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Table 1.1:
Distribution of Sulphur in Fuels
Fuel Distribution of Sulphur in Fuels (%)*
  1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Heavy Fuel Oil 64.5 65.8 60.8 61.1 67.5 73.3
Refinery Consumption** 10.9 11.0 14.7 15.9 13.5 7.7
Light Fuel Oil 5.5 4.5 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.4
Regular Diesel 12.5 10.4 11.1 9.8 4.9 4.5
Low-Sulphur Diesel 0.0 1.1 1.3 1.6 2.4 3.0
Gasoline 4.9 5.4 5.3 5.0 5.1 5.2
Others 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8
Total Diesel 12.5 11.5 12.4 11.4 7.3 7.5
HFO + Ref. Consump. 75.4 76.8 75.5 77.0 81.0 81.0

* From Environment Canada Sulphur in Liquid Fuels Reports 1994-1999
** Almost always heavy fuel oil


Table 1.2:
Volumes of LFO and HFO Produced and Imported in Canada - Comparison of Statistics Canada and Environment Canada data
Fuel Year Statistics Environment
    Canada (m3) Canada (m3)
LFO 1994 5,312,193 5,147,395
1995 5,903,953 4,050,456
1996 6,303,971 4,284,822
1997 5,605,118 4,867,643
1998 4,715,336 4,432,544
1999 4,895,393 4,288,089
HFO excluding refinery consumption 1994 6,986,268 6,298,433
1995 7,539,058 5,672,816
1996 6,894,087 5,787,813
1997 7,900,343 6,308,889
1998 8,519,158 7,677,638
1999 7,484,554 7,103,971
HFO including refinery consumption 1994 7,847,617 7,305,599
1995 8,400,407 6,522,157
1996 7,897,225 7,339,986
1997 8,939,037 7,995,515
1998 9,460,214 8,788,554
1999 8,407,192 7,899,772

Sources for Statistics Canada data: Catalogue 45-004
Source for Environment Canada data: Sulphur in Liquid Fuels, 1994-99 Reports
Environment Canada volumes reflect mostly production at the various refineries, while Statistics Canada considers opening and closing inventories and inter-product transfers


Table 2.1:
Regional Supply of HFO (Source: Statistics Canada Publication 45-004 - 1999)
HFO Volume (m3)
  Production Exports Imports Sales Refinery Consumption
Atlantic 2,583,964 1,018,557 2,155,809 3,498,510 372,158
Quebec 1,975,985 261,561 336,700 2,190,659 188,660
Ontario 1,628,268 157,381 29,098 929,191 359,379
Alberta 662,735 34,148 - 54,618 -
Rest 182,452 166,468 290,900 811,576 2,441
CANADA 7,033,404 1,638,115 2,812,507 7,484,554 922,638
Percent breakdown
Atlantic 37% 62% 77% 47% 40%
Quebec 28% 16% 12% 29% 20%
Ontario 23% 10% 1% 12% 39%
Alberta 9% 2% 0% 1% 0%
Rest 3% 10% 10% 11% 0%
CANADA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


Table 2.2:
Sources of Imported HFO (Source: Revenue (Customs) Canada - 1998)
Country Heavy Fuel Oil
  Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. Yukon NWT/Nun. CANADA Percent
UNITED STATES 483,773 31,089 236,951 7 309,479 - - 1,061,299 45%
Washington         298,269     298,269 13%
Connecticut 40,590   234,648         275,238 12%
Texas 238,994 31,089   7       270,090 12%
Louisiana 102,160             102,160 4%
New York 96,416             96,416 4%
California         11,209     11,209 0%
Maine 5,613             5,613 0%
Wisconsin     2,093         2,093 0%
Ohio     210         210 0%
Other 0.1             0.1 0%
NON-US 1,034,766 200,144 45,445 - - - - 1,280,355 55%
Venezuela 809,158             809,158 35%
Nigeria   101,495 45,445         146,940 6%
Brazil 39,379 63,849           103,227 4%
Neth. Antilles 41,143 18,000           59,143 3%
Trinidad 49,071             49,071 2%
Columbia 46,747             46,747 2%
Russia 33,898             33,898 1%
Germany   14,801           14,801 1%
Norway 8,719             8,719 0%
Lithuania 6,651             6,651 0%
Netherlands   2,000           2,000 0%
Other               - 0%
TOTAL 1,518,539 231,233 282,395 7 309,479 - - 2,341,653 100%

Note: only 1998 data available


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