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Bank of Canada

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About the Bank

Educational Resources


These programs are offered to students visiting the Currency Museum in Ottawa.

Inflation Busters

Fighting inflation is no easy job, but learning about it can be fun! Inflation Busters is a dynamic program for high school economics students.

Your students can:
  • Be contestants on "The Price is What?" a game show about inflation and its causes.
  • Experience life as pensioners, corporate executives, or single parents in an economy with hyperinflation in the simulation game "Inflation Nation."
  • Try playing the role of a Bank of Canada economist in the game "Right on the Money."

Ages: 14-18
Participants: Minimum 12, maximum 60
Program Length: 2 hours

Dig It!

Dig It! is a fun program designed for students ages 8 to 14, presented at the Currency Museum. Bring your students to join one of our digs.

In Dig It!, students are divided into six teams. In large boxes representing continents, they uncover artifacts that have served as money at some time in history. They study the objects and answer questions with the help of an "explorer's fieldwork notebook," the Museum's displays, and their own imaginations.

We've designed this program to enable your students to:
  • practise the skills and strategies required for effective inquiry in subjects such as social studies, history, and geography
  • relate what they've learned in social studies, history, and geography to the world around them, and gain a better understanding of the differences and similarities among societies.
You can also play an online version of Dig It!

Money Matters

Money Matters is a hands-on program about bank notes for students ages 10 to 14, presented at the Currency Museum. Students learn about where the money in their wallets comes from, who is responsible for making it, and how they can be sure that it is the real thing. They also find out why some of Canada's bank notes have a new look.

Students are divided into four groups to investigate different aspects of Canadian bank notes, with the aid of a Museum interpreter.

More about these programs