Welcome to the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada

CIAC proudly represents Canada’s chemistry and plastics sector leaders: innovators, solution providers, and world-class stewardship pioneers.

Together, our commitment to bettering society, the environment, and the economy is unwavering. We share our members’ stories with decision-makers at the federal and provincial levels to help shape public policy that supports innovation, investment, sustainability, jobs, and the environment.

2021 Responsible Care® Report

For nearly 40 years, Responsible Care® has led the journey towards safe, responsible and sustainable chemical manufacturing. Take a moment and read this interactive report that outlines our members’ accomplishments throughout the 2021 calendar year.

Advanced Recycling White Paper: Seizing the Circular Plastics Opportunity

As much as 50 per cent of plastics can be recycled using traditional mechanical recycling methods; however, the remaining 50 per cent requires more innovative advanced technologies to harness the inherent value of post-use plastics.

Chemistry and Plastics: Solutions4 building a net-zero future

In 2019, the federal government committed to the goal of net-zero emissions for all of Canada by 2050 and in 2020, the Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act came
into force. Achieving this will require chemistry-based solutions, which includes the plastics sector.

Let’s get plastic right.

Plastics enable our modern way of life, and we’re committed to working towards a world where plastic never becomes waste. We need smart solutions to eliminate plastic waste that focus on recycling and recovering plastics. Governments of all levels must continue to work with industry to support these innovative solutions.

Canadian Chemistry by the Numbers

$93 billion

of shipments in chemistry and plastics products in 2021


Reduction in CO2 emissions on an absolute basis since 1992

70 000

products Canadians use every day are made with chemistry and plastics

What we’re tweeting:

The Latest ChemNews

CIAC pleased to see several key elements for sector included in 2022 Ontario Budget  

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ChemNews for June 30, 2022

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Q+A with U of T’s Eden Hataley about Operation Sweep the Creek

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Survey reveals chronic supply chain challenges deeply impacting chemistry sector in Canada 

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