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Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine - Innovative Approaches in Health Research (2003-2004) (Archived)

Request for Applications

Led by:

Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
Institute of Genetics

In collaboration with partner Organizations and CIHR Institutes (so far):

Canadian Genetic Diseases Network
Canadian Stroke Network
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Institute of Cancer Research
Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health
Institute of Infection and Immunity
Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
National Research Council Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Neuroscience Canada Partnership
Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
Stem Cell Network


Regenerative medicine is an emerging field that seeks to repair or replace injured tissues and organs through natural or bioengineered means. Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology - materials, tools, techniques, and devices based on the nanometer length scale - to health research. The integration of research in these fields has tremendous implications for health care and disease, and represents an exciting new area for Canada. The multi-disciplinary focus of this integrated research also includes the social, cultural and ethical perspectives of human health. A number of leading research organizations, sharing a common strategic priority in regenerative medicine and nanomedicine, have come together with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to help create a national funding framework for Canada. This strategic initiative marks the first step in the evolution of this process, with an initial focus on the areas of Nanotechnology Development and Nanomedicine, Stem Cells, and Tissue Engineering.

Table of Contents

Specific Objectives and Eligible Research Areas
    Nanotechnology Development and Nanomedicine
    Stem Cells
    Tissue Engineering (including biomaterials)
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Funds Available
Areas of Focus and Mechanism of Support
Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative
Contacts for Further Information


The goal of regenerative medicine can be defined as the attempt to stimulate the renewal of bodily tissues or the restoration of function through the use of natural or bioengineered materials. Regenerative medicine could prove extremely beneficial for the treatment of tissue injury and degenerative diseases, taking advantage of recent advances in stem cell technologies, tissue engineered organs, transplantation, nanotechnology and imaging. The application of nanotechnology - materials, tools, techniques, devices based on the nanometer length scale - to the emerging field of regenerative medicine represents a particularly exciting new area of research for Canada.

A number of leading Canadian research agencies and non-governmental and voluntary health organizations have independently recognized the critical need to establish a national strategic research agenda in this area. In collaboration with CIHR, these organizations have come together to launch this strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine. The long-term goal of these collaborations is to stimulate cross-disciplinary research among all the domains of regenerative medicine and nanomedicine, although this initial strategic initiative announcement will be focussed on the specific areas supported by the sponsoring partners.

To help develop eligible research areas for the current initiative, two focussed consensus workshops were recently hosted by several partner organizations and CIHR Institutes. Meeting reports for these workshops, entitled "Developing a Nanomedicine / Nanohealth Research Agenda for Canada," and "Regenerative Medicine in Canada: Defining the National Strategy in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs," are available at the CIHR-sponsored Website As a direct result of these discussions, this strategic initiative announcement includes support for research in Nanotechnology Development and Nanomedicine, Stem Cells, and Tissue Engineering.

The overarching goal of this strategic initiative is to encourage the development of truly multi-disciplinary research approaches to dealing with regenerative medicine and nanomedicine. This includes identifying the social, cultural and ethical impacts of these novel technologies, as well as accessibility issues and the potential economic costs of such treatments. This strategic initiative also seeks to encourage young researchers to enter these fields and to develop a multi-disciplinary perspective. This will require the close collaboration and integration of the physical, engineering, computational and chemical sciences with the biosciences and social sciences.

To help facilitate these goals, this announcement includes support for innovative Pilot Project Grants, New Emerging Teams (NET) Grants, and Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Teams Grants for each of the defined eligible research areas. The commitment to supporting truly innovative and leading edge research makes up the core of this strategic initiative. Applicants are encouraged to design exploratory research projects that could serve as catalysts for future large-scale applications and to draw on the expertise of a wide range of disciplines in their proposed research programs. Key to these projects should be an emphasis on research excellence and the translation of knowledge into a better quality of life for all Canadians.

