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Bank of Canada

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About the Bank

Educational Resources

Resources by Topic

Educational resources and materials available through this website or at the Currency Museum in Ottawa.

Resource Type Description Location Level
Videos Video General information about the Bank and its roles... Web Secondary; College/University
Inflation Calculator Reference tool Shows the effects of inflation on prices and wages over time. Web Senior Elementary; Secondary; College/University
Investment Calculator Reference tool Shows the effects of inflation on investments over time. Web Senior Elementary; Secondary; College/University
Money Matters Game Students learn about where the money in their wallets comes from... Currency Museum Senior Elementary
Inflation Busters Game Three separate games about inflation and its causes... Currency Museum Secondary
How Monetary Policy Works Graphical teaching aid Explains how changes in monetary policy work their way through the economy. Web Secondary; College/University
Why Monetary Policy Matters: A Canadian Perspective Document Explains why the Bank's monetary policy matters to Canada's economy. Web Secondary; College/University
Fact Sheets Documents Brief articles relating to monetary policy and other economic topics. Web Secondary; College/University
Dig It! Game Students uncover artifacts that have served as money at some time in history... Currency Museum, Web Elementary
Money Matters Game Students learn about where the money in their wallets comes from... Currency Museum Senior Elementary
Videos Video Secure Paper Money: It's in your Hands!
A guide to the security features of Canadian paper money
Web Secondary; College/University