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Pollution Prevention - Canadian Success Stories

Water and Energy Conservation

Omron Dualtec Automotive Electronics Inc. - LEED Certified Building

Omron Dualtec Automotive Electronics Inc. (ODI) designs, manufactures and assembles electromechanical and electrical devices such as relays, switches and electronic control units for the automotive assembly industry. ODI has been a subsidiary of Omron Corporation since 1991, employs about 500 people and has three facilities in Oakville, Ontario; including the Electronic Control Units (ECU) facility which opened in May 2005. This facility was one of the first projects in Canada to be certified under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-Canada green building standard.


ODI - building

As part of the global Omron Corporation, ODI subscribes to a corporate social responsibility policy that includes declarations in ethics, citizenship and environmental responsibility. All of Omron Corporation's factories worldwide have achieved the ISO 14001 certification, a worldwide standard for environmental management.

An opportunity to demonstrate these commitments arose when the need to construct a new facility for ODI's expanding ECU business was identified. Constructing a green building was a natural decision for ODI, with the anticipated social, financial and environmental benefits from the building operation all playing a role. It was determined that the LEED Building Rating System would be used for this project, with a goal of obtaining certification under LEED-Canada. The LEED Rating System recognises leading edge buildings that incorporate design, construction and operational practices combining healthy, high quality and high performance advantages with reduced environmental impacts.

One of the key features of the ECU building is its energy efficiency. This was accomplished by installing a high performance building envelope consisting of additional insulation on the roof and walls, and a unique triple glazed argon-filled window system. With an energy efficient building envelope design, ODI was immediately able to reduce the number of HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) units required to heat and cool the building. The HVAC units installed are premium high efficiency models and contain no chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in the refrigerant. To ensure that energy is not wasted on unnecessary heating, cooling and ventilation, a number of features were implemented throughout the facility. User-friendly thermostats, adjustable to +/- 2 oC of the set temperature, a Building Automation System, which controls the temperature program, carbon dioxide monitors, which detect ventilation requirements, and energy recovery ventilators all translate into energy savings. The warehouse space in the facility was designed to be significantly more energy efficient than conventional warehouses by incorporating radiant tube heaters and the use of recycled waste heat from the facility's air compressors. Energy efficiency was also considered in lighting design. The building features energy efficient fluorescent lighting, occupancy sensors and the use of efficient lighting strategies.

Water efficiency design is another important aspect of the building. The building showcases dual flush toilets, waterless urinals and low flow faucets and showerheads. Careful landscape design, incorporating native species of grasses, shrubs and trees adaptable to the local soil, climate and precipitation, eliminated the need for an irrigation system while promoting biodiversity. Natural resources were further conserved by using building products made from recycled material (28% by cost), including a unique fiberboard made out of 90% harvested wheat straw fibre, and material locally manufactured or extracted (27% by cost). In addition, a first class waste management plan was developed and implemented during the construction phase of the project.

This project has also greatly minimized the emission of pollutants in addition to CFCs and HCFCs. Significant reductions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were achieved by selecting building materials with low or no VOC content, including low-emitting office furniture, as certified by the GreenguardTM program, and the introduction of a green housekeeping program, which uses environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices. ODI recognizes that transportation has considerable environmental impact, therefore a facility location was chosen that is close to public transportation and ODI's other facilities. ODI further encourages the use of alternative transportation by making bicycle racks and shower facilities available to its employees.



The ECU facility is 37% more energy efficient and 45% more water efficient than a standard building. At full occupancy, this represents an estimated annual energy saving of 688 000 kWh (estimated to yield an equivalent greenhouse gas emission reduction of 172 metric tonnes per year), and an annual saving of approximately 1.25 million litres of water. The company's construction waste management plan resulted in the diversion of 75% (51 metric tonnes) of all construction waste from landfill. The project was able to achieve a 27% reduction in VOC emissions, equivalent to 92 kg. Ozone depletion potential from the facility's refrigerant-based equipment, which holds 97 kg of refrigerant, was reduced by 100%.


Based on a 5 year average utility rate, increasing at 5% per year, the additional capital cost of energy and water conservation features (above what would be invested into a standard building) yield an approximate annual savings of $48 000. This translates into a payback of 7 years and a return on investment of 14%. There were also two noteworthy capital cost savings with respect to energy and water. Due to the energy efficient building envelope, approximately $155 000 was saved by eliminating the purchase of additional HVAC equipment and the planting of native species saved ODI an additional $35 000 because an irrigation system did not need to be installed.


The facility design allows for a healthier and more ergonomic indoor workplace, resulting in greater worker satisfaction. With a green building education program, ODI is able to educate its employees, contractors, industry peers and the community on this innovative project and a chain reaction has already started. Contractors involved in the ODI green building project are now integrating the principles in their future projects and a number of parties who have visited the ECU facility have been inspired to adopt some of the green building practices at their facilities. The advantage of using a widely accepted green building standard such as LEED is that it is completely transferable to other projects and is appealing to any company or organization interested in saving money with the added benefit of preserving the environment.



2004 and 2005 : Recycle Council of Ontario, Ontario Waste Minimization Business Award

2005 and 2006: Conservation Halton, Conservation Award of Excellence

2006: Canada Green Building Council, LEED Canada NC Silver Certification Level

2006: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Pollution Prevention Award - Medium Business

Contact Information

Aneta Zimnicki
Environmental Specialist
2291 Winston Park Drive
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 6R7
Phone : (905) 829-0137 ext 2507
Fax : (905) 829-5781
E-mail :
Website :

Date Submited

September 2006

Note: The purpose of this sheet is to give recognition to this specific activity in pollution prevention. Environment Canada does not per se endorse the company.

The Green LaneTM, Environment Canada's World Wide Web site
Last updated: 2006-09-01 Last reviewed: 2006-09-01
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