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First Nations & Inuit Health

Billing and Payment - Drug/Pharmacy

The billing methods available to pharmacy providers depend on the type of drug items rendered to Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) clients.

Regardless of the billing method used by pharmacy providers, all required data elements must be supplied to enable the efficient processing and payment of claims.

Information/InquiryFor further information on any of the available billing methods, format or record layout, pharmacy providers may contact the Non-Insured Health Benefits Toll-Free Inquiry Centre where you can speak with a First Canadian Health Representative.

Billing Methods

Drug/Pharmacy providers have these billing options:

All claims for drug items must be submitted through Point Of Service (POS) technology, except for these two situations, which must be submitted via paper:

  1. The first claim for drug items for an infant under one year of age who has not registered with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). All subsequent claims for that infant can be processed on-line once the initial manual claim is submitted to and paid by FCH.

  2. Re-submissions for drug items after a period exceeding 30 days.

Claims for drug/pharmacy items must have data elements submitted in the same order as on the Sample Pharmacy Claim Form. Pharmacy providers submitting claims in formats other than POS are encouraged to submit claims to First Canadian Health at least every two weeks.

Note: In certain circumstances and under existing arrangements, pharmacy providers can submit paper claims for items directly to First Nations Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) regions.

Point of Service (POS)

Pharmacy providers must submit claims for drug items and may submit claims for items via Point of Service (POS), for real-time adjudication. This option is available to pharmacy providers 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. All POS claims for amounts over $999.99 must have prior approval.

All NIHB claims submitted through POS must include the information normally required on the NIHB Pharmacy Claim Form, as well as any additional information required for POS claims.

There are two types of messaging for claims submitted through the POS system: CPhA standard messaging and free-format NIHB Health Information and Claims Processing System (HICPS) system messaging. Providers may refer to Non-Insured Health Benefits Pharmacy Claim Form Required Data Elements, for a description and explanation of NIHB Health Information and Claims Processing System (HICPS) system terms.

Note: The names of the entry fields displayed on the pharmacy terminal may be different from the names of the required data elements due to the specific pharmacy vendor software in place. For clarification of the field names on the pharmacy terminal, the provider should contact their software vendor.

Diskette/Tape Submission

Providers have the option to submit claims for eligible Drug/Pharmacy items dispensed under the NIHB Program on diskette or tape. The format for submitting claims on diskette/tape is Version 3 of the CPhA Pharmacy Claim Standard.

For further information, please call the Non-Insured Health Benefits Toll-Free Inquiry Centre to speak with a First Canadian Health Representative.

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Computer Printout

Providers may submit claims for eligible items on plain stock or computer paper. See Point of Service Data Elements for a list of required data elements and corresponding field lengths.

Non-Insured Health Benefits Pharmacy Claim Form

The Non-Insured Health Benefits Pharmacy Claim Form was designed for use in these specific situations only:

  • The first drug item claim for an infant under one year of age who has not yet registered with INAC (Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada);
  • Re-submissions for drug items after a period exceeding 30 days; and
  • Drug/pharmacy item claims.

Please direct inquiries related to the completion of this form or requests for additional supplies to the Non-Insured Health Benefits Toll-Free Inquiry Centre where you can speak with a First Canadian Health Representative.

See Non-Insured Health Benefits Pharmacy Claim Form Required Data Elements for a list of the required data elements for NIHB claims.

Special Submission Requirements - Infant Claims

For an infant under one year of age not yet registered with INAC, providers must submit the first claim for payment to FCH for manual processing. Subsequent claims may be submitted for the infant via Point of Service (POS), with the parent's primary identifier (such as INAC, client or band/family number) in the client identification number field and the infant's identifiers in the surname, given name and birth date fields.

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One Year Billing Policy

Providers have one year from the date of service to secure payment. Claims submitted with dates of service more than one year old are rejected with the R21 message (Period for submitting claims has expired).

Point of Service (POS) Data Elements -- Field Names and Descriptions

The Required Data Elements Table applies only to claims submitted via POS.

