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  Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Chronic Diseases

  Volume 22, Number 1, 2002

Indexes for Volume 21, 2001

Volume 21 Contents

No 1, 2000

Agreement in Measuring Socio-economic Status: Area-based Versus Individual Measures
Kitaw Demissie, James A Hanley, Dick Menzies, Lawrence Joseph and Pierre Ernst

An Assessment of the Validity of a Computer System for Probabilistic Record Linkage of Birth and Infant Death Records in Canada
Martha Fair, Margaret Cyr, Alexander C Allen, Shi Wu Wen, Grace Guyon and Ralph C MacDonald, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group

Infant Mortality by Gestational Age and Birth Weight in Canadian Provinces and Territories, 1990-1994 Births
Shi Wu Wen, Michael S Kramer, Shiliang Liu, Susie Dzakpasu and Reg Sauvé, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group

Status Reports Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control
Silvana Luciani and Neil J Berman

Canadian Coalition on Cancer Surveillance
Barbara Foster and Anna Maria Boscaino, for the CCOCS Management Committee

Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies
Donald R Carlow

National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance System: A Federal-Provincial Collaboration to Examine
Environmental Cancer Risks
Kenneth C Johnson

Formation of the Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Initiative

Book Reviews
Health Promotion Planning: An Educational and Ecological Approach (third edition)
   Reviewed by Paula J Stewart

Quantitative Estimation and Prediction of Human Cancer Risks
   Reviewed by Ian B MacNeill

Epidemiology of Childhood Cancer
   Reviewed by Amanda Shaw

New Resources 

Calendar of Events 

1999 Peer Reviewers  

Indexes for Volume 20, 1999

No 2, 2000


Monitoring Tobacco Use in Canada: The Need for a Surveillance Strategy
Roberta Ferrence and Thomas Stephens

Predictors of Smoking Cessation in an Incentive-based Community Intervention
Namrata Bains, William Pickett, Brian Laundry and Darlene Mecredy

School-based Smoking Prevention: Economic Costs Versus Benefits
Thomas Stephens, Murray J Kaiserman, Douglas J McCall and Carol Sutherland-Brown

Performance of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Short Form for Major Depression in a Community Sample
Scott B Patten, Jennifer Brandon-Christie, Jennifer Devji and Brandy Sedmak

Health-adjusted Life Expectancy at the Local Level in Ontario
Douglas G Manuel, Vivek Goel, J Ivan Williams and Paul Corey

Ontario Familial Colon Cancer Registry: Methods and First-year Response Rates
Michelle Cotterchio, Gail McKeown-Eyssen, Heather Sutherland, Giao Buchan, Melyssa Aronson, Alexandra M Easson, Jeannette Macey, Eric Holowaty and Steven Gallinger

Book Review
The Burden of Disease Among the Global Poor: Current Situation, Future Trends, and Implications for Strategy
    Reviewed by Franklin White

New Resource

Calendar of Events

No 3, 2000

Elements of Mobility as Predictors of Survival in Elderly Patients with Dementia: Findings from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging 
Anthanasios Tom Koutsavlis and Christina Wolfson

A Deprivation Index for Health and Welfare Planning in Quebec 
Robert Pampalon and Guy Raymond

A Comparison of Methods for Measuring Socio-economic Status by Occupation or Postal Area
Raywat Deonandan, Karen Campbell, Truls Ostbye, Ian Tummon and James Robertson

Estimation of Youth Smoking Behaviours in Canada
William Pickett, Anita Koushik, Taron Faelker and K Stephen Brown

The Prevalence of Diabetes in the Cree of Western James Bay
David AL Maberley, Will King and Alan F Cruess

Status Report
Orius Software: Calculation of Rates and Epidemiologic Indicators, and Preparation of Graphical Output
Long On, Robert M Semenciw and Yang Mao

Book Reviews
Qualitative Research Methods: A Health Focus
    Reviewed by Connie Kristiansen

