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Vol. 137, No. 23 — June 7, 2003




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06240 is approved.

1. Permittee: Husky Oil Operations Ltd., St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of dredged material.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from July 2, 2003, to July 1, 2004.

4. Loading Site(s):

46°46.20' N, 48°00.60' W (NAD83), South Glory Hole;

46°51.70' N, 48°03.70' W (NAD83), North Glory Hole; and

46°47.40' N, 48°02.60' W (NAD83), Central Glory Hole.

These sites are the glory hole locations at the White Rose Field, Grand Banks, approximately 350 km southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.

5. Disposal Site(s):

46°46.20' N, 48°00.60' W (NAD83), South Glory Hole;

46°51.70' N, 48°03.70' W (NAD83), North Glory Hole; and

46°47.40' N, 48°02.60' W (NAD83), Central Glory Hole.

Material dredged from each glory hole will be deposited 10 to 20 m from the edge of the hole. The glory holes are at depths of 115 to 130 m.

6. Equipment: FPV Seahorse.

7. Method of Disposal: Dredged material will be carried underwater directly from the loading site to the disposal site in one of two clamshell buckets and discharged 5 m above the seabed.

8. Rate of Disposal: Average hourly rate using the 16 m3 bucket is 104 m3 per hour; for the 10 m3 bucket the rate is 84 m3 per hour.

9. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 132 000 m3 place measure.

10. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Dredged material consisting of sand, silt, clay, gravel, boulders and cobble.

11. Requirements and Restrictions:

11.1. The Permittee shall notify in writing, by facsimile or electronic mail, Mr. Rick Wadman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, 6 Bruce Street, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3, (709) 772-5097 (Facsimile), (Electronic mail), at least 24 hours prior to each occasion that the dredging equipment is mobilized to a dredge site. The notification shall include on-site contacts and the expected period of dredging.

11.2. The permittee shall submit a written report to Mr. Rick Wadman, identified in 11.1., within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred.

11.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

11.4. Use of drilling muds or additives is prohibited.

11.5. Blasting at the site is prohibited.

11.6. A Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan shall be prepared by the Permittee and approved by Environment Canada prior to the commencement of project activities. The plan shall include a monitoring program designed to gather data on sea birds and be approved by the Canadian Wildlife Service.

11.7. An Authorization for Works or Undertakings Affecting Fish Habitat issued by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for this project shall be obtained by the Permittee prior to the commencement of project activities.

11.8. A copy of this permit and the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan shall be available on-site at all times when dredging operations are underway.

11.9. The Permittee shall report all oiled bird sightings by project personnel to Environment Canada, by contacting Canadian Coast Guard Operations Centre, within 24 hours of each incident. The Permittee shall document and report to Environment Canada, in a timely manner, all bird collisions with project vessels.

11.10. The Permittee shall provide advance notice to mariners of project activities through "Notice to Ships" and "Notice to Mariners" submitted to Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS), St. John's.

11.11. The dredging or ocean disposal referred to under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.


Environmental Protection

Atlantic Region




Order 2003-66-03-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 66(3) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, (see footnote a)  the Minister of the Environment has added the substance referred to in the annexed order to the Domestic Substances List;

Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 66(3) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, (see footnote b)  hereby makes the annexed Order 2003-66-03-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List.

Ottawa, May 23, 2003


Minister of the Environment



1. Part I of the Non-domestic Substances List (see footnote 1)  is amended by deleting the following :



2. This Order comes into force on the day on which the Order 2003-66-03-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List comes into force.




Order 2003-87-03-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 87(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, (see footnote c)  the Minister of the Environment has added the substances referred to in the annexed order to the Domestic Substances List;

Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 87(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, (see footnote d)  hereby makes the annexed Order 2003-87-03-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List.

Ottawa, May 23, 2003


Minister of the Environment



1. Part I of the Non-domestic Substances List (see footnote 2)  is amended by deleting the following :

25085-00-1 51987-20-3 70143-96-3 111211-40-6


2. This Order comes into force on the day on which the Order 2003-87-03-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List comes into force.




Proposed Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia Dissolved in Water, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents


The Minister of the Environment proposes to publish under section 91 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), the following Notice which will be issued under Part 4 of CEPA 1999. The Final Notice will require the preparation and implementation of a pollution prevention plan in respect of one or more of the following substances: ammonia dissolved in water; inorganic chloramines; and chlorinated wastewater effluents; all of which are specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of CEPA 1999. The Final Notice will apply to persons who, in addition to other criteria, own a wastewater collection system or wastewater treatment system which collects or treats liquid or waterborne sewage, industrial wastes, commercial wastes or institutional wastes, where the annual average effluent release from that system to surface water is greater than or equal to 5 000 m3 per day.

Any person may, within 60 days after the date of publication of this Proposed Notice, file with the Minister of the Environment comments with respect to the notice. All comments must cite the date of publication of this notice in Canada Gazette, Part I, and be addressed to the Director General, Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate, Environment Canada, Place Vincent Massey, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 18th Floor, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3. After receiving and considering comments on this Proposed Notice, the Minister of the Environment intends to publish the Final Notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I.


Director General

Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate

On behalf of the Minister of the Environment


Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Minister of the Environment requires the persons or class of persons described in section 2 of this notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in respect of one or more of the following:

— ammonia dissolved in water (hereinafter referred to as ammonia);

— inorganic chloramines which have the molecular formula NHnCl(3-n) where n = 0, 1, or 2 (hereinafter referred to as inorganic chloramines); and

— chlorinated wastewater effluents,

which are specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

1. Definitions

"ammonia nitrogen" or (NH3-N) means the nitrogen component of total ammonia. Total ammonia is the sum of the un-ionized (NH3) and ionized (NH4+) species which exist in equilibrium in water. Analytical methods measure and typically report on ammonia nitrogen as opposed to total ammonia. An ammonia nitrogen concentration of 16 mg/L is equivalent to a total ammonia concentration of 20 mg/L.

"effluent" means untreated, partially treated or treated wastewater that is released to surface water from a wastewater collection system or wastewater treatment system.

"fresh water" means water with a total dissolved solids content less than 1 000 mg/L.

"person" means any person that owns a wastewater collection system or wastewater treatment system.

"surface water" means a lake, pond, marsh, spring, stream, river, estuary or marine body of water, or other surface watercourse.

"total residual chlorine" or TRC means the concentration of free chlorine and combined chlorine (including inorganic chloramines) and it is essentially synonymous with reactive chlorine.

"wastewater" means a combination of liquid or waterborne sewage, industrial wastes, commercial wastes or institutional wastes.

"wastewater collection system" or "wastewater treatment system" means any works for the collection, transmission, treatment and release of wastewater or any part of such works.

2. Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan

This notice applies to any person who, on the date of publication of the Final Notice, owns a wastewater collection system or wastewater treatment system where the annual average effluent release during 2004 from that system to surface water is greater than or equal to 5 000 m3 per day and where any of the following three conditions are met:

(1) the concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in the release exceeded 0.02 mg/L at any time during 2004.


(a) the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) in the effluent exceeded 16 mg/L at any time during the period of June 1, 2004, to September 30, 2004; and

(b) the depth of water over the effluent release point, at any time during the period of June 1, 2004, to September 30, 2004, is less than 15 times the diameter of the discharge pipe or the diameter of a diffuser port in the discharge pipe.


(a) the effluent release is to fresh water; and

(b) the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) in the effluent exceeded 16 mg/L at any time during the period of June 1, 2004, to September 30, 2004; and

(c) the pH of the surface water upstream of the effluent release point exceeded 7.5 at any time during the period of June 1, 2004, to September 30, 2004.

3. Activities in relation to which the plan is to be prepared

When the persons identified in section 2 prepare and implement their pollution prevention plans in relation to ammonia, inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents, the Minister requires that the scope of the plan include the following activities:

for persons who meet the conditions in subsection 2(1)

(1) disinfection of wastewater using chlorine or chlorine compounds and release of effluent to surface water.

for persons who meet the conditions in subsection 2(2) or 2(3)

(2) collection and/or treatment of wastewater and the release of effluent to surface water.

Persons identified in section 2 may, if they so wish, include activities related to separate storm water systems or the management of sludge, residuals and biosolids in their pollution prevention plans.

4. Factors to consider in preparing the plan

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to consider the following factors when preparing their pollution prevention plans:

(1) Following detailed scientific assessments, ammonia, inorganic chloramines, and chlorinated wastewater effluents, were found to be toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999). As such, the substances were added to the List of Toxic Substances (Schedule 1 of CEPA 1999) as it is considered that they are entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that have or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment. Persons subject to this notice shall consider that these substances are "toxic" as defined in CEPA 1999.

(2) Environment Canada is developing a long-term strategy (see footnote 3)  for managing wastewater effluents which includes wastewater systems on federal and aboriginal lands. The long-term strategy addresses the three substances, which are the subject of this notice, along with other substances and pollutants. Persons subject to this notice shall consider the following elements of Environment Canada's long-term strategy:

(a) The long-term strategy's vision is to ensure that across the country, the release of wastewater effluents does not pose unacceptable risks to ecosystem health, human health and fisheries resources.

(b) To achieve this vision, activities to deliver the following outcomes will be pursued:

(i) implementation of preventative and control actions for toxic substances and other pollutants from industrial, commercial and institutional sources, including government operations, that discharge those substances to wastewater collection systems and wastewater treatment systems;

(ii) water conservation measures supported by water metering;

(iii) wastewater treatment systems equivalent in performance to secondary treatment with additional treatment where required;

(iv) a sustainable approach to financing wastewater collection systems and wastewater treatment systems that will ensure ongoing operation, maintenance and upgrading;

(v) working with other levels of governments, and stakeholders as appropriate, to develop objectives for specific "CEPA-toxic" and deleterious substances released from wastewater systems;

(vi) reference to these objectives in future CEPA instruments and a regulation under the Fisheries Act with the desired outcome of a fair, consistent and predictable application of CEPA 1999 and the Fisheries Act. The deposit of a deleterious substance of any type in water frequented by fish is prohibited by the Fisheries Act.

(3) In working towards the long-term strategy described in subsection 4(2), the Minister is taking a first-step, using the instrument of pollution prevention planning in accordance with the requirements of subsection 91(1) of CEPA 1999, to begin managing the risks posed by ammonia (see footnote 4) , inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents. The risk management objectives that have been set for the substances define what the Minister expects persons to achieve through this instrument.

Persons subject to this notice shall consider achieving the following risk management objectives:

(a) for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluent:

(i) achieve and maintain a concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) that is less than or equal to 0.02 mg/L in the effluent released to surface water within 48 months of the publication date of the Final Notice;

(b) for ammonia:

(i) reduce to the fullest extent the amount of ammonia in the effluent released to surface water within 48 months of the publication date of the Final Notice.

(4) Pollution prevention activities include processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health. Pollution prevention planning is a means of addressing the release, to the environment, of toxic substances or other pollutants from a given system's operations. The result of pollution prevention planning is the implementation of preventive and/or control actions, giving preference to preventive actions.

