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Priority Announcements - Spring 2005 (Archived)

Research Priorities Institute Research Priorities Joint Research Priorities

Spring Competition 2005

Priority Announcements fund highly rated research applications submitted to CIHR's open competition programs that:

How to Respond to Priority Announcements

Consult the Spring Competition 2005 Priority Announcements listed below for details about each announcement, including the open competitions available and specific instructions on how to apply. Note that in some cases you will be required to complete a "Responsiveness Form." Questions related to open competition programs and how to apply should be directed to the "programs contacts" listed in each announcement.

Responsiveness to the Priority Announcement will be judged relative to the priorities or mandate(s) as indicated in each announcement. The appropriate institute (s), office (s) and partner representatives will have access to the anonymized project titles and summaries to complete the responsiveness review. The responsiveness review will have no impact on the peer review process and peer review committees will not be advised of applications submitted for funding through the Priority Announcement process. The applications determined to be responsive will be funded from the top down in order of ranking.

Applications rated below 3.5 will not be considered for funding by CIHR. Priority Announcement funding is contingent upon the availability of funds. Applicants to research priority announcement competitions will be notified by CIHR only if they will be receiving funding.

A maximum of three (3) responses will be considered per application.

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Research Priorities


Natural Health Products Directorate - Health Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Partnership Program

Funding is available for the following open competition programs:

As part of a focused attempt to support projects of research in all aspects of NHP research, the NHPRP and CIHR is exploring ways in which we can support applications through the CIHR Operating Grants Competition.

For the purposes of this agreement Natural Health Products shall be defined to include plant or plant materials such as herbal products, isolates extracted from plant materials, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and homeopathic products that are used to diagnose, treat and/or prevent disease, restore or correct function or maintain or promote health. Natural Health Products specifically exclude substances regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, radiopharmaceuticals, tobacco and substances administered by injection. Natural health products are products that are deemed to be safe for over-the-counter and self-care use.

While applications are sought in all research areas related to Natural Health Products, particular interest exists for proposals which address research priorities identified during the consultation process conducted establishing the Natural Health Products Research Program (NHPRP). Proposals should also support Health Canada's roles as a responsible, effective and respectful regulator of Natural Health Products. Areas of particular interest include:

  1. Safety monitoring and pharmacovigilance of Natural Health Products
  2. Factors related to the conducting of NHP research in humans notably questions of bioethics and exploration of novel research methodologies and technologies.
  3. Subjects which engage the Natural Health Products Industry.
  4. Research relevant to specific population groups with either high utilisation (e.g. people living with HIV and AIDS) or which face specific issues such as children and older adults)
  5. Use of NHPs for wellness and health promotion
  6. Policy and regulatory based research
  7. Drug interactions with NHPs

More information about the NHPRP can be found on Health Canada Website

Information about the research consultations can be found at Health Canada Website

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Partnership Branch on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application and page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition).

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
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A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contact
Martine Parent
Program Delivery Coordinator
Tel: (613) 941-4634
E mail:

Partnerships Contact
Paula Kirton
Partnership Specialist
Partnerships and Knowledge Translation
Tel: (613)941-0199

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Institute Research Priorities

Institute of Aging (IA)

Funding is available for the following Open competition programs:

The Institute of Aging (IA) will consider for funding applications that are considered relevant to the following areas.

1. Healthy and successful aging
Research is needed on the determinants of healthy and successful aging, including: positive health behaviours and lifestyles, physical activity, nutrition; population health, population aging; aging in rural and remote areas; housing, transportation, living arrangements; social support, isolation, loneliness; life course transitions; participation of seniors in society; family and intergenerational relationships, family structure and processes; economic issues, retirement; leisure / recreation; quality of life; wisdom; resilience; mental heath (prevention of depression, anxiety, and suicide); maintenance of cognitive abilities; death and dying with dignity; prevention of substance abuse and addictions (tobacco, alcohol, gambling); secure aging (prevention of elder abuse and violence).

2. Biological mechanisms of aging
Research in this area should target: cell and tissue senescence; apoptosis; stress and longevity genes; telomeres and telomerase; reproductive aging; neurobiology of aging; DNA maintenance and repair; free radicals and antioxidants; genetic animal models of aging; age-related changes in tissue; systems and functions.