In addition to these funding opportunities, a number of specific partnered programs are also available in collaboration with this strategic initiative, as described under "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.


Organizations and CIHR Institutes sharing a common strategic priority in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine have come together to support this strategic initiative, as listed below. A brief description of each of the partners is presented in Appendix A. It is expected that additional partners, including industry and the private sector, will join in supporting these efforts over the coming year.

Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (co-lead)
Institute of Genetics (co-lead)
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network
Canadian Stroke Network
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Institute of Cancer Research
Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health
Institute of Infection and Immunity
Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF)
National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
NeuroScience Canada Partnership - Brain Repair Program
Stem Cell Network
Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation

Specific Objectives and Eligible Research Areas

Specific objectives and eligible areas of research for this strategic initiative have been identified under the general areas of Nanotechnology Development and Nanomedicine, Stem Cells, and Tissue Engineering. Note that applications need not be restricted to one area, but can encompass multiple aspects of regenerative medicine and nanomedicine. Details of the funding options available to support these research areas are listed under "Areas of Focus and Mechanisms of Support" later in this announcement.

1. Nanotechnology Development and Nanomedicine

Nanotechnology can be best described as the design, construction, and application of structures, processes, or systems on the nanometer length scale. Nanomedicine is a rapidly expanding field that includes many potential technologies and approaches. The key to this definition is that phenomena and materials at the nanometer scale are known to have properties that are uniquely attributable to that scale length. Nanomedicine could similarly be defined as the design, synthesis, or application of materials, devices, or technologies in the nanometer-scale for the basic understanding, diagnosis, and / or treatment of disease.

Many current initiatives in nanotechnology and nanomedicine do not meet the strict definitions above, since their design was not predicated on the unique performance characteristics of the nanometer scale length. However, these various microscale technologies are still relevant for nanomedicine, and are included within the spirit of this announcement. Areas of specific research need identified in the February, 2003, workshop "Developing a Nanomedicine / Nanohealth Research Agenda for Canada" are listed in Appendix B.

Eligible Research Areas

Support for nanomedicine in this strategic initiative is directed in large part towards the development of technology relevant to basic understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of disease, emphasizing the integration and application of the physical, engineering, and chemical sciences with the biosciences. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

In addition, several specific therapeutic applications are encouraged by partner organizations and CIHR Institutes, including but not limited to:

Details of the funding options available to support these research areas are listed under "Areas of Focus and Mechanisms of Support" later in this announcement. A number of specific partnered programs are also offered in collaboration with this strategic initiative in this area, as outlined in "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.

2. Stem Cells

Stem cells are an area of considerable research excellence in Canada, and form an integral component of this strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine. Stem cells have the ability to continually reproduce themselves while maintaining the capacity to give rise to other more specialized cell types. They are found at all stages of development, from pluripotent embryonic stem cells (i.e. able to differentiate into all the specialized cells found in the human body), to post-natal "adult" stem cells found in many tissues that are potentially capable of regenerating their tissue of origin. Clinical therapies based on stem cells have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of degenerative diseases and major traumatic injuries, thus improving the quality and length of life of Canadians.

Eligible Research Areas

There are several specific therapeutic applications of stem cell research that are encouraged by partner organizations and CIHR Institutes, including but not limited to:

In addition to these eligible research areas, a Joint Program is being established in partnership with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) International to promote the highest quality of health research (including ethical, biomedical, clinical, health systems and services and population and public health research) in stem cells in general and in stem cell research applicable to Type 1 diabetes in particular. This Joint Program also aims to expedite the practical application of scientific advances in our understanding of beta cell growth and differentiation. It is understood that JDRF retains the right to reserve its funding for research programs focusing on Type 1 diabetes and its complications.