The BIN (Bank Identification Number) may or may not be entered by the provider (in some cases it is assigned automatically by the software, eliminating the need to enter it at the pharmacy level). The BIN for NIHB claims is 610068.
Version Number
For example, if a pharmacy's software is based on Version 3 of the CPhA Pharmacy Claim Standard, the Version Number would be 3. In most cases, the software assigns this number automatically, eliminating the need to enter it at the pharmacy level. Providers required to enter this information manually should contact their software vendor to determine the version number of their pharmacy software.
Transaction Code
Indicates the type of transaction a provider wishes to perform. In most cases, transaction codes are assigned automatically by the software, eliminating the need to enter them at the pharmacy level. Providers required to enter this information manually may use CPhA standard transaction codes 01-claim, 11-reversal, or 30-daily totals. For information about the use of transaction codes, providers should contact their pharmacy software vendor.
Provider Software ID
In most cases, the software assigns Provider Software ID numbers automatically, eliminating the need to enter them at the pharmacy level. Providers should contact their pharmacy software vendor to automate the entry of information in this field.
Provider Software Version
Indicates version of Provider Software. The Vendor assigns Numbers automatically.
Pharmacy ID Code
This unique, ten-digit identification number is the Pharmacy Number assigned to the pharmacy by FCH upon registration as an NIHB provider.
Provider Transaction Date
Equivalent to Date Of Service, this date should be entered in YYMMDD format and must be within 30 days of the process date.
Trace Number
Trace numbers are unique numbers usually produced sequentially by the pharmacy's software each time a transaction is transmitted allowing providers to trace all claims submitted via POS. There may be rare instances where a provider is required to enter a trace number manually. For additional information about assigning trace numbers, providers should contact their software vendor.
Carrier ID
Identifies the specific plan type or benefit program, which accepts responsibility for the claim being submitted (for example, NIHB Program). In most cases, the software assigns Carrier ID numbers automatically, eliminating the need to enter them at the pharmacy level. For information about automating the entry of information in this field, providers should contact their software vendor.
Group Number Or Code
This is a number or code, assigned to identify a specific group of benefit recipients within a carrier designation, (for example, NIHB Program clients). In most cases, the software assigns the Group Number or Code automatically, eliminating the need to enter them at the pharmacy level. For information about automating the entry of information in this field, providers should contact their software vendor.
Client ID # Or Code
A unique number used to identify a client who is eligible to receive benefits under the NIHB Program. When submitting claims through POS, this number may be one of:
  • 9 or 10-digit number issued to eligible First Nations clients by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC);
  • 3-digit band number, immediately followed by the 4 or 5-digit family number identifying the family unit within the eligible First Nations client's band;
  • An alpha prefix followed by an 8-digit number issued to certain eligible First Nations and recognized Inuit clients by First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB); or
  • Health care number issued to recognized Inuit clients by the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Patient DOB
The client's date of birth. Partial dates are not acceptable. The client's date of birth is mandatory for NIHB POS claims, and must be entered in YYYYMMDD format.
Patient First Name
The given name under which the client is registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client. Submission of more than one given name is preferred to facilitate client verification. Initials are not acceptable.
Patient Last Name
The surname under which the client is registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client.
Patient Gender
If entered, must be M-Male, F-Female, or U-Unknown.
New/Refill Code
Indicates whether the prescription is new or a refill/repeat. In most cases, the software assigns this information automatically, eliminating the need to enter it at the pharmacy level. If the provider's version of software requires manual entry of this information, these codes are acceptable:
  • N - new prescription
  • R - prescription refill/repeat
Original Rx Number
This number is assigned to prescriptions on the original date of service (for example, the number assigned to a "new prescription"), and is required when submitting claims for refills/repeats. The Original Prescription Number is usually assigned automatically by the system, but may have to be entered manually.
Current Rx Number
The prescription number assigned by your pharmacy for the item dispensed.
The Drug Identification Number (DIN) or item code.
The quantity (number of units) of the item dispensed. Providers should enter the actual quantity in this field for each claim.
Days Supply
Providers must use this field to enter the estimated number of days of treatment contained in the prescription.
Prescriber ID
The prescriber number as entered by the provider on the claim submission must be the same as required by the provincial/territorial pharmacare program. Claims for repair labour and replacement parts must be submitted with "999Repair" in the prescriber field, or they will be rejected on the NIHB Pharmacy/MS&E Claim Statement with an R14 error (Insufficient Benefit Information to Adjudicate Claim).
  • British Columbia - Physician License Number
  • Alberta Physician - License Number
  • Saskatchewan - Physician's Provincial Billing Number
  • Manitoba Physician - License Number
  • Ontario Physician - License Number
  • Quebec Physician - License Number
  • New Brunswick - Physician's Provincial Billing Number
  • Nova Scotia - Physician License Number
  • Prince Edward Island - Physician License Number
  • Newfoundland - Physician License Number
  • Yukon - Physician's Territorial Billing Number
  • Northwest Territories - Physician License Number
  • Nunavut - Physician License Number
Special Authorization Number Or Code
An authorization number, issued by FNIHB before the provider dispenses certain drugs.
Intervention/Exception Codes
Intervention/Exception codes are used by providers to override DUR (Drug Utilization Review) messages, after consulting the prescriber, the client, or other sources. Standard CPhA intervention codes (listed in the Drug Utilization Review are accepted by the NIHB HICPS system.
Drug Cost/Product Value
The total ingredient or acquisition cost for all units of the drug or item dispensed.
Cost Upcharge
The dollar amount of any mark-up for the item, based on the established percentage leave blank if not applicable.
Professional Fee
The dispensing fee for the item, leave blank if not applicable.
Previously Paid
The dollar amount of any portion of the claim that is billable to a provincial or territorial program or other third party. Leave blank if not applicable.
Pharmacist ID
This field allows providers to identify themselves when overriding a DUR warning message. Providers should enter their appropriate statutory number, with the appropriate intervention code.
Adjudication Date
This data element is only required for submitting on-line reversals. In most cases, the software automatically assigns the adjudication date, eliminating the need to enter it at the pharmacy level. If keyed manually, the adjudication date must be entered in YYMMDD format. The date must be within thirty (30) days of original adjudication date. Paper claims must be submitted if after thirty (30) days beyond original adjudication date.
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Point of Service (POS) Messages and Explanations

Claims submitted via POS to the NIHB HICPS system undergo adjudication in a matter of seconds. Two types of messages may be displayed to inform providers of the outcome:

  • Standard CPhA codes, used for POS by all Canadian insurance carriers, are used to communicate the status of a claim. CPhA codes are composed of two characters (alpha, alphanumeric or numeric), and can be decoded with pharmacy software packages (for example, C5 - plan maximum exceeded; C8 - no record of this beneficiary, etc.). The wording of the CPhA messages displayed on the pharmacy terminal may be different from the wording used on the statement, due to the pharmacy software. Providers requiring clarification of CPhA messages should contact their software vendor. A maximum of 5 CPhA messages (including DUR messages) can be sent back to the provider for each claim.