3. Cognitive impairment in aging
The Institute is leading the development of a National Research Strategy on Cognitive Impairment in Aging encompassing cognitive impairment as a continuum, including Alzheimer Disease and other dementias, such as vascular dementia. Areas of research include: biomolecular basis of disease; neuropsychological aspects; genetics and environmental influences; social, psychological and lifestyle influences; normal vs abnormal changes in cognitive function; diagnosis; epidemiology; treatment and prevention (pharmacological and non-pharmacological intervention); caregiving; health services and rehabilitation; safety issues (car driving, fire prevention); ethics; and quality of life. 

4. Aging and maintenance of functional autonomy
The focus of the Institute of Aging is primarily on the functional limitations as the consequences of diseases rather than on the diseases themselves, as these are addressed by other CIHR institutes: frailty and functional decline; motor disabilities, gait and posture, falls; communication (speech, language) and sensory disabilities (hearing, vision); incontinence; aids and adaptation; rehabilitation, geriatric services; home and institutional care and caregiving; major causes of disabilities (stroke, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, respiratory diseases).

5. Health services and policy relating to older people
The Institute of Aging will support research in the following areas: acute and long-term care; home care, community care; residential care (including assisted living, supportive housing and nursing homes); caregiving; nutritional services, dental services; geriatric services, nursing services, medical services (care gap); medication use; end-of-life and palliative care; integrated delivery systems; health and social services related policy analysis.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Aging (IA) on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application, page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition) and page 3 of the Training Module (for the Fellowships and Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards competition).

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
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A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contacts:

Operating Grants

Suzette Dos Santos
Program Delivery Coordinator
Tel: (613) 941-0848

Awards - Fellowships and Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards

Nadia Martino
Program Delivery Coordinator
Research Capacity Development
Tel: (613) 946-0088

Institute contact:

Susan Crawford
Assistant Director - Vancouver
The University of British Columbia
2080 West Mall, Room 038
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Tel: (604) 822-9075
Fax : (604) 822-9304
E-mail :

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Institute of Genetics (IG)

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

Any application where Institute of Genetics (IG) is indicated as the primary or secondary affiliated Institute and relates to the IG mandate will be considered for funding. Our mandate is to support research on the human and other genomes and on all aspects of genetics, basic biochemistry and cell biology related to health and disease, including the translation of knowledge into health policy and practice, and the societal implications of genetic discoveries.

Grants are offered as one-time, non-renewable, one-year bridging grants. These will be to a maximum of $100,000 per grant and will not include equipment. Grants are subject to the availability of funds.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Genetics (IG) as Primary or Second choice in the Suggested CIHR Institute(s) section of page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition).

Completion of the responsiveness form is NOT required. Responsiveness will be judged relative to the mandate. Funding will be awarded according to the ranking list provided after peer review. The peer review committees will not be aware that applications have been determined to be eligible for funding through the Priority Announcement process.

Programs contact:

Tina Lawton
Program Delivery Officer
Tel: (613) 941-1068

Institute contact:

Stephanie Robertson
Assistant Director, Ottawa
Institute of Genetics
Phone: (613) 954-0533
Fax: (613) 954-1800

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Institute of Gender and Health (IGH)

Funding is available for the following Open competition programs:

The mandate of the Institute of Gender and Health is to support research to address how sex (biological factors) and gender (socio-cultural experiences) interact with other factors that influence health to create conditions and problems that are unique, more prevalent, more serious or different with respect to risk factors or effective interventions for women and girls, men and boys. The Institute fosters research about women's and girls' health, men's and boys' health, and gender and health. The Institute wishes to fund applications that are relevant to its five research priorities.

The Institute's research priorities are:

Access and equity for vulnerable populations Promoting health in context of chronic conditions and disabilities Gender and health across the life span Promoting positive health behaviours and preventing addictions Gender and the environment

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) on the Routing Slip of Registration / Application and page 3 of the Training Module (for the Fellowships and the Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards competition)

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
PDF (545 KB) | PDF (311 KB, fillable) | Help ].

A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contact:

Awards - Fellowships and Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards

Nadia Martino
Program Delivery Coordinator
Research Capacity Development
Tel: (613) 946-0088
E mail :

Institute contact:

Ilana Kogan Gombos, Ph.D
Assistant Director
CIHR - Institute of Gender and Health
700 University Extension Centre
8303 - 112th Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2T4
Tel : 780-492-3656
Fax : 780-492-3689
E-mail :

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Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH)

Funding is available for the following Open competition programs:

Grants are offered only to investigators with less than six years of experience as independent investigator since their first academic appointment (i.e. after March 1999, including experience outside Canada), who have never held a CIHR grant as a Principal Investigator (including the HSCF/IHDCYH New Investigators Grants Program), and whose applications relate to the mandate of IHDCYH. For information on the mandate, see the IHDCYH website.

