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Commission of Inquiry

Final report (2006)

Final Report (2003)


Commission of Inquiry to consider and report upon MLA Indemnities, Allowances, and Salaries

In February, 2006, a three-person Commission of Inquiry was appointed by the then Speaker of the Nova Scotia Legislature, the Honourable Murray K. Scott, to review the issue of salaries for Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). The Letter of Appointment is included in Appendix A. The Commission was asked to report within three months of the next provincial election, later called for June 13, 2006.

The basis for such a review is specifically laid out in the House of Assembly Act, which governs all of the activities of the provincial Legislature. The Commission was charged with reviewing the salaries of MLAs and additional indemnities for parliamentary leaders such as the Premier, Cabinet Ministers, and the Speaker of the House. Its mandate did not include an examination of MLA pensions or other benefits.

A summary of the relevant sections of the House of Assembly Act is included in Appendix B.

The Honourable Barbara McDougall was invited to chair the Commission, with Mr. Gordon Gillis and Mr. George McLellan appointed as Commissioners. See Appendix C for short biographies on the Commissioners.

The Commission engaged Joan Collier as administrative assistant, Alan Dunnet, a Halifax compensation analyst as researcher, and JADE Communications Inc. as communications advisor.

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