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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research


Financial System Review

December 2006

Financial System Review - December 2006
Developments and Trends
  • Financial System Risk Assessment
    • Overall Assessment
    • The Macrofinancial Environment
      • The international environment
      • Canadian developments
      • Highlighted Issue: An Analysis of the Financial Position of the Household Sector Using Microdata
    • The Financial System
  • Important Financial System Developments
    • Financial Markets
    • Highlighted Issue: Lessons Learned from International Experiences with Market Transparency.
    • Highlighted Issue: Exchange-Traded Funds
  • Introduction
  • The "Maple Bond" Market
  • An Update on the Funding Status of Defined-Benefit Pension Plans in Canada
  • Results of the FSR Readership Survey
Research Summaries
  • Introduction
  • Collateral Valuation for Extreme Market Events
  • Are Canadian Banks Efficient? A Canada-U.S. Comparison
  • Credit in a Tiered Payments System
  • Using No-Arbitrage Models to Predict Exchange Rates

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