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Sorry for the inconvenience...

We continue to work on the new web page for the Health, Education and Enforcement in Partnership (HEP) network. Please check back here in April, 2005 for our latest updates to this page.

Thank you!


Established in 1994 and coordinated by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, the Health, Education and Enforcement in Partnership (HEP) network is rooted in Canada's balanced approach to eliminating or reducing the harms associated with substance use and abuse. It follows an approach like that advocated by Canada's Drug Strategy, seeking a balance between supply reduction and demand reduction.

HEP is:

A network of organizations and individuals representing diverse perspectives committed to addressing substance use and abuse issues. HEP unites key players from the health, education and enforcement fields in this common focus, and is inclusive of other integral partners, such as social services, corrections, justice and others.

Currently putting in place provincial/territorial HEP coordinators (cost-shared by CCSA, the provinces and territories) to facilitate a multidisciplinary network whose ultimate goal will be to enhance provincial/territorial drug strategy efforts.


To encourage collaborative initiatives among partners in addressing substance use and abuse issues.


One of inclusion, respect among partners, and a desire to identify and act on common issues.

For further information please contact:

Karen Cumberland
National Policy Coordinator
Health, Education and Enforcement in Partnership (HEP)
75 Albert Street Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
Ph. 613-235-4048 x234
Fax 613-235-8101
Email: KCumberland@ccsa.ca