Social Epidemiology
    Reviewed by Cam Mustard

Calendar of Events

No 4, 2000

Workshop Report: Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention
Loraine D Marrett, Beth Theis, Frederick D Ashbury and an Expert Panel

Comparing Two Different Approaches to Measuring Drug Use Within the Same Survey
C Ineke Neutel and Wikke Walop

Book Review
Genetics and Public Health in the 21st Century: Using Genetic Information to Improve Health and Prevent Disease
   Reviewed by Lynne Belle-Isle

Spatial Epidemiology: Methods and Applications
   Reviewed by Alette Willis

New Resource

Calendar of Events

Volume 21 Subject Index


The burden of disease among the global poor: current situation, future trends, and implications for strategy. 21(2):87-8.

Epidemiology of childhood cancer (IARC Scientific Publications No. 149). 21(1):38-9.

Genetics and public health in the 21st century: using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease. 21(4):157-8.

Health promotion planning: an educational and ecological approach (third edition). 21(1):36-7.

Qualitative research methods: a health focus. 21(3):137-8.

Quantitative estimation and prediction of human cancer risks (IARC Scientific Publications No. 131). 21(1):37-8.

Social epidemiology. 21(3):138-9.

Spatial epidemiology: methods and applications. 21(4):159-60.


Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies [status report]. 21(1):30-3.

Canadian Coalition on Cancer Surveillance [status report]. 21(1):26-9.

Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control [status report]. 21(1):23-5.

National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance System: a federal-provincial collaboration to examine environmental cancer risks [status report]. 21(1):34-5.

Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Workshop report: physical activity and cancer prevention. 21(4):143-9.


Elements of mobility as predictors of survival in elderly patients with dementia: findings from the Canadian study of health and aging. 21(3):93-103.


The prevalence of diabetes in the Cree of western James Bay. 21(3):128-33.


National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance System: a federal-provincial collaboration to examine environmental cancer risks [status report]. 21(1):34-5.


Health-adjusted life expectancy at the local level in Ontario. 21(2):73-80.

Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.

The prevalence of diabetes in the Cree of western James Bay. 21(3):128-33.


Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

Comparing two different approaches to measuring drug use within the same survey. 21(4):150-6.

Health-adjusted life expectancy at the local level in Ontario. 21(2):73-80.

Monitoring tobacco use in Canada: the need for a surveillance strategy [commentary]. 21(2):50-3.

Performance of the composite international diagnostic interview short form for major depression in a community sample. 21(2):68-72.


An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.


Performance of the composite international diagnostic interview short form for major depression in a community sample. 21(2):68-72.


An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.


Monitoring tobacco use in Canada: the need for a surveillance strategy [commentary]. 21(2):50-3.


Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies [status report]. 21(1):30-3.

Canadian Coalition on Cancer Surveillance [status report]. 21(1):26-9.

Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control [status report]. 21(1):23-5.

National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance System: a federal-provincial collaboration to examine environmental cancer risks [status report]. 21(1):34-5.


An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Comparing two different approaches to measuring drug use within the same survey. 21(4):150-6.

Orius software: calculation of rates and epidemiologic indicators, and preparation of graphical output [status report]. 21(3):134-6.


Elements of mobility as predictors of survival in elderly patients with dementia: findings from the Canadian study of health and aging. 21(3):93-103.


Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

A comparison of methods for measuring socio-economic status by occupation or postal area. 21(3):114-8.

A deprivation index for health and welfare planning in Quebec. 21(3):104-13.


Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies [status report]. 21(1):30-3.

Canadian Coalition on Cancer Surveillance [status report]. 21(1):26-9.

Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control [status report]. 21(1):23-5.

National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance System: a federal-provincial collaboration to examine environmental cancer risks [status report]. 21(1):34-5.

Orius software: calculation of rates and epidemiologic indicators, and preparation of graphical output [status report]. 21(3):134-6.


Estimation of youth smoking behaviours in Canada. 21(3):119-27.