  • Free-format messages may also be displayed by the NIHB HICPS system to clarify the status of a claim in certain situations.

Point of Service (POS) Free-Format Messages

Free-format messages may appear as part of the NIHB HICPS POS system's response to a claim submission. POS free-format messages are very similar to the messages that appear on NIHB Pharmacy/MS&E Claim Statements. To understand why a specific free format message was sent, please refer to the description of the corresponding NIHB rejection or warning message, listed in Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.

These free-format messages apply only to claims submitted via POS. For messages that appear on Pharmacy Claim Statements, refer to Point of Service Free-Format Messages.

Adjusted to comply with prior approval
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code 64 (special authorization number/code error). For more information, refer to the W17 warning message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Benefit requires prior approval
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code CP (eligible for special authorization), indicating that the benefit claimed requires prior approval. For more information, refer to the R49 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Claim is reduced to NIHB share
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code E2 (claim co-ordinated with government plan). For more information, refer to the W11 warning message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations and in the Non-Insured Health Benefits List section.
Does not comply with prior approval
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code 64 (special authorization number/code error). For more information, refer to the R25 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Infant claim
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code A6 (submit manual claim) for the first claim made using supporting parent identification information. The first claim must be submitted manually using the NIHB Pharmacy Claim Form. Subsequent claims may be submitted via POS. For more information, refer to R05 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Alternative coverage. Contact FNIHB
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code C3 (coverage expired before service), and may pertain to bands that have now assumed responsibility of the NIHB Program. The provider should contact their regional FNIHB office to determine the eligibility of the client. For more information, refer to the R30 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Prior approval service date violation
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code 64 (special authorization number/code error). For more information, refer to the R26 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Reduced to NIHB pricing guidelines
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code DJ (drug cost adjusted). For more information, refer to the W09 warning message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Submit to provincial/territorial health plan
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code C6 (patient has other coverage). For more information, refer to the R20 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
The patient is over 65 - submit to ODB
If claim is submitted from Ontario Region, this message is generated in combination with CPhA code C6 (patient has other coverage). For more information, refer to the R08 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations.
Special Authorization for item is used up
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code 64 (special authorization number/code error). For more information, refer to R47 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations. This message indicates the special authorization for this item was used up by the previous claim.
Prior approval for item is used up
This message is generated in combination with CPhA code 64 (special authorization number/code error). For more information, refer to R48 error message explanation in the Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations. This message indicates the prior approval for this item was used up by the previous claim.
Prior approval number is invalid
The claim has not been paid because the prior approval number is invalid for the specified client and benefit. The provider should check their records to determine if the prior approval number, the associated client identification number, and the benefit codes were submitted correctly. If an error was made, supply the correct information following the claims correction procedures outlined in Point of Service Reversals.
Special Authorization required
This message will appear along with the R06 message and the CPhA code RP when the data elements of a claim submitted with an SA do not match the data elements specified in the SA. It will indicate the toll-free number for the applicable Drug Exception Centre where providers can call for assistance.
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Point of Service (POS) Reversals

The "Claim Reversal" transaction is used to reverse a previously submitted and paid POS transaction. It is used in situations where the provider has a need to either correct a previously submitted claim or totally reverse or cancel a previously submitted claim. There are two types of provider submitted "Claim Reversal" transactions: same day reversals and prior day (up to 30 days) reversals.

In order to reverse a claim, the original claim being reversed must be found on the database. Otherwise, the reversal will be rejected with an A8 CPhA code.

In both cases, the NIHB HICPS system generates a "Claim Adjustment" reversing the impact of the original claim. All three claims appear on the provider's statement: the original claim, the reversal and the corrected claim.

Reversals for Prescribed Medication Not Picked Up by Clients

Where the drug item is a compound and re-insertion into the pharmacy's inventory is not possible, FCH will pay the provider for both the drug and dispensing fee. Therefore, a reversal is not necessary. DUR is not affected.

Prescribed Medication
The submission of a claim for a dispensing fee where the client has not picked up a drug, which can be re-inserted to inventory, only applies to drugs with a dispensing fee dollar value.

For Non-POS dispensing fee claims, once the original claim containing both the dispensing fee and the drug item cost has been reversed, an NIHB Pharmacy Claim Form containing pseudo-DIN 55555555 in the item code field must be completed. The information on the new claim, with the exception of pseudo-DIN 55555555, must mirror that of your reversed claim.

For POS dispensing fee claims, once the reversal of the original claim containing both the dispensing fee and the drug item cost is complete, the provider must submit a claim online using pseudo-DIN 55555555 in the item code field. The information on the new claim, with the exception of pseudo-DIN 55555555, must mirror that of your reversed claim.

