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Vol. 140, No. 17 — April 29, 2006




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-03394 is approved.

1. Permittee: Peter Kiewit Sons Co., Vancouver, British Columbia.

2. Type of Permit: To load or dispose of inert, inorganic geological matter.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from May 29, 2006, to May 28, 2007.

4. Loading Site(s):

(a) Various approved sites along the Sea to Sky Highway (Highway 99) in British Columbia, between approximately 49°23.38' N, 123°15.33' W and 49°34.90' N, 123°13.32' W; and

(b) Porteau Cove, British Columbia, at approximately 49°33.60' N, 123°14.00' W.

5. Disposal Site(s):

(a) Point Grey Disposal Site: 49°15.40' N, 123°22.10' W, at a depth of not less than 210 m; and

(b) Watts Point Disposal Site: 49°38.50' N, 123°14.10' W, at a depth of not less than 230 m.

The following position-fixing procedures must be followed to ensure disposal at the designated disposal site:

(i) The vessel must call the appropriate Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centre on departure from the loading site and inform the appropriate MCTS Centre that it is heading for a disposal site;

(ii) Upon arrival at the disposal site and prior to disposal, the vessel must again call the appropriate MCTS Centre to confirm its position. Disposal can proceed if the vessel is on the disposal site. If the vessel is not within the disposal site boundaries, the MCTS Centre will direct it to the site and advise when disposal can proceed; and

(iii) The vessel will inform the appropriate MCTS Centre when disposal has been completed prior to leaving the disposal site.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Direct.

7. Method of Loading and Disposal: Loading by conveyor belts or trucks and disposal by bottom dump scow or end dumping.

8. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

9. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 60 000 m3.

10. Material to Be Disposed of: Inert, inorganic geological matter comprised of surplus rock originating from rock cuts at the excavation site. All wood, topsoil, asphalt and other debris are to be segregated for disposal by methods other than disposal at sea.

11. Requirements and Restrictions:

11.1. The Permittee must notify the permit-issuing office prior to any loading or disposal as to the proposed dates on which the loading and disposal will take place.

Additional requirements may be requested by the permit-issuing office.

11.2. The Permittee must ensure that all contractors involved in the loading or disposal activity for which the permit is issued are made aware of any restrictions or conditions identified in the permit and of the possible consequences of any violation of these conditions. A copy of the permit and of the letter of transmittal must be carried on all towing vessels and loading platforms or equipment involved in disposal at sea activities.

11.3. The fee prescribed by the Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (Site Monitoring) shall be paid by the Permittee in accordance with those Regulations.

11.4. Contact must be made with the Canadian Coast Guard, Regional Marine Information Centre (RMIC), regarding the issuance of a "Notice to Shipping." The RMIC is located at 2380– 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5G3, (604) 666-6012 (telephone), (604) 666-8453 (fax), (email).

11.5. Any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 shall be permitted to mount an electronic tracking device on any vessel that is engaged in the disposal at sea activities authorized by this permit. The Permittee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that there is no tampering with the tracking device and no interference with its operation. The tracking device shall be removed only by an enforcement officer or by a person with the written consent of an enforcement officer.

11.6. The Permittee must submit to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Operations Directorate, within 30 days of the expiry of the permit, a list of all work completed pursuant to the permit, the nature and quantity of material disposed of and the dates on which the activity occurred.

Environmental Stewardship
Pacific and Yukon Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06386 is approved.

1. Permittee: Ocean Pride Fisheries Ltd., Lower Wedgeport, Nova Scotia.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from June 1, 2006, to December 31, 2006.

4. Loading Site(s): 43°42.90' N, 65°58.10' W (NAD83), Wedgepoint Wharf, Lower Wedgeport, Nova Scotia.

5. Disposal Site(s): 43°34.12' N, 66°04.73' W (NAD83), offshore of Tusket Islands at an approximate depth of 40 m.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Vessels, barges or other floating equipment complying with all applicable rules regarding safety and navigation and capable of containing all waste cargo during loading and transit to the approved disposal site.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of shall be discharged from the equipment or vessel while steaming within 500 m of the approved disposal site centre. Disposal will take place in a manner which will promote the greatest degree of dispersion. All vessels will operate at maximum safe speed while discharging offal.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 5 000 tonnes.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Dogfish and sea cucumber waste and associated liquid wastes.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee notify in writing the following individuals at least 48 hours prior to the start of operations to be conducted under this permit.

(a) Mr. Scott Lewis, Environmental Protection Operations Directorate, Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, Queen Square, 16th Floor, 45 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6, (902) 426-3897 (fax), (email);

(b) Mr. Matt Dill, Environmental Protection Operations Directorate, Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, Queen Square, 16th Floor, 45 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6, (902) 426-7924 (fax), (email); and

(c) Ms. Rachel Gautreau, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 17 Waterfowl Lane, Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 1G6, (506) 364-5062 (fax), (email).

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Scott Lewis, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information for each trip to the disposal site: (a) vessel master's signature; (b) departure date; (c) departure time; (d) time of disposal; (e) time returned to port; and (f) quantity disposed.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to any place, ship, or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. Dogfish and sea cucumber waste and associated liquid wastes loaded for the purpose of disposal may not be held aboard any vessel for more than 96 hours without the written consent of an enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

12.5. Except during direct loading operations and during transit to the disposal site, all waste must be covered to prevent excessive drying, to reduce generation and release of odour, and to prevent access by gulls.

12.6. All waste must be securely contained within a hold or other suitable container, and in no case may waste be carried or stored loose on deck.

12.7. Any vessel operating under authority of this permit must carry and display a radar-reflecting device at all times mounted on the highest practical location.

12.8. Any vessel operating under authority of this permit must carry on board a copy of the permit. Each copy must bear the original signature of the Permittee.

12.9. Records of all loading operations and all disposal operations shall be kept with the vessel at all times and shall be available for inspection by any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. These records will be submitted in partial fulfillment of the reporting provisions required in section 12.2.

12.10. All loading must be conducted in such a manner that no material enters the marine environment.

12.11. If requested by Environment Canada, the Permittee shall provide a vessel to assist in conducting one video survey of the disposal site.

12.12. Any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 shall be permitted to mount an electronic tracking device on any vessel engaged in the loading and disposal activities authorized by this permit. The Permittee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that there is no tampering with the tracking device and no interference with its operation. The tracking device shall be removed only with the written consent of an enforcement officer.

12.13. The disposal referred to under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

Environmental Stewardship
Atlantic Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06394 is approved.

1. Permittee: Shawmut Fisheries (1998) Ltd., Witless Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from June 3, 2006, to June 2, 2007.

4. Loading Site(s): 47°16.74' N, 52°49.42' W, Witless Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador.

5. Disposal Site(s): 47°16.34' N, 52°47.54' W, at an approximate depth of 50 m.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Vessels, barges or other floating equipment complying with all applicable rules regarding safety and navigation and capable of containing all waste cargo during loading and transit to the approved disposal site.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of shall be discharged from the equipment or vessel while steaming within 300 m of the approved disposal site. Disposal will take place in a manner which will promote the greatest degree of dispersion. All vessels will operate at maximum safe speed while discharging offal.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 1 500 tonnes.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to Mr. Rick Wadman, Environmental Protection Operations Directorate, Environment Canada, 6 Bruce Street, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3, (709) 772-5097 (fax), rick. (email), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Rick Wadman, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to any place, ship or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. The loading and transit of material to be disposed of at the disposal site must be conducted in such a manner that no material enters the marine environment. Material spilled at any place other than the permitted disposal site must be retrieved. All waste must be contained on shore while the barge is away from the loading site.

