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Health Care System

Assessment Application for Changes to Entry-to-Practice (ETP) Credentials for Medical and Health Professions

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A proposal to change an ETP credential should go through the following stages:

Stage One

  • A letter of intent from a provincial/territorial/national, educational, regulatory or professional organization is submitted to one Provincial or Territorial Deputy Minister of Health or Deputy Minister of Post-Secondary/Advanced Education to commence the process.
  • The receiving province/ territory will coordinate a review for each letter of intent and determine whether or not to support a full assessment.
  • The applicant will be requested to complete the Assessment Application if it is determined that the proposal will move to stage two for the pan-Canadian process.
  • The proposing organization submits the Assessment Application to the province/ territory where it is reviewed for completeness.
  • The Assessment Application will be returned to the applicant for further detail should additional information be required.
  • Specific information regarding this process can be obtained by contacting your provincial/ territorial representative.

Stage Two

  • The pan-Canadian Coordinating Committee will utilize a team of experts appropriate for the application to conduct a review and analysis of the proposal.
  • Once the analysis is complete, the resulting information will be disseminated to all provincial/ territorial jurisdictions.
  • The province/territory in which the proposal for change originated will consider the results of the Coordinating Committees analysis in its review of the proposed change
  • The province/territory from which the application originated will then determine how to integrate the analysis into its own decision-making process.
  • The provincial/territorial decision about a proposed ETP credential change is communicated to the applicant and the Coordinating Committee.

The Application

The application is divided into three sections highlighting the key factors that would provide documented evidence to support the request for a change to an ETP credential. Should there be items or implications not identified in the application that you consider vital, please include them in your response.

To complete this application, you may find it necessary to involve others in its preparation. Please seek the required input from employers, educators, regulators, students, and other professions etc., where relevant. The completed application should integrate all essential information so that the rationale being submitted includes all perspectives.

Section One:  This section seeks information about the proposed ETP credential change. This section relates to principles #1, #2, #3, #4 and #6.
Question 1 Describe the applicant.
Explanatory Notes Provide the name of the profession and organization proposing the change. Provide contact information, including: primary contact person, title, address, telephone, facsimile, e-mail address, etc.Are there similar applications being made in other jurisdictions in Canada? If so, please indicate the groups, the provinces/territories, and your relationship with them.
Question 2 Describe the proposal in detail and how it will change the qualifications for ETP credential.
Explanatory Notes Identify the existing ETP credential. If the current ETP credential in your discipline/profession differs between provinces and territories, explain or indicate the differences. Describe the proposed ETP credential, and anticipated timeline for the change.
Question 3 Identify the rationale for change. Is it due to?
  • A change in the delivery of health services;
  • A change in the scope of practice;
  • A change in the competencies for the profession.
What evidence supports that this change in the ETP credential would benefit the public, improve client outcomes, or improve the provision of health services delivery?
Explanatory Notes Change in the delivery of health services refers to significant increases or decreases in the demand for health services, significant change in complexity, and/or number or types of resources available.The scope of practice for a profession refers to the range of activities that a qualified practitioner may practise. Please note any changes that have occurred recently. A competency is a knowledge, skill, or attribute that is causally related to effective behaviour referenced to external criteria. How have required competencies changed? Provide any evidence-based research that will demonstrate that the requested change to the ETP credential will address any of the reasons identified.
Question 4 How is the scope of practice for this proposed ETP credential differentiated from the scope of practice for an advanced practice credential?
Explanatory Note Please provide details to support your position.
Question 5 Which stakeholders/constituencies have you consulted, and what was the nature of the feedback?
Explanatory Notes Stakeholders/constituencies would include: relevant medical and health professionals, employers, educational institutions, students, provincial/territorial governments and health authorities. Describe the consultative process conducted with stakeholder groups potentially affected by the proposed changes. Provide a list of the stakeholders consulted and attach their official position statements (includes educators, employers, regulators, governments, etc.). Could the change to the ETP credential impact other jurisdictions in Canada? If so, please explain.
Question 6 What are the implications should approval for this request be denied?
Explanatory Notes Describe, in detail, the impact of maintaining the current ETP on:
  • the existing profession; and
  • recruitment into the profession.
Question 7 What alternatives to an ETP credential change have been explored?
Explanatory Notes Describe alternatives to a change in an ETP credential that have been explored and why have they been ineffective in addressing your concerns?Are there further alternatives to a change in an ETP credential that could be explored, such as changes to educational programs, changes to clinical placements, changes to on-the-job training. ?
Question 8 What is the current ETP credential for this profession in other countries?
Explanatory Note If internationally educated professionals are a large constituency of your profession, identify the ETP credential in the source countries of the majority of these professionals.