The Joint Program may provide support for research to:
  1. Characterize existing pluripotent stem cell lines; or
  2. Identify stem cells capable of forming insulin-secreting cells either in vivo or in vitro; or
  3. Determine culture conditions to maintain stem cells in an undifferentiated state, or to induce the proliferation and differentiation into functional beta cells; or
  4. Develop mechanisms to protect transplanted or newly-formed insulin-secreting cells from immune attack (immunology of stem cells in a diabetes context); or
  5. Understand the ethical, health systems and services and population and public health implications of stem cell research and therapy.

Details of the funding options available to support these research areas are listed under "Areas of Focus and Mechanisms of Support" later in this announcement. Researchers should consult with the Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research: Guidelines for CIHR-Funded Research when preparing their applications. All applications that propose research using human stem cells will be subject to review by the CIHR Stem Cell Oversight Committee.

3. Tissue Engineering (including biomaterials)

Tissue engineering is an integral part of regenerative medicine that seeks to address the urgent need for donor organs and replacement tissues. Canada is recognized for its expertise in many areas of tissue engineering, including research excellence in several key organ systems as well as the basic sciences of biomaterials, scaffolding and drug delivery for both soft and hard tissue applications.

The delivery of cells in scaffolds to promote healing for repair, replacement or regeneration of tissues is a key aspect of tissue engineering. While the integration of biology and engineering for clinical application is a defining characteristic of tissue engineering, the scaffold may be a synthetic or natural material or simply created by the cells themselves. What is critical is that any bioengineered device has a 3-dimensional structure that is designed to meet specific tissue requirements and promote cell and tissue integration.

Key emerging areas of tissue engineering require an interdisciplinary approach that integrates basic science with engineering and surgery with added involvement of industry for commercialization. Complex devices that incorporate living cells have complex storage issues, and this leads to significant questions concerning cryopreservation, shipping, tissue banking, safety, sterilization, and scale-up issues that need to be resolved. The complex ethical, social, and cultural issues surrounding tissue engineering also need to be explored more fully.

Several areas of perceived research needs were identified in the March, 2003, workshop on "Defining the National Strategy in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs," and are outlined in Appendix C.

Eligible Research Areas

There are several specific therapeutic applications of tissue engineering research that are encouraged by partner organizations and CIHR Institutes, including but not limited to:

Details of the funding options available to support these research areas are listed under "Areas of Focus and Mechanisms of Support" later in this announcement. A number of specific partnered programs are also offered in collaboration with this strategic initiative, as outlined in "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

Eligibility criteria for all CIHR research funding programs apply. Please refer to Eligibility for Research Funding Programs on the CIHR Website.

For partnered programs, specific eligibility requirements are described under "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.


Application and funding dates vary for this strategic initiative. Please check details for each specific RFA listed under "Areas of Focus and Mechanisms of Support" and "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.

Funds Available

For this year, the total funds available for all programs directly supported under this strategic initiative is a minimum of $2,000,000, at present. However, it is anticipated that through the continued development of partnerships, including with industry and the private sector, funds available for this strategic initiative will be expanded. Funds in subsequent years are subject to funding availability and budgetary appropriations.

Additional funds are available for each of the partnered programs listed under "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.

Areas of Focus and Mechanism of Support

Support for all three eligible research areas outlined under "Specific Objectives and Eligible Research Areas" will be through the following mechanisms: Pilot Project Grants, New Emerging Teams (NET) Grants, and Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Teams Grants. Within the three broad areas of this Strategic Initiative, the following areas of interest are noted for specific organizations.

The Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH) and the Heart and Stroke Foundation (HSF) will consider funding NET and ICEapplications that relate to self-regeneration, repair and replacement of damaged and diseased cells, tissues and organs in circulatory and respiratory diseases. The Stem Cell Network (SCN) will participate with the ICRH and HSF in this regard, especially in support of proposals relating to cardiac and vascular disorders. Up to 2 grants will be funded through this initiative. HSF funds will support projects relevant to cardiovascular disease and stroke. ICRH funds will support projects related to heart, lung, blood, blood vessel, stroke, sleep, and critical and intensive care.

