enid (1990). "The role of incest issues in relapse," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 22, 2: 249 - 258.

Zankowski, Gloria Lord (1987). "Responsive programming: Meeting the needs of chemically-dependent women," Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 4, 4: 53 - 66.

Last Updated: 2004-10-01 Top