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Food > Meat and Poultry Products > Manual of Procedures > Chapter 2  

Chapter 2 -
Establishment and Equipment Design and Construction
New Establishment Approval Process

2.1 Definitions

"CFIA" means the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
"CIP" means cleaned in place (definition as per NSF/ANSI/3-A 14159-1-2002 Standard Cleaning of equipment by impingement or circulation of flowing chemical solutions, cleaning liquids, and water rinses, without dismantling, into, onto, and over surfaces in equipment or systems designed for this specific purpose")
"Divisional" means by the Food of Animal Origin Division
"Drawings" means plans and specifications
"Establishment" means any place in which animals are slaughtered or meat products are prepared, packaged, labelled or stored as defined by the Meat Inspection Act
"Inspector" means a person designated as an inspector pursuant to subsection 12(1) of the Meat Inspection Act
"Licence" means a Licence to Operate a Registered Establishment under the Meat Inspection Act and it's Regulations
"Operator" means a person who is licensed to operate a registered establishment
"Registered" means registered under the authority of the Meat Inspection Act and its Regulations

2.2 Introduction

The Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 prescribe requirements for the registration, licensing, construction, maintenance and operation of establishments and the equipment therein. This chapter provides guidance to applicants, registered owners, operators, and inspectors on the following topics:

  • The registration and licensing of new establishments (2.3.1)
  • CFIA approval of modifications to existing establishments (2.3.2)
  • General concepts on establishment design (2.4)
  • Establishment construction requirements (2.5 & 2.6)
  • Equipment used in registered establishments (2.7)

The intent is to set forth broad principles and minimum standards which have proven to be sound and yet sufficiently flexible to permit and encourage improvement and change.

This chapter covers facility requirements at all registered establishments. In those establishments where operations are specialized, some of the information provided is superfluous.

An establishment may be registered for any one or a combination of the following operations:

(a) The slaughter of food animals;
(b) The processing of meat products;
(c) The inspection of imported or detained meat products requiring refrigeration or freezing;
(d) The inspection of imported or detained meat products not requiring refrigeration or freezing;
(e) The packaging and labelling of meat products;
(f) The refrigeration, freezing and storage of refrigerated and frozen meat products;
(g) The storage of meat products not requiring refrigeration or freezing.

NOTE: Mobile establishments or trailer-like facilities that are intended for the handling of meat products (or any materials which will come in direct contact with meat products or any packaging materials) are not permitted. This includes any mobile trailers that are temporarily attached to a building of a registered establishment. The above policy does not refer to vehicles used to transport meat products.

However, trailer-like structures that are permanently placed on a foundation and permanently sealed to a building of the registered establishment are permitted as long as they comply with all pertinent requirements as indicated in the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 and CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures.

2.2.1 Safety of CFIA employees in third party establishments

The Occupational Safety and Health Policy of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is in place to prevent and reduce workplace hazards, risks, injuries, illnesses, and their associated costs. CFIA managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring the safety and health of CFIA employees working in their area of responsibility. This includes CFIA employees working in third party premises.

CFIA inspection staff must have safe and unimpeded access to all parts of the registered establishment except company offices. In slaughter establishments this includes but is not limited to the ability of inspectors to travel safely to CFIA inspection stations and to all areas of the stunning and carcass dressing rooms in order to monitor company operations. In areas where the movement of animals or equipment pose a potential safety hazard, CFIA must be able to control such movement for the purpose of inspection.

During each step of the CFIA approval process for new or existing establishments, CFIA managers and supervisors must continually take into account the safety of CFIA employees. To this end, the advice of the CFIA Area Occupational Safety and Health Advisor may be required prior to allowing the use of a new establishment or modified areas in an existing establishment.

2.3 Submissions

It is most important that the new applicant or current operator of a registered establishment refrains from undertaking construction or renovations until advised of the acceptability of drawings where required. Failure to observe this advice may result in unnecessary expense and inconvenience.

The Area Program Specialist has the authority to grant CFIA conditional acceptance of drawings for new establishments (see 2.3.1). The authority to grant conditional acceptance of drawings proposing modifications to an existing registered establishment rests with the Area Program Specialist or with the Inspector-In-Charge of the establishment depending on the type of modification (see 2.3.2).

