This image shows a flow chart with 10 boxes.

Box #1 - Normal Inspection Level: (Min. Once per hour) (Single sampling plan) Remain at normal unless #2 or #6 applies. Establishment must complete phase 3 of MPIP implementation to qualify for Reduced (and/or Tightened) Inspection Level. Boxes #2 and #6 flow from Box #1.

Box #2 - 10 or more consecutive groups accepted under normal inspection and the total number of defects for those 10 tests is less than or equal to the applicable value from the "Limit Numbers to Qualify for Reduced Inspection" table. Go to #3.

Box #3 - Reduced Inspection Level: (Double sampling plan) (Min. Once per hour) Using the 1st Ac & Re numbers, less than Ac, remain in box #3. Between Ac & Re, go to Box #4. Greater than Re, go to Box #5. Box #4 flows from Box #3.

Box #4 - Conduct second test using the 2nd Ac & Re number:

Box #5 - Group not accepted:

Box #6 - Group not accepted:

Box #7 - Tightened Inspection Level (Double sampling plan) Using the 1st Ac & Re numbers;

Box #8 - Conduct second test using the 2nd Ac & Re numbers:

Box #9 - Group Accepted:

Box #10 - Group not accepted:

Postchill Product verification**