The Institute of Genetics (IG) will consider funding Pilot Projects, NET and ICEapplications in nanomedicine, nanotechnology and its linkage with health research directed towards the development of technology relevant to basic understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of disease, emphasizing the integration and application of the physical, engineering, and chemical sciences with the biosciences and social sciences. Additional opportunities offered by IG are described in "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.

The Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) will consider funding NET applications for research that addresses all replacement options including natural possibilities (local or systemic) as well as potential bioengineering solutions (biological, artificial or combined) for our tissues and systems of interest. Applicants interested in this thematic area of the IMHA should apply directly to the New Research Teams to Improve the Quality of Life RFA, as described under "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement.

The Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) will consider funding Pilot Projects, NET and ICEapplications for all of the eligible research areas presented in this announcement. INMHA will also co-support applications to the additional funding opportunities provided by IG, as described under "Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative" later in this announcement. The Canadian Stroke Network (CSN) will support research into the area of stroke. The NeuroScience Canada Partnership (NSCP) encourages broad thematic research approaches, and seeks to establish meaningful partnerships with other interested stakeholders. The NSCP and the INMHA plan to work in close collaboration to ensure that priority research areas of mutual interest are funded and that the pool of funds available for brain repair research is expanded. While the NSCP is currently in the process of developing more focussed areas for funding, these will be cross-cutting and aim to involve relevant Institutes and Organizations from among the partners of this strategic initiative, as well as others that may be brought on board at a later date.

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) International will consider funding NET and ICEapplications that meet the goals of the Joint Program described under eligible research areas for stem cell research. NET and ICEapplications under this Joint Program will have a Program Coordinator based in Canada, but may have international collaborators. As long as scientifically appropriate, NET and ICEgrants under this Joint Program may include participating investigators in more than one country. In addition to compliance with CIHR's current Guidelines for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research, JDRF has convened its own Oversight Committee which will provide a separate ethical review for all applications in this area. Approval from oversight committees from JDRF and CIHR is required for joint funding. In addition, JDRF will nominate up to three Lay Review members to the Peer Review Committee. Lay Members will observe the scientific review, but will not actively participate in its deliberations or influence its recommendations. The Lay Review group will take special note of the relevance of an application to the JDRF mission. Only the Lay Review group has the ability to recommend the commitment of JDRF funds, and the Lay Review group will make recommendations for funding to JDRF's Board of Directors. This JDRF review and approval process is required for JDRF funding to occur. JDRF retains the right to decide whether to participate in funding, and at what funding levels, to projects recommended for funding. It is understood that JDRF's mission is to support research to find a cure for Type 1 diabetes and its complications.

For instructions on how to apply for Pilot Projects, NET, and ICEgrants under this strategic initiative, please refer to the specific Request for Applications (RFAs) below:

Request for Applications

Pilot Project Grants RFA under the strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine are designed to encourage unique or original research, or support an extraordinary new direction in any of the eligible research areas outlined in this strategic initiative.

Note: Applications under regenerative medicine and nanomedicine may be made to either the Pilot Project Grants RFA or to the New Discoveries - High Risk Grants RFA sponsored by the Institute of Genetics, but not both.

up to $60,000 for 1 year

Registration: November 1, 2003

Full application deadline: January 15, 2004.

New Emerging Team (NET) Grants RFA under the strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine are intended to support the creation or development of teams of investigators undertaking collaborative multidisciplinary research in any of the eligible research areas outlined in this strategic initiative.

Note: Applications related the Tissue Injury, Repair and Replacement thematic area of the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis should be made directly to the New Research Teams to Improve the Quality of Life RFA.

up to $300,000 per year for 5 years

Letter of Intent: November 1, 2003

Applicants are notified of the results of the letter of intent review by January 1, 2004.

Full Proposal:
May 1, 2004.

Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Teams Grants RFA under the strategic initiative Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine are designed to provide support for new or existing groups who can demonstrate that they are committed to engendering a trans-disciplinary research culture. This includes engaging and mentoring junior researchers, or established researchers who have not worked extensively in health research in the past, within teams or networks working on themes that align with any of the eligible research areas outlined in this strategic initiative. up to $300,000 per year for 5 years

Letter of Intent: November 1, 2003

Applicants are notified of the results of the letter of intent review by January 1, 2004.

Full Proposal:
May 1, 2004.

Additional Funding Opportunities related to this Strategic Initiative

In addition to the Pilot Projects, NET, and ICEGrant RFAs described above, several other opportunities offered in collaboration with this strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine are sponsored by partner organizations and CIHR Institutes. International collaborations, for example with colleagues in Japan through the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, are also encouraged where scientifically appropriate.

1. "CIHR-NRC Science & Technology Convergence for Health Innovation RFA"

This Strategic Partnership Initiative on Science & Technology Convergence for Health Innovation is designed to encourage genuine collaborations between Academic and NRC Researchers and to solicit collaborative project grant applications involving at least one Academic Researcher and NRC Researcher, who will propose an innovative, multi-disciplinary approach to a research question. The following areas of research inquiry are encouraged:

It is anticipated that between 3 and 6 collaborative high quality projects will be funded for up to three years.

Applicants submitting proposals under the CIHR-NRC Science & Technology Convergence for Health Innovation must meet specific eligibility requirements. Most importantly, applications must involve a collaboration between at least two principal investigators: one Academic Researcher and one NRC Researcher. Please see the CIHR-NRC Science & Technology Convergence for Health Innovation RFA for more information.

Request for Applications

The NRC-CIHR Science & Technology Convergence for Health Innovation RFA offers grants designed to provide support for a research project by a small group of investigators. Requires a collaboration between at least two principle investigators: one CIHR academic researcher and one NRC researcher.

Sponsors: NRC/CIHR

Up to $1.0 M per year for the support of 3 to 6 collaborative projects, for up to 3 years

Deadline for Registration: August 15, 2003.

Full Proposal: September 15, 2003.

2. "Novel Technology Applications in Health Research RFA," co-sponsored by the Institute of Cancer Research and Institute of Infection and Immunity

The Novel Technology Applications in Health Research RFA , is a Strategic Initiative RFA launched by the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the Institute of Infection and Immunity (III), in collaboration with this strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine. The goal of this RFA is to stimulate both the development of new techniques and methodologies of value in biomedical research and clinical practice and also the application, in health research, of technologies that already exist in science-based research disciplines not traditionally associated with the life sciences. In particular, the ICR is interested in the molecular and functional imaging of tumours, while the III is interested in the non-invasive evaluation of infectious and immune processes in vivo. The objective of this RFA is to support small multidisciplinary teams whose research will facilitate the integration of expertise from the natural sciences into biomedical research to enhance our understanding of the molecular bases of disease and lead to improved methods of health care delivery.

Request for Applications

The Novel Technology Applications in Health Research RFA is designed to facilitate the transfer of technologies developed outside of the life sciences area to health research through the support of small multidisciplinary teams.

Sponsors: Institute of Cancer Research and Institute of Infection and Immunity

$200,000 per year for up to 2 years

Letter of Intent: December 1, 2003

Full Proposal: January 15, 2004

3. "New Research Teams to Improve the Quality of Life RFA," sponsored by the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis

As part of its strategy under this cross-cutting strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine, the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) is sponsoring its own New Emerging Team (NET) Grants under the "New Research Teams to Improve the Quality of Life RFA". One of the specific thematic areas of this RFA is Tissue Injury, Repair and Replacement. Applicants interest in this thematic area of IMHA should apply directly to the "New Research Teams to Improve the Quality of Life RFA," and not the Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine NET described previously.

