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Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA)

Institute Advisory Board

September 11 and 12, 2002 (Ottawa, ON)


J. Aubin, E. Badley, E. Biden, B. Chan, A. Cooper (Chair), F. Dell, J. Dossetor, C. Frank (Scientific Director), J. Lund, J. McGowan, M. Milner, D. Morrice, R. Poole (joined at 1400 hrs), I. Skerjanc; M. Denecky, H. Plante, E. Robson, S. Tsouros, D. Ward


M.A. Linseman


D. McLean, R. McMurtry, H. Menard

Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions Archie Cooper
The meeting was called to order at 8:30am. A. Cooper welcomed Drs. Chan and Milner (ad hoc Board members) and Ms. Sophia Tsouros (IMHA's Ottawa-based Resource) to their first Advisory Board meeting; remaining board members and Institute Staff were introduced and offered brief comments about their roles on the Board and in the Institute.

A. Cooper respectfully invited everyone to observe a minute of silence in recognition of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest declared. A. Cooper noted that ad hoc members, Drs. Milner and Chan, were non-voting members of the Board but would be asked to annually sign a 'Declaration of Conflict' form in addition to verbal declaration prior to the commencement of each meeting.

1. Approval of Agenda Archie Cooper
The agenda for the IAB meeting of September 11 and 12, 2002 was approved as circulate

2. Approval of IAB Minutes of June 13, 2002 Archie Cooper
It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the IAB minutes of June 13, 2002 be approved as circulated with revision as follows: Agenda item 12, Gap Grants and Review Process, second paragraph, last sentence to begin: "Revised CIHR eligibility guidelines..".

3. Scientific Director's Report Cy Frank
To prepare for the Institute Advisory Board Strategic Planning Retreat in October, the main purpose of the September meeting was to provide the Board with needed background information to provoke their thinking about the future direction of the Institute and revision of IMHA's Strategic Plan.

4. Institute Name Change Cy Frank
For the benefit of the new board members, C. Frank reviewed the history around the possibility of a change in the Institute's name and invited final discussion and direction from the Board re next steps. Lively discussion ensued with many of the pros and cons raised in earlier discussions on the topic again being brought forth. It was generally felt that each of the foci needed to be recognized in some manner and that this might be accomplished by adding a byline to the Institute name and using it on correspondence, the website, etc.

Further discussion was tabled until later in the day. [For reader-ease, the writer concludes this agenda item here.]

C. Frank re-focused the IAB on the discussion of the Institute name change. It was moved by J. Aubin, seconded by F. Dell and carried That the Advisory Board of the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis recommend no change to the Institute name but that a by-line be developed which would be as inclusive as possible of the foci. One opposed; C. Frank abstained.

5. IAB Renewal/Appointment Process Cy Frank
C. Frank reported that Governing Council was going through a process of figuring out how to renew boards. Working with a consultant, board chairs and scientific directors are being surveyed with respect to board turnover, mechanisms of replacement, etc. At the present time there is no clear directive about how and when terms will end but a thoughtful process of replacement (balance, good representation in the six focus areas) is being considered. Scientific directors will be reviewed in 2003 (completion of term in 2004) with possibility of renewal for one further four-year term.

6. IAB Retreat Cy Frank
The IAB Strategic Planning Retreat will be held, October 18-20, 2002, in Montreal. Agenda and materials to follow in due course

7. IAB Meeting Schedule Cy Frank
IAB meetings dates for 2003: January 27 and 28 (Calgary); April 2 and 3 (location TBD); June 4 (teleconference); October 2 and 3 (Ottawa). The 2003 IAB retreat is scheduled for November 21, 22 and 23 (location TBD). The remaining 2002 IAB meeting is a teleconference scheduled for November 20.

8. A Bernstein's Visit to Calgary Cy Frank
Dr. Alan Bernstein, the Minister of Health, and other significant stakeholders are being invited to participate in events planned around the January 2003 IAB meeting in Calgary. Consideration is being given to focusing the event on the launch of a number of IMHA initiatives. The Board will be updated as planning progresses.

9. CIHR Small University Development Grants Cy Frank
In response to E. Biden's question, M.A. Linseman reported that Small University Development Grants had been a transition program from MRC to CIHR with the plan to consider it for renewal provided that Governing Council had year-end funds available to support it. Unfortunately, the program was not renewed.

Another program of possible interest to IMHA is Institute Establishment Grants (up to 300K) which is designed to help recruit at the level of senior scientists. This information will be brought forward for consideration at the October IAB Retreat.

10. Speaker's Program Robin Poole
R. Poole reviewed the pre-circulated program outline. Although coordinating a national program of this magnitude would be a large task, there was agreement that it should be considered further at the October IAB Retreat.

11. Bone and Joint Decade Endorsement (2002-2011) Cy Frank
C. Frank reported that Dr. James Waddell (Chair of the Canadian National Action Network) had been instrumental in getting Canadian endorsement of the Bone and Joint Decade Initiative. It is anticipated that this Initiative will not only open the door for global health initiatives but will also provide a platform for IMHA to promote its initiatives.

