United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Regional Websites



UNODC is cosponsor of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS - UNAIDS



UNODC chief urges anti-corruption officials to hold their governments to account |  more...
Opium cultivation in Golden Triangle falls 29 per cent in 2006, down 85 per cent since 1998 |  more...
New York Times  TV interview with Executive Director Costa - click here, then scroll down and select "The Conversation" from the left-hand menu
UNODC unveils new toolkit aimed at combating human trafficking  |  more...  | Toolkit (pdf) 
UNODC Global Partnership Forum Report |  more... 
Speech by Goodwill Ambassador Julia Ormond at the UNODC Global Partnership Forum |  more...
Heroin overdoses could increase significantly due to higher Afghan opium crop, UN drugs chief warns |  more...
Afghanistan Opium Survey 2006
Afghan poppy growing requires security, law enforcement response - Costa tells press in New York | UN Newscentre...  |  summary... 
UN drugs chief calls for extra resources to help NATO target Afghan opium | 
more...  |  français... | espaňol...  | pусский...
UN Director Antonio Maria Costa and Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner discuss Afghanistan Opium Crisis | more...
Afghan opium cultivation soars 59 percent in 2006, UNODC survey shows |
more...  | français... | espaňol... | pусский...
Afghanistan Drug Use Survey 2005

A nation-wide survey, the first of its kind, has been carried out by UNODC and the Afghan government. The recently published findings suggest that Afghanistan has almost one million drug users.   Click for Survey

World Drug Report 2006
Presents a comprehensive overview of the global illicit drug situation. The analysis of trends, some going back 10 years or more, is presented in Volume 1. Detailed statistics are presented in Volume 2. Taken together, these volumes provide the most up-to-date view of today's illicit drug situation. | more 

Electronic edition of the Perspectives magazine
UNODC's new magazine Perspectives will cover the broad issues of drugs, crime and terrorism from a number of angles and ensure that voices from all over the world are heard. The magazine is available online in English. Relevant articles will be translated to other languages.

Children and drugs is the theme of the 2006 campaign launched on 26 June, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. This year's slogan is "Drugs are not child's play".

You can stop corruption.  The UNODC campaign was launched on 9 December 2005, the International Day against Corruption.

UNODC has produced a number of TV and radio public service announce- ments on topics such as human trafficking, HIV/AIDS and corruption - more...

UNODC Goodwill Ambassadors
Photojournalist Alessandro Scotti, Olympic gymnastics champion Igor Cassina and actress Julia Ormond travel around the world raising awareness about drug and crime issues.

Multilingual information
La Oficina en Colombia ofrece información en español
Visite o website do UNODC Brasil e Cone Sul 
em português

Violence against Children - groundbreaking new UN Study

The UN Secretary-General's Study paints a sobering picture of violence against children and proposes recommendations for prevention and response. It brings together disturbing data on the incidence of various types of violence that children encounter within the family, schools, alternative care institutions and detention facilities, the workplace and communities.
Click for  Study and media information

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