Request for Applications

New Emerging Team (NET) Grants under the New Research Teams to Improve the Quality of Life RFA, are intended to support the creation or development of teams of investigators undertaking collaborative multidisciplinary research in Canadian institutions.

Sponsor: Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis

Up to $900,000 per year, with the maximum amount per grant of $300,000/year for up to 5 years.

Registration: November 1, 2003

Full Proposal: January 15, 2004.

4. "Invention and Applied Technology - Tools, Techniques and Devices for Research and Medicine RFA" and "New Discoveries - High Risk Grants RFA," sponsored by the Institute of Genetics

In addition to its support for Nanotechnology Development and Nanomedicine, the Institute of Genetics is also offering additional opportunities relevant to this strategic initiative, the "Invention and Applied Technology - Tools, Techniques and Devices for Research and Medicine RFA" and the "New Discoveries - High Risk Grants RFA. The Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) will contribute to these RFAs as they relate to this strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine.

Request for Applications

Invention and Applied Technology - Tools, Techniques and Devices for Research and Medicine Grants RFA are designed to stimulate inventive research projects aimed at (i) developing tools and techniques to aid biomedical research and (ii) promoting the invention of devices that may aid the diagnosis or treatment of patients.

Sponsors: Institute of Genetics and Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

The maximum amount per grant is up to $100,000/year for 3 years.

Total funds available up to $550,000/year.

Deadline for Registration: December 1, 2003.

Full Proposal: February 1, 2004.

New Discoveries - High Risk Grants RFA, under the Institute of Genetics, are designed to encourage novel, innovative, and inventive research. Successful applications will be unique, original, and /or extraordinary but of excellent quality and potential.

Sponsor: Institute of Genetics, and Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

The maximum amount per grant will be $60,000/year for up to 2 years.Total funds available up to 300,000/year.

Deadline for Registration: December 1, 2003.

Full Proposal: February 1, 2004.

Contacts for Further Information

For general questions about the strategic initiative, "Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine: Innovative Approaches in Health Research," please do not hesitate to contact:

Eric Marcotte, Ph.D.
Project Manager
Strategic Initiative in Regenerative Medicine
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Tel: (905) 464-1859

For questions on CIHR funding guidelines or how to apply contact:

Karen Dewar, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
Knowledge Creation Programs
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
410 Laurier Avenue West, 9th floor, Address Locator 4209A,
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9
Tel: (613) 941-4576
Fax: (613) 954-1800

Appendix A. CIHR Institutes and Partner Organizations

Note: Additional partners, including industry and the private sector, are expected over the coming year.

Leading Institutes:

Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

The vision of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) is that innovative research will provide new knowledge of the biological and socio-cultural processes underlying neurological, mental and addictive disorders. As such, the INMHA's mission is to foster excellence in innovative, ethically responsible research in Canada that aims to increase our knowledge of the functioning and disorders of the brain and the mind, the spinal cord, the sensory and motor systems, as well as mental health, mental illness and all forms of addiction. The INMHA intends to support initiatives that mobilize and link scientists in innovative collaborative programs across these research domains. The INMHA seeks to translate this new knowledge into a better quality of life for all Canadians through improved outcomes, health promotion and health care services.

Institute of Genetics

The mission of the Institute of Genetics (IG) is to support excellent research on the genetic and biochemical basis of health and disease, including the interaction of genes with the physical and social environments, to facilitate the translation of research findings into health policy and practice, and to examine the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic discoveries. The IG encourages translational research by fostering collaboration between the basic and clinical research communities, and collaborates with other Institutes of CIHR to optimize the impact of genetic discovery on other disciplines. A critical responsibility of the IG is to examine the ethical, legal and social implications of new genetic discoveries.


Canadian Genetic Diseases Network

The Canadian Genetic Diseases Network (CGDN) is a not-for-profit corporation committed to advancing Canada's scientific and commercial competitiveness in genetic research, and the application of genetic discoveries to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. To achieve its objective, the CGDN facilitates collaborative research in human genetics across Canada, educates and trains emerging scientists to excel in human genetic disease research, and facilitates partnerships between industry (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and diagnostic firms) and academia to translate research discoveries into therapies or diagnostic tests.

