This image shows a flow chart of Carcass Subgroup Sampling. It has three boxes going across the top that flow down to other boxes.

The top left box says:CUSUM less than action number and subgroup absolute limit not exceeded. This box leads to a box that says: Continue random sampling.

The top centre box says:CUSUM reaches action number. This box leads to a box that says: Process action. This box leads to a box that says: Stop random postchill sampling. This box leads to a box that says: Retest product at chiller exit. This box leads to two boxes.

The box on the left says: Subgroup is less than or equal to tolerance. This box leads to a box that says: Retest immediately. This box leads to two boxes. The box on the left says: Second subgroup total less than or equal to tolerance. This box can lead to three the boxes. The first box says: Resume random sampling. The second box says: ResetCUSUM at start number if not already less than start number. The third box says: If applicable, stop identifying product for rework. The box on the right says: Subgroup total exceeds tolerance, and this box leads back up to retest product at chiller exit.

The box on the right says: Subgroup total exceeds tolerance. This box leads to a box that says: Identify product to be reworked. This box leads to a box that says: retest reworked product. This box leads to two boxes. The box on the left says: Subgroup total less than or equal to tolerance. This box leads to a box that says: Release product. The box on the right says: Subgroup total exceeds tolerance, and this box leads back up to the box that says: Identify product to be reworked.

The box on the top right says: Subgroup absolute limit exceeded. This box leads to a box that says: Check if any of the last 5 subgroups hadCUSUM above start number. This box can lead to a box that says: Yes, and in turns leads to the box that says: Process action, or it can lead to the box that says, No, and in turn leads to the box that says: Retest. This box can lead to two boxes. The box on the left says: Subgroup total exceeds tolerance, and this box leads back up to the box that says: Process action. The box on the right says: Subgroup total less than or equal to tolerance. This box leads to a box that says: Resume random sampling.