12. New Peer Review Committees Cy Frank
The Board was referred to documentation outlining current and new peer review committees. Board members were encouraged to talk to M.A. Linseman if they had questions regarding the new committees or the peer review process in general.

C. Frank reported that, in an attempt to optimize the peer review process in Canada, the Health Charities Council of Canada is organizing a best practices workshop in November. Simplifying and streamlining transparent processes will be key workshop discussion points

13. Results of RFAs Thus Far Helene Plante
H. Plante reported that none of the applications were specific to one foci but rather could reasonably fall within two or more focus areas. A total of 70 LOIs had been received with four IMHA-specific being invited to submit full applications. Currently, IMHA is providing funding for 5 strategic training centers and is recognized (in name only) on an additional five. IMHA will host a meeting in November bringing together the Principal Investigators and Coordinators of the training centers to talk about best practices in terms of administering the centers, meeting evaluation criteria, annual review, etc. Melody Denecky is Project Manager for this initiative.

C. Frank informed the Board of the tragic death of A. (Sandy) Kirkley, one of the applicants in the strategic training grants program. Sandy will be missed very much by family, friends and colleagues.

14. Ethics John Dossetor
J. Dossetor highlighted some initiatives underway within the CIHR Ethics Office, namely: 1) ethics structure; 2) case studies involving secondary use of personal information in health research; 3) recommendations for the interpretation and application of the 'Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act' (PIPEDA); 4) recommendations for stem cell research, pending legislation; and 5) proposed amendments to the Cruelty of Animals Provisions under the Criminal Code (Bill C-15). Board members were referred to the CIHR website for further details re these points.

J. McGowan spoke about NIH's ethics structure that had recently undergone review resulting in the establishment of the Office of Human Research Protection responsible for the development of policy and regulation of institutional review boards (IRB). IRBs do not oversee on-going research but are responsible for the review of protocols and decisions with respect to the ethics of the protocols.

J. Dossetor will attend CIHR's 'Privacy in Health Research Forum' (November 14-15) and report back at the November 20th IAB meeting.

15. Update re CIHR Cross-Cutting Initiatives Cy Frank
Board members were encouraged to review this material (Tab 4) in preparation for the October Retreat and to think about how the CIHR Cross-Cutting Initiatives could fit with IMHA's research themes and priorities. These initiatives are meant to be large thematic areas that have a national niche potential with major impact internationally, potential for partnerships, global reach, etc.

C. Frank noted that 70% of CIHR funding is investigator-initiated (scientific excellence) with 30% in strategic programs which includes the institutes (based on strategic direction). CIHR still has some strategic programs that are carryovers from MRC and it is anticipated that most, if not all, of these programs will sunset in which case additional funds would come available. RPPC (Research Priorities and Planning Committee comprised of Scientific Directors and some CIHR management) will have some input into the sun-setting of these initiatives and related budgets. As the overall CIHR budget increases, it is expected that strategic initiatives funds would increase proportionately.

Considerable discussion ensured with highlights as follows:

  • the CIHR cross-cutting initiatives could have major budget impact in terms of the 30% strategic initiatives funding;
  • it is anticipated that more cross-cutting initiatives will come forward in time;
  • IMHA is co-leading with IHSPR the 'Injury Initiative' (prevention and acute care);
  • IMHA must carefully consider its approach to these initiatives in addition to thinking about other research themes to take forward that IMHA could lead and which would potentially involve other institutes;
  • concern re the scope, proliferation, overlap, and sustainability of the cross-cutting initiatives;

On the Board's direction, C. Frank agreed to communicate the following comments to A. Bernstein regarding CIHR's cross-cutting initiatives:

  • concern re the scope, proliferation, overlap, strategic purpose, and sustainability of the cross-cutting initiatives; coordination recommended to increase cooperation among the Institutes resulting in more concrete planning and wise expenditure of funds;
  • the research community is anxious about the proliferation of RFAs and programs and the perceived lack of coordination among them.

During the lunch break, C. Frank shared these comments with A. Bernstein who indicated that the intent was to roll out the cross-cutting themes over time - not all at once - and to do fewer/bigger initiatives. A. Bernstein invited the help of the IAB in re-focusing efforts in this direction.

[At the time of minute preparation], C. Frank is representing IMHA on the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. F. Dell had agreed to do this on IMHA's behalf but a Scientific Director is required to fill the position. Thanks, Flora, for letting your name stand.

16. Review of IMHA Research Priorities Cy Frank
One of the major discussion points at the October retreat will be IMHA's research priorities (themes). To provoke the Board's thinking, additional priorities were added to the current list of four as follows:
  1. Injury, repair, rehabilitation and prevention
  2. Fitness, physical activity and health
  3. Biomaterials, devices and bioengineering
  4. Alternative and complementary approaches to health
  5. Immunity and inflammation
  6. Pain, disability and chronic disorders
  7. Connective tissue

The Board was encouraged to think about the research themes/priorities in terms of: are they the right ones? are they strategic? how would IMHA prioritize and fund them over what timeframe? what tools to use? These considerations and more will be discussed fully at the upcoming retreat.