The Food of Animal Origin Division, Ottawa no longer grants Divisional conditional acceptance of drawings. To maintain consistent and uniform standards for CFIA conditional acceptance, the Chief, Plant and Equipment Evaluation is available, upon request, to provide ongoing advice to the responsible Area Program Officers.

CFIA conditional acceptance of a submission indicates that, in the opinion of the reviewer, the application is compliant with all Canadian requirements as defined by the Meat Inspection Act, the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 and the CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures. CFIA conditional acceptance does not signify the application was assessed and found to be in compliance with the requirements of foreign countries (e.g., European Union).

Ultimately, the owner of the registered establishment is fully responsible for keeping a complete approved set of drawings reflecting the current state of the plant. These plans are to be available to the CFIA upon request.

If the plans and specifications of a registered establishment are lost or irreparably damaged, the owner of the registered establishment shall present an up-to-date set of plans and specifications to the Inspector-In-Charge. The Inspector-In-Charge shall review the submission and then forward it to the responsible Area Program Officer. Upon the granting of Area conditional acceptance based on the requirements noted in section 2.3.1, the Inspector-In-Charge shall perform a final inspection to ensure the establishment is in compliance with the accepted plans. Documentation of this final inspection shall be completed as per section Any conditions attached to the operator’s licence based on the CFIA’s acceptance of the original drawings shall remain in place unless the conditions are found to be no longer valid.

If the registration of a facility lapses or is cancelled, the CFIA conditional acceptance of the establishment’s original drawings is also cancelled. If an applicant applies to register the same facility at a future date, the applicant must apply as required for a new establishment (see 2.3.1).

The applicant is responsible for ensuring the facility location, construction, and nature of operation are in accordance with all applicable ordinances. Upon CFIA request, the applicant will provide written assurance (e.g., a building permit, occupancy permit, etc.) from the appropriate authorities indicating compliance with all applicable requirements.

If the project does not result in the registration of the establishment or the completion of the proposed modifications to an existing establishment within 2 years from the date indicated on the CFIA acceptance stamp on the drawings, the CFIA conditional acceptance of the drawings is cancelled.

2.3.1 New establishments

Applicants wishing to register and licence a new facility under the Meat Inspection Act and it Regulations shall contact the Area Program Specialist located in the Area in which the facility will be located. The Area Program Specialist will:

(a) Provide references and interpretation on the CFIA requirements for registration of federal establishments and licensing of operators; and
(b) Review application submissions for Area conditional acceptance.

The Area Program Specialist or any other CFIA employee involved with the application should not act as the applicant’s consultant. CFIA employees are potentially in a conflict of interest position by providing such consultative advice. This advice rules out on-site visits to a new facility prior to the granting of Area conditional acceptance. A list of companies, who have indicated to the CFIA that they provide consultant services to applicants, is available from the Area office.

The complete application for registration and licensing of the new establishment shall be sent to the Area Executive Director, Operations for the Area in which the establishment is or will be located. A complete submission shall include:

  • Cover letter
  • Application forms and supporting documents
  • Drawings
  • Operational project description
  • FSEP/HACCP documentation package which includes:
    1. Endorsement letter from senior management:
      • signed by senior management
      • containing a statement confirming the accuracy of the information outlined in the documentation package
      • containing a statement confirming the full support and commitment of senior management to the implementation and maintenance of procedures, training and resources for HACCP as outlined in the documentation package.
    2. Name of HACCP coordinator or an on-site liaison person if the HACCP coordinator is not on-site.
    3. List of designated HACCP team members is available. (if applicable)
    4. List of all products to be produced in the establishment and grouped under their respective HACCP plan ( not including non-registered lines).
    5. HACCP plans to cover all processes/products.
    6. Establishment's self-evaluation of its HACCP system and Establishment's action plan if applicable.
    7. A written Prerequisite Program for each of the 6 prerequisite programs.
    8. A written reassessment of the HACCP System:
      • Procedures to review & update the HACCP system
      • A log book to identify changes to the HACCP system.