The maximum amount awarded will be $100,000 per grant for up to one year. Only nominated Principal Investigators will be considered. These grants are non-renewable. If applicants are successful in obtaining funding in the next open grants competition, this grant will terminate at the start date of the new grant.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) as primary or secondary choice in the Suggested CIHR Institute(s) section of page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition).

Completion of the responsiveness form is NOT required. Responsiveness will be judged relative to the mandate. Funding will be awarded according to the ranking list provided after peer review. The peer review committees will not be aware that applications have been determined to be eligible for funding through the Priority Announcement process.

Programs contact:

Michelle Hume
Program Delivery Officer
Tel: (613) 957-8842
Fax: (613) 941-1800

Institute contact:

Anne-Cécile Desfaits
Assistant Director
Tel: (514) 412-4414
Fax : (514) 4125-4234
E-mail :

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Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) - HIV/AIDS

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

The Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) will provide support for grants and awards that are relevant to the HIV/AIDS Research Program. The HIV/AIDS Research Program is a collaborative program between CIHR and Health Canada which funds meritorious research grants and research personnel awards across the entire spectrum of HIV/AIDS research.

Applications are sought in all areas of HIV/AIDS research. Applications that address any of the following topics are encouraged, but investigators are not limited to these topics:

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Infection and Immunity - HIV/AIDS on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application, page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants, Randomized Controlled Trials, Equipment Grants and Maintenance Grants competitions and page 3 of the Training Module (for the fellowships and Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards competitions.

The regular competition deadline dates and application procedures apply. For the Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) competition, registrations will be accepted for both the March 1, 2005 and the August 1, 2005 deadlines. Please note that RCT Outlines are required to be submitted for some randomized controlled trials. Please review the Grants and Awards Guidelines for the Randomized Controlled Trials Program to determine whether an RCT Outline is required. In order to receive notification on the outcome of an RCT Outline prior to the August 1, 2005 registration deadline, RCT Outlines must be received by the March 1, 2005 RCT Outline deadline date.

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
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A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contacts:

Operating Grants

Erika Levis
Program Delivery Coordinator
Knowledge Creation Program Branch
Tel: 613-954-6000
Fax: 613-954-1800

Randomized Controlled Trials

Irwin Schweitzer
Program Delivery Officer
Randomized Controlled Trails Division
Tel: 613-941-0718
Fax: 613-954-1800

Equipment/Maintenance Grants

Erika Bertram
Program Delivery Coordinator
Knowledge Creation Programs
Tel: 613-957-8675
Fax: 613-954-1800

Awards - Fellowships

Tanya Gallant
Program Delivery Coordinator
Research Capacity Development Branch
Tel: 613-954-1964
Fax: 613-954-1800

Awards - CGS Master's Awards

Tina Graveline
Program Delivery Coordinator
Research Capacity Development Branch
Tel: 613-946-0093
Fax: 613-954-1800

Institute contact:

Paula Kirton
Team Lead, HIV/AIDS Research Program
Institute of Infection and Immunity
Tel: 613-941-4483

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Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA)

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

IMHA is committed to supporting researchers in the areas of arthritis, bone, oral health, skeletal muscle, skin and MSK rehabilitation.

The Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) will consider for funding applications that are considered relevant to the following areas.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) on the Routing Slip of Registration / Application and on page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition)

Funding is available through the Open Operating Grants Program Only. Applications are funded for one year and are non-renewable. Researchers are eligible to receive only 1 grant through this program.

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
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A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form. Applications rated below 3.5 will not be considered for funding.

Programs contacts:

Karen Chaundy
Program Delivery Coordinator
Tel: 613-954-5396

Institute contact:

Sophia Tsouros
Project Manager/Analyst
CIHR - Institute of Musculosketal Health and Arthritis
Tel: 613-954-3469

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Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA)

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

Completion of the responsiveness form is NOT required.

This Institute wishes to fund any applications that relates to its mandate. For details see the INMHA website. Please indicate in the application form the suggested CIHR Institutes that are relevant to your applications (page 7 of application form).

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) on the Routing Slip of Registration / Application and page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition) [ PDF (fillable, 320 KB) | PDF (94.5 KB) | Help ] or on the equivalent Webform pages.