(a) In order to achieve the risk management objective described in paragraph 4(3)(b), persons identified in subsection 2(2) and subsection 2(3) shall consider the following activities when preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plans:

(i) Conducting process audits within 18 months of the publication date of the Final Notice and implementing actions based on the audit findings within 48 months of the publication date of the Final Notice. One reference for process audits is an Environment Canada report entitled Treatment Processes for the Removal of Ammonia from Municipal Wastewater. The report also describes ways to identify and evaluate best available technologies for ammonia removal that are economically achievable. Refer to section 15 of this notice for information on obtaining a copy of this report.

(ii) Identifying the concentrations or quantities of ammonia in the wastewater discharged to the wastewater collection system from industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities, including government facilities, within 18 months of the publication date of the Final Notice and implementing actions to reduce the concentrations or quantities of ammonia discharged from these facilities within 48 months of the publication date of the Final Notice. One reference regarding the reduction of concentrations or quantities of ammonia from these facilities is a National Research Council document entitled Wastewater Source Control — A Best Practice By The National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure. Refer to section 15 of this notice for information on obtaining a copy of the Best Practice document.

(b) The purpose of disinfecting and reducing the levels of pathogens in wastewater effluent released to surface water is to protect water quality for downstream uses including human consumption of water and the use by humans of fisheries resources. In order to achieve the risk management objective described in paragraph 4(3)(a) and while maintaining the protection to water quality, persons identified in subsection 2(1) shall consider alternative disinfectants such as ultraviolet irradiation and ozone, or dechlorination, when preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plan.

(5) The long-term strategy described in subsection 4(2) refers to the control of "CEPA toxic" substances and other pollutants from industrial, commercial and institutional sources, including government operations, that discharge those substances to wastewater collection systems and wastewater treatment systems. When preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plans, persons subject to this notice shall consider taking actions to reduce the discharge from these facilities of the following substances which are specified on Schedule 1 of CEPA 1999:

(a) nonylphenol and its ethoxylates

(b) effluents from textile mills that use wet processing

(c) mercury

(d) lead

(e) hexavalent chromium compounds

(f) inorganic cadmium compounds

(g) inorganic arsenic compounds

One reference for information on wastewater source control is Wastewater Source Control — A Best Practice By The National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure. The Best Practice document identifies a sewer use by-law as a basic element of a source control program. Refer to section 15 of this notice for information about obtaining a copy of the Best Practice document.

(6) When preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plans, persons subject to this notice shall consider implementing changes, including infrastructure design changes, to the wastewater collection system, to the wastewater treatment system and to the type and location of the effluent release point (outfall) within 48 months of the publication date of the Final Notice.

(7) The long-term strategy described in subsection 4(2) includes ensuring that the risks to ecosystem health posed by wastewater effluent released to surface water are reduced. The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Canadian Water Quality (CCME-CWQ) Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life (2000) are intended to provide guidance for the protection of freshwater and marine life in aquatic ecosystems. The CCME-CWQ Guidelines (see footnote 5)  are meant to protect all forms of aquatic life and all aspects of the aquatic life cycles.

(a) When preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plans, persons identified in subsection 2(1) shall consider developing and implementing a monitoring program for the surface water receiving the release of their effluent in relation to the CCME-CWQ Guidelines of 0.0005 mg/L reactive chlorine species for the protection of freshwater life, and 0.0005 mg/L chlorine-produced oxidants for the protection of marine (saltwater) life. (Note that reactive chlorine species and chlorine-produced oxidants are typically measured as total residual chlorine.)

(b) When preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plans, persons identified in subsection 2(2) and subsection 2(3) shall consider developing and implementing a monitoring program for the surface water receiving the release of their effluent in relation to the CCME-CWQ Guideline of 0.019 mg/L un-ionized ammonia for the protection of freshwater life. (Note that due to limited ammonia toxicity data on marine (saltwater) organisms, there was insufficient information to derive a guideline and as a result, no marine guideline has been recommended.)

5. Period within which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires that the plan be prepared and is being implemented within 24 months of the publication date of the Final Notice.

6. Period within which the plan is to be implemented

The Minister requires that the plan must be implemented within 60 months of the publication date of the Final Notice.

7. Content of Plans

Persons preparing the plan are to determine the appropriate content of their own plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of the Final Notice. It must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 9 and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10.

8. Requirement to keep plan

Under section 59 of CEPA 1999, all persons identified in section 2 shall keep a copy of the plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the plan is prepared. Where a single plan is prepared for more than one wastewater collection or treatment system, a copy of that plan must be kept at each location.

9. Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the end of the period for the preparation of the plan specified in section 5 or extended under section 13, a written Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been Prepared and is being Implemented — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 1 of the Final Notice, to the Minister. Where a person has prepared a single plan for more than one wastewater collection or treatment system, a separate Declaration of Preparation must be filed for each of those systems. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

10. Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the completion of the implementation of the plan, a written Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been Implemented — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 5 of the Final Notice, to the Minister. Where a person has prepared a single plan for more than one wastewater collection or treatment system, a separate Declaration of Implementation must be filed for each of those systems. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

11. Filing of amended declarations

Under subsection 58(3) of CEPA 1999, where a person specified in section 2 has filed a declaration under section 9 or 10, and the declaration contains information that, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended declaration to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading, using the appropriate form referred to in section 9 or 10.

12. Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of CEPA 1999, a person may use an existing pollution prevention plan, or other plan in respect of pollution prevention prepared or implemented for another purpose to satisfy the requirements of section 2 to 8 of the Final Notice. Under subsection 57(2) of CEPA 1999, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all the requirements of the Final Notice, the person shall amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. Persons using existing plans must nonetheless file a Declaration of Preparation under section 9, a Declaration of Implementation under section 10, and any amended declarations under section 11.

13. Extension of time

Under subsection 56(3) of CEPA 1999, where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to prepare the plan as specified in section 5 or to implement the plan as specified in section 6, the Minister may extend the period for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 3 of the Final Notice, before the expiry of the date referred to in the applicable section 5 or section 6 or before the expiry of any extended period. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

14. Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of CEPA 1999, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person to consider a factor specified in section 4 where the Minister is of the opinion that it is not reasonable or practicable to consider that factor on the basis of reasons provided by that person when submitting a written Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 2 of the Final Notice. Such a request must be made before the expiry of the period within which the plan is to be prepared, referred to in section 5. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

15. More information on pollution prevention planning

To obtain a copy of Environment Canada's document Proposed Risk Management Strategy for Ammonia Dissolved in Water, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents under CEPA 1999, May 2003 refer to the CEPA Registry Web site at mwwe/summary.cfm.

To obtain a copy of the report Treatment Processes for the Removal of Ammonia from Municipal Wastewater (Environment Canada, 2003, ISBN 0-662-33551-1) contact Environment Canada's Inquiry Centre at 1-800-668-6767.

To obtain a copy of the Wastewater Source Control — A Best Practice By The National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (March 2003) document, refer to the National Research Council — National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure's Web site at or contact them at 1-888-330-3350.

To obtain a copy of the CCME document Guidance on the Site-Specific Application of Water Quality Guidelines in Canada: Procedures for Deriving Numerical Water Quality Objectives. (2003) refer to the CCME Web site at publications/pubs_updates.html#102 or contact CCME by phone at (204) 948-2090.

Additional information on pollution prevention and preparing pollution prevention plans is available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site (, the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (, and Environment Canada's regional offices.

16. Reference Code

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment Canada concerning this notice shall refer to the following reference code: P2MWWE.

17. Environment Canada contact information

For questions about this notice, or more information about pollution prevention planning, contact Environment Canada's regional offices:

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador
Environmental Protection Branch — Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
6 Bruce Street
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3
Telephone: (709) 772-5491
Facsimile: (709) 772-5097

For residents of Prince Edward Island
Environmental Protection Branch — Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
97 Queen Street, Room 202
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 4A9
Telephone: (902) 566-7043
Facsimile: (902) 566-7279
For residents of Nova Scotia

Environmental Protection Branch — Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square
45 Alderney Drive,16th Floor
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-8926
Facsimile: (902) 426-3897

For residents of New Brunswick
Environmental Protection Branch — Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
77 Westmorland, Suite 450
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 6Z3
Telephone: (506) 452-3286
Facsimile: (506) 452-3003

For residents of Quebec
Environmental Protection Branch — Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Facsimile: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario
Environmental Protection Branch — Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5888
Facsimile: (416) 739-4342

For residents of Manitoba
Environmental Protection Branch — Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
123 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4W2
Telephone: (204) 983-4811
Facsimile: (204) 983-0960

For residents of Saskatchewan
Environmental Protection Branch — Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
2365 Albert Street, Room 300
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4K1
Telephone (306) 780-6390
Facsimile: (306) 780-6466

For residents of Alberta
Environmental Protection Branch — Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
4999 98th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Telephone: (780) 951-8860
Facsimile: (780) 292-5340

For residents of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Environmental Protection Branch — Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
5204 50th Avenue, Room 301
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 1E2
Telephone: (867) 669-4725
Facsimile: (867) 873-4594

For residents of British Columbia
Environmental Protection Branch — Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
401 Burrard Street, Suite 201
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-2799
Facsimile: (604) 666-9107

For residents of Yukon
Environmental Protection Branch — Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
91782 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Y1A 5B7
Telephone: (867) 667-3401
Facsimile: (867) 667-7962

Environment Canada Headquarters
Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate
Environmental Protection Service
Environment Canada
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 953-8074
Facsimile: (819) 953-7253

18. Forms

Forms referred to in this notice are available from and are to be submitted to: Executive Director, National Office of Pollution Prevention, c/o CEPA 1999 Part 4 Pollution Prevention Plans, Environment Canada, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 13th Floor, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3.

Copies of this notice, and instructions for completing the associated forms (Schedules 1 to 5) are available at http://

Schedules 1 to 5 referred to in this notice can be completed electronically at

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this notice on Environment Canada's Green Lane Web site. All persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit a request under section 313 of CEPA 1999 that specific information be treated as confidential. Refer to the "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for more information.


(This note is not part of the notice.)


Compliance with CEPA 1999 is mandatory under subsection 272(1) of CEPA 1999. Subsection 272(2) of CEPA 1999 defines the penalties for persons who commit offenses under CEPA 1999. Subsections 273(1) and 273(2) further outline the terms and penalties of those persons providing false or misleading information. Penalties under both subsection 272(2) and 273(2) include fines of not more than $1,000,000, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

For additional information on CEPA 1999 and the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and on applicable penalties, please contact the Enforcement Branch at (819) 994-0907. The Policy is available at: toc.cfm.