When submitting this information, please send it directly to FSEP/HACCP Area Co-ordinator well in advance prior to the start-up of the operations.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency reference material related to the aforementioned requirements of the Food Safety Enhancement Program can be accessed at the following web site coordinates:

Annex A is a checklist provided to assist applicants in the preparation of their submission; and to assist CFIA employees who are responsible for reviewing submissions. This checklist is not exhaustive. Applicants and reviewers should refer to the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 and CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures for a complete discussion of all requirements. Cover letter

The cover letter introduces the applicant and the purpose of the application. In cases where the applicant is being represented by a third party (e.g., a consultant), a letter is required from the applicant authorizing the third party to deal directly with the CFIA in matters relating to the application. Application forms and supporting documents

The following CFIA forms for registration and licensing are available at: The forms must be carefully completed by the applicant and accompany the submission.

(a) CFIA/ACIA 5369 "APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF AN ESTABLISHMENT under the Meat Inspection Act and Regulations"

Supporting documentation for this form shall include a copy of the deed or mortgage on which the ownership of the facility is indicated and a letter giving the applicant authority to act on behalf of the registered owner.


Supporting documentation for this form shall include a copy of the company name registration (federal or provincial) for the company that will be the operator the establishment.

There shall not be more than one operator of a registered establishment at anytime. However, an operator may use any business name listed in the CFIA’s Registry of Establishments for the purpose of labelling.


One complete set of drawings along with one additional copy of the "Site Plan" shall accompany the application.

The complete set of drawings must be:

  • Prepared by a professional,
  • Drawn to not less than 1:100 scale, except for the "Site Plan",
  • Be legible, and
  • Include the following information:
    (a) Each drawing must have a title block providing the legal address of the establishment exactly as shown on the application forms (see, the scale, and the compass North point; 
    (b) The "Site Plan" shall show the entire premises the applicant desires to register under the Meat Inspection Act and Meat Inspection Regulation, 1990. It must include the location of all buildings, parking areas, loading and unloading areas, rail sidings, streams, catch basins, water wells, storage tanks, the route of water and sewer lines (including grease traps where applicable), character and surfacing of roadways, driveways, streets, parking, alleys, neighbouring businesses, power and gas lines. The "Site Plan" must also designate the limits of the official premises;
    (c) Floor plan(s) of each level of the establishment shall show the purpose for which each room or area is to be used, maximum room temperature for each meat product handling area, air flow and ventilation, location of walls, partitions, windows, doors, posts, conveyor rails and equipment located on the floor, wall, or suspended from the ceiling;
    (d) Plumbing plan(s) shall show the location of all sewage lines (including their sizes), hand wash facilities, toilets, urinals, water fountains, hot water sanitizer(s), floor drains (including their size and connections), cross section(s) of the typical floor drain(s) (including a P-trap, primer where applicable and vent), curbing, gutters, slope of floors towards drains, potable and non-potable water lines (including their connections and outlets), tool washing facilities, hose stations, water storage tanks (if applicable including location, size and construction material), steam lines and connections;
    (e) Exterior elevations of the building shall show doors, windows, platforms, etc. and must correspond to the information provided under c) above;
    (f) Cross-section(s) of the establishment shall show ceiling heights, rails and other pertinent information, among others, to show the relationship of all the different levels of the establishment; cross-sections of all types of walls referenced to actual location within the establishment; and cross-sections of all work stands and movable tables along the slaughter and processing lines;
    (g) Roof plan(s) shall show skylights, vents, air intakes, drainage and other pertinent information;
    (h) Schedule(s) shall show room internal finishes, door sizes, construction and type of door frames, minimum room lighting, etc.
    (i) Floor plan(s) shall show the flow of all products including edible meat and non-meat product(s), packaging materials, other incoming supplies, inedible meat product(s); and employee traffic throughout the establishment.
    (j) The location of all equipment should be shown where possible in relation to the product and employee flows. The equipment location must also correspond to the appropriate parts of the project description. For additional information on equipment installation, refer to section 2.7.3 of this chapter. Operational project description

A detailed written operational project description shall accompany the submission. This narrative (also commonly referred to as the project specifications) provides general background information on the project and it also provides details on every process that will occur in the establishment. This document provides the reviewer with specific additional information prior to his/her review of the drawings.

