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Food & Nutrition

The Development of the Dietary Reference Intakes

Origin of the DRIs

History of Nutrition standards in North America

1939 First dietary standards in Canada issued by the Canadian Council on Nutrition.

1941 First edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) published in the United States.

1942 Canadian Council on Nutrition adopts the RDAs for the sake of uniformity.

1945 Because of misuse of the RDAs in evaluating group intakes, the Canadian Council on Nutrition advises discontinuing their use in Canada. A new Canadian standard is released.

1948-1990 Standards periodically updated and released based on cumulative scientific data. The 1983 version was the first to be called the "Recommended Nutrient Intakes".

1989 10th edition of the RDAs published by the U.S. National Research Council.

1990 Health Canada (formerly Health and Welfare Canada) publishes revised Recommended Nutrient Intakes (RNIs).

The DRI process begins

1993 The Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), National Academy of Sciences, holds symposium and public hearing entitled "Should the Recommended Dietary Allowances Be Revised?". Based on comments and suggestions from this meeting, FNB proposes changes to the process of developing the RDAs.

1994 FNB publishes the concept paper "How Should the Recommended Dietary Allowances Be Revised?" (IOM, 1994) and holds workshops at which experts discuss development of nutrient-based reference values.

April 1995 Multisectoral Canadian symposium reviews pros and cons of harmonizing Canada's dietary standards with those of US and reaches consensus in support of harmonization.
As a result, Health Canada approaches FNB to collaborate on development of harmonized nutrient-based recommendations.

Dec. 1995 FNB begins close collaboration with Health Canada.
Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes appointed to oversee and conduct the project.
Standing Committee devises project structure that involves expert nutrient group panels and two overarching subcommittees. Standing Committee announces that seven expert nutrient group panels would review major nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, electrolytes, and other food components.

1996 Subcommittee on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients established.
First nutrient panel, on calcium and related nutrients, established.

DRI reports published

1997 IOM issues first nutrient report, on calcium and related nutrients.

1998 Subcommittee on Interpretation and Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes established.

1998-2003 Reports released on B vitamins; antioxidants; micronutrients; macronutrients; applications in assessment; applications in planning; risk assessment model for developing ULs; definition and plan for review of antioxidants; and definition of dietary fibre.

2005 FNB expects to have completed the Dietary Reference Intakes project.

DRI Project Structure

The following committee structure is in place at the US Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. The FNB has appointed qualified Canadian nutrition scientists at each of these levels.

The structure includes :

  • Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes
  • Expert Nutrient Review Panels
  • Subcommittees

View the Standing Committee Project Structure organizational chart

Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes

The Standing Committee oversees the entire process.

  • It coordinates recommendations from the specific nutrient panels and the two subcommittees and is responsible for overall review of the recommendations and their rationale before the final reports are developed.
  • It submits the final reports to the National Research Council Report Review Committee as they become available.

The final stage involves external review by American and Canadian scientists before the reports are released. The process includes at least one public meeting to obtain input from a broad range of organizations and experts, and invites input from federal agencies, industry, academia, public interest groups, professional organizations and others.

Expert Nutrient Review Panels

The nutrient group panels, composed of experts on one or more of the nutrients, are responsible for:

  • reviewing the scientific literature concerning specific nutrients under study for each life-stage;
  • considering the roles of nutrients in decreasing the risk of chronic diseases and health conditions;
  • evaluating possible criteria or indicators of adequacy and providing a rationale for the choice of each criterion;
  • estimating the average requirement for each nutrient or food component reviewed for each life-stage; and
  • interpreting the current data on nutrient intakes of North American population groups.

The Nutrient Groups

  • calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, fluoride
  • folate and other B vitamins
  • antioxidants (e.g. vitamins C and E, selenium)
  • micronutrients (e.g. iron, zinc)
  • energy and macronutrients (e.g. protein, fat, carbohydrates)
  • electrolytes and water
  • other food components (e.g. phytoestrogens)


The Subcommittee on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients:

  • Is composed of experts in toxicology and nutrition.
  • Utilizes a risk assessment model for estimating tolerable upper levels of nutrients at which little or no risk of toxicity or adverse effects would exist. The model includes two parallel efforts, hazard identification (including doseBresponse assessment) and exposure assessment, the results of which are synthesized to characterize risks presented by contemporary intake levels and evaluate intake trends.
  • Assists the nutrient group panels in applying the model to each nutrient or food component reviewed.

The Subcommittee on Interpretation and Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes:

  • Is composed of experts in nutrition, dietetics, statistics, nutritional epidemiology, public health, economics and consumer perspectives
  • Provides guidance for the appropriate use of each of the DRI values in:
    • assessing nutrient intakes of individuals and of groups
    • planning diets for individuals and for groups
    • other nutrient-specific applications
  • Identifies inappropriate applications, appropriate assumptions regarding intake and requirement distributions and adjustments needed to minimize potential errors in dietary intake data.
  • Assists the nutrient group panels in applying the DRIs with each nutrient or food component reviewed.

Completed DRI Reports

The DRI Reports

The full series of DRI reports is being developed over a span of time, with the first report released in 1997 and the final report expected in 2005. Reports describing the use of the DRIs in dietary assessment and dietary planning have also been published.

For a list of reports that have been published and those that are anticipated, including links to the available online versions, see the Dietary Reference Intake Report List.

Scientific Articles

To help health professionals understand the DRIs, articles are also being published in scientific journals.

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2003). All rights reserved.

Cat. H44-47/2003E-HTML
ISBN 0-662-34956-3

Last Updated: 2003-08-29 Top