Dorothy Grant

Dorothy Grant

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Dorothy Grant, Haida designer's Hands accessories line is now available at the Smithsonian Institute & the New York Museum of Art and Design

The beautiful and unique styles of award-winning Haida fashion designer Dorothy Grant are now being at sold at more locations in the U.S. and Canada , with a 50 per cent jump in sales in the summer/fall of 2005. In all her work, Dorothy takes the traditional art of the Haida people and forges a link with modern fashion sensibilities. She has been designing modern wear based on her Haida ancestry for over 22 years. Dorothy Grant - Haida Artist Dorothy Grant Has set new goals and artistic directions

Dorothy Grant handbags, come in 4 styles and three colours, and can now be purchased at the gift shops in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington , D.C. , the New York Museum of Art and Design, The British Columbian Museum of Anthropology, and Vancouver International Airport. They can also be purchased here at this website:

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  Copyright 2003-2006 Dorothy  Grant Ltd.                                                                                                                                     Last Updated November 25,2006