12.5. The material shall be covered by netting or other material to prevent access by gulls, except during direct loading or disposal of the material.

12.6. This permit must be displayed in an area of the plant accessible to the public.

12.7. Vessels operating under the authority of this permit must carry and display a radar-reflecting device at all times mounted on the highest practical location.

12.8. The loading or disposal at sea conducted under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

12.9. Material loaded for the purpose of disposal at sea may not be held aboard any vessel for more than 96 hours without the written consent of an enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Environmental Stewardship
Atlantic Region




Notice with respect to the Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries

Pursuant to subsection 54(3) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Minister of the Environment hereby gives notice of the availability of the following code of practice issued under subsection 54(1) of that Act:

Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Environment Canada Report EPS, 1/MM/11 E.

Electronic copies of this code of practice may be downloaded from the Internet at the following address: CEPARegistry/default.cfm. Paper copies are available from Environment Canada's Inquiries Centre at 1-800-668-6767.

Director General
Pollution Prevention Directorate

On behalf of the Minister of the Environment




Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of specified toxic substances released from base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants

Whereas base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants release substances specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999);

Whereas the Minister of the Environment published a Proposed Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of item numbers 7, 8, 16, 17, 28, 31, 42, 51, 64, 67 and 68 listed on the List of Toxic Substances, being Schedule 1 of CEPA 1999 and published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on September 25, 2004;

Whereas persons were given the opportunity to file comments with respect to the Proposed Notice for a comment period of 60 days;

Whereas the Minister has considered all comments received;

Whereas this Notice is issued as an instrument respecting preventive and control action in relation to particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from copper smelters or refineries, or from both; particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from zinc plants; and sulphur dioxide, which has the molecular formula SO2, in application of section 92 of the Act;

And whereas the Minister has published an Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries;

Notice is hereby given that, under subsection 56(1) of the Act, the Minister of the Environment requires all persons or class of persons described in section 2 of this Notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in respect of item numbers 7, 8, 16, 17, 28, 31, 42, 51, 64, 67 and 68 listed on the List of Toxic Substances, being Schedule 1 of CEPA 1999.

Minister of the Environment


1. Definitions

"Act" means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

"Base metal" means any of the following metals: copper, zinc, lead, nickel, or cobalt.

"Facility" means a base metals smelter or refinery or a zinc plant that is listed in Table 1 and that releases to the environment one or more of the substances covered by the Plan.

"NPRI ID" means the specific Identification Number assigned to facilities under the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI).

"Plan" means a pollution prevention plan.

"Process source" means a source of emissions at a facility which are released through a stack or other point source such as a building vent or exhaust, during any stage of smelting or refining.

"Substances covered by the Plan" means the following substances which are listed in Schedule 1 of the Act:

(1) Inorganic arsenic compounds;

(2) Inorganic cadmium compounds;

(3) Lead;

(4) Mercury;

(5) Oxidic, sulphidic, and soluble inorganic nickel compounds;

(6) Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from copper smelters or refineries, or from both;

(7) Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from zinc plants;

(8) Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins, that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)O2Cln in which "n" is greater than 2;

(9) Polychlorinated dibenzofurans, that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)OCln in which "n" is greater than 2;

(10) Respirable particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10); and

(11) Sulphur dioxide, which has the molecular formula SO2.

2. Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan

This Notice applies to any person or class of persons who

(1) Owns or operates a facility listed in Table 1; or

(2) Is the successor or assign of the persons identified in paragraph (1).

Where this Notice applies to more than one facility owned or operated by the same person described in paragraph (1) above, an identifier appears in parentheses following the person's name in the first column of Table 1 and that identifier appears in the first column of Tables 2 to 5 of this Notice.

Table 1: Persons That Fall Under Paragraph (1) Above

Teck Cominco Metals Ltd. Trail Operation
Aldridge Avenue
P.O. Box 1000
Trail, British Columbia
V1R 4L8
(NPRI ID: 3802)
Hudson Bay Mining and
Smelting Company Ltd.
HBM&S; Co., Ltd. — Metallurgical Complex
P.O. Box 1500
Flin Flon, Manitoba
R8A 1N9
(NPRI ID: 3414)
Inco Limited
(Inco — Thompson)
Thompson Operations
P.O. Box 5000
Thompson, Manitoba
R8N 1P3
(NPRI ID: 1473)
Inco Limited
(Inco — Sudbury)
Copper Cliff Smelter Complex
18 Rink Street
Copper Cliff, Ontario
P0M 1N0
(NPRI ID: 444, 1467, 1469)
Inco Limited
(Inco — Port Colborne)
Inco Limited Port Colborne Refinery
187 Davis Street
Port Colborne, Ontario
L3K 5W2
(NPRI ID: 1471)
Falconbridge Ltd. — Kidd Metallurgical Division
(Falconbridge — Kidd/Timmins)
Kidd Metallurgical Site
Highway 101 E
Hoyle Township
Timmins/District of Cochrane, Ontario
P4N 7K1
(NPRI ID: 2815)
Falconbridge Limited
(Falconbridge — Sudbury)
Smelter Complex
Lot 11, Concession 3
Regional Municipality of Sudbury
Falconbridge, Ontario
P0M 1S0
(NPRI ID: 1236)
Falconbridge Limited
(Noranda — Horne)
Fonderie Horne
101 Portelance Street
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
J9X 5B6
(NPRI ID: 3623)
Noranda Income Fund, CEZ Refinery
(Noranda — CEZ)
860 Cadieux Boulevard
Valleyfield, Quebec
J6S 4W2
(NPRI ID: 2938)
Falconbridge Limited
(Noranda — CCR)
Affinerie CCR
220 Durocher Avenue
Montréal-Est, Quebec
H1B 5H6
(NPRI ID: 3916)
Falconbridge Limited
(Noranda — Brunswick)
Brunswick Smelter
692 Main Street
Belledune, New Brunswick
E8G 2M1
(NPRI ID: 4024)

3. Activities in relation to which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in relation to the smelting, refining or other processing of one or more of the base metals, which results in the release to the environment of one or more of the substances covered by the plan.

4. Factors to consider in preparing the plan

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to consider the following factors when preparing their pollution prevention plan:

(1) The risk management objective which is

The application of best available techniques for pollution prevention and control to avoid or minimize the creation and release of pollutants and waste and to reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health.

(2) The recommended practices contained in the CEPA 1999 Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Report EPS 1/MM/11 E, March 2006, ca/CEPARegistry/guidelines/Codes.cfm.