Predictors of smoking cessation in an incentive-based community intervention. 21(2):54-61.

School-based smoking prevention: economic costs versus benefits. 21(2):62-7.


Workshop report: physical activity and cancer prevention. 21(4):143-9.

Volume 21 Author Index

Allen, Alexander C
Fair M, Cyr M, Allen AC, Wen SW, Guyon G, MacDonald RC, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Aronson, Melyssa
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Ashbury, Frederick D
Marrett LD, Theis B, Ashbury FD, and an Expert Panel. Workshop report: physical activity and cancer prevention. 21(4):143-9.

Bains, Namrata
Bains N, Pickett W, Laundry B, Mecredy D. Predictors of smoking cessation in an incentive-based community intervention. 21(2):54-61.

Belle-Isle, Lynne
Belle-Isle L. Genetics and public health in the 21st century: using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease [book review]. 21(4):157-8.

Berman, Neil J
Luciani S, Berman NJ. Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control [status report]. 21(1):23-5.

Boscaino, Anna Maria
Foster B, Boscaino AM, for the CCOCS Management Committee. Canadian Coalition on Cancer Surveillance [status report]. 21(1):26-9.

Brandon-Christie, Jennifer
Patten SB, Brandon-Christie J, Devji J, Sedmak B. Performance of the composite international diagnostic interview short form for major depression in a community sample. 21(2):68-72.

Brown, K Stephen
Pickett W, Koushik A, Faelker T, Brown KS. Estimation of youth smoking behaviours in Canada. 21(3):119-27.

Buchan, Giao
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Campbell, Karen
Deonandan R, Campbell K, Ostbye T, Tummon I, Robertson J. A comparison of methods for measuring socio-economic status by occupation or postal area. 21(3):114-8.

Carlow, Donald R
Carlow DR. Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies [status report]. 21(1):30-3.

Corey, Paul
Manuel DG, Goel V, Williams JI, Corey P. Health-adjusted life expectancy at the local level in Ontario. 21(2):73-80.

Cotterchio, Michelle
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Cruess, Alan F
Maberley DAL, King W, Cruess AF. The prevalence of diabetes in the Cree of western James Bay. 21(3):128-33.

Cyr, Margaret
Fair M, Cyr M, Allen AC, Wen SW, Guyon G, MacDonald RC, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Demissie, Kitaw
Demissie K, Hanley JA, Menzies D, Joseph L, Ernst P. Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

Deonandan, Raywat
Deonandan R, Campbell K, Ostbye T, Tummon I, Robertson J. A comparison of methods for measuring socio-economic status by occupation or postal area. 21(3):114-8.

Devji, Jennifer
Patten SB, Brandon-Christie J, Devji J, Sedmak B. Performance of the composite international diagnostic interview short form for major depression in a community sample. 21(2):68-72.

Dzakpasu, Susie
Wen SW, Kramer MS, Liu S, Dzakpasu S, Sauvé R, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.

Easson, Alexandra M
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Ernst, Pierre
Demissie K, Hanley JA, Menzies D, Joseph L, Ernst P. Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

Faelker, Taron
Pickett W, Koushik A, Faelker T, Brown KS. Estimation of youth smoking behaviours in Canada. 21(3):119-27.

Fair, Martha
Fair M, Cyr M, Allen AC, Wen SW, Guyon G, MacDonald RC, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Ferrence, Roberta
Ferrence R, Stephens T. Monitoring tobacco use in Canada: the need for a surveillance strategy [commentary]. 21(2):50-3.

Foster, Barbara
Foster B, Boscaino AM, for the CCOCS Management Committee. Canadian Coalition on Cancer Surveillance [status report]. 21(1):26-9.

Gallinger, Steven
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Goel, Vivek
Manuel DG, Goel V, Williams JI, Corey P. Health-adjusted life expectancy at the local level in Ontario. 21(2):73-80.