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Drug Utilization Review (DUR)

Drug Utilization Review Reminder Notice to Pharmacy Providers

When submitted via POS, a claim undergoes a DUR to identify potential drug-related problems or interactions. The system returns the results of the analysis to the provider in the form of CPhA standard response codes along with the adjudication results. The purpose of DUR is not to replace professional judgement or individualized client care in the delivery of health care services but, rather, to enhance it with additional information.

All information obtained through DUR is highly confidential, and disclosed to health care professionals to prevent potential health risks to the client. As such, FNIHB requests that providers treat this information with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality. DUR is designed to alert providers to a variety of drug-related problems. These include:

Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Reject and Warning Messages

Drug/Drug Interaction Potential -- Code: ME -- Indicates that drug may interact with another current drug, based on an accurate days supply submission.

Duplicate Therapy -- Code: MX -- Indicates that the client has received a drug from the same therapy class.

Duplicate Therapy Multi-Pharmacy -- Code: MZ -- Indicates that the client has received a drug from the same therapy class; however, the original prescription was filled at another pharmacy.

Duplicate Drug -- Code: MW -- Indicates that the client has received the same drug (same chemical entity) and has used less than 2/3 of the medication based on the days supply.

Duplicate Drug Multi-Pharmacy -- Code: MY -- Indicates that the client has received the same drug (same chemical entity) and has used less than 2/3 of the medication based on the days supply; however the original prescription was filled at another pharmacy.

Potential Overuse/Abuse Indicated -- Code: NE -- Indicates potential overuse/abuse of specified drug entities, the warning code will not prevent the payment of claims, but will provide pharmacists with additional information concerning potential problems related to the current drug claim.

DUR information is conveyed in the form of Reject and Warning Messages, depending on the severity of the potential problem. Claims prompting the following DUR messages will be rejected: Duplicate drug (MW), Duplicate drug multi-pharmacy (M) and Drug/drug interaction potential (ME) (where the free form message indicates "Interact-SV drug name qty fill date", i.e., a potentially severe interaction). Following an appropriate intervention, the Provider can re-submit the rejected claim with a CPhA intervention code (see next page for the applicable intervention codes).

The warning code and message "NE" is sent to providers for claims that meet the criteria below:

  • Use of Methadone for treatment of opioid dependency (pseudo-DIN 00908835) and, at the same time, use of one or more narcotic drug entities;
  • Use of three (3) or more different narcotic drug entities;
  • Use of three (3) or more different benzodiazepine drug entities; and
  • Use of three (3) or more narcotic drug entities and three (3) or more benzodiazepine drug entities.

Additional Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Reject Messages for Saskatchewan Pilot Projects Only

Drug Not Eligible For Prescription -- Code: NQ -- Indicates that the drug is not eligible for trial Rx.

Not Suitable - Similar Item On Recent Trial Prescription -- Code: NT -- Indicates that the drug is not suitable - similar item on recent trial Rx.

Quantity Exceeds Trial Days Period -- Code: NX -- Indicates that the drug quantity exceeds the trial day's period.

Insufficient Qty For Trial Days Period -- Code: NY -- Indicates an insufficient drug quantity for trial day's period.

Trial Balance Given Too Late -- Code: NZ -- Indicates that the trial balance was given too late.

Trial Balance Given Too Soon -- Code: OA -- Indicates that the trial balance was given too soon.

No Trial Rx On Record, Balance Rejected -- Code: OD -- Indicates that no trial Rx on record, the balance is rejected.

Trial Balance Already Dispensed -- Code: OE -- Indicates that the trial balance was already dispensed.

Claims prompting the above DUR messages will be rejected under the Saskatchewan pilot projects. Following an appropriate intervention, the provider can re-submit the rejected claims with the CPhA intervention code "MT" or "ND".

Canadian Pharmacy Assocataion (CPHA) Pharmacy Claim Standard Version 3 Intervention Codes and Values

  • UA -- Consulted Prescriber and Filled Rx as Written
  • UB -- Consulted Prescriber and Changed Dose
  • UC -- Consulted Prescriber and Changed Instruction for Use
  • UD -- Consulted Prescriber and Changed Drug
  • UE -- Consulted Prescriber and Changed Quantity
  • UF -- Patient Gave Adequate Explanation. Rx Filled as Written
  • UG -- Cautioned Patient. Rx Filled as Written
    UI -- Consulted Other Sources. Rx Filled as Written
  • UJ -- Consulted Other Sources. Altered Rx and Filled
  • UL -- Rx not filled - Pharmacist decision (For Saskatchewan and Manitoba only.)
  • UN -- Assessed Patient, Therapy is Appropriate
  • MR -- Patient Lost Medication. Rx Refilled
  • MT -- Trial Prescription Program
  • ND -- Trial Prescription Balance

For additional information about submitting claims through the HICPS system or on DUR responses, please contact the Non-Insured Health Benefits Toll-Free Inquiry Centre where you can speak with a First Canadian Health Representative.

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Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Pharmacy Claim Form Required Data Elements

The various tables indicate the required data elements for all NIHB pharmacy claims submitted on paper. Providers must use the Sample Pharmacy Claim Form when submitting the first claim for infants who are less than one year old and who do not have an INAC assigned client number yet. Additionally, providers must use the form on claims submissions for a drug item(s) where the date of service exceeds 30 days. For information about submitting claims using the NIHB POS system, magnetic tape or diskettes, please refer to Billing Methods. The items in the first column correspond to each field on the claim form. The information in the third column describes each data element.