Note : Do not fill out this form. Please refer to the Instruction Booklet for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.
Schedule 1: Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines
and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents (Subsection 56(5) of CEPA, 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2MWWE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated wastewater effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.
Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: 221320
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose
Is the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of this Notice:
— a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared on a voluntary basis? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
— a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared for another government or under another Act of Parliament?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, identify the other government requirement(s) or Act(s) of Parliament.
The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.
3.0 Substance and Activity
Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one only):
Checkbox (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents: Persons identified in subsection 2(1) of the notice who are required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents and the disinfection of wastewater effluent using chlorine or chlorine compounds and the release of the effluent to surface water.
Checkbox (B) Ammonia: Persons identified in subsection 2(2) or subsection 2(3) of the notice who are required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan for ammonia and the collection or treatment of wastewater and the release of wastewater effluent to surface water.
4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan
This Declaration requires reporting of data from the 2005 Preparation Year (from January 1 to December 31).
If the person(s) subject to the Notice has been granted a time extension to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a year other than 2005, all references to 2005 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is required to report.
If applicable, indicate the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is reporting:
4.1.-4.4 No information required for Parts 4.1 to 4.4  
4.5 Additional Baseline Information 
4.5.1 Wastewater Collection System and/or Wastewater Treatment System Information 
Note: If both of (A) and (B) are identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, only complete this section once. 
This section requires reporting of information on the wastewater collection system and/or wastewater treatment system in place for 2005. Check all following boxes which describe your system. Note that more than one box in each section may apply.
No Treatment 
Checkbox No Treatment (e.g. collection system with release to surface water)
Preliminary Treatment 
Checkbox None Checkbox Skimming
Checkbox Grit removal Checkbox Other (describe):
Checkbox Mechanical screening  
Physical/Chemical or Primary Treatment
Checkbox None Checkbox Chemical flocculation
Checkbox Primary sedimentation/clarification Checkbox Other (describe):
Biological or Secondary Treatment (some systems may have more than one kind of treatment) 
Checkbox None Checkbox Oxidation Ditch
Checkbox Conventional Activated Sludge Checkbox Fixed-Bed Reactor/Biological Aerated Filter (BAF)
Checkbox Extended Aeration Activated Sludge Checkbox Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)
Checkbox Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge Checkbox Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
Checkbox Other Activated Sludge Checkbox Other (describe):
Biological or Secondary Treatment — Lagoons or Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) (some systems may have more than one kind of treatment) 
Checkbox None Checkbox Facultative (aerobic and anaerobic)
Checkbox Aerobic Checkbox Facultative with aeration
Checkbox Aerobic with aeration Checkbox Other (describe):
Checkbox Anaerobic
Enhanced Biological or Secondary Treatment 
Checkbox None Checkbox Other (describe):
Checkbox Biological Ammonia Removal — Nitrification Only
(NH3 -> NO3)
Additional or Tertiary Treatment 
Checkbox None
Checkbox Polishing Ponds
Checkbox Ammonia Stripping or Air Stripping
Checkbox Biological Nutrient Removal (Nitrogen & Phosphorus)
Checkbox Biological Nitrogen Removal — Nitrification and Denitrification (NH3 -> N2)
Checkbox Biological Phosphorus Removal
Checkbox Chemical Precipitation (Phosphorus)
Checkbox Other (describe):
Effluent Disinfection  
Checkbox None Checkbox Chlorination and dechlorination
Checkbox Disinfection: All Year Checkbox Ozone
Checkbox Disinfection: seasonal/summer or intermittent Checkbox Ultraviolet irradiation
Checkbox Chlorination only Checkbox Other (describe):
Other Information 
Name of the surface water body that effluent is released to:
Diameter of release (outfall) pipe (metres):
If applicable, diameter of diffuser port(s) (metres):
4.5.2 Releases to Surface Water Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
Note: Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
Report in the table below the average flow of wastewater effluents, in m3/day, and the Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) maximum concentration, in mg/L. The average flow should be calculated using a minimum of five (5) data points per month. The total residual chlorine maximum should be determined based on a minimum of five (5) data points per month.
Preparation Year 2005
Average Flow of Effluent
Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Maximum
December Ammonia
Note: Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (B) Ammonia.
In the first three columns of the table below, the average flow of effluent in m3/day, pH and temperature, in degrees Celsius, of the wastewater effluent should be calculated using a minimum of five (5) data points per month. In the fourth column, the ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) maximum concentration in the effluent should be determined based on a minimum of five (5) data points per month. In the fifth column, the average pH of the receiving environment should be calculated using a minimum of five (5) data points per month from upstream of the effluent release point. Finally, in the last column, the average depth, in metres, of water over the release point should be calculated based on five (5) data points per month.
  June July August September
Year 2005
Average Flow of Effluent
pH of Effluent
Temperature of Effluent
NH3-N Maximum Concentration in Effluent
pH of
Average Depth of Water
Over Release Point
5.0 Anticipated Actions and Results
5.1 Anticipated Action(s)
The following section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the pollution prevention plan, i.e., this section will be completed as many times as there are anticipated actions to report.
In Part 5.1.1, describe, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the anticipated action to be taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the anticipated action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to maximum concentration of the Substance measured in the effluent released to surface water, anticipated to be achieved from implementation of that action in mg/L. Refer to the instructions for specific information on how to report. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported concentration. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some anticipated actions, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the planned completion date for the anticipated action.
5.1.1 Anticipated Action:
5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):
Checkbox Equipment or process modifications Checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery
Checkbox Spill and leak prevention Checkbox Good operating practices or training
Checkbox Other:  
5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):
Checkbox Energy recovery Checkbox Pollution control
Checkbox Off-site recycling Checkbox Disposal
Checkbox Waste treatment Checkbox Other:
5.1.4 Anticipated Change(s):
5.1.5 Not applicable for this Declaration
5.1.6 Planned Completion Date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan.
5.2 No information required for Part 5.2
5.3 Detailed Anticipated Results Information
(A) Total Anticipated Results for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
Note: Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total anticipated change to the maximum concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in the effluent released to surface water, in mg/L and as a percentage relative to 2005.
Report the total changes anticipated to be achieved from implementing all of the anticipated actions described in Part 5.1 of this Declaration.

Type of Release
Total Anticipated Change* to Maximum
Concentration of TRC Relative to 2005
Total Anticipated Change* to Maximum
Concentration of TRC Relative to 2005
Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)    
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
(B) Total Anticipated Results for Ammonia
Note: Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (B) Ammonia.
The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total anticipated change to the maximum concentration of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) in the effluents released to surface water, in mg/L and as a percentage relative to 2005.
Report the total changes anticipated to be achieved from implementing all the anticipated actions described in Part 5.1 of this Declaration.

Type of Release
Total Anticipated Change* to Maximum
Concentration of NH3-N Relative to 2005
Total Anticipated Change* to Maximum
Concentration of NH3-N Relative to 2005
Ammonia (NH3-N)    
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
6.0 Monitoring and Reporting
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe anticipated monitoring and reporting that will be used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.
7.0 Risk Management Objective
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe how the Pollution Prevention Plan outlined in this Declaration meets the applicable risk management objective identified in subsection 4(3) of the notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objective, explain why.
This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.
8.0 Factors to Consider
The following section should be completed for one or both of the following options that apply:
(A) If the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, describe how the "factors to consider" in subsections 4(4)(b), 4(5), 4(6) and 4(7)(a) of the notice were taken into account, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister.
(B) If the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (B) Ammonia, describe how the "factors to consider" in subsections 4(4)(a), 4(5), 4(6) and 4(7)(b) of the notice were taken into account, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister.
9.0 Certification
I hereby certify that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared and is being implemented for the Substance(s) and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Do not fill out this form. Please refer to the Instruction Boolet for more information about electronic reporting or the filling of paper forms.
Schedule 2: Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines
and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents (Subsection 56(5) of CEPA, 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2MWWE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines, and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Request.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: 221320
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 Factor(s) for Which a Waiver is Requested
Identify exactly for which factor(s) listed in the Notice a waiver is requested.
3.0 Rationale for Request
Explain why it would not be reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is requested.
Explain how the outcome of the P2 plan will be affected if this "factor to consider" is not taken into account.
Explain which, if any, additional factor(s) you propose to consider in preparing the pollution prevention plan (optional).
4.0 Certification
I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Do not fill out this form. Please refer to the Instruction Booklet for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.
Schedule 3: Request for Time Extension — Ammonia, Inorganic
Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
(Subsection 56(3) of CEPA, 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2MWWE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated wastewater effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: 221320
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 Request for Time Extension
Identify for which of the following a time extension is requested (choose one):
Checkbox to prepare a pollution prevention plan
Checkbox to submit an Interim Progress Report — Interim Progress Report No. _____
(not applicable for this Declaration)
Checkbox to implement a pollution prevention plan
For the person(s) identified in Part 1.0, it is requested that the date be extended to:
(specify exact date — year/month/day)
3.0 Rationale for Request 
Explain why further time is necessary to prepare or implement a pollution prevention plan.
4.0 Certification
I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Do not fill out this form. Please refer to the Instruction Booklet for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.
Schedule 5: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents(Subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2MWWE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.
Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone Number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: 221320
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 No data are required for part 2.0 of this Declaration 
The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below. 
3.0 Substance and Activity 
Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one only):
Checkbox (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents: Persons identified in subsection 2(1) of the notice who are required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents and the disinfection of wastewater effluent using chlorine or chlorine compounds and the release of the effluent to surface water.
Checkbox (B) Ammonia: Persons identified in subsection 2(2) or subsection 2(3) of the notice who are required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan for ammonia and the collection or treatment of wastewater and the release of wastewater effluent to surface water.
4.0 Baseline Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan 
Notes: This Declaration requires reporting of data for the year of implementation (January 1 to December 31) of the pollution prevention plan, but no later than for the year 2009 (as specified in the notice or any other year specified to a person who has been granted an extension of time to implement a plan). 
Indicate the year of implementation for which the person(s) is(are) reporting:
(This will be the Reporting Year throughout this Declaration).
4.1 - 4.4 No information required for Parts 4.1 to 4.4
4.5 Additional Baseline Information
4.5.1 Wastewater Collection System and/or Wastewater Treatment System Information
Describe the changes to your wastewater collection system and/or the wastewater treatment system since 2005 compared to the information provided in Schedule 1 — Declaration that a pollution prevention plan has been prepared and is being implemented.
4.5.2 Releases to Surface Water Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents (Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents.)
Report in the table below the average flow of wastewater effluents, in m3/day and the Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) maximum concentration, in mg/L. The average flow should be calculated using a minimum of five (5) data points per month. The total residual chlorine maximum should be determined based on a minimum of five (5) data points per month.

