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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research


Financial System Review

December 2002

Financial System Review


Two corrections have been made to this version. In the Developments and Trends section, the Chart 14 on page 10 has been revised as has the Chart in Box 5 on page 20, together with the last line of text in the box.


Developments and Trends

  • Introduction
  • Highlighted Issues
  • The Macrofinancial Environment
  • The Financial System


  • Systemic Risk, Designation, and the ACSS

Policy and Infrastructure Developments

  • Introduction
  • The CLS Bank: Managing Risk in Foreign Exchange Settlements
  • The Impact of Participant Outages on Canada's Large Value Transfer System
  • Understanding Intraday Payment Flows in the Large Value Transfer System

Research Summaries

  • Introduction
  • The Financial Services Sector: An Update on Recent Developments
  • Canadian Foreign Exchange Market Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics
  • Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Non-Technical Survey
  • Banking Crises and Contagion: Empirical Evidence

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