The system allows a field length of 30 characters for each of the surname and given name entries to ensure that the full surname and all given names presented by the claimant can be submitted on the claim. Full submission facilitates verification of the claimant as an NIHB client and expedites the processing of NIHB claims.  

In this section, you will find data element field name, length and descriptions for:

Client Information -- Data Elements -- Field Name (Length) Description

Client Surname (30) The surname under which the client is registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client.

Client Given Name (30) The given name under which the client is registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client. Submission of more than one given name is preferred to facilitate client verification. Initials are not acceptable.

Client Date Of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) (8) The client's full birth date in day-month--year format (for example, 13/05/1992 represents 13 May 1992). Partial birth dates are not acceptable.

Client Identification No. (10) A unique number used to identify a client who is eligible to receive benefits under the NIHB Program. This number may be one of:

  • 9 or 10-digit number issued to eligible First Nations clients by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC),
  • 3-digit band number, immediately followed by the 4 or 5-digit family number identifying the family unit within the eligible First Nations client's band,
  • An alpha prefix followed by an 8-digit number issued to certain eligible First Nations and recognized Inuit clients by First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), or
  • Health care number issued to recognized Inuit clients by the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Nunavut.

Band No. (3) A 3-digit number (for example, 002, 311) identifying the band to which an eligible First Nations client belongs. The band number, when submitted in combination with the client's family number, is an acceptable alternative to the client identification number for an eligible First Nations client.

Family No. (5) A 4 or 5-digit number (for example, 1041, 04120) identifying the family unit within the band to which an eligible First Nations client belongs. The family number, when submitted in concert with the client's band number, is an acceptable alternative to the client identification number for an eligible First Nations client. If the family number on the eligible First Nations client's registration card has fewer than 5 digits, please insert the appropriate number of zeros in front of the number.

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Client Information (For Each Prescribed Item) -- Data Elements -- Field Name (Length) Description

Date Of Service (dd/mm/yyyy) (10) The date on which service was provided to the client, in day-month- year format (for example, 13/05/1992 represents 13 May 1992).

DIN/Item Code (8) The Drug Identification Number (DIN) or item code.

Quantity (5) The quantity (number of units) of the item dispensed.

Prescription No. (9) The prescription number assigned by your pharmacy for the item dispensed.

Drug/Item Cost (6) The total ingredient or acquisition cost for all units of the drug or item dispensed.

Dispensing Fee (6) The dispensing fee for the item dispensed. Leave blank if not applicable.

Markup (6) The dollar amount of any mark-up for the item, based on the established percentage. Leave blank if not applicable.

Third-Party Share (6) The dollar amount of any portion of the claim which is billable to a provincial or territorial program or other third party. Leave blank if not applicable.

Amount Claimed (6) The sum of the drug/item cost, dispensing fee, and mark-up for the item, less any third-party share.

Days Supply (3) Estimate of number of days of treatment contained in the prescription.

Total (6) The total dollar amount claimed for all items (up to 3) listed on the claim form.

Prescriber (10) The prescriber number as entered by the provider on the claim submission must be the same as required by the provincial/territorial pharmacare program. Claims for repair, labour, and replacement parts must be submitted with "999Repair" in the prescriber field or they will be rejected on the NIHB Pharmacy Claim Statement with an R14 error (Insufficient Benefit Information to Adjudicate Claim).

  • British Columbia - Physician License Number
  • Alberta - Physician License Number
  • Saskatchewan - Physician's Provincial Billing Number
  • Manitoba - Physician License Number
  • Ontario - Physician License Number
  • Quebec - Physician License Number
  • New Brunswick - Physician's Provincial Billing Number
  • Nova Scotia - Physician License Number
  • Prince Edward Island - Physician License Number
  • Newfoundland - Physician License Number
  • Yukon Physician's - Territorial Billing Number
  • Northwest Territories - Physician License Number
  • Nunavut Physician - License Number

Prior Approval No. (8) An authorization number, which must be issued by FNIHB before the provider dispenses certain drugs.

Pharmacy Information -- Data Elements -- Field Name (Length) Description

Pharmacy Name (N/A) The name of the pharmacy submitting the claim, may be formatted as determined by the pharmacy.

Pharmacy Address (N/A) The address of the pharmacy submitting the claim, may be formatted as determined by the pharmacy.

Pharmacy Number (10) The number assigned to the pharmacy upon registration as an NIHB provider.

Parent Information (Required For Infants Less Than One Year Of Age) -- Data Elements -- Field Name (Length) Description

An infant under one year of age, who has not yet registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client, may receive benefits if one of the infant's parents can be verified as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client. In such a case, the infant's surname, all given names, and the date of birth must be entered in the appropriate fields in the Client Information section of the claim (Note: the first claim must be submitted manually using the NIHB Pharmacy Claim Form. Subsequent claims may be submitted via POS, and this information about the parent must be provided:

Parent's Surname (30) The surname under which the parent is registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client.

Parent's Given Names (30) The given names under which the parent is registered as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client. Submission of more than one given name is preferred to facilitate client verification. Initials are not acceptable.

Parent's Date Of Birth (Dd/mm/yyyy) (8) The parent's full birth date in day-month--year format (for example, 13/05/1956 represents 13 May 1956). Partial birth dates are not acceptable.