Year 2009

Average Flow
of Effluent
Total Residual Chlorine
December Ammonia (Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (B) Ammonia.)
In the first three columns of the table below, the average flow of effluent in m3/day, pH and temperature, in degrees Celsius, of the wastewater effluent should be calculated using a minimum of five (5) data points per month. In the fourth column, the ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) maximum concentration in the effluent should be determined based on a minimum of five (5) data points per month. In the fifth column, the average pH of the receiving environment upstream of the effluent release point should be calculated using a minimum of five (5) data points per month. Finally, in the last column, the average depth, in metres, of water over the release point should be calculated based on five (5) data points per month.
  June July August September
Year 2009
Average Flow of Effluent
pH of Effluent
Temperature of Effluent
NH3-N Maximum Concentration in Effluent
Average pH of Receiving Environment        
Average Depth
of Water over
Release Point
5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved
5.1 Action(s) Taken
The following section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan, i.e., this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to report.
In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration the action taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to maximum concentration of the Substance measured in the effluent released to surface water achieved from implementation of that action, in mg/L. Refer to the instructions for specific information on how to report. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that estimating a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for each action taken.
5.1.1 Action Taken:
5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):
Checkbox Equipment or process modifications Checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery
Checkbox Spill and leak prevention Checkbox Good operating practices or training
Checkbox Other :  
5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):
Checkbox Energy recovery Checkbox Pollution control
Checkbox Off-site recycling Checkbox Disposal
Checkbox Waste treatment Checkbox Other :
5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved:
5.1.5 Not applicable for this Declaration
5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan.
5.2 No information required for Part 5.2
5.3 Detailed Results Achieved Information
(A) Total Results Achieved for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
(Complete this section only if the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (A) Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents.)
The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total achieved change to the maximum concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in the effluent released to surface water, in mg/L and as a percentage relative to 2005.
Report the change achieved from all actions taken as a result of implementing the pollution prevention plan.

Type of Release
Total Achieved Change* to Maximum
Concentration of TRC Relative to 2005
Total Achieved Change* to Maximum
Concentration of TRC Relative to 2005
Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)    
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
(B) Total Results Achieved for Ammonia
(Complete this section only if the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration is (B) Ammonia)
The table below summarizes, for the "Substance and Activity" identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total achieved change to the maximum concentration of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) in the effluents released to surface water, in mg/L and as a percentage relative to 2005.
Report the change achieved from all actions taken as a result of implementing the pollution prevention plan.

Type of Release
Total Achieved Change* to Maximum
Concentration of NH3-N Relative to 2005
Total Achieved Change* to Maximum
Concentration of NH3-N Relative to 2005
Ammonia (NH3-N)    
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
6.0 Monitoring and Reporting
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.
7.0 Risk Management Objective
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe how the Pollution Prevention Plan outlined in this Declaration met the applicable risk management objective identified in subsection 4(3) of the notice. If this plan did not meet the risk management objective, explain why.
This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.
8.0 No data are required for Part 8.0 of this Declaration
9.0 Certification
I hereby certify that a pollution prevention plan has been implemented for the Substance(s) and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print



Proposed Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans in Respect of Nonylphenol (NP) and Its Ethoxylates (NPEs) Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing (TMEs)


The Minister of the Environment proposes to publish, under section 91 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), the following notice developed under section 56 of CEPA 1999. This proposed notice requires the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates used in the wet processing textile industry and effluents from textile mills that use wet processing. Both substances are specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. This notice will target textile mills that are involved in wet processing.

Any person may, within 60 days after the date of publication of this proposed notice, file to the Minister of the Environment comments with respect to the proposed notice. All comments must cite Part I of the Canada Gazette, the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to the National Office of Pollution Prevention, c/o CEPA 1999 Part 4 P2 Plans, Environment Canada, Place Vincent Massey, 13th Floor, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3. After receiving and considering comments on this proposed notice, the Minister of the Environment proposes to publish the Final Notice in Part I of the Canada Gazette.


Director General

Toxics Pollution Prevention Directorate

On behalf of the Minister of the Environment


Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Minister of the Environment requires the persons or class of persons described in section 1 of this notice to prepare and implement pollution prevention plans in respect of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates used in the wet processing textile industry and effluents from textile mills that use wet processing, which are specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. A non-exhaustive list of commonly used NP and NPEs CAS (see footnote 6)  Registry Numbers used in Canadian industry is found in the instruction insert associated with this notice (see section 17 for information on how to get copies of this instruction insert).

1. Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan

This notice applies to any person or class of persons who, on the date of publication of the final notice:

(1) Owns or operates a textile mill that is involved in wet processing activities including, but not limited to, scouring, neutralizing, desizing, mercerizing, carbonizing, fulling, bleaching, dyeing, printing or any other type of wet finishing activity;

(2) Discharges effluents produced during wet processes used in textile manufacturing to a municipal wastewater or sewage treatment plant; and

(3) Has had an effluent discharge greater than 30 m3 per day, based on average daily discharge, at least once during the five years preceding the year of publication of the final notice. The average daily discharge is calculated from the total yearly flow divided by the number of facility operating days.

2. Activities in relation to which the plan is to be prepared

This notice covers the following activities involving the use of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates used in the wet processing textile industry and the discharge of effluents from textile mills that use wet processing:

(1) Wet processing activities as enumerated in section 1; and

(2) On-site wastewater treatment or preliminary treatment (such as pH adjustment, flow equalisation, or screening).

3. Factors to consider in preparing the plan

All persons identified in section 1 are to consider the following factors when preparing their pollution prevention plan:

(1) The risk management objectives outlined below:

(a) For NP/NPEs used in textile wet processing:

Reduce the annual use of NP/NPEs by at least 97 percent on a mass basis relative to the annual use for the 1998 base year. Should there be no NP/NPEs use data for the 1998 calendar year, the first year after 1998, but no later than 2005, for which there is data should be considered as the base year. The risk management objective is to achieve this reduction, based on annual use, by the 2009 calendar year.

(b) For TMEs:

Achieve and maintain, through means other than dilution, a maximum acute toxicity of 13 percent IC50 (50 percent inhibiting concentration), measured according to the method description provided in the document, "Biological test method: Toxicity Test Using Luminescent Bacteria" (EPS 1/RM/24, November 1992) for a test duration of 15 minutes. The risk management objective is to achieve this reduction in toxicity by the 2009 calendar year.

(2) NP/NPEs and TMEs were declared toxic under section 64 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and subsequently added to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. According to the Priority Substances List Assessment Reports for both NP/NPEs and TMEs, both substances are "entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that have or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity". Priority Substances List Assessment Reports for both NP/NPEs and TMEs can be found at: substances/ese/eng/psap/final/main.cfm. Paper copies of the NP/NPEs and TMEs Priority Substances List Assessment Reports can be acquired by contacting the Inquiry Centre, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3, 1-800-668-6767.

(3) Choosing alternative products to NP/NPEs that reduce or minimise environmental risks. Accordingly:

(a) A review of relevant data for octylphenol and its ethoxylates (OP/OPEs) conducted by Environment Canada and presented in the Supporting Document to the Priority Substances List Assessment Report on NP/NPEs (March 2000) showed that OP/OPEs have similar toxicological properties to NP/NPEs and therefore would not be an appropriate alternative to NP/NPEs since their use may amplify rather than reduce the risk to the environment.

(b) Chosen alternative products should not have, through their degradation, the potential to produce NP/NPEs.

(4) Achieving the risk management objectives described in subsection 3(1) giving priority to pollution prevention activities, that is, the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health. Hence, persons identified in section 1 shall give consideration to the following elements, without limiting themselves to:

(a) Advanced dyeing, such as low liquor ratio dyeing machines and cold pad batch dyeing,

(b) Substitution or reduction of certain chemicals such as surfactants containing NP/NPES and dyes,

(c) Improved quality control of raw materials,

(d) Optimization of chemical use, such as the use of automated chemical dosing systems and dye machine controllers,

(e) Chemical recovery and reuse, such as a salt bath recovery system.

(5) To measure textile mill effluent toxicity, define a monitoring plan to be followed during implementation of the pollution prevention plan. This monitoring plan would include:

(a) The analysis of 24-hour composite samples collected at a frequency of at least four per year;

(b) The collection of effluent samples at evenly spaced time intervals throughout the year; this should include a minimum of four samples per year, spaced at three-month intervals;

(c) The collection of effluent samples such that they are representative of the textile mill effluent under typical or regular operating conditions, as well as effluent samples representative of wastewater being discharged to the municipal wastewater or sewage treatment plant;

(d) Documenting the rationale for the selection of specific monitoring times and the corresponding results;

(e) The implementation of quality assurance and control measures that will ensure the accuracy of the effluent characterization data.

4. Period within which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires that the plan be prepared and implementation initiated by January 31, 2006.

5. Period within which the plan is to be implemented

The Minister requires that the plan be implemented by January 31, 2010.

6. Content of plan

Persons preparing the plan are to determine the appropriate content of their own plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of the final notice. It must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 8 and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 9, and the information required to file the Interim Progress Reports referred to in section 11.

7. Requirement to keep plan

Under section 59 of CEPA 1999, all persons identified in section 1 shall keep a copy of the plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the plan is prepared. Where a single plan is jointly prepared for more than one facility, a copy of that plan must be kept at each facility.

8. Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999, persons identified in section 1 shall file, within 30 days after the end of the period for the preparation of the plan specified in section 4 or extended under section 13, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing using the form given in Schedule 1 of this notice, to the Minister. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, each of those facilities must file a separate Declaration of Preparation. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

9. Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999, persons identified in section 1 shall file, within 30 days after the completion of the implementation of the plan as specified in paragraph 5 or extended under paragraph 13, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing, using the form given in Schedule 5 of this notice, to the Minister. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, each of those facilities must file a separate Declaration of Implementation. The plan must be implemented no later than the deadline specified in section 5 or extended under section 13. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

10. Filing of amended declarations

Under subsection 58(3) of CEPA 1999, where a person specified in section 1 has filed a declaration under section 8 or 9, and the declaration contains information that, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended declaration to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading using the appropriate form referred to in section 8 or 9.

11. Interim Progress Reports

Persons identified in section 1 shall file on or before each of the dates below a written Interim Progress Report — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing using the form given in Schedule 4 of this notice, to the Minister. If a Declaration of Implementation is submitted before the Interim Progress Report is due, the requirement to submit such an Interim Progress Report is nullified.

Interim Progress Report No. 1: March 1, 2007

Interim Progress Report No. 2: March 1, 2008

Interim Progress Report No. 3: March 1, 2009

Each Interim Progress Report will report data pertaining to the previous calendar year. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, each of those facilities must file all the Interim Progress Reports required. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

Where a person has filed an Interim Progress Report that contains information that at any time after the filing has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended report to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading.

12. Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of CEPA 1999, a person may use a pollution prevention plan prepared or implemented for another purpose to satisfy the requirements of sections 1 to 7 of this notice. Under subsection 57(2) of CEPA 1999, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all the requirements of the notice, the person shall amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. Persons using existing plans must nonetheless file a Declaration of Preparation under section 8, a Declaration of Implementation under section 9, any amended declarations under section 10, where applicable, and any Interim Progress Reports required under section 11.

13. Extension of time

(1) Under subsection 56(3) of CEPA 1999, where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to prepare the plan as specified in section 4 or to implement the plan as specified in section 5, the Minister may extend the period for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing, using the form given in Schedule 3 of this notice, before the expiry of the date referred to in the applicable section 4 or section 5 or before the expiry of any extended period.

(2) Where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to file an Interim Progress Report under section 11, the Minister may extend the date on which the Interim Progress Report must be filed for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing, using the form given in Schedule 3 of this notice, before the date referred to in section 11 or before the expiry of any extended period.

Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

14. Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of CEPA 1999, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person to consider a factor specified in section 3 where the Minister is of the opinion that it is not reasonable nor practicable to consider that factor on the basis of reasons provided by that person when submitting a written Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing, using the form given in Schedule 2 of this notice. Such a request must be made before the expiry of the period within which the plan is to be prepared referred to in section 4. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

15. More information on pollution prevention planning

Additional information on pollution prevention and guidance on preparing pollution prevention plans may be obtained from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site ( nopp), from the CEPA Registry ( CEPAregistry), from the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse ( or from Environment Canada's regional offices.

Copies of Environment Canada's Pollution Prevention Planning Handbook, including a model plan, are available at:

16. Reference code: P2TMENPE

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment Canada concerning this notice should refer to the following reference code: P2TMENPE.

17. Forms

Forms referred to in this notice (Schedules 1 to 5) are to be submitted to: National Office of Pollution Prevention, c/o CEPA 1999 Part 4 P2 Plans, Environment Canada, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 13th Floor, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3.

Electronic copies of this notice and instructions for completing the associated forms (Schedules 1 to 5) are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site, at A copy of the forms (Schedules 1 to 5) referred to in this notice can be requested by phone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970, or by electronic mail at

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this notice on Environment Canada's Green Lane Web site. All persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit a request under section 313 of CEPA 1999 that specific information be treated as confidential.

18. Environment Canada contact information

For questions about this notice, or for more information about pollution prevention planning, contact Environment Canada's regional offices:

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Environmental Protection Branch — Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-9590
Facsimile: (902) 426-8373

For residents of Quebec
Environmental Protection Branch — Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec
H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Facsimile: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario
Environmental Protection Branch — Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario
M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5888
Facsimile: (416) 739-4342

For residents of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Environmental Protection Branch — Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
4999 98th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6B 2X3
Telephone: (780) 951-8890
Facsimile: (780) 495-2758

For residents of British Columbia and Yukon
Environmental Protection Branch — Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
224 West Esplanade
North Vancouver, British Columbia
V7M 3H7
Telephone: (604) 666-2739
Facsimile: (604) 666-6800


(This note is not part of the notice.)

Compliance with CEPA 1999 is mandatory under subsection 272(1) of CEPA 1999. Subsection 272(2) of CEPA 1999 defines the penalties for persons who commit offences under CEPA 1999. Subsections 273(1) and 273(2) further outline the terms and penalties of those persons providing false or misleading information. Penalties under both subsection 272(2) and 273(2) include fines of not more than $1,000,000, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

For additional information on CEPA 1999 and the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and on applicable penalties, please contact the Enforcement Branch at (819) 994-0907. The Policy is available at Pdf.

Note : Do not fill out this form. Please refer to the Instruction Booklet for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.
Schedule 1: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated wastewater Effluents (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2MWWE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Ammonia, Inorganic Chloramines, and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Request.
Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose 
Is the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of this Notice:
— a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared on a voluntary basis? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
— a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared for another government or under another Act of Parliament?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, identify the other government requirement(s) or Act(s) of Parliament.
The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below. 
3.0 Substance and Activity
Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one):
Checkbox Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (NP/NPEs) used in wet processing
Checkbox Effluents from Textile Mills that use wet processing (TMEs)
4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan
(a) The data collected in Part 4.4 of this Declaration are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.
(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Declaration was determined:
M Monitoring or direct measurement
C Mass balance
E Emission factors
O Engineering estimates
(c) This Declaration requires reporting of data from the 2005 Preparation Year (from January 1 to December 31) and Base Year data from the 1998 calendar year.
If the person(s) subject to the notice has been granted a time extension to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a year other than 2005, all references to 2005 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is(are) required to report.
If applicable, indicate the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is (are) reporting:
If this facility does not have NP/NPEs use data for the 1998 calendar year, the first calendar year since 1998 where the facility does have NP/NPEs use data, but no later than 2005, is considered to be the base year. All references to 1998 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new base year for which the person(s) is (are) reporting.
If applicable, indicate the new Base Year for which the person(s) is reporting:
4.1 Nature of Activity — No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Declaration
4.2 On-Site Uses (Complete Part 4.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility use the Substance on-site in 2005 and/or in 1998?
2005: Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
1998: Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes for either year, report below the quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance, in kg, for each year in the appropriate field.
If no for both years, proceed to Part 4.4 of this Declaration.
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, report the total quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance with the basis of estimate code.
A1. Total On-Site Uses - 2005

Basis of
Estimate Code
A2. Total On-Site Uses - 1998

Basis of
Estimate Code
4.3 On-Site Releases — No data is required for Part 4.3 of this Declaration
4.4 Off-Site Transfers (Complete Part 4.4.2 for TMEs only.)
(In this part of the Schedule, the discharge of wastewater to the municipal sewage treatment plant is considered to be an off-site transfer.)
4.4.1 Product Distribution — No data is required for Part 4.4.1 of this Declaration
4.4.2 Off-Site Transfers for Disposal
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility transfer the Substance off-site for disposal in 2005 and/or in 1998?
2005: Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
1998: Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes for either year, report below the quantity of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal, in m3/year, for each year in the appropriate field.
If no for both years, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Declaration.
Report the total of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal with the basis of estimate code.

Type of Transfers for Disposal
Quantity Transferred — 2005
Basis of
Estimate Code
Quantity Transferred — 1998
Basis of
Estimate Code
Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP)        
4.4.3 Off-Site Transfers for Recycling — No data is required for Part 4.4.3 of this Declaration
4.5 Additional Baseline Information
4.5.1 Additional Baseline Information Addressing TMEs (Complete Part 4.5.1 for TMEs only.) Mill Type
Report all activities that were carried out in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.
Checkbox Knit Fabric Finishing Checkbox Carpet Finishing
Checkbox Woven Fabric Finishing Checkbox Wool Finishing
Checkbox Stock Yarn Finishing Checkbox Non-Woven Fabric Finishing
Checkbox Other (please specify): Wet Processing Activities 
Report all wet processing activities carried out in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.
Checkbox Scouring Checkbox Carbonizing
Checkbox Neutralizing Checkbox Fulling
Checkbox Desizing Checkbox Bleaching
Checkbox Mercerizing Checkbox Dyeing
Checkbox Printing Checkbox Other wet processing activity (specify all)
  Description: On-Site Wastewater Treatment 
Report all types of wastewater treatment performed at the facility in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31).
Checkbox No Treatment Checkbox Preliminary Treatment
Checkbox Primary Treatment Checkbox Other (please specify):
Refer to instruction booklet insert for descriptions of various wastewater treatments. Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP) Identification
Identify the municipality and province in which the MSTP is located:
Specify the name of the MSTP: TMEs Toxicity Testing
Report on the baseline effluent characterization performed at the facility in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31). Refer to the instruction insert for sampling and analytical information. Please provide a minimum of four (4) toxicity results for a full calendar year.
Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test, IC50 15 minutes
IC50 15 min
Date sampled
Identify the laboratory name and location (street address, city, province and phone number):
Discharge per production unit

Average Discharge
Mass of Production
Average Discharge / Mass of Production
4.5.2 Additional Baseline Information Addressing NP/NPEs (Complete Part 4.5.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
Have you begun substituting NP/NPEs in certain products?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If you have begun substituting NP/NPEs in certain products, do the NP/NPEs-free products that you are currently using contain:
Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs): Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
Alcohol Ethoxylates (AEs): Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
5.0 Anticipated Actions and Results
5.1 Anticipated Action(s) (Complete Part 5.1 for NP/NPEs only.)
The following section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the pollution prevention plan, i.e., this section will be completed as many times as there are anticipated actions to report.
In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration the anticipated action to be taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the anticipated action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to uses, releases and/or transfers of the Substance anticipated to be achieved from implementation of that action in kg/year. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some anticipated actions, such as training, may not be possible.
In Part 5.1.5, relate these changes to a specific element(s) of the baseline information described in Part 4 of this Declaration using the appropriate alphabetical label. Refer to the "Instruction for completing the schedules to Canada Gazette notices requiring the preparation and the implementation of pollution prevention plans" for a listing of alphabetical labels. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the planned completion date for the anticipated action.
5.1.1 Anticipated Action:
5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):
Checkbox Material or feedstock substitution Checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery
Checkbox Product design or reformulation Checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques
Checkbox Equipment or process modifications Checkbox Good operating practices or training
Checkbox Spill and leak prevention Checkbox Other (please specify):
5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):
Checkbox Energy recovery Checkbox Pollution control
Checkbox Off-site recycling Checkbox Disposal
Checkbox Incineration with energy recovery Checkbox Other (please specify):
Checkbox Waste treatment  
5.1.4 Anticipated Change(s):
5.1.5 Baseline Element(s) Affected:
5.1.6 Planned Completion Date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan.
5.2 Total Anticipated Results (Complete Part 5.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total anticipated change to uses of the Substance in kg/year and as a percentage relative to both 2005 and 1998.
In the first two columns, relative to 2005, report the total changes anticipated to be achieved from implementing only the anticipated actions described in Part 5.1 of this Declaration.
In the last two columns, relative to 1998, include both the changes reported in the first two columns and those achieved between 1998 and 2005 as reported in Part 4.2 of this Declaration.