Canadian Stroke Network

One of the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), the Canadian Stroke Network's (CSN) mission is to reduce the effects of stroke on the lives of Canadians and on Canadian society. The CSN was established to create a national consortium with the capacity to enhance our knowledge of stroke, develop new treatment plans and medical technologies to improve individual outcomes, and create policies that will benefit the country as a whole. The Network places Canada at the forefront of stroke research through its multi-disciplinary research program, high-quality training for Canadian scientists and clinicians, and national and global partnerships. The CSN is also equally dedicated to decreasing the physical, social, and economic consequences of stroke on the individual and on society.

Heart and Stroke Foundation

The mission of the Heart and Stroke Foundation (HSF) is to improve the health of Canadians by preventing and reducing disability and death from heart disease and stroke through research, health promotion and advocacy. The Foundation is the largest single source of funds for peer-reviewed research in heart disease and stroke in Canada. This initiative is supported through the Heart and Stroke Foundation Research Fund - made possible by the contributions of all ten provincial Heart and Stroke Foundations and the HSF.

Institute of Cancer Research

The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) fosters research based on internationally accepted standards of excellence, which bear on preventing and treating cancer, and improving the health and quality of life of cancer patients. The ICR supports research to reduce the burden of cancer on individuals and families through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, effective treatment, psycho-social support systems, and palliation. Advances in genomics and functional proteomics have the potential to allow much more effective cancer diagnosis, prevention and therapeutic intervention. The ICR is well positioned to support and facilitate the exciting new research challenges and opportunities in population health and health delivery, as well as in critical basic and clinical research issues

Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health

The mission of the ICRH is to support research into the causes, mechanisms, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation for a wide range of conditions associated with the heart, lung, brain (stroke), blood, blood vessels, critical and intensive care, and sleep. The vision of the ICRH is to achieve international leadership by fostering an environment of openness, excitement, energy, commitment and excellence in highly ethical partnered initiatives focussed on research, research training, and research translation in the circulatory and respiratory sciences, for the betterment of the health of Canadians. One of the strategic initiatives of the ICRH is self-regeneration, repair and replacement of damaged and diseased cells, tissues and organs in circulatory and respiratory diseases.

Institute of Infection and Immunity

The Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) seeks to establish national leadership, priorities and programs that promote innovative research to reduce the global burden of infection and immune-based disease and improve quality of life. The III supports research to enhance immune-mediated health and to reduce the burden of infectious disease, immune-mediated disease, and allergy through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation. The III has identified a need to support the development of new tools, technologies and methods capable of providing non-invasive evaluation of infectious and immune processes in vivo.

Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis

The Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) will support research to enhance active living, mobility and movement, and oral health; and to address causes, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation for a wide range of conditions related to bones, joints, muscles, connective tissue, skin and teeth. The mission of IMHA is to eradicate pain, suffering and disability, in order to enhance quality of life for people affected by arthritis, and musculoskeletal, oral and skin conditions.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) International

JDRF's mission is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research with emphasis on Type 1 diabetes and its complications. JDRF continues to set the research agenda based upon the results of funded research, and on the latest advances in biomedical technology. As research continues within and across JDRF's three research goals (restoration of normal metabolism; avoidance and reversal of complications; prevention of diabetes and its recurrence), the fast track for the cure increases in potential and speed. Thirty years of pioneering research, focused by the needs of people with diabetes, has created quantum increases in the knowledge of diabetes and potentials for a cure.