The operational project description shall include a description (step-by-step) of each operational process following the flow of each product type through the establishment from receiving to shipping with references provided to the appropriate page of the drawings. The project description shall also include a description (step-by-step) of all employee flows (from their arrival at the establishment through breaks to departure) and all different employee activities with references provided to the appropriate page of the drawings. Area conditional acceptance

The Area Program Specialist grants Area conditional acceptance of the project if the drawings and specifications demonstrate the construction and layout of the facility meet minimum standards as prescribed by the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 and the CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures. Area conditional acceptance of the plans does not necessarily imply compliance with other pertinent legislation, either Canadian or applicable foreign legislation. Compliance with all legislation is the responsibility of the applicant.

Immediately after the drawings for a new establishment receive Area conditional acceptance, the Area Program Specialist shall confirm this acceptance to the applicant in writing along with any conditions that will be attached to the licence to operate the establishment. Annex B shall be used for this confirmation.

As well, the Area Program Specialist shall send the following documents to the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division:

(a) Original copies of the completed, signed and verified application forms (see
(b) A stamped, signed and dated copy of the "Site Plan" of the new establishment.
(c) A copy of the letter sent to the applicant confirming Area conditional acceptance of the project along with any conditions that will be attached to the licence to operate the establishment.

Each page of the drawings and operational project description shall be stamped with an Agency stamp indicating Area conditional acceptance. Annex C indicates information that must be included on the Area conditional acceptance stamp. The stamped area of each page shall be dated and signed by the Area Program Specialist. The stamped drawings and operational project description shall then be returned to the applicant for safe keeping.

In the case of a slaughtering or a processing operation, it will be necessary for a registration number to be reserved prior to registration of the establishment. This will enable the applicant/operator to submit labels for registration and to obtain Meat Inspection Legend Stamps. The Area Executive Director, Operations makes the request for an establishment number by submitting a completed and signed Annex D to the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division when the following conditions have been met:

(a) All required documentation noted in (a) to (c) above has been received and accepted by the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division; and
(b) The applicant/operator informs the Area Executive Director, Operations in writing that the establishment will be ready for the final inspection in approximately 6 weeks.

In the case of a storage establishment, the registration number will be assigned at the time the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division receives a satisfactory final inspection report from the Area Executive Director, Operations (see

An applicant/operator of a registered establishment shall notify the Area Executive Director, Operations in writing of any changes to the accepted drawings before the completion of a project. Final inspection

The final inspection of a new establishment ensures:

(a) The construction of the premises fully complies with the accepted plans and specifications, section 28 of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990, and pertinent sections of the CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures; and
(b) The operator of the establishment complies with all requirements specified in section 29 of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 and pertinent sections of the CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures.

The final inspection shall be conducted in the presence of the owner/operator of the establishment or his/her designate. Representative(s) of the Area Executive Director, Operations responsible for the establishment shall lead the final inspection. It is recommended the Area Program Specialist, who reviewed the drawings be present during this inspection.

Immediately following the satisfactory final inspection, the Area Executive Director, Operations shall send the following documents by fax or e-mail to the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division:

(a) A memorandum (see Annex E) recommending registration of the facility which has been found to meet all applicable requirements as per subsection 27.(3) of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990.
(b) A memorandum (see Annex F) recommending issuance of a licence to operate the establishment noted above as the operator has been found to have all the equipment, material and programs necessary to operate the establishment in accordance with the pertinent subsections of section 29 of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990.

The registration of an establishment is effective on the date the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division receives confirmation noted in a) above.

Upon receiving the information in b) and c) above, the licence to operate the registered establishment will be issued by the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division. A licence to operate a registered establishment will be valid for one (1) year or any shorter period that may be specified in the Agency’s Register of Operators.

The Area Executive Director, Operations is responsible for distributing copies of the above reports to all concerned parties within the Agency, (e.g. Area Program Network Director, Regional Veterinary Officer, appropriate Inspection Manager, finance department, FSEP coordinators, etc.).

