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Services November 2, 2006
Property Assessment
Service New Brunswick
Assessment Act | PDF
84-6 - General | PDF
The primary function of Assessment Services is to locate, value, classify and defend all real property assessments in New Brunswick to ensure accurate and dependable assessment bases for taxing authorities; and to administer related tax benefit programs.
Every person who owns real property in the Province of New Brunswick occupies property of the Crown (either Federal or Provincial), or leases property from a private individual, and meets the requirements sent out in section 14 (7.2) or (7.3) of the Assessment Act, will be mailed an Assessment and Tax Notice. The $0.02 cost of assessment fee charged to the province is included on each Assessment and Tax Notice.
The Assessment Act provides for all real property to be assessed at its real and true value as of January 01 of each assessment and taxation year. There is an appeal process if an assessed owner does not agree with the assessed value of their property. The first level of appeal must by filed within 30 days of the date of the annual mailing of the Assessment and Tax Notice.
Details Fees: (Unless otherwise specified, the harmonized sales tax (HST) is NOT included in the Fees.)
List of Fees Rate in $
  To municipalities and local service districts (per $100 of assessment) 0.02
  To the Province (per $100 of their tax base for rate) 0,02
Details Forms and Packages:
Please fill, print and send form(s) to the mailing address provided in the contact(s) section below
  • Forms and Packages
    DetailsOnline transactions:
  • Online transactions are not applicable or not available.
    Details Contact(s):
  • Contact SNB
    Related Links:
  • Assessment Services - Related Links
  • Property Assessment Information - Online Access
  • Property Assessment Services - Assessment Reduction Program
  • Property Assessment Services - Information
  • Property Assessment Services - Property Tax Allowance
  • Property Assessment Services - Residential Property Tax Credit
    Comments/Questions Government of New Brunswick
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