Parent's Client Identification No. (10) The number under which the parent is identified as an eligible First Nations or recognized Inuit client. This number may be one of:

  • 9 or 10-digit number issued to eligible First Nations clients by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC),
  • 3-digit band number, immediately followed by the 4 or 5-digit family number identifying the family unit within the eligible First Nations client's band,
  • An alpha prefix followed by an 8-digit number issued to certain eligible First Nations and recognized Inuit clients by FNIHB, or
  • Health care number issued to recognized Inuit clients by the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Nunavut.

Parent's Band No. (3) A 3-digit number (for example, 002, 311) identifying the band to which an eligible First Nations client's parent belongs. The band number, when submitted in combination with the family number, is an acceptable alternative to the client identification number for an eligible First Nations client.

Parent's Family No. (5) A 4 or 5-digit number (for example, 1041, 04120) identifying the family unit, within the band, to which an eligible First Nations client's parent belongs. The family number, when submitted in combination with the band number, is an acceptable alternative to the client identification number for an eligible First Nations client. If the family number on the eligible First Nations client's registration card has fewer than 5 digits, please insert the appropriate number of zeroes in front of the number.

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Claims Payment Options

Payment is issued on behalf of Health Canada twice a month (mid and end of month). Payment is made by cheque or through direct-deposit, also known as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Please direct inquiries related to the payment of claims or the EFT option to the Non-Insured Health Benefits Toll-Free Inquiry Centre.

Note: In order to facilitate the proper mailing of cheque payments, providers should ensure that FCH has their current address information at all times.

Pharmacy Claim Statement

The Sample Pharmacy Claim Statement accompanies the claims payment cheque and provides information about each drug, medical supply and equipment claim processed. If payments are made through EFT, the Pharmacy Claim Statement is mailed to the provider's business address. The statement may provide additional client identification information, which should be added to the client's records and be used for all future claims submissions.

The Pharmacy Claim Statement lists all submitted and entered claims settled during the current period, adjusted claims during the current period, and claims rejected during the current period. Rejected claims include the appropriate reject message explaining the reason each claim was not paid. FCH issues Pharmacy Claim Statements twice a month in either English or French, depending on the provider's language of choice.

Providers can use the Pharmacy Claim Statement to reconcile accounts and the statement must be referenced when making inquiries. Please indicate corrections to claims directly below the existing information and forward the applicable page of the statement to FCH within 12 months of the service date for re-adjudication of the claim. The existing information should not be altered or erased. Providers should not resubmit the claim.

An administrative fee of $25.00 will now apply for duplicate statement requests. Requests must be made in writing to FCH and include a cheque for $25.00. If the FCH payment cheque corresponding to the statement has not been cashed and a sufficient amount of time has passed, the $25.00 administrative fee will not apply and the provider's $25.00 cheque will be returned with the copy of the statement.

Note: In order to facilitate the proper mailing of cheques, providers should ensure that FCH has their current address information at all times.

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Pharmacy Claim Statement Messages and Explanations

The NIHB HICPS system assigns three-character reject and warning codes along with messages that appear on the Pharmacy Claim Statement. A reject code, composed of an "R" followed by two numeric characters and a text message, explains why the claim was rejected. A warning code, composed of a "W" followed by two numeric characters and a text message, explains that the claim was adjudicated with modifications. Here is an ordered list of the NIHB codes, messages and explanations that may appear on the NIHB Pharmacy Claim Statement, cross-referenced with the applicable CPhA codes.

NIHB Code: R04
Message: This Is Not An Eligible Benefit
Explanation: The claim was not paid because the item is not covered under the NIHB Program.
CPhA Codes: D1

NIHB Code: R05
Message: Claimant Could Not Be Verified as an NIHB Client
The claim cannot be paid because the claimant could not be verified as an NIHB client. The verification problem may be due to the fact that the claimant (a) has not used his or her registered surname, given names, or date of birth or (b) has made an error in specifying the client identification number. In such cases, it may only be necessary for the claimant to provide more accurate client identification information. However, if the claimant is not registered as an NIHB client, it will be necessary for the claimant to do so before service can be provided.
CPhA Codes: C8

NIHB Code: R06
Message: Client Is Not Eligible For This Benefit
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because the item is not covered under the NIHB Program due to the age or gender of the claimant. This restriction applies to benefits such as incontinence supplies and vitamins. The Policies section details benefit limitations. This message will be set along with the RP code for claims with Special Authorization (SA) whose data elements do not match those specified in the SA.
CPhA Codes: CD, RP

NIHB Code: R07
Message: This Is A Duplicate Claim
The claim cannot be paid because it is a duplicate of a claim previously submitted by the provider's pharmacy.
CPhA Code: A3

NIHB Code: R08
Message: The Patient Is Over 65 - Submit To Ont. Drug Benefit
In the Ontario region, the claim has not been paid because the item is eligible under the ODB (Ontario Drug Benefit) program. Please direct the claim to the ODB. If the item is only partially covered, the NIHB Program will pay the outstanding balance.
CPhA Code:

NIHB Code: R10
Message: Invalid Provider ID
Explanation: Provider is not registered as an NIHB provider on date of service.
CPhA Code: B1

