The Pan American Health Organization
Promoting Health in the Americas

 A Moverse, América
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    PAHO's message of love to Haiti children. A contribution to the live of our children in Haiti's communities.
    Washington, D.C., Diciembre 6, 2006. - Dr. Carissa Etienne, PAHO's Assistant Director send a thank you message to all PAHO staff for their generosity and response to the appeal for toys for the children of communities in Haiti. More »
Public Health Highlights
  • Let's Eat Healthy, Live Well & Get Moving America!
    That is the theme of a new media communication campaign against obesity launched by the Pan American Health Organization. It is an invitation to a healthier and more active life. Read more »
  • Stepping up HIV testing
    Countries throughout Latin America are stepping up efforts to promote HIV testing among the general population. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), more than 700,000 people were tested for HIV in 2005 and over a million were tested during the past year. PAHO Video News Release »
  • PAHO: Public Service Announcements against Violence Against Women
    PAHO is releasing two new Public Service Announcements about the need to end violence against women. The first message features Latin singer Jerry Rivera (click here to watch,) the second was co-produced with UNIFEM, the U.N. Development Fund for Women (click here to watch.)
  • E-learning Course: Strengthening Essential Public Health Functions
    This E-learning course is designed by the PAHO and the World Bank Institute. The course focuses on management staff who directly or indirectly works in Public Health and Essential Public Health Functions. Read more »
Calendar of HIV Events in Latin America and the Caribbean

Armed With New Data, Health Leaders Across the Americas Vow To Fight Devastating Childhood Disease

Main Photo
Health and policy leaders meeting today from dozens of countries across the Americas pledged to promote the adoption of a childhood vaccine to prevent a disease that kills two children every hour in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Read More »

  • Pneumococcal Vaccines in Development Pipeline May Offer More Options to Save Lives and Prevent Disease in Latin America
    Some 325 public health experts, leading policy makers and vaccine industry representatives today heard new evidence of the effectiveness of a pneumococcal vaccine used in the United States. Vaccine manufacturers also revealed the status of several new vaccines in the pipeline, including some being developed by manufacturers in middle- and low-income countries. Read More »
  • Pneumococcal Disease in Latin America Kills Two Children Every Hour, New Study Finds
    Global health experts today released the most comprehensive study ever conducted on the impact of pneumococcal disease in South America and the Caribbean, and revealed potential health and economic benefits of a vaccine already routinely given to children in the United States. Read More »
  • PAHO and the European Commission launch partnership to aid Haiti, Guyana
    The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) launched a partnership to help alleviate poverty in Haiti and Guyana, as part of a partnership between the European Commission and the World Health Organization aimed at achieving Millennium Development Goals in health. Read More »
  • PAHO Launches 'Advances in Immunization' Book
    The Pan American Health Organization issued a new publication, "Recent Advances in Immunization 2nd edition," that "provides the strategies and tactics to help us reach the goals of sustaining our immunization achievements and reaching the people who have not benefited from existing and new vaccines," according to Dr. Jon K. Andrus, PAHO's lead technical advisor on immunization and one of the book's two editors. Read More »