17. Annual Report Cy Frank
Received for info.

18. Reports by Focus Area Helene Plante
The Board was referred to the documentation in their IAB binders. H. Plante stated that a number of issues had arisen in gathering this material together, such as: 1) difficulty extracting this information based on key words used by CIHR; and 2) overlap in foci which if you added it up would give you a total budget in excess of actual amounts spent. In summary, RFAs and priorities have to be written more clearly/precisely (inclusion and exclusion) with strategic focus and to entice/encourage partnerships at the very earliest point in the process.

Many common themes arose as foci leads reported on gaps in their respective areas. Generalized comments follow:

  • hold grantsmanship workshops around association/annual meetings; CIHR should produce a template for new/junior investigators so they know how to fill the applications out
  • do environmental scan in each foci to get national perspective (economic burden of illness)
  • more translational research needed
  • need to work/talk across foci to strategically direct RFAs in IMHA
  • look at abstracts of unsuccessful application to see if specific weaknesses or gaps appear; could the peer review Chair/SO provide any feedback to help IMHA plan more strategically?
  • hold workshop to address the weaknesses as a means to remediate
  • need mentors when submitting applications; senior mentors to support junior researchers in the application/re-application process
  • seed $ needed to move rehabilitation, skin and muscle agendas forward
  • consider forming a North American clinical trials network - do more collaboration involving multiple sites
  • numbers re success rates / % in each foci to be distributed to the IAB post-meeting
  • consider building national plan in each foci similar to that underway for the Canadian Arthritis Plan which has resulted from the OA Consensus Conference held April 2002

In conclusion, IAB members thanked Helene for gathering, analyzing and collating the data presented to them and encouraged her to continue to mine the data to see where crossovers/interdisciplinarity occur by foci (will identify synergies). This on-going process will lead ultimately to more strategic and focused RFA development.

18. Workshops
In H. Menard's absence, H. Plante reported that CIHR has funds for workshops but that a review was underway to clarify the process and address the potential issue of double-dipping (funding from both Institutes and CIHR). E. Robson reported that decisions were pending on two new applications for funding.

19. Partnerships Helene Plante
Memoranda of Understanding are in the process of being finalized with the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, and the Natural Health Products Directorate.

20. Communications Doris Ward

D. Ward distributed a draft communications plan outlining initiatives underway and those proposed encouraging IAB members to speak with her if they had any questions/comments.

21. CIHR Knowledge Translation Advisory Committee Flora Dell
F. Dell reported that this committee had not yet met but that she had been invited to a KT 'think tank' on October 16 and would report back at the next IAB meeting.

22. Strategic Planning
As previously discussed, the October Retreat will focused on re-visiting the Strategic Plan, IMHA's research themes/priorities, and strategies/activities.

23. Budget Helene Plante/Denis Morrice
Institute Support: Presented and received for Information.
Strategic Initiatives: Presented and received for information.

24. Policies Archie Cooper
Financial Accountability:
Following discussion, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the 'Guidelines for IMHA Financial Accountability' be accepted as circulated.

Travel Guidelines
Following discussion, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the IMHA Travel Guidelines be accepted as circulated with the exception of the kilometer and per diem rates such that they be adjusted to reflect CIHR rates.

[At the time of minute preparation, it has been confirmed that the rates must reflect the University of Calgary rates until such time as the Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Calgary and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research-IMHA is re-visited and revised.]

Meeting Attendance
For clarification, A. Cooper stated that: 1) attendance of IAB members at meetings, conferences, and/or workshops would depend on the context of role of the Board member; 2) requests to attend may be at the initiative of the Board member a/o the Scientific Director; 3) attendee(s) must play a role in the meeting AND report back to the Board at the conclusion of the meeting; 4) the number of sponsored board members will be considered on a case-by-case basis; 5) if issues require resolution, the Scientific Director/IAB Chair will do so.

With these considerations stated, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the 'Guidelines for IMHA-Sponsored Attendance at Workshops, Conferences and Meetings" be accepted as circulated with the following revisions:

Under 'Frequency of Requests to Attend', first sentence to read: "Normally each IAB member will have access to a maximum of $5,000 of sponsored funding every two consecutive years ... "; and
Statement to be added regarding per diem rate when staying with family/other and no hotel accommodation required.

Each of the above-noted policies is to be revised and the final version circulated to the Board.

24. IMHA Calendar of Events
Received for information.

25. Next Meetings
See Agenda items 6 and 7 for details.

26. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.

"C. Frank" "J. Cooper"

C. Frank
Scientific Director
J. Cooper
Board Chair

Created: 2003-05-29
Modified: 2003-05-08