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Rural and Northern Health Research - New Emerging Team Grants (Archived)

Request for Applications - Archive

CIHR is pleased to announce a strategic initiative in Rural and Northern Health Research

Rural and Northern Health Research (RNHR) is a CIHR strategic cross-cutting initiative led by the Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health with co-lead involvement from the Institute of Public and Population Health and the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. RNHR is supported by all CIHR institutes.

New Emerging Team (NET) Grants
New Emerging Team grants are intended to support the creation or development of teams comprised of investigators undertaking collaborative, multidisciplinary research. The program is intended to promote the formation of new and previously non-existent research teams or the growth of small existing teams of researchers in the area of rural and northern health.


November 1, 2003
Registration deadline; must be courier stamped by this date.
January 15, 2004 Full proposals deadline; must be courier stamped by this date
June 1, 2004 Notification of decision
July 1, 2004 Anticipated start date
Duration of funding Up to five (5) years

Up to a total of $1.2million per year, depending on the availability of funds.

The maximum amount per grant is $ 300 000 per year.

Table of Contents

Objectives of this Request for Applications
Eligibility Criteria
Allowable Costs
Evaluation Process and Criteria for Peer Review
Specific Conditions of Funding
How to Apply
RFA Performance Outcomes and Measures
Contacts for Further Information

Information on the following areas can be found in the strategic initiative announcement Rural and Northern Health Research:

Introduction, Background, Eligible Research Areas, Funds Available, Partners and their Specific Focus Areas, Research Programs, Peer Review Process, Contacts for Further Information.

Objectives of this Request for Applications

Health researchers in rural and northern health are currently faced with the challenge of addressing a growing number of important research questions in the face of critical deficits in research capacity. Therefore the purpose of this RFA is to address this challenge by building capacity among teams of investigators who are poised to conduct research and translate new knowledge in rural and northern health. The funding associated with this RFA is intended to enhance the capacity of groups of researchers to address key research themes related to rural and northern health through the creation of strong intra- and inter-institution mentoring arrangements to add expertise to their core capabilities. Important aspects of this capacity-building program are the objectives of forging multidisciplinary teams around rural/northern health themes and attracting researchers from relevant disciplines who have not been primarily (or at all) previously involved in this area of health research.

The essence of NET team grants is to provide support for new or existing groups who can demonstrate that they are committed to engendering a trans-disciplinary research culture and to attracting into, engaging and mentoring junior researchers (faculty and post-doctoral fellows not otherwise funded) or established researchers who have not worked extensively in Rural and northern health in the past, within teams or networks working on Rural and northern health research themes. The creation or enhancement of teams likely to develop new, or refine existing, research methods or tools, is encouraged.

The specific objectives of the New Emerging Teams grant program under the strategic initiative Rural and Northern Health Research are to:

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for all CIHR research funding (grant) programs apply. Please refer to Eligibility for Research Funding Programs on the CIHR website.

The business office of the institution of an eligible Principal Applicant generally administers CIHR funds. The eligibility requirements for Institutions are found on the CIHR website in the Financial Administration of Funds Guide.

In addition to the standard CIHR eligibility requirements, the following special conditions apply:

Allowable Costs

Applicants should review CIHR's guidelines on Eligible Expenditures for Research Funding Programs for a complete listing and description of allowable costs and activities.

The full application must provide a detailed justification of all costs.

Allowable costs for a NET grant under the strategic initiative Rural and Northern Health include:


The maximum amount per grant is $300,000 per annum including equipment.

Funding for New Emerging Team grants will be provided for a period of up to five (5) years, subject to a satisfactory progress review at 2.5 years.

Total amount available for this initiative is $1.2 million per year, depending on the availability of funds.

Evaluation Process and Criteria for Peer Review

A committee comprised of members of CIHR's Scientific Advisory Committee on Rural and Northern Health will determine the relevance of the applications to the strategic initiative in Rural and Northern Health and responsiveness to the eligibility criteria of the NET program.

A special ad hoc, multi-disciplinary, peer review committee with expertise in areas relevant to rural and northern health could be established to evaluate the full applications. Names of the peer review committee members will be posted on the CIHR website.