(3) Development and implementation of a Community Air Quality Protection Program (CAPP) to prevent exceedances of air quality objectives, taking into account the atmospheric release management recommendations R208, R209 and R210 of the CEPA 1999 Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Report EPS 1/MM/11 E, March 2006,

Elements of such a program should include

  • Measurements, estimations and reporting of air emissions from process sources, materials and waste management systems, road dust, and other sources of air pollutants;
  • Monitoring of ambient air quality; and
  • Modeling, prediction and prevention of exceedances of ambient air quality objectives.

(4) Development and implementation of a Smelter Emissions Reduction Program (SERP) to prevent and control emissions from base metals smelting and refining processes of substances covered by the Plan taking into account

(a) The annual limit targets identified below for air releases of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter from process sources in Tables 2 and 3. These tables identify the air release limit targets to be achieved annually with respect to these substances by the persons identified in column 1. Columns 2 and 3 of these tables identify two sets of annual limit targets; the first beginning on January 1, 2008, and the second on January 1, 2015. The annual air release targets for these substances are based on a calendar year.

Table 2: Annual Air Release Limit Targets for Sulphur Dioxide

Persons 2008 Targets (tonnes per year) 2015 Targets (tonnes per year)
Teck Cominco – Trail Operation 3 400 3 400
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company Ltd. 187 000 33 500
Inco – Thompson 187 000 22 800
Inco – Sudbury 175 000 66 000
Falconbridge – Kidd/Timmins 7 525 7 525
Falconbridge – Sudbury 66 000 25 000
Falconbridge – Horne 45 000 43 500
Falconbridge – Brunswick 12 700 11 000
Falconbridge – CEZ 6 900 6 900

Table 3: Annual Air Releases Limit Targets for Particulate Matter

Persons 2008 Targets (tonnes per year) 2015 Targets (tonnes per year)
Teck Cominco – Trail Operation 441 441
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company Ltd. 930 616
Inco – Thompson 735 198
Inco – Sudbury 1 430 864
Falconbridge – Kidd/Timmins 500 500
Falconbridge – Sudbury 530 258
Falconbridge – Horne 500 500
Falconbridge – Brunswick 104 100
Falconbridge – CEZ 137 130

(b) The annual limit targets identified below for air releases of mercury and dioxins and furans from process sources in Tables 4 and 5. These tables identify the air release limit targets to be achieved annually with respect to these substances by the persons identified in column 1. Column 2 of these tables identifies the annual limit target beginning on January 1, 2008. The annual air release targets for these substances are based on a calendar year.

Table 4: Annual Air Release Limit Targets for Mercury

Persons 2008 Targets
(kilograms per year)
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company Ltd. 373

Table 5: Annual Air Release Limit Targets for Dioxins and Furans

Persons 2008 Targets
(grams I-TEQ*)
Falconbridge – Sudbury 0.50

*I-TEQ is International Toxicity Quotient and is calculated in accordance with the method provided in the United Nations Environment Programme's Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases, May 2003 (www.

(c) The emission prevention and control activities for the achievement of the annual limit targets for releases in Tables 2 to 5 taking into account the atmospheric release management Recommendations R201, R202, R203, R204, R205, R206 and R207 of the CEPA 1999 Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Report EPS 1/MM/11 E, March 2006, Codes.cfm.

Other relevant references are also identified in Factor No. 6.

(d) The annual air release reduction limit target for the base metals smelting sector as set out in Recommendation No. 1 of the Base Metals Smelting Sector Strategic Options Report published in June 1997, en/toc.cfm.

... that total releases of Inorganic arsenic compounds; Inorganic cadmium compounds; Lead; Mercury; and, Oxidic, sulphidic, and soluble inorganic nickel compounds from the Base Metals Smelting Sector should be reduced from 1988 levels by 80% by the year 2008 and by 90% beyond 2008 through the application of technically and economically feasible methods.

(e) Achievement of the environmental performance guideline for mercury as set out in the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Canada-wide Standard for Mercury Emissions — Base Metal Smelting, pp. 4-5, www.

"... application by all primary zinc, lead and copper smelters of best available pollution prevention and control techniques economically achievable to achieve an environmental source performance (atmospheric emission) guideline of 2 g Hg/tonne total production of finished metals.

... facilities will be expected to make a determined effort to meet this standard by 2008, coincident with implementation of the federal Strategic Options Report, while any new facility will be required to design for and achieve compliance immediately upon full scale operation."

(5) The intention of the Minister of the Environment and Minister of Health to recommend to the Governor in Council that release regulations be made for base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants, effective 2015, with possible Equivalency Agreements with provinces.

(6) Studies on environmental, health, pollution prevention and control techniques, greenhouse gas emissions, engineering and economics that relate to smelter emissions and ambient air quality.

These studies may be taken into account in the development of the Community Air Quality Protection Program and the Smelter Emissions Reduction Program.

These studies may be by independent third parties, or may be sponsored or co-sponsored by persons listed in column 1 of Table 1. The studies should be designed to help improve pollution prevention by base metals smelters and refineries in respect of the substances covered by the plan as defined in section 1 of this Notice.

Examples of studies of that nature that have been commissioned by Environment Canada would include the following references:

Environment Canada, 2001, Assessment Report — "Releases from Primary and Secondary Copper Smelters and Refineries" and "Releases from Primary and Secondary Zinc Smelters and Refineries," cfm

Environment Canada, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Annual Progress Reports on the Canada-Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post-2000,

HATCH, 2000, Review of Environmental Releases for the Base Metals Smelting Sector, prepared for Environment Canada, November 3, 2000, en/index.cfm

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), 2002, Multi-pollutant Emission Reduction Analysis Foundation (MERAF) for the Base Metals Smelting Sector, prepared by the Minerals and Metals Division, September 2002, assets/pdf/bms_final_meraf_e.pdf

Cheminfo, 2006, Technical Assessment of Environmental Performance and Emission Reduction Options for Base Metal Smelters Sector, prepared for Environment Canada, March 2006,

(7) "Pollution prevention," as defined in section 3 of the Act, means the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health. Pollution prevention planning is a means of addressing the release, to the environment, of toxic substances or other pollutants. In preparing a pollution prevention plan, a person subject to this Notice is to give priority to pollution prevention activities.

5. Period within which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires that the plan be prepared and that implementation be initiated before October 29, 2006.

6. Period within which the plan is to be implemented

The Minister requires that the plan be fully implemented no later than December 31, 2015.

7. Content of plan

Persons identified in section 2 preparing the plan are to determine the appropriate content of their own plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of the Notice. It must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 9 and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10 and the Interim Progress Reports referred to in section 12.

8. Requirement to keep plan

Under section 59 of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall keep a copy of the plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the plan is prepared. Where a single plan is prepared for more than one facility, a copy of that plan shall be kept at each location.

9. Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the end of the period for the preparation of the plan specified in section 5 or extended under section 14, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants to the Minister, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 1 of this Notice. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Declaration of Preparation must be filed for each facility.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

10. Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the completion of the implementation of the plan specified in section 6 or extended under section 14, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants to the Minister, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 5 of this Notice. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Declaration of Implementation must be filed for each facility.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

11. Filing of amended Declarations

Under subsection 58(3) of the Act, where a person specified in section 2 has filed a Declaration under sections 9 or 10, and the Declaration contains information that, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended Declaration to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading, using the appropriate form referred to in section 9 or 10.