NIHB Code: R12
Message: Insufficient Client Information To Adjudicate Claim
Explanation: The claim did not provide sufficient information to determine if the claimant is an NIHB client. To facilitate client verification, this client information must be provided for each claim:

  1. Surname
  2. Given Names
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Client Identification Number

Please check your claim for missing or incomplete information and provide the required information by following the claims correction procedures outlined in Pharmacy Claim Statement.
CPhA Code: 32, 34, 37, 38

NIHB Code: R14
Message: Insufficient Benefit Information To Adjudicate Claim
Explanation: The claim did not provide sufficient information to determine if the claimed item is eligible under the NIHB Program. This includes cases where the DIN or item code on the claim is invalid. This information must be provided on each claim:

  1. Date of Service;
  2. DIN or Item Code;
  3. Prescription Number;
  4. Prescriber ID;
  5. Quantity;
  6. Drug/Item cost; and
  7. Days supply (drug items only).

The provider should check the claim for missing, incomplete, or erroneous information and provide the required information by following the claims correction procedures outlined in Point of Service Reversals. Further benefit information is provided in the Policies section.
CPhA Codes: 53, 56, 58, 59, 61, 66, & A2

NIHB Code: R15
Message: Days Supply Must Equal Seven For Dosette Packaging
Explanation: The days supply exceeds seven days on this submitted claim flagged as a dosette claim (the 'P' in the SSC field functions as the flag).
CPhA Code:

NIHB Code: R20
Message: Submit Claim To Provincial/
Explanation: Territorial Health Plan The claim has not been paid because a provincial or territorial health plan covers the item. This includes cases in which a provincial or territorial patient co-pay or user fee system exists and NIHB has already paid the maximum amount for which the client is responsible. Please direct the claim to the appropriate plan.
CPhA Code:

NIHB Code: R21
Message: Period For Submitting Claims Has Expired
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because the claim was submitted more than one year after the service was rendered.
CPhA Code: A1

NIHB Code: R23
Message: Service Provided Prior To Client's Start Date
Explanation: The claim cannot be paid because the date of service is prior to the start date for the client's NIHB coverage.
CPhA Code: C2

NIHB Code: R24
Message: Service Provided After Client's End Date
Explanation: The claim cannot be paid because the date of service is after the end date for the client's NIHB coverage.
CPhA Code: C3

NIHB Code: R25
Message: Claim Does Not Comply With Terms Of Prior Approval
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because it does not comply with the terms of the NIHB prior approval. Refer to your copy of the Prior Approval Confirmation.
CPhA Code:

NIHB Code: R26
Message: Prior Approval Service Date Violation
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because the date of service is either before the approval date or after the expiry date of the prior approval.
CPhA Code:

NIHB Code: R27
Message: Prior Approval Number Is Invalid
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because the prior approval number is invalid for the specified client and benefit. The provider should check their records to determine if the prior approval number, the associated client identification number, and the benefit codes were submitted correctly. If an error was made, supply the correct information following the claims correction procedures outlined in Point of Service Reversals.
CPhA Code: 64

NIHB Code: R30
Message: Client Has Alternative Coverage, Contact FNIHB
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because FNIHB records indicate that the client has alternative coverage for the indicated item. In some cases, the client may belong to a band that has assumed responsibility of the NIHB Program. Please contact the FNIHB Regional Office for direction on where to submit the claim.
CPhA Code: C6

NIHB Code: R47
Message: Special Authorization For This Item Used Up By Previous Claim
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because special authorization for this item has been used up by a previous claim.
CPhA Code: 64

NIHB Code: R48
Message: Prior Approval For This Item Used Up By Previous Claim
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because prior approval for this item has been used up by a previous claim. Refer to your copy of the Prior Approval Confirmation.
CPhA Code: 64

NIHB Code: R49
Message: Benefit Requires Prior Approval
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because it requires prior approval from FNIHB. Benefits that require prior approval are indicated in the Non-Insured Health Benefits List section. Prior approval procedures are detailed in Prior Approval Process for Pharmacy section.
CPhA Code: CP

NIHB Code: R50
Message: Frequency Of The Claim Exceeds Maximum Allowed
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because the frequency limit for the drug/item has been exceeded. Drug/Pharmacy benefits with frequency limits are indicated in each of the benefit categories in the Non-Insured Health Benefits List section pharmacy benefits with frequency limits that do not require prior approval must be prior approved if the claim exceeds the maximum allowed.
CPhA Code: CO

NIHB Code: R66
Message: Date Of Service Must Be After DOB
Explanation: The claim has not been paid because the client's date of birth is after the date of service.
CPhA Code: 34

NIHB Code: R77
Message: Rx# previously paid for same DOS client.
Explanation: Payment denied because all the data elements match the data elements of a previously settled claim already on file. See R07
CPhA Code: A3

NIHB Code: W04
Message: Lowest-Cost-Equivalent Pricing Has Been Applied
Explanation: The amount claimed has been reduced to the amount allowed for the lowest-cost equivalent, according to NIHB pricing guidelines. Please refer to the details of the NIHB pricing agreement for the appropriate region.
CPhA Code:

