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Implementing the Population Health Approach

Linked Documents:

Highlights of Our Work: POPULATION AND PUBLIC HEALTH BRANCH BRITISH COLUMBIA: 2002- 2003 Annual Summary

Strategies for Population Health: Investing in the Health of Canadians, PDF prepared by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health for the Meeting of the Ministers of Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 14-15, 1994.

Guide to Project Evaluation: A Participatory Approach - Written in plain language, the goal of this Health Canada evaluation guide is to provide an easy-to-use, comprehensive framework for project evaluation. This framework can be used to strengthen evaluation skills and knowledge to assist in the development and implementation of effective project evaluations.

Reaching Canadian Communities: Overview of the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program's Individual Project Questionnaire Report (1998) - These initial findings confirm that CPNP is a strong force in Canadian communities: prenatal nutrition projects do fill important service gaps; they can be an agent for change in the communities where they operate; and they have an impressive ability to lever local support - be it in the form of volunteer hours, financial or other in-kind contributions.

The Health Promotion and Programs Branch (now the Population and Public Health Branch) has defined its working understanding about the population health approach in the paper Taking Action on Population Health (1999) PDF. The paper identifies some of the challenges the Branch and others will face in taking action on population health -- as well as some opportunities for moving forward towards widespread participation.

The Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion (International Conference on Health Promotion, 1987) PDF

Health Promotion in Canada: A Case Study, Health Canada, 1997 PDF

A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians, Health Canada, 1974 PDF

Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, PDF Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (World Health Organization, 1986) presents fundamental strategies and approaches for health promotion that still have much currency in Canada and internationally.

Achieving Health for All: A Framework for Health Promotionnew window, Health Canada, Ottawa, 1986

The Dufferin Mall Story by Health Canada

WHO/EURO Working Group on Health Promotion Evaluation - Health Canada, through its involvement in the WHO European Working Group on Health Promotion Evaluation and WHO's Regional Office in Europe, together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States and Health Education Authority in the United Kingdom have produced a paper on evaluation

Population Health in Canada: A Working Paper, prepared for the National Conference on Shared Responsibility for Health and Social Impact Assessments, the Institute of Health Promotion Research, University of British Columbia, April, 1999.

Population Health: An Integrated Model of Population Health and Health Promotion, Health Canada

Departmental Performance Report (DPR)new window:
The DPR responds to the government's commitments and reflects the goals set by Parliament to improve accountability for results. It covers the period ending March 31 and reports performance against the plans presented in the department's Part-lll - Reports on Plans and Priorities.

Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP)new window:
The RPP (Part-lll) are individual expenditure plans for each department and agency, except Crown corporations. They are tabled in Parliament by the President of the Treasury Board on behalf of the Ministers who preside over these organizations.

Related Sites:

The chief sites where Canadian and world health policy documents can be found include:

Health Canada
Ontario Prevention Clearing House

The Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative (GBEI) was initiated by Environment Canada in 1998 and is based on the principles of intersectoral collaboration. The shared goals of the initiative are enhancing environmental health, building sustainable communities, and enhancing human well-being.

Canadian Consortium for Health Promotion Research
The mission of the Consortium is to enable Canadians to have greater control of their health, through the development, dissemination and application of knowledge on the determinants of health and on health promotion initiatives.

International Union for Health Promotion and Education

The Metropolis Projectnew window is an example of a collaborative and multi-disciplinary research initiative created to examine immigrant integration, including the determinants of immigrant health.

The Community Animation Project is designed to address the interrelationship between human health and sustainable environments.

There are numerous and rich documents on performance measurement on the web. The United States government lists numerous publications on the subject. The Treasury Board Secretariat also lists a profile of performance measurement publications on its web site. The government of Alberta lists on the web a number of publications relevant to performance measurement in government. The more extensive and complete bibliographies on performance measurement are found in the United States.

Performance measurement sites: Fairfax County VAnew window

Local Government Performance Measurement - Performance Measurement Bibliography

Office of the B.C. Provincial Health Officer - BC's health goals set out the province's vision for a healthy population and provide a framework for action to improve the health of British Columbians and reduce inequalities in the province.

Alberta Health an-d Wellness' Mandate The Government has endorsed broad health goals for Albertans which reflect the range of factors which determine health: families, communities and environments, public policy, information, behaviour, coping skills, heredity and health services.

The Adult Health Division of Health Canada's Population Health Directorate maintains its own web site. It provides information on chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart health, cholesterol, cancer, diabetes and workplace health. The site also has a special feature on the "Healthy Heart Kit" with information on six mahor risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and stroke (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, smoking, dedentary life style, obesity and diabetes).

Recommended Reading:

Population Health in Canada: A Systematic Review, by Michael V. Hayes and James R. Dunn, Canadian Policy Research Network, Study No. H-01, Ottawa, 1998.

Population Health: Concepts and Methods by T. Kue Young (1998) is intended for introductory or intermediate courses in epidemiology and community health. Each chapter includes case studies, which provide short summaries of related published studies.

Preventive Medicine For The Doctor And His Community. New York: McGraw-Hill. Leavell, H.R. and Clark, E.G. (1958).

The Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness: Shaping Public Health in a New Europe, A Report for the European Commission by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education.

Health impact assessment as a tool for population health promotion and public policy: A report submitted to the Health Promotion Development Division of Health Canada, by C.J. Frankish, L.W. Green, P.A. Ratner, T.A. Chomik, & C. Larsen, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia, Institute of Health Promotion Research, 1996a.

Setting the stage for health impact assessment. by P. Ratner, L. Green, J. Frankish, T. Chomik, & C. Larsen, Journal of Public Health Policy, 18(1), 67-79, 1997.

Case study of health goals development in the province of British Columbia by T.A. Chomik, Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia, 1998.


Last Updated: 2003-05-16


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