Calvin Hunt's Web Site
Gallery Canoes Totem Poles Carvings Dance Group
Kwakiutl Art of the Copper Maker Gallery
Calvin Hunt with totem pole
6 foot Kwaguil Pole made from red cedar..
Eagle and Bear, wings added

An unforgettable experience awaits visitors to the world-famous Copper Maker Gallery in Fort Rupert Village, the heart of Kwagu'l territory.  We are just 10 minutes south of the BC Ferries Terminal at Port Hardy, British Columbia.

Inhale the healthy aroma of cedar in the downstairs workshop, where you can watch carvers transform the 'Tree of Life' into beautiful original Northwest Indian Art works.

Step up to the gallery, with a sundeck overlooking beautiful Beaver Harbour, and see traditional works by some of the Northwest's most talented native artists.  Fine museum quality Indian art works include masks, canoes, original hand-processed silkscreen prints, hand-made and hand-painted Northwest Coast pottery by Judy Cranmer, Stephen K. Hunt model canoes and paddles, Gloria (Hunt) Roze First Nations Soaps and Candle works, hand-engraved original sterling silver jewellery.

If you're looking for that one of a kind Indian art, look no further.  We offer you our expertise to help you explore the possibilitiesof commissioning totem poles, masks, bowls, or canoes.  As your complimentary keep sake, we offer to take photos of your piece while it is beingcreated. Email us today, or visit our Gallery, for information.

The Copper, after which the gallery is named, is a
traditional symbol of wealth to the Kwagu'l people.
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The Copper Maker is owned and operated by Calvin and Marie Hunt

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Open: Monday to Saturday (It is advisable to call ahead on weekends.)
Location: 114 Copper Way, Fort Rupert Village  Mailing Address: Box 755, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Tel: 250-949-8491 Fax: 250-949-7349  email:

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Copyright © 2001- 2004  All rights reserved.  This page was last updated 10 June, 2004 .