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Meet Michel (age 25)

Michel is into computers in a big way. It seems that if he's not working on his computer, he is playing computer games, but now he makes sure to build physical activity into his day. And he doesn't let the fact that he is using a wheelchair get in his way.

He's lucky - his company has a fitness facility, so he goes there once a day to lift weights or 'wheel' on the indoor running track. This usually takes about 30 minutes of his work day. A few days a week he plays pick up basketball after work with his friends.

He is achieving the physical activity goals he set for himself and now knows that being in a wheelchair and being a "computer geek" doesn't have to mean being physically inactive. What's more, he still has plenty of time for his computer and he has rediscovered some of life's other enjoyments!

How Michel got started...


How did Michel get started?

At 25, Michel has used a wheelchair for most of his life. Because of his passion for computers, he tended to spend hours-on-end in front of his computer. He was beginning to feel aches and pains in his upper body as a result of these prolonged periods of inactivity. It never occurred to him that being physically active was within his reach, or that the time he spent in front of the computer was adding to his already sedentary lifestyle. He knew his company had a gym, but was unaware that it could meet his additional needs.

One day he was 'surfing' the Internet and he landed on a site about the inactivity problems typical of computer users. He found that sedentary living is as dangerous to your health as smoking - a habit he had never started because he wanted to be healthy. Oops, he thought. That's me! So he looked into it further, roaming the Net looking for information on how to improve his health through physical activity. But even though he became quite knowledgeable on the subject, he still couldn't seem to get out from behind that computer!

Then one day, he found an article on the Internet that advised, "Just do one small thing to get you moving - don't try to make a grand plan right off the bat" It also said, "Whatever your situation or ability, you can try a variety of activities to improve your health and get a feel for what's right for you."


That day, he made his first move. He wheeled himself into his company's gym, met with the fitness coordinator and he's on his way to healthy active living. He found out that many facilities are accessible and that he can be active alongside his co -workers. He now feels more energetic and alert and still has plenty of time for his computer! He also bookmarked the website about Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living to keep learning about being physically active.




Last Updated: 2003-10-08


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