Guyon, Grace
Fair M, Cyr M, Allen AC, Wen SW, Guyon G, MacDonald RC, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Hanley, James A
Demissie K, Hanley JA, Menzies D, Joseph L, Ernst P. Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

Holowaty, Eric
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Johnson, Kenneth C
Johnson KC. National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance System: a federal-provincial collaboration to examine environmental cancer risks [status report]. 21(1):34-5.

Joseph, Lawrence
Demissie K, Hanley JA, Menzies D, Joseph L, Ernst P. Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

Kaiserman, Murray J
Stephens T, Kaiserman MJ, McCall DJ, Sutherland-Brown C. School-based smoking prevention: economic costs versus benefits. 21(2):62-7.

King, Will
Maberley DAL, King W, Cruess AF. The prevalence of diabetes in the Cree of western James Bay. 21(3):128-33.

Koushik, Anita
Pickett W, Koushik A, Faelker T, Brown KS. Estimation of youth smoking behaviours in Canada. 21(3):119-27.

Koutsavlis, Anthanasios Tom
Koutsavlis AT, Wolfson C. Elements of mobility as predictors of survival in elderly patients with dementia: findings from the Canadian study of health and aging. 21(3):93-103.

Kramer, Michael S
Wen SW, Kramer MS, Liu S, Dzakpasu S, Sauvé R, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.

Kristiansen, Connie
Kristiansen C. Qualitative research methods: a health focus [book review]. 21(3):137-8.

Laundry, Brian
Bains N, Pickett W, Laundry B, Mecredy D. Predictors of smoking cessation in an incentive-based community intervention. 21(2):54-61.

Liu, Shiliang
Wen SW, Kramer MS, Liu S, Dzakpasu S, Sauvé R, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.

Luciani, Silvana
Luciani S, Berman NJ. Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control [status report]. 21(1):23-5.

Maberley, David AL
Maberley DAL, King W, Cruess AF. The prevalence of diabetes in the Cree of western James Bay. 21(3):128-33.

MacDonald, Ralph C
Fair M, Cyr M, Allen AC, Wen SW, Guyon G, MacDonald RC, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Macey, Jeannette
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

MacNeill, Ian B
MacNeill IB. Quantitative estimation and prediction of human cancer risks (IARC Scientific Publications No. 131) [book review]. 21(1):37-8.

Manuel, Douglas G
Manuel DG, Goel V, Williams JI, Corey P. Health-adjusted life expectancy at the local level in Ontario. 21(2):73-80.

Mao, Yang
On L, Semenciw RM, Mao Y. Orius software: calculation of rates and epidemiologic indicators, and preparation of graphical output [status report]. 21(3):134-6.

Marrett, Loraine D
Marrett LD, Theis B, Ashbury FD, and an Expert Panel. Workshop report: physical activity and cancer prevention. 21(4):143-9.

McCall, Douglas J
Stephens T, Kaiserman MJ, McCall DJ, Sutherland-Brown C. School-based smoking prevention: economic costs versus benefits. 21(2):62-7.

McKeown-Eyssen, Gail
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Mecredy, Darlene
Bains N, Pickett W, Laundry B, Mecredy D. Predictors of smoking cessation in an incentive-based community intervention. 21(2):54-61.

Menzies, Dick
Demissie K, Hanley JA, Menzies D, Joseph L, Ernst P. Agreement in measuring socio-economic status: area-based versus individual measures. 21(1):1-7.

Mustard, Cam
Mustard C. Social epidemiology [book review]. 21(3):138-9.

Neutel, C Ineke
Neutel CI, Walop W. Comparing two different approaches to measuring drug use within the same survey. 21(4):150-6.

On, Long
On L, Semenciw RM, Mao Y. Orius software: calculation of rates and epidemiologic indicators, and preparation of graphical output [status report]. 21(3):134-6.

Ostbye, Truls
Deonandan R, Campbell K, Ostbye T, Tummon I, Robertson J. A comparison of methods for measuring socio-economic status by occupation or postal area. 21(3):114-8.