NIHB Code: W05
Message: Claims Paid On Parent ID Until 1 st Birthday Only
Explanation: The claimant could not be verified as an NIHB client. However, since the claimant is an infant under one year of age, and the infant's parent was verified as an NIHB client, the claim has been paid. This provision allows time for parents to register the infant and only applies until the infant's first birthday. Claims for services provided after the infant's first birthday will be rejected if the infant cannot be verified as an NIHB client. Additional information on client identification requirements for infants is provided in Special Submission Requirements -- Infant Claims
CPhA Code: N/A

NIHB Code: W09
Message: Drug/Item Cost Is Reduced To NIHB Pricing Guidelines
Explanation: The amount claimed for drug/item cost has been reduced to conform to NIHB pricing guidelines. Please refer to the details of the NIHB pricing in the appropriate region.
CPhA Code: DJ

NIHB Code: W11
Message: Claim Is Reduced To NIHB Share
Explanation: The item is partially covered by a provincial, territorial, or third party plan. The amount claimed is reduced to the correct NIHB share.
CPhA Codes: E2, E3

NIHB Code: W12
Message: Part Of Claim Exceeds Frequency Maximum And Is Disallowed
Explanation: The amount claimed has been reduced to conform to the frequency limitation allowed.
CPhA Code: QT

NIHB Code: W13
Message: Quantity Of Claim Is Reduced To Maximum Allowed
Explanation: The amount claimed has been reduced to conform to the maximum days supply allowed.
CPhA Code: CN

NIHB Code: W14
Message: Please Note Corrected Client ID For Future Claims
Explanation: The claimant was verified as an NIHB client on the basis of the client information provided. However, the submitted client information has been corrected to exactly match the identifiers under which the client is registered as an NIHB client. The corrections may include (a) provision of the full client identification number in cases where only the client's band number and family number were submitted, or (b) correction of a submitted band number, family number, surname, given names, or date of birth. Please use the corrected client ID on future claims to facilitate client verification.
CPhA Code: N/A

NIHB Code: W17
Message: Claim Adjusted To Comply With Terms Of Prior Approval
Explanation: The amount claimed is reduced to comply with the terms of prior approval set out by FNIHB. The provider should refer to the Prior Approval Form or prior approval confirmation notice.
CPhA Code: 64

NIHB Code: W19
Message: Dispensing Fee Is Disallowed Or Reduced To NIHB Guidelines
Explanation: Drug dispensing fee disallowed or reduced to conform to NIHB dispensing fee guidelines. Please refer to details of the NIHB pricing in your region.
CPhA Code: DH

NIHB Code: W20
Message: Markup Is Disallowed Or Reduced To NIHB Pricing Guidelines
Explanation: Drug mark-up disallowed or reduced to conform to NIHB pricing guidelines. Please refer to details of the NIHB pricing guidelines in your region.
CPhA Code: DS

NIHB Code: W82
Message: Client Has Not Provided Consent
Explanation: Providers will continue to receive this warning message on paid claims for clients who have not provided consent. Providers are asked to disregard this warning message.
CPhA Code: N/A

NIHB Code: W99
Message: This Claim Is In Suspense
Explanation: This claim requires additional investigation before it can be fully adjudicated. No action is required by the provider at this time. The adjudication result will appear on a future statement.
CPhA Code: KB

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: No Reversal Made, Original Claim Is Missing
Explanation: The system is unable to locate the original claim in order to reverse it. Contact FCH.
CPhA Code: A8

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Infant Claim
Explanation: The system rejected this claim because it is the first claim for the child using that INAC number. Please submit this claim manually.
CPhA Code: A6

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Special Services Fee Error
Explanation: The system is unable to read the information in the SSC field.
CPhA Code: 72

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Previously Paid Error
Explanation: The system is unable to read the information found in the Interv Cd field.
CPhA Code: 75

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Call Adjudicator
Explanation: An unknown error occurred. Contact FCH.
CPhA Code: D9

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Drug Not Eligible For Trial Rx
Explanation: This item not flagged as a trial prescription drug.
CPhA Code: NQ

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Not Suitable-Similar Item On Trial Rx
Explanation: The system verified that the client received this drug before; therefore, it is not eligible for the trial prescription program.
CPhA Code: NT

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Quantity Exceeds Trial Days Period
Explanation: The days supply is greater than seven days; therefore, the drug is not eligible for the trial prescription program.
CPhA Code: NX

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Insufficient Quantity For Trial Days Period
Explanation: The days supply for the original claim is less than seven days; therefore, the drug is not eligible for the trial prescription program.
CPhA Code: NY

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Trial Balance Given Too Late
Explanation: The provider must submit the second claim no later than 14 days after the original claim.
CPhA Code: NZ

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Trial Balance Given Too Soon
Explanation: Providers cannot submit the second claim until at least four days after the original claim.
CPhA Code: OA

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: No Trial Rx On Record, Balance Rejected
Explanation: Original claim not found on system. Balance rejected.
CPhA Code: OD

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Trial Balance Already Dispensed
Explanation: Balance of trial prescription previously dispensed.
CPhA Code: OE

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Drug Not Suitable For Dosette Packaging
Explanation: The item has not been flagged as a dosette claim.
CPhA Code: NR

NIHB Code: N/A
Message: Potential Overuse/Abuse Indicated
Explanation: The client is using a combination of drug entities that has the potential for misuse or abuse. See Drug Utilization Review section.
CPhA Code: NE


Last Updated: 2006-08-18 Top