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New Brunswick's Position
Seeking fiscal balance
"Part of what the federal government can do today to help New Brunswick become self-sufficient by 2025 is to ensure that the fiscal imbalance in this country is corrected... For New Brunswick that means resources to deliver health care, education, social programs and infrastructure like highways as well as other green, municipal, and sport and recreation infrastructure.

On this site, you will find information that explains fiscal balance and equalization and how they affect you and our province. So please read on." ...more

Shawn Graham
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Print FAQ's (PDF)
What is fiscal imbalance?
Why is fiscal balance important to New Brunswick?
What role should the federal government play?
What is New Brunswick 's perspective on addressing the fiscal imbalance?
How would this position contribute to New Brunswick 's goal of self-sufficiency by 2025?
What is the Equalization Program?
Why is Equalization important to New Brunswickers?
  Articles     Reports

"The New Brunswick Business Council is calling on the Government of Canada to be guided by principle, to return to the integrity of a formula-driven program that takes account of all provincial revenues and assures a base for all provinces to invest in future prosperity."



The Horizontal Fiscal Balance: Towards    a Principled Approach

Reconciling the Irreconcilable - Canada’s
   Fiscal Imbalance (March 2006)
Expert Panel on Equalization and   Territorial Formula Financing


 May 3, 2008

In the Legislature
"The Legislative Assembly calls upon the Government of Canada to enhance the current equalization program, by using a 10 province standard with full revenue coverage, including non-renewable resources, and no cap or ceiling on program entitlements, to ensure it meets its constitutional mandate."
Provincial Revenues
Where the Money   Comes From
Where the Money   Goes
Premier's Office
Department of Finance
Department of Intergovernmental Affairs