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

The NRC is recognized globally as a leader in the development of an innovative, knowledge-based economy for Canada through science and technology. NRC is committed to contributing to significant innovations that support Canada's quality of life, improve the environment, protect health, and create new sources of wealth for Canadians. Through its focussed research programs, its Industrial Research Assistance Program ("NRC/IRAP") and the rapid-access service to world-wide scientific, technical and medical information provided by the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI), NRC is a key player in the national system of innovation. NRC has also recently formed the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) in Edmonton, Alberta, which will serve as a key resource for developing an Integrated Nanostructures Network in Canada. Working with other progressive organizations, NRC is helping provide the bridge between strategic research and wealth creation.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

NSERC is Canada's federal funding agency for university based research in the natural sciences and engineering. Through various programs, NSERC supports fundamental discovery based research, collaborative university-industry research partnerships and the advanced training of Canada's future scientists and engineers. In recognition of the strategic importance and multidisciplinary nature of nanotechnology and nanoscience, within its scientific and engineering community, NSERC recently created a Nano Innovation Platform (NanoIP) to coordinate Canadian university research in this area and to collaborate with organizations such as the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) and NanoQuebec.

NeuroScience Canada Partnership - Brain Repair Program

Established in 1997 as the successor to the NeuroScience Network centre of excellence, the NeuroScience Canada Partnership is a national, non-profit organization that aims to bring relief and hope to the millions of Canadians challenged by neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders, by supporting researchers across disciplines and institutions, who are investigating the mechanisms that protect and repair the brain and nervous system. The NeuroScience Canada Partnership collaborates with the public, private and voluntary sectors, in order to harness the knowledge and resources of all those who wish to support neuroscience research and training programs. Our collective efforts will ensure that Canada continues and grows its research capacity in the neurosciences and maintains its status as a world-leader in excellent neuroscience research.

Stem Cell Network

Stem cells play a critical and essential role in the human body, from the embryonic stem cells that can grow into any of the specialized cells that form the body, to post-natal "adult" stem cells that function within the body to repair and regenerate tissue. One of the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), the Stem Cell Network brings together experts from all sectors and backgrounds, to share and build on their experiences and ideas, and to work together to achieve common goals. These include being a catalyst for the development of new therapies, creating a critical mass of knowledge and people in Canada by contributing to the training and education of specialists in stem cells, facilitating the transfer of technologies to the marketplace, and promoting informed debate on the source and use of stem cells.

Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation

The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) recognizes the importance of setting and striving for clearly defined goals and practices. In collaboration with consumers, and other provincial and national stakeholders, ONF is committed to continuously strengthening activities and initiatives that support its core business to create new and applied knowledge through strategic investment in the neurotrauma field, and to build the research capacity of the neurotrauma field. The ONF's vision is to achieve reduced impact, incidence and prevalence of neurotrauma injuries and have people living with brain and spinal cord injuries participating as full members of society.

Appendix B. Nanomedicine / Nanohealth workshop

On February 13-14, 2003, 60 leading researchers and experts on nanomedicine gathered in Montreal to start the process of developing a strategic research agenda on nanomedicine and nanohealth for Canada. This workshop was jointly sponsored by the Natural Research and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) and the National Research Council Canada (NRC). A detailed summary of the workshop is available at the workshop Website, Some of the specific areas of perceived research need identified include:

Fundamental Studies

Applications of Nanotechnology

Integration of Nano with Microtechnology

Ethical, Social and Cultural Aspects of Nanomedicine

Appendix C. Tissue Engineering and the Development of Artificial Organs workshop

On March 16-17, 2003, 50 leading academic and industry researchers engaged in regenerative medicine gathered in Toronto to start the process of developing a national research agenda on tissue engineering and artificial organs for Canada. This workshop was jointly sponsored by four CIHR institutes: the Institutes of Circulatory and Respiratory Health; Infection and Immunity; Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis; and Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction. A detailed summary of the workshop is available at the workshop website, . Some of the specific areas of perceived research need identified include:

Fundamental Studies

Emerging Technologies

Applications and Outstanding Issues

Created: 2003-07-02