Type of Use
Total Anticipated
Change* Relative
to 2005

Total Anticipated
Change* Relative
to 2005

Total Anticipated
Change* Relative
to 1998

Total Anticipated
Change* Relative
to 1998

5.2.1 On-site uses of NP/NPEs        
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
5.3 Detailed Anticipated Results Information (Complete Part 5.3 for TMEs only.)
The following section (Parts 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 of this Declaration) must be completed separately for each anticipated action identified in the P2 Plan. Accordingly, this section must be completed as many times as there are anticipated actions to report.
In Part 5.3.1, describe the anticipated action to be taken to achieve the effluent toxicity objective identified in the Notice. In Part 5.3.2, provide any additional useful information for the description of the pollution prevention action in Part 5.3.1. In Part 5.3.3, describe on what basis the pollution prevention action was selected and how it is expected to reduce the toxicity of the effluent. Finally, in
Part 5.3.4, identify the planned completion date for the action.
5.3.1 Anticipated Action:
5.3.2 Describe the anticipated action in more detail.
5.3.3 Describe on what basis the anticipated action was selected and how it is expected to reduce the effluent toxicity. Also indicate the anticipated result of the action with respect to the effluent toxicity objective identified in the Notice.
5.3.4 Planned Completion Date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 of this declaration) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the
P2 plan.
6.0 Monitoring and Reporting
Describe anticipated monitoring and reporting that will be used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.
7.0 Risk Management Objective
Describe how the Pollution Prevention Plan outlined in this Declaration meets the risk management objectives identified in the Notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objectives, explain why.
This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.
8.0 Factors to Consider
Describe what was done by the person or class of persons subject to the Notice to take into account the "factors to be considered" in subsections 3(1), 3(3), 3(4) and 3(5) of the Notice, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister of the Environment.
9.0 Certification
I hereby certify that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared and is being implemented for the Substance and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Please do not fill out this form. This form is for comment only.
Schedule 2: Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates
Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing
(Subsection 56(5) of CEPA, 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Request.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 Factor(s) for Which a Waiver is Requested
Identify exactly for which factor(s) listed in the Notice a waiver is requested.
3.0 Rationale for Request
Explain why it would not be reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is requested.
Explain how the outcome of the P2 plan will be affected if this "factor to consider" is not taken into account.
Explain which, if any, additional factor(s) you propose to consider in preparing the pollution prevention plan (optional).
4.0 Certification
I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Please do not fill out this form. This form is for comment only.
Schedule 3: Request for Time Extension — Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing
Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing
(Subsection 56(3) of CEPA, 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Request.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 Request for Time Extension
Identify for which of the following a time extension is requested (choose one):
Checkbox to prepare a pollution prevention plan.
Checkbox to submit an Interim Progress Report
Interim Progress Report No. _____
Checkbox to implement a pollution prevention plan.
For the person(s) identified in Part 1.0, it is requested that the date be extended to:
(Specify exact date — year/month/day.)
3.0 Rationale for Request
Explain why further time is necessary to prepare or implement a pollution prevention plan or to submit an Interim Progress Report.
4.0 Certification
I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Please do not fill out this form. This form is for comment only.
Schedule 4: Interim Progress Report — Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing
Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing
Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Report.
Is this an amendment to a Report previously submitted? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Report where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 No data is required for Part 2.0 of this Report.
The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.
3.0 Substance and Activity
Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one):
Checkbox Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (NP/NPEs) used in wet processing
Checkbox Effluents from Textile Mills that use wet processing (TMEs)
4.0 Baseline Information During Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan
(a) The data collected in Part 4.4 of this Report are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.
(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Report was determined:
M Monitoring or direct measurement
C Mass balance
E Emission factors
O Engineering estimates
(c) The Notice requires reporting of data in an Interim Progress Report for the following calendar years (from January 1 to
December 31):
Interim Progress Report Reporting Year
Interim Progress Report No. 1 2006
Interim Progress Report No. 2 2007
Interim Progress Report No. 3 2008
Indicate on which Interim Progress Report number you will be reporting:
(The Reporting Year associated with this Interim Progress Report Number will be the Reporting Year throughout this Report).
If the person(s) subject to the notice has (have) been granted a time extension to submit an Interim Progress Report that requires reporting for a year other than 2006, 2007 or 2008, all references to 2006, 2007 or 2008 in this Report are considered to represent the new Reporting Year for which the person(s) has (have) been required to report.
If applicable, indicate the new Reporting Year for which the person(s) is (are) reporting:
(This will be the Reporting Year throughout this Report.)
4.1 Nature of Activity — No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Report.
4.2 On-Site Uses (Complete Part 4.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, did this facility use the Substance on-site in the Reporting Year?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance, in kg, in the appropriate field.
If no, proceed to Part 4.4 of this Report.
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, report the total quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance with the basis of estimate code.
A. Total On-Site Uses (kg) Basis of Estimate Code
4.3 On-Site Releases — No data is required for Part 4.3 of this Report.
4.4 Off-Site Transfers
(In this part of the Schedule, the discharge of wastewater to the municipal sewage treatment plant is considered to be an off-site transfer.)
4.4.1 Product Distribution — No data is required for Part 4.4.1 of this Report.
4.4.2 Off-Site Transfers for Disposal (Complete Part 4.4.2 for TMEs only.)
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, did this facility transfer the Substance off-site for disposal in the Reporting Year?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, report below the quantity of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal, in m3/year, in the appropriate field.
If no, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Report.
Report all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal with the basis of estimate code.

Type of Transfers for Disposal
Quantity Transferred

Basis of Estimate Code
Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP)    
4.4.3 Off-Site Transfers for Recycling — No data is required for Part 4.4.3 of this Report
4.5 Additional Baseline Information
4.5.1 Additional Baseline Information Addressing TMEs (Complete Part 4.5.1 for TMEs only.) Mill Type
Report all activities that were carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.
Checkbox Knit Fabric Finishing Checkbox Carpet Finishing
Checkbox Woven Fabric Finishing Checkbox Wool Finishing
Checkbox Stock Yarn Finishing Checkbox Non-woven Fabric Finishing
Checkbox Other (please specify): Wet Processing Activities
Report all wet processing activities carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility. Select all items that apply.
Checkbox Scouring Checkbox Carbonizing
Checkbox Neutralizing Checkbox Fulling
Checkbox Desizing Checkbox Bleaching
Checkbox Mercerizing Checkbox Dyeing
Checkbox Printing Checkbox Other wet processing activity (specify all)
  Description: On-Site Wastewater Treatment
Report all types of wastewater treatment performed in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility.
Checkbox No Treatment Checkbox Preliminary Treatment
Checkbox Primary Treatment Checkbox Other (please specify):
Refer to instruction booklet insert for descriptions of various wastewater treatments. Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP) Identification
Identify the municipality and province in which the MSTP is located:
Specify the name of the MSTP: TMEs Toxicity Testing
Report effluent characterizations for the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31). Refer to the instruction booklet insert for sampling and analytical recommendations. Please provide a minimum of four (4) toxicity results for a full calendar year.
Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test, IC50 15 minutes
IC50 15 min
Date sampled
Identify the laboratory name and location (street address, city, province and phone number):
Discharge per production unit
Average Discharge
Mass of Production
Average Discharge / Mass of Production
4.5.2 Additional Information Addressing NP/NPEs (Complete Part 4.5.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
Have you begun substituting NP/NPEs in certain products? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If you have begun substituting NP/NPEs in certain products, do the NP/NPEs-free products that you are currently using contain:
Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs): Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
Alcohol Ethoxylates (AEs): Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved To Date
5.1 Action(s) Taken to Date (Complete Part 5.1 for NP/NPEs only.)
The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken to date in the P2 plan, i.e., this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to date to report.
In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report the actions taken to date in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. For the purpose of this Report, "to date" refers to December 31 of the Reporting Year specified in Section 4.0 of this Report. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action taken to date represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to uses, releases or transfers of the Substance achieved to date from implementation of that action in kg/yr. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible.
In Part 5.1.5, relate these changes to a specific element(s) of the baseline information described in Part 4 of this Report using the appropriate alphabetical label. Refer to the Instruction Booklet for a listing of alphabetical labels. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for the action taken.
5.1.1 Action taken to date:
5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):
Checkbox Material or feedstock substitution Checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery
Checkbox Product design or reformulation Checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques
Checkbox Equipment or process modifications Checkbox Good operating practices or training
Checkbox Spill and leak prevention Checkbox Other (please specify):
5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):
Checkbox Energy recovery Checkbox Pollution control
Checkbox Off-site recycling Checkbox Disposal
Checkbox Incineration with energy recovery Checkbox Other (please specify):
Checkbox Waste treatment  
5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved to date:
5.1.5 Baseline Element(s) Affected:
5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken to date in the P2 plan.
5.2 Total Results Achieved To Date (Complete Part 5.1 for NP/NPEs only.)
The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, the total achieved change to date to uses of the Substance in kg/year and as a percentage relative to both 2005 and 1998 as reported in the "Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing (subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)" (Declaration of Preparation).
In the first two columns, relative to 2005, report those changes achieved to date from implementing only the actions described in
Part 5.1 of this Report.
In the last two columns, relative to the 1998, include both the changes reported in the first two columns and those achieved between 1998 and 2005 as reported in Part 4.2 of the Declaration of Preparation.