A diagram or blueprint of the current general layout of the establishment must be located in the inspector’s office at the establishment for quick reference.

2.3.2 Existing registered establishments

For the changes listed below, submissions for proposed renovations, modifications or additions to existing active and inactive registered establishments require Area conditional acceptance. The Inspector-In-Charge shall review such applications for compliance with all CFIA requirements prior to forwarding the submission along with their recommendation for or against acceptability to the responsible Area Programs Officer. Area conditional acceptance is required if the modification will:

(a) Change the boundaries of the registered premises or building additions. Following Area conditional acceptance, one (1) additional stamped copy of the new "Site Plan" is to be sent to the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division;
(b) Change the product flow and/or employees traffic flow in the establishment; or
(c) Change the configuration of the slaughter lines resulting in changes to the line speed, number of inspection stations or their locations, etc.
(d) Change the activities on CFIA form 5369 or the functions on CFIA 4198.

Any other changes, not affecting the above, should be dealt with by the Inspector-In-Charge or his/her supervisor. Conditional acceptance of these changes shall be documented and retained on file at the establishment. Cover letter

The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce the applicant and the purpose of the proposed modifications. In cases where the applicant is being represented by a third party (e.g., consultant), a letter is required from the applicant authorizing the third party to deal directly with the CFIA in matters relating to the application. Application forms and supporting documents

(a) CFIA/ACIA 5369 "APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF AN ESTABLISHMENT under the Meat Inspection Act and Regulations"

A new form is only required if the proposed modifications change the establishment’s activities as per section 27.(1) of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990.


A new form is required if the legal name of the operator is changing.


This form must be included if implementation of the proposal will change the functions currently stated on the operator’s licence. Drawings

Whenever drawings refer to renovations, modifications or additions to a registered establishment, only relevant pages and information listed under section shall be provided. Sufficient description should be made of the surrounding rooms as well as those above and below the area to be modified. The principal area of change shall be shown so as to give a comprehensive explanation of the nature, extent and impact of the proposed changes. This may be accomplished by attaching copies of drawings of the existing layout and construction.

Whenever changes in slaughter operations are proposed, the plant employee’s locations shall be marked on the drawings. Operational project description

The operational project description for renovations, modifications or additions shall include reason(s) for the proposal (e.g., increased production, reduced congestion, etc) and information as required in section pertaining to the modifications and their implications on current operations. In the case of slaughter operations, the proposed maximum number of each animal species to be slaughtered per hour shall be provided, as well as a description of the functions of each employee in the slaughter operation. Area conditional acceptance

Immediately after the drawings for an existing establishment receive Area conditional acceptance, the responsible Area Program Officer shall confirm this project approval in writing to the applicant along with any conditions that will be attached to the licence to operate the establishment using the format indicated in Annex H. Additionally, the responsible Area Programs Officer shall send the following documents to the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division:

(a) A memorandum (see ANNEX I) providing pertinent information (e.g., conditions of acceptance, description of modifications, etc.).
(b) The signed original CFIA forms as indicated in section
(c) A stamped copy of the new "Site Plan" if the proposed modifications will alter the current site plan.

Please note that accepted drawings are not sent to the Food of Animal Origin Division except for a new "Site Plan" as mentioned in (c) above.

The Area Program Officer will return the accepted drawings to the operator for safe keeping via the appropriate Inspector-In-Charge. Final inspection

Before permitting the use of an area in a registered establishment that has undergone additions, extensions, renovations, realignment of equipment or changes in operations for which drawings were submitted and given conditional acceptance, a final inspection shall be conducted by the Inspector-In-Charge in the presence of the operator of the establishment or his/her designate.

The purpose of the final inspection is to make sure that:

(a) The modified facilities or areas are in compliance with the accepted plans and specifications and pertinent sections of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 and CFIA Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures; and 
(b) All programs related to the operations of the establishment are revised to reflect the modifications made to the facility.

The responsible Inspector-In-Charge shall document the results of their final inspection in a memorandum using the format indicated in Annex J. The memorandum is sent by fax or e-mail to the Director, Food of Animal Origin Division and copied to the responsible Area Program Officer who granted conditional acceptance of the project.

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