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Injury Prevention

Prévention des blessures chez les aînés

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Alberta Centre for Injury Control and Research (Canada) - Look to this site for timely information on injury control in the areas of injury prevention, emergency medical services, acute care management, and rehabilitation.
Ashland Fire and Rescue (Ashland, Oregon) - The mission of Ashland Fire and Rescue is a commitment to excellence in service to people in your community, through efficient and effective delivery of fire department services.
Balance Training (UK) - We hear a lot about how to keep our heart and lungs healthy, but not so much about how to keep our balance system healthy. Would you like to see some easy ways to keep your balance healthy? This website is designed by the University of Southampton. If you visit the website and answer the questions you’ll also help with research. Thank you.
Canada Safety Council (CSC) - the mission of the CSC is to lead in the national effort to reduce preventable deaths, injuries and economic loss in public and private places throughout Canada.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety The mandate of CCOHS is to promote improvements in occupational health and safety by providing practical information to answer workplace concerns. OSH Answers covers many topic areas in occupational health and safety. The information is presented in a Question-and-Answer format. This particular OSH Answers document deals with the issue of aging workers.
Conseil canadian de la sécurité (CCS) - CCS a pour mission de jouer un rôle de chef de file à l'échelle nationale afin de réduire les décès, les blessures et les pertes économiques qu'on peut prévenir dans les secteurs privé et public à l'échelle canadienne.
Five Star Safety Learn what it takes to protect your family -- especially your child -- around the house and home. Prevention could mean the difference between life and death.
Health in Action in Alberta (Canada) - Health in Action is the Alberta Information Clearinghouse on Prevention and Promotion. The purpose of which is to develop and maintain a centralized information system that will consolidate descriptive information about prevention and health promotion programs, research and evaluation initiatives being undertaken throughout Alberta.
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) - USA - is a a national program to reduce injury, disability, death, and costs associated with injuries outside the workplace. As the lead federal agency for injury prevention, NCIPC works closely with other federal agencies; national, state, and local organizations; state and local health departments; and research institutions.
Peel Health Our mission is to provide leadership and community support through emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention, to build healthy, dynamic communities in the Region of Peel.
Perdue University (St.Joseph, Michigan) - describes a research project entitled "Preventing Work-Related Injuries Among Senior Farmers".
StepSafe The purpose of this web site is to provide information and to increase public awareness regarding the prevention of falls in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington region.

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This site is maintained by the Division of Aging and Seniors, Public Health Agency of Canada
Ce site est soutenu par la Division du vieillissement et des aînés, Agence de santé publique du Canada
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