Type of Use
Total Achieved
Change To date* Relative
to 2005
Total Achieved
Change To date* Relative
to 2005
Total Achieved
Change to date* Relative
to 1998
Total Achieved
Change To date* Relative
to 1998
5.2.1 On-site uses of NP/NPEs        
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
5.3 Detailed Results Achieved To Date Information (Complete Part 5.3 for TMEs only.)
The following section (Parts 5.3.1 to 5.3.5 of this declaration) must be completed separately for each action taken to date identified in the P2 Plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to date to report.
In Part 5.3.1, describe the actions taken to date to achieve the effluent toxicity objective identified in the Notice. In Part 5.3.2, provide any additional useful information for the description of the pollution prevention action in Part 5.3.1. In Part 5.3.3, describe the stage of implementation of the action and provide an evaluation of the action taken to date in achieving the effluent toxicity objective identified in the Notice. In Part 5.3.4, identify whether or not the action taken to date was successful in reducing the effluent toxicity. Finally, in Part 5.3.5, indicate by what date the action was completed or is planned to be completed.
5.3.1 Action taken to date:
5.3.2 Describe the anticipated action in more detail.
5.3.3 Describe the stage at which the action has been implemented and an evaluation of the results achieved to date with respect to the anticipated result.
5.3.4 Do you consider that the action taken to date was successful in reducing the effluent toxicity:
Checkbox Very successful Checkbox Moderately successful Checkbox No effect Checkbox Unsuccessful
Checkbox I am unable to evaluate the effect of the action taken to date on the overall effluent toxicity
5.3.5 Completion date or planned completion date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.3.1 to 5.3.5 of this declaration) that must be completed separately for each action taken to date identified in the P2 plan.
6.0 Monitoring and Reporting
Describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.
7.0 No data is required for part 7.0 of this Report.
This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this report) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.
8.0 No data is required for part 8.0 of this Report.
9.0 Certification
I hereby certify that the information provided in this Report is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or Duly
Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print
Note: Please do not fill out this form. This form is for comment only.
Schedule 5: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills that Use Wet Processing (Subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999)
Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE
Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.
Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted? Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.
1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice
Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice:
Facility Name:
Street Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
Telephone number: E-mail (if available):
(with area code)
If different from Street Address:
Mailing Address of Facility:
City: Province/Territory: Postal Code:
National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank):
Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:
Facility Technical Contact:
E-mail (if available):
Telephone Number: Fax Number (if available):
(with area code) (with area code)
2.0 No data is required for Part 2.0 of this Declaration 
The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.
3.0 Substance and Activity
Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one):
Checkbox Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (NP/NPEs) used in wet processing
Checkbox Effluents from Textile Mills that use wet processing (TMEs)
4.0 Baseline Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan 
(a) The data collected in Part 4.4, of this Declaration are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.
(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Declaration was determined:
M Monitoring or direct measurement
C Mass balance
E Emission factors
O Engineering estimates
(c) This Declaration requires reporting of data for the year of implementation (from January 1 to December 31) of the pollution prevention plan, but no later than for the year 2009 (as specified in the Notice or any other year specified to a person who has been granted an extension of time to implement a plan).
Indicate the year of implementation for which the person(s) is(are) reporting:
(This will be the Reporting Year throughout this Declaration.)
4.1 Nature of Activity — No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Report 
4.2 On-Site Uses (Complete Part 4.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility use the Substance on-site in the Reporting Year?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance, in kg/yr, in the appropriate field.
If no, proceed to Part 4.4 of this Declaration.
Report the total of all on-site uses of the Substance with the basis of estimate code.
A. Total On-Site Uses of NP/NPEs (kg) Basis of Estimate Code
4.3 On-Site Releases — No data is required for Part 4.3 of this Report
4.4 Off-Site Transfers
(In this part of the Schedule, the discharge of wastewater to the municipal sewage treatment plant is considered to be an off-site transfer.)
4.4.1 Product Distribution — No data is required for Part 4.4.1 of this Report
4.4.2 Off-Site Transfers for Disposal (Complete Part 4.4.2 for TMEs only.)
For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility transfer the Substance off-site for disposal in the Reporting Year?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If yes, report below the quantity of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal, in m3/year, in the appropriate field.
If no, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Declaration.
Report the total all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal with the basis of estimate code.
Type of Transfer H. Total Transfers (m3/yr) Basis of Estimate Code
Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP)    
4.4.3 Off-Site Transfers for Recycling — No data is required for Part 4.4.3 of this Report
4.5 Additional Information
4.5.1 Additional Information Addressing TMEs (Complete Part 4.5.1 for TMEs only.) Mill Type
Report all activities that were carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.
Checkbox Knit Fabric Finishing Checkbox Carpet Finishing
Checkbox Woven Fabric Finishing Checkbox Wool Finishing
Checkbox Stock Yarn Finishing Checkbox Non-Woven Fabric Finishing
Checkbox Other (please specify): Wet Processing Activities
Report all wet processing activities carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility. Select all items that apply.
Checkbox Scouring Checkbox Carbonizing
Checkbox Neutralizing Checkbox Fulling
Checkbox Desizing Checkbox Bleaching
Checkbox Mercerizing Checkbox Dyeing
Checkbox Printing Checkbox Other wet processing activity (specify all)
  Description: On-Site Wastewater Treatment
Report all types of wastewater treatment performed at the Facility in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31). Select all items that apply.
Checkbox No Treatment Checkbox Preliminary Treatment
Checkbox Primary Treatment Checkbox Other (please specify):
Refer to instruction booklet insert for descriptions of various wastewater treatments. Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP) Identification
Identify the municipality and province in which the MSTP is located:
Specify the name of the MSTP: TMEs Toxicity Testing
Report effluent characterisations for the reporting year (from January 1 to December 31). Refer to instruction booklet insert for sampling and analytical recommendations. Please provide a minimum of four toxicity results for a full calendar year.
Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test, IC50 15 minutes
IC50 15 min
Date sampled
Identify the laboratory name and location (street address, city, province and phone number):
Discharge per production unit
Average Discharge
Mass of Production
Average Discharge / Mass of Production
4.5.2 Additional Information Addressing NP/NPEs (Complete Part 4.5.2 for NP/NPEs only.)
Have you completed your planned NP/NPEs reductions?
Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
If so, do the NP/NPE-free products that you are currently using contain:
Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs): Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
Alcohol Ethoxylates (AEs): Checkbox Yes Checkbox No
5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved
5.1 Action(s) Taken (Complete Part 5.1 for NP/NPEs only.)
The following section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan, i.e., this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to report.
In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the action taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to uses, releases and/or transfers of the Substance achieved from implementation of that action in kg/year. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that estimating a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible.
In Part 5.1.5, relate these changes to a specific element(s) of the baseline information described in Part 4 of this Declaration using the appropriate alphabetical label. Refer to the Instruction Booklet for a listing of alphabetical labels. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for each action taken.
5.1.1 Action Taken:
5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s) Used :
Checkbox Material or feedstock substitution Checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery
Checkbox Product design or reformulation Checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques
Checkbox Equipment or process modifications Checkbox Good operating practices or training
Checkbox Spill and leak prevention Checkbox Other (please specify):
5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):
Checkbox Energy recovery Checkbox Pollution control
Checkbox Off-site recycling Checkbox Disposal
Checkbox Incineration with energy recovery Checkbox Other (please specify):
Checkbox Waste treatment  
5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved:
5.1.5 Baseline Element(s) Affected:
5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day):
This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1. through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan.
5.2 Total Results Achieved
The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total achieved change to uses of the Substance in kg/year and as a percentage relative to both 2005 and 1998 as reported in the "Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and is Being implemented — Nonylphenol and Its Ethoxylates Used in the Wet Processing Textile Industry and Effluents from Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)" (Declaration of Preparation).
In the first two columns, relative to 2005, report those changes achieved to date from implementing only the actions described in
Part 5.1 of this Report.
In the last two columns, relative to the 1998, include both the changes reported in the first two columns and those achieved between 1998 and 2005 as reported in Part 4.2 of the Declaration of Preparation.

Type of Use
Total Change*
Relative to 2005
Total Change*
Relative to 2005
Total Change*
Relative to 1998
Total Change*
Relative to 1998
5.2.1 On-site uses        
* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.
5.3 Detailed Results Achieved Information (Complete Part 5.3 for TMEs only.)
List and describe all the actions taken which were used to achieve the effluent toxicity objective identified in the Notice.
6.0 Monitoring and Reporting
Describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.
7.0 Risk Management Objective
Describe how the P2 plan outlined in this Declaration met the risk management objectives identified in the notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objectives, explain why.
This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.
8.0 No data is required for Part 8.0 of this Declaration
9.0 Certification
I hereby certify that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been implemented for the Substance and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.
Signature of the Person(s) subject to the Notice or
Duly Authorized Representative
  Please Print
  Please Print



Maintenance Dredging Services Tonnage Fees

The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to section 47 of the Oceans Act, hereby fixes the fees to be paid for the total direct costs of the maintenance dredging services in the St. Lawrence Ship Channel in accordance with the annexed Schedule, effective June 1, 2003.

May 15, 2003


Minister of Fisheries and Oceans


1. The following definitions apply for the purpose of establishing and collecting fees to be paid for the provision of the maintenance dredging services by the Canadian Coast Guard to ships transiting the St. Lawrence Ship Channel.

"draught" means the largest static draught of a ship during a transit. (tirant d'eau)

"fishing vessel" means a vessel, boat or craft that is employed in catching fish, processing fish or transporting fish back to shore. (bateau de pêche)

"government ship" means any vessel, boat or craft that is owned or operated by the government of any country other than Canada, a province, state, territory or municipality of a country for which no fee, tariff or freight rate is charged for the vessel's, boat's or craft's services, or any vessel, boat or craft owned and operated by the government of Canada. (navire d'État)

"gross tonnage" means

(a) in the case of a ship that is subject to the 1969 Convention, the gross tonnage that is indicated on the International Tonnage Certificate for that ship or

(b) in the case of a ship that is not subject to the 1969 Convention, the gross tonnage or register tonnage that is indicated on the certificate of registry for that ship. (jauge brute)

"Minister" means the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. (ministre)

"1969 Convention" means the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. (Convention de 1969)

"pleasure craft" means a vessel, boat or craft that is used exclusively for pleasure and does not carry passengers or goods for hire, reward, remuneration or any object of profit. (embarcation de plaisance)

"respective percentage of the fee" means for the Montreal Port Authority 39.62%, for the Quebec Port Authority 11.32% and for Ultramar Ltd 49.06%. (pourcentage respectif du droit)

"ship" means a vessel, boat, or craft carrying either a domestic or foreign flag, other than a pleasure craft, fishing vessel, and government ship. (navire)

"St. Lawrence Ship Channel" means the navigation channel of the St. Lawrence River between the upstream boundary of the Port of Montreal and the upstream end of Île aux Coudres. (chenal maritime du Saint-Laurent)

"total direct costs" includes such costs as direct program overhead, direct payroll, direct operating costs, and an attribution of the incremental costs for the use of departmental assets, which are directly related to the maintenance dredging services in the St. Lawrence Ship Channel. (total des coûts directs)

"transit" means any upstream movement or downstream movement made by a ship that begins, stops or ends at a Canadian port and that includes all or part of the St. Lawrence Ship Channel. (transit)

2. Subject to sections 7 to 11, the fee applies to each ship that

(a) is on a transit in the St. Lawrence Ship Channel; and

(b) has a draught of 5.0 metres or more during a transit.

3. Subject to sections 7 to 11, every ship shall pay to the Minister a fee obtained by multiplying the gross tonnage of that ship by $0.0377 for each transit, subject to a minimum fee of $25.00. This fee shall be indexed to inflation on April 1 of each year, beginning on April 1, 2004, based on the annual percentage increase, over the previous calendar year, of the annual value in The Consumer Price Index, published by Statistics Canada.

4. The Montreal Port Authority, the Quebec Port Authority and Ultramar Ltd. shall each pay to the Minister their respective percentage of the fee, which fee is obtained by subtracting the moneys received pursuant to section 3, for the period extending from April 1 to March 31 of each year, from the total direct costs incurred by the Minister during the same period.

5. The fee set by section 3 shall be paid by the ship upon issuance of an invoice by the Minister or by a person authorized by the Minister to the ship or the authorized agent of the ship.

6. The fee set by section 4 shall be paid by each of the corporations mentioned therein upon issuance of an invoice by the Minister or by a person authorized by the Minister.

7. No fee is payable by a ship that is travelling non-stop through Canadian waters to, or from, a port in the United States without a stop at a Canadian port.

8. A stop by a ship at a Canadian port for the sole purpose of taking on bunkers that will be used exclusively to continue its voyage will not be subject to the fee.

9. A stop at a Canadian port for one or more of the following sole purposes will not be subject to the fee:

(i) to respond to a medical emergency;

(ii) to undertake emergency ship repairs;

(iii) to respond to a government department or agency request to stop; or

(iv) to make an overnight stop required due to the seasonal removal of lighted aids to navigation.

10. Subject to section 12, no fee is payable when a movement of a ship is within the boundaries of a port on the St. Lawrence Ship Channel.

11. Subject to section 12, no fee is payable by a ship on a transit

(a) beginning at the Port of Montreal and proceeding directly into the St. Lawrence Seaway, or

(b) ending at the Port of Montreal after proceeding directly from the St. Lawrence Seaway.

12. For purposes of the application of sections 10 and 11, the Terminal at Contrecœur shall be deemed to be a destination distinct from the Port of Montreal.

13. Interest is payable on an overdue fee commencing 30 days after issuance of the invoice and is calculated pursuant to the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulations. (see footnote e) 

Explanatory Note

Since 1997, and at the request of industry, the Canadian Coast Guard, a sector of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, has managed the maintenance dredging of the navigation channel of the St. Lawrence River between the Port of Montreal and Île aux Coudres near the City of Québec. This portion of the navigation channel is known as the St. Lawrence Ship Channel and requires maintenance dredging on an annual basis to ensure commercial navigation. Consequently, the costs of this maintenance dredging service are the responsibility of those interests who benefit from this service.

This fee schedule, which replaces the earlier fee schedule that expired on March 31, 2003, extends the current arrangement whereby the Canadian Coast Guard is reimbursed, via fees, for the total direct costs it incurs to manage the maintenance dredging of the ship channel on behalf of commercial users.

The key elements of the new fee schedule are:

— The new fee schedule comes into force on June 1, 2003, for an indefinite period.