Completion of the responsiveness form is NOT required. Responsiveness will be judged relative to the mandate. Funding will be awarded according to the ranking list provided after peer review. The peer review committees will not be aware that applications have been determined to be eligible for funding through the Priority Announcement process.

Programs contact

Dominique Lalonde
Program Delivery Officer
Tel: (613) 941-1090
Fax: (613) 954-1800

Institute contact

Richard Brière
Assistant Director,
Tel: (514) 761 6131 ext. 3930

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Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD)

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

The Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD) will consider for funding highly ranked applications submitted to the CIHR operating grants competition that fall below the cut off of the open competition and are considered relevant to the strategic initiative Excellence, Innovation and Advancement in the Study of Obesity and Healthy Body Weight.

The objectives of the INMD strategic initiative are to:

INMD's contribution to a single grant will be based on peer review committee recommendations, but will not exceed $200,000. Operating grants will be funded for a period of up to 3 years.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD) on the Routing Slip of Registration / Application and on page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition). On page 7 of the Research Module, select Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD) under "Sponsoring Institute/Office," and then insert Excellence, Innovation and Advancement in the Study of Obesity and Healthy Body Weight: Operating Grant in the corresponding free-text box marked "Priority/Mandate." Applications that do not provide this indication will not be considered for funding under the strategic initiative.

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
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A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form. Applications rated below 3.5 will not be considered for funding.

Programs contact:

Janet Lemoine
Program Delivery Coordinator
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
160 Elgin Street, room 97
Address Locator 4809A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9
Tel: (613) 952-0916

Institute contact:

Paul Bélanger
Assistant Director- Ottawa
Institute of Nutrition Metabolism and Diabetes
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
160 Elgin Street, Address Locator 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9
Tel: (613) 941-6465
Fax: (613) 954-1800

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Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH)

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

The Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) will consider for funding highly ranked applications in the following area:

Understanding and Addressing the Impacts of Physical and Social Environments on Health

As individuals pass through life's stages, their health is affected by a sequence of "macro- and micro- environments" or "contexts" - both physical and social - such as home/family, daycare/school, workplace/recreation, neighbourhood/ community, region, society or nation-state levels. Numerous public, private and voluntary sector policies and programs are intended to improve the quality of these environments, but the effects are not always optimal in terms of human health.

IPPH will provide support for research projects that: will seek to understand these impacts and/or study policy or program interventions that would benefit the health of populations. Examples include but are not limited to: addressing the health effects of poor housing conditions; understanding the neighbourhood-level impacts of socioeconomic factors on new immigrants in urban contexts; workplace interventions to improve mental health and well-being; understanding the effects of school policies and programs on the health, developmental and learning outcomes of children. For more information, please refer to IPPH's Strategic Plan.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application, page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition) and page 3 of the Training Module (for the Fellowships competitions).

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
PDF (545 KB) | PDF (311 KB, fillable) | Help ].

A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contacts:

Operating Grants

Karen Chaundy
Program Delivery Coordinator
Tel: 613-954-5396


Annik Pilon
Program Delivery Officer
Research Capacity Development
Tel: (613) 954-1963
E mail:

Institute contact:

Michèle O'Rourke
Associate, Strategic Initiatives
Institute of Population and Public Health/
Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
Tel : (613) 952-4539
E-mail :

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Joint Research Priorities

Institute of Genetics and Institute of Population and Public Health

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

The Institute of Genetics and the Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) will consider for funding highly ranked applications in the following area:

Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases

Common genetic diseases are complex. They are multifactorial in nature, resulting from the combined effects of multiple genes as well as environmental influences manifested over the life course. The identification of genes underlying common diseases, and the elucidation of interactions between an individual's genetic endowment and the complex sequence of environmental exposures - physical, chemical, biological, developmental and social - that occur over the life-course, are expected to provide the greatest insight into our understanding of the etiology of human disease. IG and IPPH will provide support for investigators in this developing area of research, through jointly funded awards.

This opportunity aligns with the Canadian Life Long Health Initiative (CLHI), which will provide the research platform for a series of subsequent sub-studies, requiring the involvement of a variety of disciplines such as population and statistical genetics, classical and genetic epidemiology, and others.

Examples include but are not limited to:

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Genetics + Institute of Population and Public Health on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application and on page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competitions).

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
PDF (545 KB) | PDF (311 KB, fillable) | Help ].

