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June 2003

Healthy Living and the Origins of the Healthy Living Symposium

What is Healthy Living?

Healthy living refers to the practices and behaviours that groups or individuals engage in to maintain or improve their health.

Healthy Living applies to both individuals and the population in general. At a population level, healthy living refers to the practices of populations and sub-population groups that are consistent with improving, maintaining and/or enhancing health. As it applies to individuals, healthy living is the practice of health-enhancing behaviours or living in healthy ways.

In practical terms, healthy living means making positive choices about personal health practices such as eating well, not smoking, building a circle of social contacts, and being physically active. It implies having the physical, mental and spiritual capacity to make healthy choices when given the opportunity.

Many factors influence health, and therefore healthy living, from family history to social, physical and economic environment, to individual coping skills. Not all of these factors are fully controllable.
We know that whether or not people make healthy choices is influenced by:

  1. Opportunity and access: People need to have reasonable opportunities to carry out healthy behaviours, given their life circumstances, the demands of work and family, the availability and cost of recreational activities, etc.
  2. Supportive environments: Research demonstrates that supportive policies and environments make it easier for people to engage in healthy behaviours.
  3. Knowledge: People need to know which behaviours will improve their health and well-being. Informed choices are more likely to result in healthy living.
  4. Skills: People need the skills to carry out the behaviours identified as healthy.
  5. Motivation: They need to feel good about engaging in healthy behaviours, and to see the benefits of doing so.

The Origins of an Integrated Pan-Canadian Approach to Healthy Living

In September 2002 federal, provincial and territorial Health Ministers identified the need to develop an Integrated Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy. As part of the Strategy, Health Ministers announced their intention to host a national Healthy Living Symposium.

The Speech From the Throne in 2002 reiterated the Government of Canada's commitment to health care renewal. The Throne Speech also cited the importance of partnership approaches, committed to developing a strategy for healthy living, and promised to convene the first ever national summit on related issues.

Health Canada and the provincial and territorial governments have taken concerted steps towards fulfilling the Ministers' September 2002 commitment. In January and February leading up to the Symposium, pre-consultation meetings with key stakeholders across a range of disciplines were held. During March and April, input was gathered through a series of consultations and strategic round tables across the country involving broad representation from a cross-section of stakeholder groups.

The Healthy Living Symposium is the next step in this consultation process and in developing a Healthy Living Strategy. Following the Symposium, there will be additional opportunities for stakeholders and all levels of government to contribute to the on-going development and implementation of the Healthy Living Strategy.

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