12. Interim Progress Reports

Persons identified in section 2 shall file, on or before each of the dates below, a written Interim Progress Report — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants, to the Minister, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 4 of this Notice. If a Declaration of Implementation is submitted before an Interim Progress Report is due, the requirement to submit such an Interim Progress Report is nullified.

First Interim Progress Report due: June 1, 2007
Subsequent Interim Progress Report: Every June 1 thereafter until submission of the Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented

Each Interim Progress Report will report data pertaining to the previous calendar year. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Interim Progress Report must be filed for each facility.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

13. Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of the Act, a person may use a pollution prevention plan prepared or implemented for another purpose to satisfy the requirements of sections 2 to 8 of this Notice. Under subsection 57(2) of the Act, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all the requirements of the Notice, the person shall amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. Persons using existing plans must nonetheless file a Declaration of Preparation under section 9, a Declaration of Implementation under section 10, and any amended Declarations under section 11 where applicable, and any Interim Progress Reports required under section 12.

14. Extension of time

Under subsection 56(3) of the Act, where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to prepare the plan as specified in section 5 or to implement the plan as specified in section 6, the Minister may extend the period for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 3 of this Notice, before the expiry of the date referred to in the applicable section 5 or section 6 or before the expiry of any extended period.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

15. Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of the Act, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person to consider a factor specified in section 4 where the Minister is of the opinion that it is neither reasonable nor practicable to consider that factor on the basis of reasons provided by that person when submitting a written Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 2 of this Notice. Such a request must be made before the expiry of the period within which the plan is to be prepared referred to in section 5 or before the expiry of any extended period.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

16. More information on pollution prevention planning

(1) Additional information on general pollution prevention and guidance on preparing pollution prevention plans may be obtained from

(a) the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site (;

(b) the Pollution Prevention Planning Web site ( ca/cepap2);

(c) the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Web site (; or

(d) Environment Canada's regional offices.

(2) Copies of Environment Canada's Pollution Prevention Planning Handbook, including a model plan, are available at

17. Reference Code: P2BMS

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment Canada concerning this Notice should refer to the following reference code: P2BMS.

18. Forms

Forms referred to in this Notice (Schedules 1 to 5) are available from and are to be submitted to

National Office of Pollution Prevention
c/o CEPA Implementation and Innovation Division
Environment Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 13th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3

Forms can also be filled out electronically at the Pollution Prevention Planning Web site at

A copy of this Notice, the forms (Schedules 1 to 5), as well as the instructions necessary for completing the forms, and the Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at P2notices.cfm or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by fax at (819) 953-7970, or by email at CEPAP2Plans@

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this Notice on Environment Canada's Pollution Prevention Planning Web site. All persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit a written request under section 313 of the Act that specific information be treated as confidential. Persons submitting such a request must include the reasons for that request. Refer to the instructions referenced above for more information.

19. Environment Canada contact information

For questions about this Notice or for more information about pollution prevention planning, contact Environment Canada's regional offices or headquarters:

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

Environmental Protection Operations – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-9590
Fax: (902) 426-8373

For residents of Quebec

Environmental Protection Operations – Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Fax: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario

Environmental Protection Operations – Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5888
Fax: (416) 739-4342

For residents of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Environmental Protection Operations – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
123 Main Street, Suite 150
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4W2
Telephone: (204) 984-3522
Fax: (204) 983-0960

For residents of British Columbia and Yukon

Environmental Protection Operations – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
41 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-2690
Fax: (604) 666-9107

Environment Canada Headquarters

Pollution Prevention Directorate
National Office of Pollution Prevention
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 994-0186
Fax: (819) 953-7970

Pollution Prevention Directorate
Metals Section
Natural Resources Sectors
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 994-0457
Fax: (819) 953-5053


(This note is not part of the Notice.)

Compliance with the Act is mandatory under subsection 272(1) of the Act. Subsection 272(2) of the Act defines the penalties for persons who commit offences under the Act. Subsections 273(1) and 273(2) respectively further outline the terms and penalties of those persons providing false or misleading information. Penalties under both subsection 272(2) and 273(2) include fines of not more than $1 million, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

For additional information on the Act, the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and on applicable penalties, please contact the Enforcement Branch at (819) 994-0907. The Policy is available at

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the Notice.

Schedule 1: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code:   P2BMS

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.

Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted?

checkbbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice: ____________

Facility Name: ______________________________________________

Street Address of Facility: _____________________________________

City: _____________________________________________________

Province/Territory: __________________________________________

Postal Code: _______________________

Telephone Number: __________________
(with area code)

Email (if available): ___________________

If different from Street Address:

Mailing Address of Facility: _____________________________________

City: ______________________________________________________

Province/Territory: ___________________________________________

Postal Code: _____________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank): __________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: __________

Facility Technical Contact: _____________________________________

Email (if available): ______________________

Telephone Number: _____________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): ________________
(with area code)

2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose

Is the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of this Notice

— a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared on a voluntary basis?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

— a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared for another government or under another Act of Parliament?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, identify the other government requirement(s) or Act(s) of Parliament.


The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substances for which information is required:

checkbox Inorganic arsenic compounds

checkbox Inorganic cadmium compounds

checkbox Lead

checkbox Mercury

checkbox Oxidic, sulphidic, and soluble inorganic nickel compounds

checkbox Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from copper smelters or refineries, or from both; Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from zinc plants; Respirable particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10)

checkbox Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)O2Cln in which "n" is greater than 2 and polychlorinated dibenzofurans that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)OCln in which "n" is greater than 2

checkbox Sulphur dioxide, which has the molecular formula SO2

Activity for which information is required:

Base metals smelting and refining and zinc production from zinc plants

4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan


(a) The data collected in Part 4.3 of this Declaration are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.

(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Declaration was determined:

M Monitoring or direct measurement

C Mass balance

E Emission factors

O Engineering estimates

(c) This Declaration requires reporting of data from the 2005 Preparation Year (January 1 to December 31).

If the person(s) subject to the Notice has (have) been granted a time extension to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a year other than 2005, all references to 2005 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is (are) required to report.

If applicable, indicate the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is (are) reporting:

4.1 Nature of Activities - No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Declaration

4.2 On-site Uses - No data is required for Part 4.2 of this Declaration

4.3 On-site Releases

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility release the Substance on site in the Preparation Year?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site releases of the Substance, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ per year for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances, for that year in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Declaration.

4.3.1 Releases to Air

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, report the quantity of all releases of the Substance to air with the basis of estimate code. Include both routine and accidental or non-routine releases.

Type of Releases to Air Quantity Release Basis of Estimate Code
(a) Stack or point releases (including process building vents)    
(b) Storage or material handling releases    
(c) Fugitive releases    
(d) Spills    
(e) Other releases – please specify    

4.3.2 Underground Injection - No data is required for Part 4.3.2 of this Declaration

4.3.3 Releases to Surface Waters - No data is required for Part 4.3.3 of this Declaration

4.3.4 Releases to Land - No data is required for Part 4.3.4 of this Declaration

4.3.5 Total Releases - No data is required for Part 4.3.5 of this Declaration

4.4 Off-site Transfers - No data is required for Part 4.4 of this Declaration

4.5 Additional Baseline Information

Describe existing pollution prevention and pollution control equipment and measures for controlling releases of the substance. Indicate the year the control methods were put into effect and include estimates of the change in quantities of the substance released, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ per year for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances that those methods achieved between installation and December 31, 2005 (the Preparation Year).

