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Environment and Workplace Health

Indoor Air Quality - Tools for Schools Action Kit for Canadian Schools

Chapter 6: Health Checklist

This checklist is intended for use by:

  • Health professionals assigned to schools
  • Custodial staff

This checklist discusses these major topic areas:


  1. Read the IAQ Action Kit - Introduction, Backgrounder and How to Get Started sections.
  2. Read each item on this checklist. Check off each box (square) as you complete the activity.
  3. Check the triangle (triangle) if you do not require help with the activity OR check the circle (circle) if you need additional help.
  4. Return this checklist to the school board's IAQ coordinator and keep a copy for future reference.


Room or Area


Date Completed



The IAQ Action Kit is a practical tool to help school boards and school employees understand and address indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. The kit provides clear and easily applied information that can be used to improve the indoor environment of schools, help prevent indoor air quality problems, and resolve problems promptly if they do arise.

This checklist provides instructions to help health professionals and custodial staff prevent IAQ problems from developing or spreading in schools.

Maintaining Student Health Records

There is evidence to suggest that children, pregnant women, senior citizens and the frail are more likely to develop health problems from poor air quality than most adults. IAQ problems are most likely to affect individuals with pre-existing health conditions and those who are exposed to tobacco smoke.

Student health records should include information about known allergies and other medically documented conditions, such as asthma, as well as any reported sensitivity to chemicals. Privacy considerations may limit which student health information can be disclosed (check the confidentiality rules in your jurisdiction), but to the extent possible, information about students' potential sensitivity to IAQ problems should be provided to teachers. This is particularly important for classes in which potential irritants such as gases or particles may be released from art, science, or industrial/ vocational materials and equipment. Health records and the records of health-related complaints by students and staff are useful for evaluating potential IAQ-related complaints.

Encourage parents and students to self-identify pre-existing conditions that could be affected by indoor air quality. These include:


Allergies, including reports of chemical sensitivities






Other conditions or concerns


Complete health records exist for each student.


Health records are being updated.


Need help obtaining information about student health factors.

Track health-related complaints by students and staff


Keep a log of health, odour, and other IAQ complaints that notes the symptoms, location and time of symptom onset, and exposure to pollutant sources.


Watch for trends in health complaints, especially in the timing or location of complaints.


Ensure that procedures are in place for responding to anaphylaxis or other life-threatening situations.


Develop a procedure for informing sensitive individuals of upcoming activities that could generate pollutants.


A comprehensive health and IAQ complaint logging system and situation response protocols are in place.


Developing a comprehensive health and IAQ complaint logging system and situation response protocols.


Need help developing a comprehensive health and IAQ complaint logging system and situation response protocols.

To Top

Recognize indicators of health problems that may be IAQ-related


Complaints are associated with particular times of the day or week.


Other occupants in the same area experience similar problems.


The problem abates or ceases, either immediately or gradually, when an occupant leaves the building, and it recurs when the occupant returns.


The school has recently been renovated, refurnished, flooded, or damaged.


The occupant has recently started working with new or different materials or equipment.


New cleaning or pesticide products or activities have been introduced into the school.


Smoking is allowed in the school.


A new animal or activity has been introduced into the classroom.


Understand indicators of IAQ-related problems.



Need help understanding indicators of IAQ-related problems.

Health and Hygiene Education

Schools are unique buildings from a public health perspective. They often accommodate more people within a given area than most buildings. The close proximity of occupants increases the potential for airborne contaminants (germs, odours, and constituents of personal products) to circulate among students. Raising awareness about the effects of occupant habits on the well-being of others can help reduce IAQ-related problems.

Inform students and staff about the importance of good hygiene in preventing the spread of airborne contagious diseases


Provide written materials to students (local public health agencies and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) may have information suitable for older students).


Provide individual instruction/counseling where necessary.


Written materials and counseling are available.


Compiling information for counseling and distribution.


Need help compiling information or implementing a counseling program.

Provide information about IAQ and health


Help teachers develop activities that reduce students' exposure to indoor air pollutants, especially the exposure of students with IAQ sensitivities such as asthma or allergies.


Collaborate with students and families to offer IAQ education programs for families.


Conduct a teacher workshop that covers IAQ issues.


Integrate IAQ into student class instruction.


Information provided to student, parents and staff.


Developing information and education programs for students, parents and staff.


Need help developing information and education programs for students, parents and staff.

Establish an information and counseling program to discourage smoking


Provide free literature on the effects of smoking and environmental tobacco smoke.


Sponsor a "quit smoking" program and similar counseling programs.


'No Smoking' information and programs are in place.


Developing 'No Smoking' information and programs.


Need help with a 'No Smoking' program.

Health Officer's Office

Because the health office may be visited by sick students and staff, it is important to minimize the transmission of airborne diseases to uninfected students and staff (see your IAQ coordinator for help with the following activities).

Ensure that the ventilation system is properly operating


The ventilation system is operated when the area is occupied.


Provide an adequate amount of outdoor air to the area.


Ensure that air filters are clean and properly installed.


Ensure that air removed from the area does not circulate through the ventilation system into other occupied areas.


Ventilation system operates adequately.


Need help with ventilation-related activities.

Problem Summary


All activities on this checklist have been completed and no help is required.



A list of problems and/or assistance required is attached.

Comments Form

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit for Canadian Schools

We anticipate revising the Tools for Schools Action Kit in the future. To help us ensure that the Kit meets the needs of those who are using it, please send us your comments about how easy or difficult you found the Kit to use. Suggestions for how to make the Kit more useful are especially welcome. If
a reply is requested, please provide your name, address and phone number along with the completed sheet and mail it to:

  • Health Canada
    Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
    Indoor Environments Division
    Room 120, Environmental Health Centre (P.L. 0801D)
    Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2

Comments or Suggestions:

Your role at the school (e.g., custodial staff, teacher, etc.):

Checklist (s) used: ________________________________________

Optional for correspondence purposes:

Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Telephone: (   )______________________________
Fax: (   ) ___________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________

Last Updated: 2005-08-03 Top