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Summary 2000
Summary 2001
Summary 2002
Summary 2003

EXPIRED - Dofasco Inc. Environmental Management Agreement

Environmental Management Agreement Summary - 2002

EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
2.1 PAH Reductions
  • 30% from 1993 levels by end of 2000.
  • 50% from 1993 levels by end of 2005.
  • Dofasco has surpassed the 2005 target. Since 1993, PAH emissions have been reduced by 83%.
  • Trained observers are continuing to track reductions.
  • A third-party auditor has confirmed our results.
2.2 Benzene Reductions
  • 50% from 1993 levels by end of 1997.
  • 80% from 1993 levels by end of 2000.
  • Dofasco has met the targets. To date, emissions of benzene have been reduced by 89% since 1993.
  • $9.45 million was spent on reducing benzene emissions.
  • Maintaining reductions will depend on keeping the BEC on-line as much as possible throughout the year.
2.3 Visible Emissions Reductions
  • Dofasco will continue to monitor and implement measures to reduce incidents of visible emissions and will submit an annual Visible Emission Reduction Plan to the MOE by the end of the second quarter of each year.
  • Dofasco will continue to participate in Clean Air Hamilton and HIEA to address black fall-out and other related concerns.
  • Dofasco continues to monitor and submit an annual Visible Emission Reduction Plan.
  • We remain active participants in Clean Air Hamilton (CAH).
  • Dofasco chairs the environmental reduction work group and is a member of the co-ordination committee of CAH.
  • Through the industrial self-monitoring network, Dofasco and other stakeholders will be taking over most of the ambient air monitoring in Hamilton from the MOE. Dofasco's monetary commitment for the first year of this program will be about $50,000.
2.4 and 2.5 Carbon Dioxide and Energy Consumption Reductions
  • 1% average annual improvement in specific energy consumption from 1990 levels by end of 2000.
  • Implement energy and conservation projects.
  • Absolute CO2 emissions have been reduced by 22% between 1990 and 2002.
  • We have met our specific energy consumption reduction target of 1% per year. Since 1990, we almost doubled this target.
2.6 NOx Reductions
  • Not to exceed 1.51 kilograms of NOx per tonne of steel shipped.
  • We have met our emission target of 1.5 kilograms of NOx per tonne of steel shipped. In 2002, we emitted 0.83 kilograms of NOx per tonne of steel shipped.
2.7 Greenbelting - TSP
  • Enhance an additional 5,000 square meters by end of 1999.
  • We met our commitment to enhance 5,000 square meters of our Hamilton property by greenbelting Heckett's Berm.
  • In addition, in 2002 Dofasco enhanced a further 5,000 square meters with greenbelting at our Hamilton facilities for a total of over 31,000 square meters since the EMA was signed.
2.8 Participating with Others to Assess Options for Managing the Release of IP/RP Yes
  • Supporting the development and implementation of Canada-Wide Standards and National Ambient Air Quality Objectives for particulate matter.
2.9 and 6.1 Release of Annual Performance Data Yes
  • All required data has been released through annual reports, NPRI and MOE Reg. 127 programs.
  • Sharing STAC information with MOE.
  • Finished a detailed audit of our NOx and SO2 inventories with the other steel mills in Ontario and consultant.

EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
3.1 Meet MISA Targets Yes
  • We are meeting all MISA loading limits. In 2002 we conducted over 6,000 analytical water tests and passed them all.
3.2 Modifications within the Framework of MISA Yes
  • We have suggested that MISA regulation be amended to include schedules as an appendix that can be changed.
3.3 Participation in Hamilton Harbour RAP Yes
  • Dofasco is still active in RAP (i.e., BARC and BAIT) and remains fully committed to removing the Harbour as an area of concern.
3.4 Address Contaminated Sediments in Dofasco's Boat Slip Yes
  • We have been engaged with all stakeholders to characterize sediments in this area of the Harbour. Final report has been issued. Preliminary investigations are underway to better understand options to address the sediments.
3.5 Reduce Spills to Water Yes
  • Spills to water were reduced by 89% from 1990 to 2002.
  • In 2002 there were 19 minor spills to water. This is down from 29 in 2001.

EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
4.1 Reduce Amount of Commercial Waste Going to Landfill
  • 60% reduction from 1990 levels by 2000.
  • We continue to investigate and implement recycling programs for commercial materials.
  • Commercial waste taken to landfill has been reduced by 54% since 1990.
  • In 2002 Dofasco diverted 1,851 tonnes away from landfill through our blue box program.
4.2 Investigate Alternatives to Landfill for By-products Yes
  • In 2002 Dofasco was able to redress the excavated No. 1 coalfield with 85,000 tonnes of kish. Kish is a non-useable, non-hazardous secondary material from Ironmaking that would have eventually gone to landfill if not used on-site.
  • Sent 18,000 tonnes of EAF dust to metals recovery facility in 2002. This is up from the 13,000 tonnes in 2001.
4.3 Increase use of Recyclables Yes
  • In 2002 Dofasco began investigating recycling of over 380,000 tonnes of oxides as cold bonded briquettes in the blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and/or electric arc furnace.
4.4 Waste Manifests
  • Develop a system to permit internal movement of subject waste without manifest.
  • Six C of A's amended.
  • New tracking system developed.
  • Eliminated need of over 2,000 manifests per year.
4.5 PCB Destruction
  • 100% destruction of stored high-level drummed PCBs by end of 2000.
  • Target was met in the first quarter of 1999. In addition to our original commitment, in 2002, Dofasco safely destroyed more that 100,000 kg of PCB liquids and recycled almost 480,000 kg of transformer shells.

EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
5.2 Implement Recommendations of the Steel Sector Strategic Options Yes
  • Focus has been on meeting the recommendations dealing with PAH and benzene emissions. Focus is now on finalizing dioxin/furan targets for the Steel sector. Dofasco has conducted stack testing at the EAF last year in a second round of dioxin/furan testing.
  • An independent third party, hired by Environment Canada has determined that Dofasco is meeting 38 of the 39 applicable Codes of Practice.
5.3 Participation in ARET
  • 50% reduction in aggregate ARET parameters from 1990 levels by end of 1998.
  • We met our target. In 2000, Dofasco achieved a 76% reduction of aggregate releases as measured against our base year of 1990.
  • We will continue to support the federal government's efforts to develop ARET2.
  • Dofasco continues to develop and implement P2 plans.
5.4 Consolidate Existing Certificates of Approval (C of A's) Yes
  • In 1998 four C of A's involving our primary water treatment plants were consolidated into one.
  • Exploring feasibility of site-wide C of A's.

EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
6.2 Provide Information about Specific Issues Addressed in this Agreement Yes
  • To date, we have responded to all questions about this Agreement and have given presentations on this subject at numerous forums.
6.3 Publish Annual Environment Report Yes
  • Over 50,000 copies printed and distributed this past year.

Community Involvement and Consultation
EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
7.1 Continue to Actively Participate in Multi-stakeholder Community-focused Environmental Initiatives Yes
  • Still active in all groups listed in original Agreement.
7.2 Communication of Agreement with Representatives of the Community Yes
  • Given a number of presentations to representatives of the community and have communicated the EMA through such vehicles as our Dofasco web site and key stakeholder forums.

EMA # Program Meeting Agreement (Yes/No) Status
8.1 Annual Meeting to Assess Progress of the Parties to Meet Objectives of the Agreement Yes
  • Four meetings held since 1998. Next meeting will take place in the spring of 2003.
8.2 Resolution of Disagreements Concerning this Agreement Yes
  • Committed to working with the other parties to resolve any EMA disagreement. However, there have been no disputes to date.

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