Existing Pollution Prevention and
Pollution Control Equipment and Measures
Year Change to Releases

5.0 Anticipated Actions and Results

5.1 Anticipated Action(s)

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are anticipated actions to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration the anticipated action to be taken in implementing the pollution prevention plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the anticipated action represents pollution prevention methods or other environmental protection methods, by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to annual releases of the Substance anticipated to be achieved from implementation of that action, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some anticipated actions, such as training, may not be possible. In Part 5.1.5, relate these changes to one or more specific elements of the baseline information described in Part 4 of this Declaration using the appropriate alphabetical label. Refer to the Instruction Booklet for a listing of alphabetical labels. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the planned completion date for the anticipated action.

5.1.1 Anticipated Action: ___________________________________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Material or feedstock substitution checkbox On-site re-use, recycling or recovery
checkbox Product design or reformulation checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques
checkbox Equipment or process modifications checkbox Good operating practices or training
checkbox Spill and leak prevention checkbox Other:

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery checkbox Pollution control
checkbox Off-site recycling checkbox Disposal
checkbox Incineration with energy recovery checkbox Other:
checkbox Waste treatment  

5.1.4 Anticipated Change(s): __________________________________

5.1.5 Baseline Element(s) Affected: _____________________________

5.1.6 Planned Completion Date (year/month/day): __________________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan.

5.2 Total Anticipated Results

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total anticipated change to annual air releases of the Substance in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances and as a percentage relative to the Preparation Year.

In the two columns, relative to the Preparation Year, report the total changes anticipated to be achieved from implementing only the anticipated actions described in Part 5.1 of this Declaration.

Type of Releases Total Anticipated Change*
Relative to the
Preparation Year
Total Anticipated Change*
Relative to the
Preparation Year (%)
5.2.1 On-site releases to air    

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("–") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

Describe anticipated monitoring and reporting that will be used to track progress in implementing the pollution prevention plan.


7.0 Risk Management Objective

Describe how the pollution prevention plan outlined in this Declaration meets the risk management objective identified in subsection 4(1) of the Notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objective, explain why.


This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.

8.0 Factors to Consider

Describe what was done by the person or class of persons subject to the Notice to take into account the "factors to be considered" of the Notice, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister of the Environment.

4(3) Development and implementation of a Community Air Quality Protection Program (CAPP)

4(4) Development and implementation of a Smelter Emissions Reduction Program (SERP)

4(4)(a) release targets for annual air releases for sulphur dioxide and particulates

4(4)(b) release targets for annual air releases for mercury and dioxins and furans

4(4)(c) emission prevention and control activities in recommendations R201 to R207 of the Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters

4(4)(d) recommendation No. 1 of the Strategic Options Report (SOR) for Base Metals Smelting Sector

4(4)(e) The Canada-wide Standard for Mercury Emissions — Base Metals Smelting

4(5) The intention of the Minister of the Environment and Minister of Health to recommend to the Governor in Council that release regulations be made for base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants

4(6) Studies on environmental, health, pollution prevention and control techniques, greenhouse gas emissions, engineering and economics

4(7) Priority to be given to pollution prevention activities

Please address all points listed above




8.1 Environmental Code of Practice

Complete Appendix B Status Report Form on Conformance with Environmental Code of Practice, found in the Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Report EPS 1/MM/11 E, March 2006, Codes.cfm, for the "factor to consider" in subsection 4(2) of the Notice.

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that a pollution prevention plan has been prepared and is being implemented for the Substance and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

_______________________   __________________
Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the Notice or Duly Authorized Representative   Date

Name: ________________________________
  Please Print
Title/Position: _______________________________
  Please Print

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the Notice.

Schedule 2: Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants (Subsection 56(5) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code:   P2BMS

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" for guidance on how to complete this Request.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice: _________________

Facility Name: ___________________________________________________

Street Address of Facility: __________________________________________

City: __________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________________________________

Postal Code: ____________________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Email (if available): ________________

If different from Street Address:

Mailing Address of Facility: __________________________________________


Province/Territory: _________________________________________________

Postal Code: ______________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank): ________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: ________

Facility Technical Contact: ___________________________________________

Email (if available): _________________________________________________

Telephone Number: _____________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _________________
(with area code)

2.0 Factor(s) for Which a Waiver Is Requested

Identify exactly for which factor(s) listed in the notice a waiver is requested.


3.0 Rationale for Request

Explain why it would not be reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is requested.


Explain how the outcome of the P2 plan will be affected if this "factor to consider" is not taken into account.


Explain which, if any, additional factor(s) you propose to consider in preparing the pollution prevention plan (optional).


4.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

_____________________________   __________________
Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the Notice or Duly Authorized Representative   Date

Name: _____________________________
  Please Print
Title/Position: ______________________________
  Please Print

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the Notice.

Schedule 3: Request for Time Extension — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants (Subsection 56(3) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code:   P2BMS

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" for guidance on how to complete this Request.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice: ___________________

Facility Name: _____________________________________________________

Street Address of Facility: ____________________________________________

City: ____________________________

Province/Territory: _________________________________________________

Postal Code: ______________________

Telephone Number: _________________
(with area code)

Email (if available): __________________

If different from Street Address:

Mailing Address of Facility: ________________________________________

City: _____________________________

Province/Territory: _______________________________________________

Postal Code: _______________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank): ______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: ________

Facility Technical Contact: __________________________________________

Email (if available): ____________________

Telephone Number: ___________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 Request for Time Extension

Identify for which of the following a time extension is requested (choose one):

checkbox to prepare a pollution prevention plan

checkbox to implement a pollution prevention plan

For the person(s) identified in Part 1.0, it is requested that the date be extended to ___________ (specify exact date — year/month/day).

3.0 Rationale for Request

Explain why further time is necessary to prepare or implement a pollution prevention plan or to submit an Interim Progress Report.


4.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

____________________   _____________________
Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the Notice or Duly Authorized Representative   Date

Name: _______________________________
  Please Print
Title/Position: _______________________________
  Please Print

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the Notice.

Schedule 4: Interim Progress Report — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants

Notice Reference Code:   P2BMS

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Report.