A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contact:

Tina Lawton
Program Delivery Officer
Tel: (613) 941-1068

Institute contact:

Milka Popov
Assistant Director
CIHR Institute of Genetics
Tel: (416) 813-7670
Fax : (416) 813-7673

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Institute of Gender and Health, Institute of Population and Public Health and Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

The Institute of Gender and Health (IGH), the Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) and the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) will jointly consider for funding applications in the following area:

Analyzing and Reducing Health Disparities

The health status of virtually all populations varies widely across subgroups, which are defined by factors such as socio-economic status, gender, race/ethnicity, and geography. In Canada, many of these disparities in health status are poorly characterized and documented. Other disparities, while documented, have remained largely unchanged over many years.

The Institutes of Gender and Health, Human Development, Child and Youth Health, and Population and Public Health will provide support for research projects, through jointly funded grants and awards that will describe, investigate and/or reduce such disparities through program and policy interventions. Research projects will need to utilize a trans-disciplinary approach that acknowledges the many possible origins of health disparities, including differences in the biological, socio-economic, physical, and cultural characteristics of populations and their environments, as affected by local practices, policies and programs that impact on health.

Examples of research projects may include, but are not limited to: description and analysis of factors leading to differential "steepness"/magnitudes of health gradients and disparities, whether related to socioeconomic status, sex differences, gender inequalities, and/or ethnicity; assessment of the impacts of program and policy interventions that aim to address the socio-environmental, cultural and/or structural factors that help account for, or may serve to reduce health disparities.

This funding opportunity is in alignment with the CIHR cross-cutting strategic Initiative - Reducing Health Disparities and Promoting Equity for Vulnerable Populations.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting Institute of Gender and Health + Institute of Population and Public Health + Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application, page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition) and page 3 of the Training Module (for the Fellowships competition).

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
PDF (545 KB) | PDF (311 KB, fillable) | Help ].

A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contacts:

Operating Grants

Suzette Dos Santos
Program Delivery Officer
Knowledge Creation Programs
Tel: (613) 941-0848

Awards - Fellowships

Annik Pilon
Program Delivery Officer
Research Capacity Development
Tel: (613) 954-1963
E mail:

Institute contact:

Victoria Bovaird
Reducing Health Disparities Project Officer
Tel: (416) 453-5801
E-mail :

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Institute of Population and Public Health, Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health and Institute of Infection and Immunity

Funding available for the following open competition programs:

The Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) and the Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) will jointly fund highly ranked applications in the following areas:

Global Health Research

The advent of the "global village" is associated with a number of potential health hazards. These include the more rapid spread of infectious diseases, some of which are increasingly resistant to treatment; and the increased adoption of unhealthy "Western" lifestyles by larger numbers of people. Canada's health status is increasingly affected, like that of many countries, by global ecological, technological, economic, political and socio-cultural forces. Understanding these "upstream" forces, and their health impacts on vulnerable populations in low, middle and high-income countries - is critical to the future health of all global citizens.

Examples include but are not limited to: addressing the health implications of global climate change and ecological degradation; studying the effectiveness of world-trade and related policy interventions to increase access to generic medicines in low and middle-income country settings; the cost-effectiveness of interventions to strengthen national health systems in an era of globalization; and, studying the effectiveness of implementing regional/local interventions to address, for example, food insecurity, HIV/AIDs, water borne illnesses, violence against women and children, etc. through a strengthened public health and community infrastructure.

This funding opportunity is in alignment with the Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI). For more information on this initiative, please visit our website.

How to Apply

Intent to respond to this Priority Announcement MUST be indicated by selecting of Population and Public Health + Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health + Institute of Infection and Immunity on the Routing Slip of Registration/Application, page 7 of the Research Module (for the Operating Grants competition) and page 3 of the Training Module (for the Fellowships competition).

In addition, completion of the responsiveness form is required
PDF (545 KB) | PDF (311 KB, fillable) | Help ].

A responsiveness review will be done for each application in relation to each research priority. This evaluation will be separate from the scientific review of the full applications, which will continue to be carried out by the CIHR peer review committees. The peer review committee members will not receive the Responsiveness Form.

Programs contacts:

Operating Grants

Karen Chaundy
Program Delivery Coordinator
Tel: (613) 954-5396

Awards - Fellowships

Annik Pilon
Program Delivery Officer
Research Capacity Development
Tel: (613) 954-1963
E mail:

Institute contact:

Michele O'Rouke
Associate, Strategic Initiatives
Institute of Population and Public Health /
Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
Tel: (613) 952-4539
E-mail :

Created: 2003-12-03
Modified: 2005-09-30
Reviewed: 2004-08-27