— Its two major components are:

— Ships that transit the Ship Channel will pay a fee obtained by multiplying the gross tonnage of the ship by $0.0377 for each transit. This transit fee will be indexed to inflation on an annual basis, starting on April 1, 2004; and

— For each fiscal year, the difference between the total direct costs to the Canadian Coast Guard to manage the dredging of the ship channel, and the revenue generated from the transit fee, will be paid by the Port of Montreal, the Port of Quebec and Ultramar Ltd. on a pre-determined cost-shared basis.

— The new fees reflect the costs that the Canadian Coast Guard will incur to manage the maintenance dredging of the ship channel, but will not exceed the total direct costs related to this service.

For further information regarding this fee schedule, interested parties may contact Mr. Marc Demonceaux, Director, Marine Programs, Canadian Coast Guard, 101 Champlain Boulevard, Québec, Quebec G1K 7Y7, (418) 648-4548 (Telephone), (418) 648-5169 (Facsimile), (Electronic mail).




Application for Surrender of Charter

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, an application for surrender of charter was received from:

File Number Name of Company Received
359162-0 Cultur'Arts Québec 06/12/2002

May 27, 2003



Incorporation and Disclosure

Services Branch

For the Minister of Industry




Letters Patent

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, Letters Patent have been issued to:

File Number Name of Company Head Office Effective Date
415031-7 Abba Father International Wasaga Beach, Ont. 26/02/2003
415690-1 Adolescents At Risk & K-9's Penetanguishene, Ont. 08/04/2003
415419-3 Association Gabonaise des Œuvres Sociales (A.G.O.S.) Montréal (Qué.) 21/03/2003
416105-0 ASSOCIATION INTERPROVINCIALE DE LA ZONE 12E INC. Caraquet (N.-B.) 15/04/2003
416091-6 BALKAN OUTREACH FOUNDATION CORP. St. John's, N.L. 24/04/2003
415160-7 BAPTIST EXPRESSION OF MARRIAGE ENCOUTER CANADA (2003) Edmonton, Alta. 14/03/2003
416030-4 BERENS RIVER HARBOUR AUTHORITY Berens River, Man. 17/04/2003
415609-9 BFM (BRANTFORD) ENTERPRISES SOCIETY Chilliwack, B.C. 02/04/2003
415608-1 BFM (CHATHAM) ENTERPRISES SOCIETY Chilliwack, B.C. 02/04/2003
Ottawa, Ont. 03/04/2003
415195-0 CANADIAN COALITION FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE Toronto, Ont. 18/03/2003
416050-9 Canadian Diamond Council Corporation Yellowknife, N.W.T. 22/04/2003
414645-0 CAP/AIDS Network Inc. Toronto, Ont. 12/02/2003
415621-8 Central Ontario Association of Boating Specialists Orillia, Ont. 03/04/2003
415493-2 CENTRE FOR JEWISH CAMPUS LIFE Toronto, Ont. 27/03/2003
415580-7 CHRIST POWER MISSION Sudbury, Ont. 01/04/2003
416333-8 CIRCLE OF CANADIANS/CERCLE DES CANADIENS National Capital Region, Ont. 01/05/2003
415185-2 CORPORATION LASEVE Saguenay (Qué.) 18/03/2003
414510-1 fabula entertainment inc. Greater City of Hamilton, Ont. 12/02/2003
415997-7 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH NORTH BAY NorthBay, Ont. 15/04/2003
416215-3 FIRST BOOK
Toronto, Ont. 23/04/2003
416108-4 Fonteneige University Centre Montréal, Que. 16/04/2003
416085-1 Freeform Solutions Ottawa, Ont. 24/04/2003
415456-8 Gladiator Boxing School -
École de boxe Gladiateur
Alcove, Que. 21/03/2003
415892-0 HARBOUR AUTHORITY OF GARDEN COVE Garden Cove, N.L. 08/04/2003
415677-3 HARBOUR AUTHORITY OF Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove, N.L. 01/04/2003
415886-5 Homeless Street Archive Montréal, Que. 03/04/2003
413973-9 MASTER'S COMMISSION CANADA Waterloo, Ont. 21/01/2003
415738-9 Paulo Alexandre's Canadian Foundation Toronto, Ont. 11/04/2003
415589-1 PRO-VISION INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) INC. Yellowknife, N.W.T. 08/04/2003
415369-3 RADIO KUE ATTINUKAN INC. Région de la Côte-Nord (Qué.) 26/03/2003
413785-0 RAINBOWS ARE INTERNATIONAL Ottawa, Ont. 09/01/2003
415560-2 RISE TO THE CHALLENGE INC. Toronto, Ont. 28/03/2003
415715-0 ROYAL LEPAGE SHELTER FOUNDATION Toronto, Ont. 10/04/2003
415036-2 Save Wilderness Canoeing/
Protégeons le Canotage de (Pleine) Nature
Kanata, Ont. 23/01/2003
415514-9 THE WALRUS MAGAZINE INC. Toronto, Ont. 28/03/2003
415110-1 THE WOODGREEN FOUNDATION Toronto, Ont. 11/03/2003
416035-5 THE ZHUBIN FOUNDATION/ Metropolitan Region of Montréal, Que. 15/04/2003
415177-1 TORONTO BLUES FESTIVAL Toronto, Ont. 17/03/2003
415037-6 WIND OF GLORY HEALING CENTRE INC. Brampton, Ont. 25/04/2003
415639-1 WORDS IN MOTION, A CANADIAN CHILDREN'S CHARITY Toronto. Ont. 03/04/2003

May 27, 2003



Incorporation and Disclosure

Services Branch

For the Minister of Industry




Supplementary Letters Patent

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, supplementary letters patent have been issued to:

File No. Company Name Date of S.L.P.
359767-9 Almanar Youth Association 15/04/2003
393232-0 GLORY CHURCH 25/02/2003

May 27, 2003



Incorporation and Disclosure

Services Branch

For the Minister of Industry




Supplementary Letters Patent — Name Change

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, supplementary letters patent have been issued to:

File No. Old Company Name New Company Name Date of S.L.P.
276091-6 ECOLE PARSIFAL SCHOOL Parsifal Waldorf School 31/03/2003
299166-7 HARE KRISHNA TEMPLES INC. Golden Avatar Inc. 17/04/2003
197020-8 Hudson's Bay Children's Foundation/
Fondation pour enfants de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson
Hudson's Bay Company Children's Foundation/
Fondation pour enfants de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson
115933-0 Kirkland and District Community Business Corporation Société de développement communautaire Kirkland & District Community Development Corporation 16/04/2003
410635-1 THE CENTRE FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY The Section 2 Foundation 03/04/2003

May 27, 2003



Incorporation and Disclosure

Services Branch

For the Minister of Industry


Balance Sheet as at May 21, 2003
1. Gold coin and bullion
2. Deposits in foreign currencies:
(a) U.S. Dollars $ 270,654,451
(b) Other currencies 5,621,615
Total $ 276,276,066
3. Advances to:  
(a) Government of Canada  
(b) Provincial Governments  
(c) Members of the Canadian Payments Association
Total 255,718,850
4. Investments  
(At amortized values):  
(a) Treasury Bills of

(b) Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada
maturing within three

(c) Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada
not maturing within three

(d) Securities issued or
guaranteed by a province of Canada
(e) Other Bills  
(f) Other investments 2,633,197
Total 40,049,362,778
5. Bank premises 130,620,642
6. All other assets 746,537,371
Total $ 41,458,515,707
1. Capital paid up $ 5,000,000
2. Rest fund 25,000,000
3. Notes in circulation 39,108,404,073
4. Deposits:  
(a) Government of
Canada $

(b) Provincial
(c) Banks 259,615,792
(d) Other members of the Canadian Payments

(e) Other 304,558,369
Total 1,868,756,904
5. Liabilities in foreign currencies:
(a) To Government of

(b) To others  
Total 135,340,834
6. All other liabilities 316,013,896
Total $ 41,458,515,707
(a) Securities maturing in over 3 years but not over 5 years $ 4,577,909,756
(b) Securities maturing in over 5 years but not over 10 years   9,539,117,103
(c) Securities maturing in over 10 years   5,819,111,934
  $ 19,936,138,793
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.    
Acting Chief Accountant 
I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, May 22, 2003    
Balance Sheet as at May 28, 2003
1. Gold coin and bullion
2. Deposits in foreign currencies:
(a) U.S. Dollars $ 276,640,705
(b) Other currencies 5,690,223
Total $ 282,330,928
3. Advances to:  
(a) Government of Canada  
(b) Provincial Governments  
(c) Members of the Canadian Payments Association
Total 494,508,634
4. Investments  
(At amortized values):  
(a) Treasury Bills of

(b) Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada
maturing within three

(c) Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada
not maturing within three

(d) Securities issued or
guaranteed by a province of Canada
(e) Other Bills  
(f) Other investments 2,633,197
Total 40,121,779,229
5. Bank premises 130,801,943
6. All other assets 1,309,797, 417
Total $ 42,339,218,151
1. Capital paid up $ 5,000,000
2. Rest fund 25,000,000
3. Notes in circulation 38,881,746,733
4. Deposits:  
(a) Government of
Canada $

(b) Provincial
(c) Banks 511,700,180
(d) Other members of the Canadian Payments

(e) Other 306,435,927
Total 2,931,634,404
5. Liabilities in foreign currencies:
(a) To Government of

(b) To others  
Total 137,911,000
6. All other liabilities 357,926,014
Total $ 42,339,218,151
(a) Securities maturing in over 3 years but not over 5 years $ 4,577,841,600
(b) Securities maturing in over 5 years but not over 10 years   9,539,151,242
(c) Securities maturing in over 10 years   5,818,989,414
  $ 19,935,982,256
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.    
Acting Chief Accountant 
I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, May 29, 2003    

Footnote a 

S.c. 1999, c. 33

Footnote b 

S.C. 1999, c. 33

Footnote 1 

Supplement, Canada Gazette, Part I, January 31, 1998.

Footnote c 

S.C. 1999, c. 33

Footnote d 

S.C. 1999, c. 33

Footnote 2 

Supplement, Canada Gazette, Part I, January 31, 1998.

Footnote 3 

Further information on Environment Canada's long-term strategy for managing wastewater effluents can be found in the Proposed Risk Management Strategy for Ammonia Dissolved in Water, Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents under CEPA 1999, May 2003. Refer to section 15 of this notice for information on obtaining a copy of this report. Environment Canada intends to document the advances made with regard to the long-term strategy before the publication of the Final Notice.

Footnote 4 

To assist in the management of the risks posed by ammonia in wastewater effluents, Environment Canada prepared a report entitled Treatment Processes for the Removal of Ammonia from Municipal Wastewater (2003). The report is intended to serve as an information source and decision support tool to assist engineers, managers and process operations staff involved with wastewater treatment systems. Refer to section 15 of this notice for information on obtaining a copy of this report.

Footnote 5 

A related Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) document is Guidance on the Site Specific Application of Water Quality Guidelines in Canada: Procedures for Deriving Numerical Water Quality Objectives, (2003). Refer to section 15 of this notice for information on obtaining a copy of this report.

Footnote 6 

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Information is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Footnote e 



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Updated: 2005-04-08