Is this an amendment to a Report previously submitted?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Report where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _________________________________________________

Street Address of Facility: ________________________________________

City: _______________________

Province/Territory: ____________

Postal Code: _________________

Telephone Number: _____________________
(with area code)

Email (if available): ______________________

If different from Street Address:

Mailing Address of Facility: ___________________________________

City: ______________________

Province/Territory: ___________

Postal Code: ________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank): ________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: ________

Facility Technical Contact: ___________________________________

Email (if available): _________________________________________

Telephone Number: ___________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): ______________
(with area code)

2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose - No data is required for Part 2.0 of this Report 5.0

The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substances for which information is required:

checkbox Inorganic arsenic compounds

checkbox Inorganic cadmium compounds

checkbox Lead

checkbox Mercury

checkbox Oxidic, sulphidic, and soluble inorganic nickel compounds

checkbox Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from copper smelters or refineries, or from both; Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from zinc plants; Respirable particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10)

checkbox Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)O2Cln in which "n" is greater than 2 and polychlorinated dibenzofurans that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)OCln in which "n" is greater than 2

checkbox Sulphur Dioxide, which has the molecular formula SO2

Activity for which information is required:

Base metals smelting and refining and zinc production from zinc plants

4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan


(a) The data collected in Part 4.3 of this Report is consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.

(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Report was determined:

M Monitoring or direct measurement

C Mass balance

E Emission factors

O Engineering estimates

(c) The Notice (Reference Code P2BMS) requires reporting of data in an Interim Progress Report for the following calendar years (January 1 to December 31).

Interim Progress Report Reporting Year
Interim Progress Report No. 1 2006
Interim Progress Report No. 2 2007
Interim Progress Report No. 3 2008
Interim Progress Report No. 4 2009
Interim Progress Report No. 5 2010
Interim Progress Report No. 6 2011
Interim Progress Report No. 7 2012
Interim Progress Report No. 8 2013
Interim Progress Report No. 9 2014

Indicate on which Interim Progress Report number the person(s) is (are) reporting: _________ (The Reporting Year associated with this Interim Progress Report Number is referred to as the Reporting Year throughout this report.)

If applicable, indicate the new Reporting Year for which the person(s) is (are) reporting: ________ (This is referred to as the Reporting Year throughout this report.)

4.1 Nature of Activity - No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Report

4.2 On-site Uses - No data is required for Part 4.2 of this Report

4.3 On-site Releases

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, did this facility release the Substance on site in the Reporting Year?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site releases of the Substance, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ per year for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances for that year, in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 5 of this Report.

4.3.1 Releases to Air

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, report the quantity of all releases of the Substance to air with the basis of estimate code. Include both routine and accidental or non-routine releases.

Type of Releases to Air Quantity Released Basis of Estimate Code
(a) Stack or point releases (including process building vents)    
(b) Storage or handling releases    
(c) Fugitive releases    
(d) Spills    
(e) Other releases – please specify    

4.3.2 Underground Injection - No data is required for Part 4.3.2 of this Report

4.3.3 Releases to Surface Waters - No data is required for Part 4.3.3 of this Report

4.3.4 Releases to Land - No data is required for Part 4.3.4 of this Report

4.3.5 Total Releases - No data is required for Part 4.3.5 of this Report

4.4 Off-site Transfers - No data is required for Part 4.4 of this Report

4.5 Additional Baseline Information - No data is required for Part 4.5 of this Report

5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved to Date

5.1 Action(s) Taken to Date

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken to date in the P2 plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to date to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report the actions taken to date in implementing the pollution prevention plan. For the purpose of this report, "to date" refers to December 31 of the Reporting Year specified in section 4.0 of this Report. For the first Interim Progress Report, report actions taken since initiating the implementation of the pollution prevention plan. For all subsequent Interim Progress Reports, report actions taken since filing of the previous Interim Progress Report. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action taken to date represents pollution prevention methods or other environmental protection methods, by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to annual releases of the Substance achieved to date from implementation of that action, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ per year for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible. In Part 5.1.5, relate these changes to (a) specific element(s) of the baseline information described in Part 4 of this Report using the appropriate alphabetical label. Refer to the Instruction Booklet for a listing of alphabetical labels. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for the action taken.

5.1.1 Action Taken to Date: _______________________________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Material or feedstock substitution checkbox On-site re-use, recycling or recovery
checkbox Product design or reformulation checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques
checkbox Equipment or process modifications checkbox Good operating practices or training
checkbox Spill and leak prevention checkbox Other:

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery checkbox Pollution control
checkbox Off-site recycling checkbox Disposal
checkbox Incineration with energy recovery checkbox Other:
checkbox Waste treatment

5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved to Date: ___________________________

5.1.5 Baseline Element(s) Affected: ___________________________

5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day): ______________________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan.

5.2 Total Results Achieved to Date

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, the total achieved change to date to annual air releases of the Substance, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ per year for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances, and as a percentage relative to the Preparation Year as reported in the "Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)" (Declaration of Preparation).

In the two columns, relative to the Preparation Year, report those changes achieved from ALL actions taken to date in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

Type of Releases Total Achieved Change to Date*
Relative to the Preparation Year
Total Achieved Change to Date*
Relative to the Preparation Year (%)
5.2.1 On-site releases to air    

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("–") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

Describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the pollution prevention plan.


7.0 Risk Management Objective - No data is required for Part 7.0 of this Report

This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Report) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.

8.0 Factors to Consider

Describe what was done by the person or class of persons subject to the Notice to take into account the "factors to be considered" in subsection 4(3) of the Notice, [Development and implementation of a Community Air Quality Protection Program (CAPP)], except if a waiver has been granted by the Minister of the Environment for this factor.


8.1 Environmental Code of Practice

Complete Appendix B Status Report Form on Conformance with Environmental Code of Practice, found in the Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Report EPS 1/MM/11 E, March 2006, Codes.cfm for the "factor to consider" in subsection 4(2).

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Report is true, accurate and complete.

_____________________________   __________________
Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the Notice or
Duly Authorized Representative

Name: _____________________________
  Please Print
Title/Position: _____________________________
  Please Print

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the Notice.

Schedule 5: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants (Subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code:   P2BMS

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the associated Instruction Insert for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.

Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice: __________________________

Facility Name: _________________________________________

Street Address of Facility: ________________________________

City: ________________________

Province/Territory: _____________

Postal Code: _________________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Email (if available): ____________________

If different from Street Address:

Mailing Address of Facility: __________________________

City: ______________________

Province/Territory: ___________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank): _____________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: __________

Facility Technical Contact: _________________________

Email (if available): ________________

Telephone Number: ___________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): ____________________
(with area code)

2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose - No data is required for Part 2.0 of this Declaration

The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substances for which information is required:

checkbox Inorganic arsenic compounds

checkbox Inorganic cadmium compounds

checkbox Lead

checkbox Mercury

checkbox Oxidic, sulphidic, and soluble inorganic nickel compounds

checkbox Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from copper smelters or refineries, or from both; Particulate matter containing metals that is released in emissions from zinc plants; Respirable particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10)

checkbox Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)O2Cln in which "n" is greater than 2 and polychlorinated dibenzofurans that have the molecular formula C12H(8-n)OCln in which "n" is greater than 2

checkbox Sulphur Dioxide, which has the molecular formula SO2

Activity for which information is required:

Base metals smelting and refining and zinc production from zinc plants

4.0 Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan


(a) The data collected in Part 4.3 of this Declaration is consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.