Pampalon, Robert
Pampalon R, Raymond G. A deprivation index for health and welfare planning in Quebec. 21(3):104-13.

Patten, Scott B
Patten SB, Brandon-Christie J, Devji J, Sedmak B. Performance of the composite international diagnostic interview short form for major depression in a community sample. 21(2):68-72.

Pickett, William
Bains N, Pickett W, Laundry B, Mecredy D. Predictors of smoking cessation in an incentive-based community intervention. 21(2):54-61.

Pickett W, Koushik A, Faelker T, Brown KS. Estimation of youth smoking behaviours in Canada. 21(3):119-27.

Raymond, Guy
Pampalon R, Raymond G. A deprivation index for health and welfare planning in Quebec. 21(3):104-13.

Robertson, James
Deonandan R, Campbell K, Ostbye T, Tummon I, Robertson J. A comparison of methods for measuring socio-economic status by occupation or postal area. 21(3):114-8.

Sauvé, Reg
Wen SW, Kramer MS, Liu S, Dzakpasu S, Sauvé R, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.

Sedmak, Brandy
Patten SB, Brandon-Christie J, Devji J, Sedmak B. Performance of the composite international diagnostic interview short form for major depression in a community sample. 21(2):68-72.

Semenciw, Robert M
On L, Semenciw RM, Mao Y. Orius software: calculation of rates and epidemiologic indicators, and preparation of graphical output [status report]. 21(3):134-6.

Shaw, Amanda
Shaw A. Epidemiology of childhood cancer (IARC Scientific Publications No. 149) [book review]. 21(1):38-9.

Stephens, Thomas
Ferrence R, Stephens T. Monitoring tobacco use in Canada: the need for a surveillance strategy [commentary]. 21(2):50-3.

Stephens T, Kaiserman MJ, McCall DJ, Sutherland-Brown C. School-based smoking prevention: economic costs versus benefits. 21(2):62-7.

Stewart, Paula J
Stewart PJ. Health promotion planning: an educational and ecological approach (third edition) [book review]. 21(1):36-7.

Sutherland, Heather
Cotterchio M, McKeown-Eyssen G, Sutherland H, Buchan G, Aronson M, Easson AM, Macey J, Holowaty E, Gallinger S. Ontario familial colon cancer registry: methods and first-year response rates. 21(2):81-6.

Sutherland-Brown, Carol
Stephens T, Kaiserman MJ, McCall DJ, Sutherland-Brown C. School-based smoking prevention: economic costs versus benefits. 21(2):62-7.

Theis, Beth
Marrett LD, Theis B, Ashbury FD, and an Expert Panel. Workshop report: physical activity and cancer prevention. 21(4):143-9.

Tummon, Ian
Deonandan R, Campbell K, Ostbye T, Tummon I, Robertson J. A comparison of methods for measuring socio-economic status by occupation or postal area. 21(3):114-8.

Walop, Wikke
Neutel CI, Walop W. Comparing two different approaches to measuring drug use within the same survey. 21(4):150-6.

Wen, Shi Wu
Fair M, Cyr M, Allen AC, Wen SW, Guyon G, MacDonald RC, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. 21(1):8-13.

Wen SW, Kramer MS, Liu S, Dzakpasu S, Sauvé R, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group. Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight in Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. 21(1):14-22.

White, Franklin
White F. The burden of disease among the global poor: current situation, future trends, and implications for strategy [book review]. 21(2):87-8.

Williams, J Ivan

Manuel DG, Goel V, Williams JI, Corey P. Health-adjusted life expectancy at the local level in Ontario. 21(2):73-80.

Willis , Alette

Willis A. Spatial epidemiology: methods and applications [book review]. 21(4):159-60.

Wolfson, Christina

Koutsavlis AT, Wolfson C. Elements of mobility as predictors of survival in elderly patients with dementia: findings from the Canadian study of health and aging. 21(3):93-103.

Last Updated: 2002-02-18 Top