Section Two:

This section should contain information regarding the impact on the educational framework, pertaining to the programs, training, and development of faculty, clinical sites as well as students. This section relates to principles #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #7.

Question 1

How would this proposed change impact the education system, specifically the programs in your specific discipline/profession?

Explanatory Notes

What changes are necessary to the existing educational program to allow for the proposed change?

What are the capital and human costs of implementing changes in the educational program? (Include the implication for the didactic as well as clinical program.)

What is the financial impact to the province or territory of this proposed change? Please quantify.

Question 2

How will current students and the recruitment of potential students be affected in the short term (1-3 years) and in the longer term (3-5 years)?

What are the financial implications of the proposed change on current and potential students?

Explanatory Notes

How will this impact the number of graduates within the educational program in the short term (1-3 years) and in the longer term (3-5 years)?

What effect will changes in the educational program have on faculty/teaching staff and further need for their professional as well as educational development?

Who will deliver the new educational program and is there a need to involve any other educational institution?

How will clinical education placements be affected?

How will other educational programs competing for similar clinical placement opportunities be affected?

Will current practitioners need upgrading?

What educational alternatives to a change in an ETP credential have been explored and why have they been ineffective in addressing your concerns?

Question 3

Have you consulted or collaborated with First Nations/Inuit groups and minority populations about the impact of this ETP credential change regarding their educational opportunities?

Explanatory Note

What mechanism, such as bridging programs, on-the-job training, would you put into place to address the impact on educational opportunities for First Nations/Inuit people or minority populations ?

Question 4

How would this change in the ETP credential impact upon educational opportunities for internationally educated health care professionals?

Explanatory Note

What mechanism, if any, would you put into place to address the impact on educational opportunities for internationally educated health care professionals ?


Section Three:

This section should contain information concerning the impact on human resources and human resource planning and implications for employers. This section relates to principles #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #7.

Question 1

How would this change impact upon health human resources, now and in the future?

Explanatory Notes

To the best of your knowledge, and in consultation with employers and other stakeholders, how would the following areas be affected?

  • duties of current practitioners, job assignments, worker flexibility, and supervisory requirements? (Short term 1-3 years and longer term 3-5 years;
  • the supply of practitioners, retention/turnover rates, and recruitment;
  • the diversity of the workforce;
  • the mobility of health care practitioners within Canada (under Agreement on Interprovincial Trade);
  • health human resource planning needs for health care providers;
  • compensation of health care providers.

Question 2

How would this change impact the ability to attract, license, and integrate domestically and internationally trained health care providers into the health delivery system?

Explanatory Note

Will the change improve or detract from the system’s current ability to attract, license, and integrate domestically and internationally trained health care providers?

Question 3

What is the potential impact of the proposed credential change on the efficient delivery of health services?

Explanatory Notes

In your response, please consider:

  • the capital costs, human resources, and client outcome factors;
  • the quality of client care and patient safety;
  • the sustainability of the health care system;
  • the need for other providers to supplement provision of core patient services; and
  • potential changes in the relative mix of health care providers in the system.


Last Updated: 2004-10-01 Top