(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Declaration was determined:

M Monitoring or direct measurement

C Mass balance

E Emission factors

O Engineering estimates

(c) This Declaration requires reporting of data for the year of implementation (January 1 to December 31) of the pollution prevention plan, but no later than for the year 2015 as specified in the Notice or any other year specified to a person who has been granted an extension of time to implement a plan.

Indicate the year of implementation for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: ____________ (This will be referred to as the Reporting Year throughout this Declaration.)

4.1 Nature of Activities - No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Declaration

4.2 On-site Uses - No data is required for Part 4.2 of this Declaration

4.3 On-site Releases

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility release the Substance on site in the Reporting Year?

checkbox Yes

checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site releases of the Substance, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances, for that year, in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 5 of this Declaration.

4.3.1 Releases to Air

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, report the quantity of all releases of the Substance to air with the basis of estimate code. Include both routine and accidental or non-routine releases.

Type of Releases to Air Quantity Released Basis of Estimate Code
(a) Stack or point releases (including process building vents)    
(b) Storage or handling releases    
(c) Fugitive releases    
(d) Spills    
(e) Other releases — please specify    

4.3.2 Underground Injection - No data is required for Part 4.3.2 of this Declaration

4.3.3 Releases to Surface Waters - No data is required for Part 4.3.3 of this Declaration

4.3.4 Releases to Land - No data is required for Part 4.3.4 of this Declaration

4.3.5 Total Releases - No data is required for Part 4.3.5 of this Declaration

4.4 Off-site Transfers - No data is required for Part 4.4 of this Declaration

4.5 Additional Baseline Information - No data is required for Part 4.5 of this Declaration

5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved

5.1 Action(s) Taken

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration the action taken in implementing the pollution prevention plan. If you have previously filed an Interim Progress Report, report only those actions that have been taken since the last Interim Progress Report. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action represents pollution prevention methods or other environmental protection methods, by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to annual releases of the Substance achieved from implementation of that action in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that estimating a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible. In Part 5.1.5, relate these changes to (a) specific element(s) of the baseline information described in Part 4 of this Declaration using the appropriate alphabetical label. Refer to the Instruction Booklet for a listing of alphabetical labels. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for each action taken.

5.1.1 Action Taken: _____________________________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Material or feedstock substitution checkbox On-site re-use, recycling or recovery
checkbox Product design or reformulation checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques
checkbox Equipment or process modifications checkbox Good operating practices or training
checkbox Spill and leak prevention checkbox Other:

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery checkbox Pollution control
checkbox Off-site recycling checkbox Disposal
checkbox Incineration with energy recovery checkbox Other:
checkbox Waste treatment

5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved: _________________________________

5.1.5 Baseline Element(s) Affected: ___________________________

5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day): ______________________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan.

5.2 Total Results Achieved

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total achieved change to annual air releases of the Substance, in kilograms per year for mercury, in grams I-TEQ for dioxins and furans, and in tonnes per year for all the other substances and as a percentage relative to the Preparation Year as reported in the "Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Releases From Base Metals Smelters and Refineries and Zinc Plants (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)" (Declaration of Preparation).

In the two columns, relative to the Preparation Year, report the changes achieved from ALL actions taken as a result of implementing the pollution prevention plan.

Type of Release Total Change* Achieved — Relative to the Preparation Year Total Change* Achieved — Relative to the Preparation Year (%)
5.2.1 On-site releases to air    

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

Describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the pollution prevention plan.


7.0 Risk Management Objective

Describe how the P2 plan outlined in this Declaration met the risk management objective identified in subsection 4(1) of the Notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objective, explain why.


This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.

8.0 Factors to Consider

Describe what was done by the person or class of persons subject to the Notice to take into account the "factors to be considered" of the Notice, except if a waiver has been granted by the Minister of the Environment for this factor.

4(3) Development and implementation of a Community Air Quality Protection Program (CAPP)

4(4) Development and implementation of a Smelter Emissions Reduction Program (SERP)

4(4)(a) release targets for annual air releases for Sulphur Dioxide and Particulate Matter

4(4)(b) release targets for annual releases for Mercury and Dioxide and Furans

4(4)(c) emission prevention and control activities in recommendations R201 to R207 of the Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters

4(4)(d) recommendation No. 1 of the Strategic Options Report (SOR) for Base Metals Smelting Sector

4(4)(e) The Canada-wide Standard for Mercury Emissions — Base Metals Smelting

4(5) The intention of the Minister of the Environment and Minister of Health to recommend to the Governor in Council that release regulations be made for base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants

4(6) Studies on environmental, health, pollution prevention and control techniques, greenhouse gas emissions, engineering and economics

4(7) Priority to be given to pollution prevention activities

Please, address all points listed above




8.1 Environmental Code of Practice

Complete Appendix B Status Report Form on Conformance with Environmental Code of Practice, found in the Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries, Report EPS 1/MM/11 E, March 2006, Codes.cfm for the "factor to consider" in subsection 4(2).

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that a pollution prevention plan has been implemented for the Substance and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

_______________________   ____________________
Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the Notice or Duly Authorized Representative   Date

Name: _______________________
  Please Print
Title/Position: ________________________
  Please Print




Order 2006-87-02-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List

Whereas, pursuant to subsections 87(1) and (5) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (see footnote a), the Minister of the Environment has added the substances referred to in the annexed Order to the Domestic Substances List;

Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsections 87(1) and (5) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (see footnote b), hereby makes the annexed Order 2006-87-02-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List.

Ottawa, April 19, 2006

Minister of the Environment



1. Part I of the Non-domestic Substances List (see footnote 1) is amended by deleting the following:

1561-92-8 85209-93-4 147783-69-5
22208-25-9 110224-99-2 490025-11-1
38618-12-1 137175-49-6  
54914-37-3 137175-50-9  

2. Part II of the List is amended by deleting the following:

10417-4 Soybean oil, epoxidized, acrylate
  Huile de soja, époxidée, acrylate
10984-4 Polymer of benzene, ethenyl-, 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester, 2-propenoic acid, butyl ester, 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-substituted ethyl ester, 2-propenoic acid
  Styrène polymérisé avec le méthacrylate de méthyle, le méthacrylate d'éthyle, l'acrylate de butyle, le méthacrylate d'éthyle 2-substitué et l'acide acrylique
12797-8 Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-chloro-2-[[4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-(3-substituted)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl] azo]-5-methyl-, calcium salt (1:1)
                Acide 4-chloro-2-{[4,5-dihydro-3-méthyl-5-oxo-1-(3-substitué)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo}-5-méthylbenzènesulfonique, sel de calcium (1:1)
13034-2 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, dodecyl ester, polymer with eicosyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, hexadecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, isodecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, octadecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, alkenylheteromonocycle and tetradecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate
  2-Méthyl-2-propènoate de dodécyle polymérisé avec le 2-méthyl-2-propènoate d'eicosyle, le 2-méthyl-2-propènoate d'hexadécyle, le 2-méthyl-2-propènoate d'isodécyle, le 2-méthyl-2-propènoate de méthyle, le 2-méthyl-2-propènoate d'octadécyle, un alcénylhétéromonocycle et le 2-méthyl-2-propènoate de tétradécyle
15032-2 Alkynediol ethoxylate
  Éthoxylate d'alcynediol
15201-0 Starch, 2-hydroxyethyl ether graft copolymer latex
  Éther 2-hydroxyéthylique d'amidon greffé à un copolymère du latex


3. This Order comes into force on the day on which Order 2006-87-02-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List comes into force.