On completion of the review, CIHR and partners will receive the ranking lists, merit scores (ratings) and recommendation of the Committee for the applications submitted. Based on the total funds available for the initiative, top ranked applications will be funded. Applications receiving a score less than 3.5 will not be considered for funding.

In addition to the general evaluation criteria outlined in the CIHR peer review process for grants, applications will be evaluated on the following:

Specific Conditions of Funding

All conditions, as specified in CIHR's Grants and Awards Guides and the strategic initiative Rural and Northern Health, shall apply to New Emerging Teams funded through this initiative. Conditions cover areas such as Applicant and Institutional Responsibilities, Ethics, Official Language Policy, Access to Information and Privacy Acts, and Acknowledgement of CIHR support. Successful recipients will be informed of any special financial conditions when they receive CIHR's Authorization for Funding Form (AFF).

In addition to CIHR standard guidelines and requirements the following special conditions shall apply:

How to Apply

Applicants should review the instructions of the application process for Operating Grants on "How to Apply" on the CIHR website.

In completing CIHR forms, be sure to refer to both the Grants and Awards Guides and the guidelines for completion specific to each module. The proposals must address all criteria as described below under "Evaluation Process and Criteria for Peer Review"

Please note that in order to apply to CIHR you must have a CIHR or MRC Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you do not already have a PIN, please follow the application procedures and allow at least one working day to receive confirmation. More than one working day may be required in peak periods - late January and early August.

Full application

In completing CIHR forms, be sure to refer to both the Grants and Awards Guides and the guidelines for completion specific to each module.

The following application forms/modules are required, using the CIHR application forms (modules).

  1. CIHR Research Module
    • Indicate "Rural and northern health: NET Program" in the section "Name of Industrial Partner(s) OR Partnership Program OR Special Program".
  2. CIHR CV Modules for all applicants/team members
  3. CIHR Operating Budget Module (including the costs of personnel, travel, supply/equipment, etc.) which fully justifies each item of funding requested

The original and 5 copies of the full application are required. Only complete applications will be considered.

Send applications by Courier to:

RE: "Rural and northern health: NET Grants"
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Research Portfolio
410 Laurier Avenue W., 9th Floor
Address Locator 4209A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9

RFA Performance Outcomes and Measures

CIHR and its partners will assess performance of this initiative through ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluation. We are committed to informing Canadians about the performance of our initiatives and the results that they deliver.

The following table is intended to further clarify objectives by linking them to expected outcomes and measures. All funded applicants will be expected to participate in the evaluation strategy, contributing advice, data and reports as required for assessment purposes.

Foster cross-theme research in rural and northern health with an emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach. Multidisciplinary and cross-theme research in rural and northern health Multidisciplinary and cross-theme nature of operating grant applications and subsequent publications

Awardees opinion on the effectiveness of the program to foster multidisciplinary and cross-theme research

Create a team environment that favours the development of excellent and innovative research projects that will advance our understanding of rural and northern health. Increased quality and productivity of award recipients in area of rural and northern health Applications to operating grants and success rate

Knowledge translation activities (publications, patents, colloquia,)

Train and establish new investigators capable of undertaking research relevant to understanding rural and northern health. Increased number of trainees in rural and northern health

Establishment of new investigators in rural and northern health

Number of trainees within the teams

New investigators that are integrated in the teams

Contacts for Further Information

For questions regarding application forms and submission requirements, contact:

Kalpana Phansalker B.Sc., B.A.Sc. (Eng.)
Program Officer
Health & Clinical Research Unit
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
410 Laurier Ave. W., 9th Floor, Address Locator 4209A
Ottawa, ON Canada
Tel: (613) 954-5998
Fax: (613) 952-2277

For general questions about the strategic initiative Rural and Northern Health Research, please do not hesitate to contact:

Ginette Thomas B.A., M.A.
Project Director
Rural and Northern Health Research
Research Portfolio
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
410 Laurier Ave. W., 9th Floor, Address Locator 4209A
Ottawa, ON Canada
Tel: (613) 954-0616
Fax: (613) 941-0568

Created: 2003-06-30
Modified: 2004-04-21