Board member (full-time position)

An immediate opportunity exists for one or more appointments to the position of board member at the National Energy Board. You would join a team of up to nine full-time board members. Appointments to the Board are for a period of seven years, with eligibility for re-appointment.

The National Energy Board is an independent federal tribunal established in 1959. Its purpose is to promote safety and security, environmental protection and efficient energy infrastructure and markets and make decisions in the Canadian public interest within the mandate set by Parliament for the regulation of pipelines, energy development and trade. The Board reports to Parliament through the Minister of Natural Resources.

You must have a good knowledge and understanding of the energy industry or regulation. Preference will be given to candidates who have a professional background in economics, engineering, environmental science, finance or law; an advanced degree would be an asset. In addition, you must possess superior interpersonal and communication abilities. Fairness, collegiality, independence of mind, sound decision making and openness to new ideas are required. You will have demonstrated these abilities in positions of progressive responsibility in the fields of energy or regulation.

You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Ability to work in English is essential. Ability to communicate in French would be a significant asset. The Government is committed to ensuring that its appointments are representative of Canada's regions and official languages, as well as of women, Aboriginal peoples, disabled persons and visible minorities.

Location: Calgary, Alberta

You must be prepared to reside in, or within reasonable commuting distance of, Calgary, Alberta.

Interested candidates should forward their application by May 12, 2006, in strict confidence, to Kathleen Angel, Executive Assistant to the Chairman, 444 Seventh Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8, (403) 292-6507 (fax). You should visit the Board's Web site at htm for important information in preparing your application, including an accountability profile and statement of merit criteria for this position.

We thank all who apply and advise that only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

The selected candidate will be subject to the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders. Before or upon assuming official duties and responsibilities, public office holders appointed on a full-time basis must sign a document certifying that, as a condition of holding office, they will observe the Code. They must also submit to the Office of the Ethics Commissioner, within 60 days of appointment, a Confidential Report in which they disclose all of their assets, liabilities and outside activities. To obtain copies of the Code and of the Confidential Report, visit the Office of the Ethics Commissioner's Web site at Appointees must devote the whole of their time to the performance of their duties under the National Energy Board Act, and cannot accept or hold any office or employment inconsistent with the duties and functions under the Act.

This notice has been placed to assist the Governor in Council in identifying qualified candidates for this position. It is not, however, intended to be the sole means of recruitment.

Bilingual notices of vacancies will be produced in alternative format (audio cassette, diskette, braille, large print, etc.) upon request. For further information, please contact Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S5, (613) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943.




Designation as fingerprint examiner

Pursuant to subsection 667(5) of the Criminal Code, I hereby designate the following person of the Edmonton Police Service as fingerprint examiner:

Gary Allen Short

Ottawa, April 10, 2006

Assistant Deputy Minister




Designation and de-designation of oil handling facilities

Irving Oil Handling Facility, Cap-aux-Meules, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, and Irving Oil Handling Facility, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, were previously designated as oil handling facilities. The Minister of Transport has determined that the operators of these oil handling facilities are not required to comply with subsection 660.2(4) of the Canada Shipping Act and is hereby de-designating said facilities.

The following six facilities are oil handling facilities that the Minister of Transport has determined must comply with subsection 660.2(4) of the Canada Shipping Act and is hereby designating the said facilities.

Cooperative Association of Aupaluk, Aupaluk, Quebec

Cooperative Association of Inukjuak, Inukjuak, Quebec

Cooperative Association of Great Whale River, Kuujuarapik, Quebec

Cooperative Association of Tasiujaq, Tasiujaq, Quebec

Cooperative Association of Umiujaq, Umiujaq, Quebec

Hydro-Québec, Romaine Central, Québec, Quebec

The effective date of the de-designations and designations is March 7, 2006.

Minister of Transport, Infrastructure
and Communities




Designation of an oil handling facility

The Methanex (Kitimat Port) Corporation, Kitimat, British Columbia, is an oil handling facility that the Minister of Transport has determined must comply with subsection 660.2(4) of the Canada Shipping Act and is hereby designating said facility.

The effective date of the designation is November 14, 2005.

Minister of Transport, Infrastructure
and Communities



Balance sheet as at April 5, 2006

Deposits in foreign currencies    
U.S. dollars $ 86,220,429  
Other currencies 4,246,750  
    $ 90,467,179
To members of the Canadian Payments Association 25,988,431  
To Governments    
(at amortized values)    
Treasury bills of Canada 13,971,485,253  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years 10,289,841,014  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years 5,957,437,987  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years 8,199,954,405  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years 6,138,146,243  
Other bills    
Other investments 38,038,287  
Bank premises   133,184,289
Other assets    
Securities purchased under resale agreements    
All other assets 567,237,579  
    $ 45,411,780,667
Bank notes in circulation   $ 43,640,033,243
Government of Canada $ 892,537,852  
Banks 24,796,154  
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association 1,475,329  
Other 436,927,183  
Liabilities in foreign currencies    
Government of Canada    
Other liabilities    
Securities sold under repurchase agreements    
All other liabilities 386,010,906  
Share capital 5,000,000  
Statutory reserve 25,000,000  
    $ 45,411,780,667
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $ ________________
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, April 6, 2006   Ottawa, April 6, 2006
Acting Chief Accountant   Governor


Balance sheet as at April 12, 2006

Deposits in foreign currencies    
U.S. dollars $ 85,221,749  
Other currencies 4,178,639  
    $ 89,400,388
To members of the Canadian Payments Association 16,404,157  
To Governments    
(at amortized values)    
Treasury bills of Canada 14,276,742,051  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years 10,289,755,024  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years 5,957,450,245  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years 8,199,858,447  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years 6,138,011,554  
Other bills    
Other investments 38,038,287  
Bank premises   133,414,906
Other assets    
Securities purchased under resale agreements 504,167,465  
All other assets 598,471,026  
    $ 1,102,638,491
    $ 46,241,713,550
Bank notes in circulation   $ 44,407,054,656
Government of Canada $ 934,170,536  
Banks 12,344,257  
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association 4,422,279  
Other 429,583,546  
Liabilities in foreign currencies    
Government of Canada    
Other liabilities    
Securities sold under repurchase agreements    
All other liabilities 424,138,276  
Share capital 5,000,000  
Statutory reserve 25,000,000  
    $ 46,241,713,550
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $ ______________
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, April, 13, 2006   Ottawa, April 13, 2006
Acting Chief Accountant   Governor

Footnote a

S.C. 1999, c. 33

Footnote b

S.C. 1999, c. 33

Footnote 1

Supplement, Canada Gazette, Part I, January 31, 1998


The format of the electronic version of this issue of the Canada Gazette was modified in order to be compatible with hypertext language (HTML). Its content is very similar except for the footnotes, the symbols and the tables.

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Maintained by the Canada Gazette Directorate Important notices
Updated: 2006-04-28